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1、 2. This isnt my p_ (钢笔). 3. This is my s_ (连衣裙).4. Is this your s_ (衬衣)? 5. This isnt my h_ (房子).III. 连词成句.1. this , your , is, pen (一般疑问句) _2. is, this, not, dress, my _ 3. pardon, I, beg, your _4. very, thank, much, you _ 5. this, my, pencil, yes, is _1. 这是你的上衣吗? _2. 是的,这是我的小汽车. _3. 这是你的裙子吗? _4.

2、不,这不是我的衬衣. _5. 这是我的书. _ Lesson 31. 伞 _ 2. 衣帽存放处 _ 3. 请 _ 4. 票 _5. 这里 _ 6. 号码 _ 7. 外套 _1. my _ 2. five _ 3. sorry _4. sir _ 5. word _ 6. your _1. Ticket, here, my, is _ 2. This, umbrella, your, is (一般疑问句) _3. Sir, am, I, sorry _ 4. This, my, not, bag, is _5. Please, my, and, book, pen, my _1. 这不是我的外套

3、. _2. 这是我(寄存东西)的牌子. _3. 请把我的伞给我. _4. 非常感谢您, 先生. _5. 这是你的铅笔吗? _ Lesson 4 1. 儿子 _ 2. 女儿 _ 3. 老师 _ 4. 学校 _5. 一套衣服 _ 6. 句子 _ 7. 连衣裙 _II. 根据汉语意思补齐下列英语单词中所缺的字母.1. um_r_ll_ (伞) 2. p_n_il (铅笔) 3. t_ck_t (票)4. n_mb_r (号码) 5. s_ _ rt (裙子) 6. s_ _ rt (衬衣)III. 完成下列对话.1. - Is this your coat? - Yes, _2. - Is this

4、 your umbrella? - No, _.3. - _? - Yes, it is my dress. 4. - _? - No, it isnt my car.1. 这是你们的学校吗?2. 这不是我的衬衣3. 这是你的手表吗?4. 请回答这些问题5. 不,这不是我的房子Lesson 51. 日本的,日本人也德国的,德国人4遇见学生早晨1. Ch_n_s_ (中国的,中国人) 2. n_w(新的) 3. g_ _d (好的) 4. F_ _ nch (法国的,法国人) 5. South K_ r_an (韩国的,韩国人) 6. n_c_ (美好的)1. Miss Sophie Dupon

5、t, is, this _ 2. meet, to, nice, you _2. Mr. Blake, morning, good _3. iIs, Hans, a , student, new _4. Chinese, Lu Ming, is _1. 这是索菲亚.她是法国人. _2. 布莱克是新来的老师. _3. 很高兴见到你! _4. 王华是中国人. _5. 早上好,汉斯. _ Lesson 6I. 根据所给的英语单词写出相应的汉语意思.1. Italian _ 2. American _ 3. Peugeot _4. Mercedes _ 5. make _ 6. Japanese _

6、7. German _1. Am_r_c_n (美国的) 2. E_ _ l _ sh (英国的) 3. S _ e _ ish (瑞典的)4. Sp _n _ sh (西班牙的) 5. F_ e_ch (法国的) 6. South Ko_ e_n (韩国的)III. 用he, she, it, a , 或 an 填空.1. This is Naoko. _ is Japanese. 2. This is _ Fiat. It is _ Italian car.3. Its _ Mini. It is _ English car. 4. Its _ Peugeot. It is _ Frenc

7、h car.5. Sophie is _ student. _ is French. 6. Alice is _ teacher. _ isnt Chinese. _ is English.7. Jack is _ student. _ isnt Spanish. _ is German.1. 这是标志. _2. 这是一辆瑞典小汽车. _3. 我是一名日本学生. _4. 这不是大宇. _5. 约翰是一名来自英国的老师. _ Lesson 7I. 根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词.1. 什么 _ 2. 工作 _ 3. be 动词现在时复数 _ 4. be 动词现在时第一人称单数 _5. 名字

