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2、程,获得更佳的学习效果及发展智力,提高思维,观察,注意,记忆,想象,联想等能力。)六、课前准备1、布置学生熟记定语从句各关系代词和关系副词的用法。2、教师准备相关多媒体课件。七、教学课时:一课时八、教学过程 第一步:导引目标。Enjoy the music video“Lemon Tree”. T: Whats the name of the song?Ss: It is Lemon Tree. Do you like the song whose name is Lemon Tree?I like the song whose name is Lemon Tree very much.请学生

3、把歌曲最后一句空缺的词填上。I wonder how I wonder whyYesterday you told me bout the blue blue skyand all _ I can see and all _ I can seeand all _I can see Is just a yellow lemon tree (答案:that, that, that)根据以上所说的2句I like the song whose name is Lemon Tree very much.all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.请学生

4、分析这两个句子中划线部分所出现的语法现象,由此导入到“定语从句”。T:What type of clause are the underlined parts in the two sentences? Ss: The Attributive Clause定语从句。(设计思路:简单但动感的FLASH很符合学生的口味,重要的是本歌的歌词中含有定语从句,可以于欢快的节奏中导引学生轻松自然地进入语法话题。第二步:定语从句的定义和结构的简单呈现。Definition:The clause used as the attribute in a sentence is called Attributive

5、 Clause, which is used to modify a noun or a pronoun.Structure:relative pronoun (as subject , object or predicative) antecedent + (that / which / who/whom/as) (as attribute) (whose)relative adverb (as adverbial) (when / where / why)使学生加深对定语从句的结构和关系代词、关系副词的印象,以便下面的竞赛中更好的发挥。第三步:操练运用。Competition 趣味定语从句

6、复习竞赛以竞赛形式,把全班分成二大组,看哪方得分高。竞赛内容分为 六部分。 竞赛寓教于乐,更能调动学习积极性,加强学生思维能力、协作竞争能力及强化团体荣誉意识。第一部分语法知识(必答)显示ABCD四个字母,以任选字母的方式抽取问题,选二次,每字母含二题(题型为理论知识填空),题目如下:Fill in the blanks.A 1、引导非限制性定语从句的which可以指代前面的 先行词 ,也可以指代前面 整个句子 。2、Whose(作定语):指人= of whom ,指物= of which .B 1、先行词既有人又有物时,定语从句关系词用 who不用which和 that 。2、关系副词why

7、表原因,常用在先行词reason后面,= for which 。C 1、当先行词是表示时间的名词,如time,day,year,month,week等,同时又在从句中作状语时,定语从句需要用关系副词 when 引导。引导定语从句的when也可以转换成“ 介词which ”的形式。 2、先行词指物时,先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,常用 that ,不用 which 。D 1、关系代词指物时,只用which不用that的两种情况:(1). 引导非限定性定语从句时;(2). 关系代词在从句中做介词宾语并且介词提到关系代词前时。2、当先行词是表示地点的名词,如place,room,mountai

8、n,airport等,同时又在从句中作状语时,定语从句需要用关系副词where 引导。但表地点的先行词在从句中做主语或宾语时,定语从句需要用关系代词 which 或that引导。复习理论知识,为以下的实际操练做较好的准备,提高准确率。第二部分选择题(必答)显示ABCD四个字母,以任选字母的方式抽取答题,选二次,每字母含二题(题型为单项选择),题目如下:Choose the best answer.1.The girl _ you saw in the street is Jane. A. that B. whose C. which D. as 2. This is the best book

9、 _ I have been looking for all this year. A. who B. whom C. which D. that1. This is the place _ I am dying to visit these years. A. which B. where C. in which D. to where2. Tom didnt pass the exam, _ surprised me a lot. A. which B. that C. who D. it 1. This is the school _ Mr. Smith once taught. A.

