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1、4. A. She has never talked in public. B. She probably is poor at giving speeches. C. She enjoys serious moments.D. She wants to give up the public speech.5. A. Finishing the lunch.B. Having a meeting.C. Arranging the room.D. Making some coffee.6. A. By going on a diet.B. By doing physical exercise.

2、C. By having fewer meals.D. By eating fruit and vegetables.7. A. The man doesnt have a good memory.B. The man shouldnt have bought the chocolate.C. The man lost the chocolate in the kitchen.D. The mans son has taken the chocolate.8. A. The man shouldnt go for the interview.B. The mans resume is not

3、well-prepared. C. The man can send the resume out.D. The man should get ready for the interview.9. A. Finish the paper before meeting his professor.B. Shorten his paper into a 3000-word article. C. Get a new and more specific topic for his paper.D. Ask his professors help on his choice of topics.10.

4、 A. He will remain in his current job.B. He is quite satisfied with his job. C. He will ask for a higher salary.D. He can never find a better job.Section B In Section B, you will hear two short passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and th

5、e conversation. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the f

6、ollowing passage.11. A. Public education against smoking is lacking.B. There is no campaign against smoking. C. There are no rules regarding smoking.D. That smokers ignore the rules about smoking. 12. A. It made her respect smokers in the United States.B. It made her think that smoking rules need to

7、 be changed. C. It made her want to be more polite towards nonsmokers. D. It made her more tolerant to smoker behavior.13. A. Its no easy job to stop people smoking in Europe. B. There should be severer rules against smoking in Europe. C. We should take non-smokers rights into consideration. D. The

8、speaker changed the attitude towards different smokersQuestions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.14. A. The weight of the boxes moving across the stage.B. The number of times of repeating the process. C. The size of the objects shown on the stage. D. The shape of the cubes used in the s

9、how.15. A. Girls seem to be able to reason earlier than boys.B. Boys enjoy playing with cubes more than girls. C. Girls tend to get excited more easily than boys.D. Boys pay more attention to moving objects than girls.16. A. They are easy to be nervous. B. They talk at an earlier age. C. They are be

10、tter at physical activities. D. They have a different brain pattern. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following passage.17. A. A detective story. B. A professors lecture. C. A class assignment. D. A jewelry store robbery.18. A. She was involved in a jewelry store robbery. B. She had trouble

11、finishing her assignment. C. She did not like the topic she had chosen for her paper. D. She was taking too many courses.19. A. Take some extra time. B. Put down whatever ideas she has first. C. Do some work for another course. D. Write the story ending first.20. A. To do research for her story. B.

12、To go shopping. C. To meet her professor. D. To take a break from her work. II. Grammar and Vocabulary After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given

13、word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling. Recycling in the home is very important of course. However, (21)_(force) to recycle often means we already have more

14、material than we need. We are dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the greenest way possible, but it would be far better (22)_ we did not need to bring so much material home in the first place. The total amount of packaging increased (23)_ 12% between 1999 and 2005. A large number of

15、 companies believe that they can attract customers attention and stimulate their purchasing desire by over-packaging their goods, thus (24)_(gain) more profits.Too much packaging is doing damage to the environment. If such packaging (25)_(burn), it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the

16、 greenhouse effect. Recycling helps, (26)_ the process itself uses energy. The solution is not to produce such items in the first place. Food waste is a serious problem, too. Too many supermarkets encourage customers to buy more than they need. However, a few of them are coming round to the idea (27

17、)_ this cannot continue, encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example.But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have learned to associate packaging with quality. We have learned to think that (28)_ without packaging is of poor quality. This is especially tr

18、ue of food. But it also applies to a wide range of consumer products, (29)_ often have far more packaging than necessary.There are signs of hope. As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize just how much unnecessary materials are collecting. However, despite the ongoing campaigns (30)_(promot

19、e) consumers green awareness, we still have a long way to go. Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. equalB. demandingC. benefitsD. employE. reachF. increaseG. accessH. conveyI .conditionsJ. sup

20、eriorK. approached There is distinction between reading for information and reading for understanding. Thus we can _31_ the word “reading” in two distinct senses.The first sense is the one in which we read newspapers, magazines, or anything else. We can get _32_ to the content of those materials eas

21、ily. Such materials may increase our store of information, but they cannot improve our understanding. And clearly we dont have any difficulty in gaining the new information, for our understanding was _33_ to them before we started. Otherwise, we would have felt the shock of puzzlement. The second se

22、nse is the one in which we read something that at first we do not completely understand. Here the thing to be read is at the first sight better or higher than the reader. The writer is communicating something that can _34_ the readers understanding. Such communication between unequals must be possib

23、le. Otherwise one person could never learn from another. Here “learning” means understanding more, not remembering more information. What are the _35_ in this kind of reading? First, there is inequality in understanding. The writer must be “_36_” to the reader in understanding. Besides, his book mus

24、t _37_ something he possesses and his potential readers lack. Second, the reader must be able to overcome this inequality in some degree. And he should always try to _38_ the same level of understanding with the writer. If the equality is _39_, success of communication is achieved. Besides gaining i

25、nformation and understanding, theres another goal of reading - entertainment. It is the least _40_ and requires the least amount of effort. Everyone who knows how to read can read for entertainment if he wants to. In fact, any book that can be read for understanding or information can probably be re

26、ad for entertainment as well. III. Reading Comprehension For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Celebrities, in other word, famous people, have become one of the most importan

27、t representatives of popular culture. Fans used to be crazy about a specific film, but now the public tends to base its consumption on the interest of celebrity attached to a specific _41_. Besides, fashion magazines have almost _42_ the practice of putting models on the cover because they dont sell

28、 nearly as well as famous faces. _43_, celebrities have realized their unbelievably powerful market potential, moving from advertising for others products to developing their own.Celebrity clothing lines arent a completely new phenomenon, but in the past they were typically aimed at the _44_ consumers, while today theyre started by first-class stars whose products enjoy equal fame with some world top _45_. The most successful start-ups have been those by celebr

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