8、_ 6. 我(主格) _ 7. 工程师 _ 8. 键盘 _ 9. 国籍 _ 10.操作人员 _1. I am a new s_ (学生). 2. Nice to m_(遇见) you. 3. Are you a F_ (法国人)?4. What is Roberts j_ (工作)? 5. My n_ (名字) is Sophie.1. - _ - My name is Tom.2. - _ - Yes, I am a new student.3. - _ - Im English.4. - _ - I am a teacher.5. - Where are you from? - _ Ger

9、many.1. 他是一名新来的工程师. _2. 你是做什么工作的? _3. 你是哪国人? _4. 你叫什么名字? _5. 汉斯是一名电脑录入员. _ Lesson 81. 家庭妇女 _ 2. 机械师 _ 3. 出租车司机 _4. 警察 _ 5. 空中小姐 _1. Is she a h_ (理发师)? 2. Robert is a m_ (送牛奶的人)3. Sophie is a good n_(护士) 4. I am a p_ (女警察) 5. Hans is a p_ (邮递员).III. 用 am, is 或 a , an 填空.1. My name _ Jack. I am _ stud

10、ent. 2. Mary _ English. She is _ nurse.3. I _ French. I want to be _ air hostess. 4. She _ not a policewoman. She is _ hairdresser.5. Mr. Smith _ my English teacher.1. 杰克是一名出租车司机. _2. 她是一名家庭妇女. _3. 我是一个送奶工. _4. 你是做什么工作的?5. 他是一名机械师吗? 第二册参考答案 Lesson 1 1 5:theatre;seat;behind;loudly;angry 6 10:attentio

11、n;bear;business;private;conversation 1 5:F;T;F 1with play with fire 玩火。 2With with ones help 在某人的帮助下。 3to pay attention to 注意 4about talk about 谈论某事。 5with be angry with somebody 生某人的气;be angry at (about) 因生气。 1Please turn round and look at that picture 2We went to the theatre together last Sunday 3

12、The room is too hot to bear! 4This is none of your business 5Sam is a very polite boy and he never speaks to anyone rudelyoutside;repeat;aunt;thought;darkenjoy the lunch;on foot;look out of the window;just then;get up 1C 根据时间状语 now 判断用现在进行时。 2D not. until. 直到才 3A 针对交通方式的提问用疑问词 how。 4C named Otto 过去分

13、词短语作定语。 5B 根据后半句可知为转述的电话内容,意即:(刚才)安打电话来。她让莉莉陪她去购物。 1 5:got;has rung;arrived;stays;read 1He never gets up early on Sundays 2The telephone rang when I was cooking in the kitchen 3The children are playing outside now 4Mr.Smith has just gone to Germany by plane 5She was still doing her homework until 11

14、 oclock yesterday evening Lesson 3send postcards to friends;visit museums;a friendly waiter;lend sbsthlend sthto sb;borrow sthfrom sba few words;a whole day;make a big decision;on the last day of the holiday;walk in the public gardenDid;hit;happened;tried;avoidclimbed;Were;shouting;was 1A 意为使索然无味,损坏

15、。 2B 意为被宠坏的。 3D be friendly to sb对某人友好。 4B on the whole 总的来说。 5C in public 在公共场所。 1Would you please lend some money to me? I want to buy a book with it 2I made a birthday cake for my mother 3Youd better not smoke in public 4This friendly Korean taught me a few words of Korean 5He did me a great favo

16、r Lesson 4 1A 主语是物,表语用 exciting;修饰观众用 excited。 2C receive. from. 从收到 3B be different from. in. 在方面与不同。 4A in the center of. 在中部。 5C stay 是延续性动词。 15:B A D B C 1has already retired 2ever been 3havent seen 4has never been 5has not arrived yet 1I havent received a letter from him for a long time 2What an exciting moment! 3When she was 16,she has been many different countries 4That factory shouldnt be in the center of the town 5The police have not caught the thief yet Lesson 5garage;pigeon;message;request;distanceservice;up to nowup till now;spare part;urgent news

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