10、in that B. when C. where D. there2. Is that the reason _ you are late for school today? A. which B. what C. why D. for that 1. He has two sons, _ work as chemists. A. two of whom B. both of whom C. both of which D. all of whom 2. She is one of the students _ been to Beijing. A. who have B. who has C

11、. which have D. which has答案:ADAACCBA贯彻由易渐难的原则,先从相对简单的题型单项选择开练,鼓舞士气,提高自信心。第三部分格言英译中(抢答)Translate the following English proverbs into Chinese and then pick out the attributive clauses.1. All that glitters is not gold .闪闪发光者,未必皆黄金。2. He who laughs last laughs best . 笑到最后的人才是英雄。3.He that gains time gain

12、s all things. 谁赢得时间,谁就赢得一切。4. He who is content (满足) is always happy.知足者常乐。帮助学生会用英文表达几句著名的格言,且于句中能识别定语从句。第四部分看图填空(抢答)Complete sentences with proper relative pronouns or adverbs according to the following pictures. Picture one1.The queen and her husband, Prince Philip, _ is 93, have cut back on their

13、 long-range overseas travels in recent years, leaving it to their children and grandchildren. But not entirely. Picture two2._ you can see in the picture, UAE Company Creates Compression Suits (紧身衣) for CamelsPicture three3.My sister works in a company in Tokyo _ she can work with Lucy-a lovely cat.

14、third torchbearer in the Olympic torch relay in Paris.Picture four4.You would admire Prince George, the 18-month-old prince, _ presents are more than any other member of the British Royal Family.Picture five5.The reason _ the Running Men is so popular is that the program is humorous and there are ma

15、ny famous stars in it. Picture six6. Zou ShiMing, _ hometown is in Zunyi, won the gold medal in boxing in 2008 Olympic Games.7. August 12th, 2012 was the day _ Zou defended(击败) his opponent (对手)to get the gold medal, _ is also the 38th one Chinese team has got this year.8. Zou Shiming, the hometown

16、of _ is in the city of Zunyi, Guizhou province,defended his Olympic title in 2012. 本部分为词的训练,用图片以及真实生动的视频资料激发学生的热情,积极思考,比比在语境中谁能既快又准给出关系代词和关系副词,并且也学学用英文说新闻,增加词汇量,扩大知识面。第五部分看图组句(抢答)例子:Tony will never forget those days. She lived in China with her mother then. It has a great effect on her life. Tony wi

17、ll never forget those days when she lived in China with her mother, which has a great effect on her life.1.Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai in 1983. He won the gold medal in 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.Liu Xiang , who was born in Shanghai in 1983, won the gold medal in 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.2.

18、Liu Xiang, one of the countrys biggest sports stars, has retired recently.It is quite surprising to the whole Chinese people. Liu Xiang, one of the countrys biggest sports stars, has retired recently,which is quite surprising to the whole Chinese people. 依照循序渐进的理念,本部分提高了难度,借助奥运图片资料展开句的训练,考察学生用定语从句组织

19、复合句的能力,也为组句成文打好基础。第六部分:幸运选择显示六个卡通图标,每个图标分别关联不同的运气(直接送分,答题给分,无分以及倒扣分)。以任选图标的方式抽取运气,选三次。Who is the luckiest? There is nothing!Correction:1. The students who cleans the blackboard should be praised.(clean) Correction:2. The reason why he told me is that his bike was broken.(that)用娱乐的方式为最后的得分制造悬念,使得竞争结果

20、扑朔迷离,而不同运气所带来的兴奋、懊恼和遗憾都能使课堂气氛达到高潮,另人回味无穷。第七部分 音乐乐园让学生在娱乐中学习定语从句,寓教于乐)第四步:课后作业根据下列中文信息,完成英语短文(不必逐字翻译)。注意:尽可能多地使用定语从句。众所周知,北京已经成功地举办了2008年奥运会。通过本届奥运会,中国完美地向世界展现了自己。英语作为一种国际语言,在和外国人的交流中起着重要作用。本届奥运会上友好的志愿者们很好地利用了这个语言工具为各国运动员及客人服务,给他们留下了深刻印象。我渴望有一天能做一名传播中国灿烂文化的志愿者,所以我现在应该努力学好英语。只有这样,才能为国家贡献自己的力量。Sample:A

21、s is known to us all, Beijing has successfully hosted the 2008 Olympic Games. Through the Olympics, China perfectly showed itself to the whole world. English, which is an international language, plays an important part in communicating with foreigners. Friendly volunteers who made full use of the to

22、ol of English as serving guests and athletes from all over the world during the Olympics, left deep impression on them. I desire to be a volunteer who is a carrier for our splendid culture some day. So now I should try my best to learn English well, by which I can make my contributions to my country.写作在高考中占较大的比重,故平时要多加训练,承上所提奥运话题让学生以感想并结合自身实际写短文,进一步锻炼在实际中运用定语从句的能力。而且本次教学活动关于定语从句的任务设计理念是按“词句文” 循序渐进,所以写作便是前面部分很好的延续和提高了。第 5 页 共 5 页

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