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1、新概念英语第二册笔记第90课教学内容Lesson 90 Whats for supper? 晚餐吃什么?【Text】Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive. So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. O

2、il rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work. Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters. The fish are not sharks or

3、killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length. Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; the plentiful supply of food thrown overboard by th

4、e crews on the rigs; the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs. As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. Who eats who?【课文翻译】油煎鱼加炸土豆片一直 是英国人喜爱的一道菜,但是随着海洋里的滥捕滥捞,鱼已经变得越来越昂贵。因此,听说北海石油钻井平台上的潜水员受到巨型鱼类的恐吓,确实很让人吃惊。钻井平台需要经常修理,潜水员常常要在水面100英尺以下摸黑工作,他们曾在工作时

5、被撞到他们身上的大鱼吓得惊惶失措。现在他们有了特制的笼子,用来保护他 们免受大鱼的侵袭。这些鱼并不是鲨鱼或逆戟鲸,而是深受人们喜爱的食用鱼品种,如鳕鱼和鳐鱼,只不过它们长得出奇地大,有时长达12英尺。这些鱼能长得这 么大是由3个因素造成的:海底热的输油管道附近的温暖的海水;钻井平台工作人员抛到海里充足的食物;钻井平台周围根本没有捕鱼船只。结果是,这些鱼就在可 爱的温暖的水流中吃呀吃,长呀长。究竟谁吃谁呢?New words and expressions 生词和短语chip n. 油煎土豆片 overfish v. 过度捕捞giant adj. 巨大的 terrify v. 吓,使恐怖dive

6、r n. 潜小员 oil rig 石油钻塔wit n. (复数)理智,头脑 cage n. 笼shark n. 鲨鱼 whale n. 鲸variety n. 品种 cod n. 鳕skate n. 鳐 factor n. 因素crew n. 全体工作人员【生词讲解】1. chip 1) n. 油煎土豆片(英:potato chip / crisp)(细长的)油炸马铃薯条 (美:French fry) 2) 碎片、木碎片have a chip on ones shoulder(口) 心情不好、性好争吵a chip off the old block (口)酷似父亲的儿子、 一个模子印出来的,

7、酷似2. overfish v. 过度捕捞overcrop v. 因过度的耕种而使土地贫瘠overdo v. 做得过分, 过度, 夸张overdraw vt. 透支, 拉过度, 夸大overdress v. (使)过度打扮, 穿着太考究overeat vi. 吃过量3. giant 1) adj. 巨大的a giant corporation 一个大公司giant panda n. 大猫熊, 大熊猫2) n. (故事或传说等)巨人、大汉(相反:dwarf 矮子 )eg:Jack saw the giant climbing down the beanstalk .杰克看到巨人爬下豆茎。3) n

8、. 伟人、大人物giants in the field of electronics 电子行业之牛耳.4. terrify v. 吓,使恐怖、使受惊吓be terrified of 害怕 ., 恐惧 .eg:The children were terrified of being scolded. 孩子们害怕被骂。terrify sb 惊吓某人、威胁(某人)eg:His sudden appearance terrified them. 他的突然出现,吓坏了他们。be terrified by / be terrified at 被吓一跳eg:They were terrified by hi

9、s sudden appearance. They were terrified at his sudden appearance.他的突然出现使他们都吓坏了。terrifying adj. 可怕的terrified terifaid adj. 恐惧的, 受惊吓的5. diver n. 潜小员、跳水选手dive daiv n. vi.跳水,潜水;俯冲,扑dive from the bridge into the river 从桥上跳入河中diver for (为寻找或取) 潜水eg:They dived down for oysters. 他们潜水去捞牡蛎dive into (突然)投入, 跳

10、入、潜心研究eg:He dived into the history of China. 他潜心研究中国的历史。6. oil rig 石油钻塔oil 1) n. 油 cooking oil 食用油hair oil 发油 ; heavy oil 重油 ; light oil 轻油2) n. 油画颜料paint in oils 油画油 ; burn the midnight oil 开夜车pour oil on the flame vi. 火上加油3) v. 在.注 (涂)油oil a clock 给钟加油oil ones hand oil ones palm 行贿oil the wheels (

11、用会赂手段等) 使事情进展顺利rig 1) n.(船) 配备、设备,钻探设备2)v. 给(船)上配备、打扮、装束7. wit 1) n. (复数)理智,头脑(wits)eg:He has quick wits.他反应敏锐eg:He lacked the wits to see what to do in the emergency.他当时缺少临机应变的能力。2)机智、聪明(u)eg:His essays sparkled with wit. 他的散文才气洋溢。eg:His speech was full of wit and humor. 他的演讲充满了机智和幽默。at ones wits e

12、nd 智穷计尽have ones wits about keep ones wits about头脑冷静;保持警觉;精明;足智多谋 live by ones wits 靠小聪明过日子out of ones wits 失去理智8. shark 1)n. 鲨鱼2)n.(口语)骗子、贪得无厌的人、放高利贷者9. whale n. 鲸eg:The whale is the largest of all animals.所有动物鲸是最大的。a whale of (口)极好的、巨大的have a whale of a time 过美好的时光10. variety vraiti n.多样化monotony

13、mntnin.单调a life full of variety 丰富多彩的生活for varietys sake 为不单调起见,为了有所变化a variety of 种种,多种多样的eg:There are a wide variety of people on the earth. 地球上有各种不同的人。variety show (英)综艺节目variety store (美) 杂货店(以低价出售日常品及其他杂货的店铺)various adj.1) 形形色色的、种种的representatives from various countries 来自各国的代表various experienc

14、es 种种经验2) 许多的、好几个的(无比较级的变化)for various reasons 因种种理由variation veriein n.变化,变动;变体,变种;变奏(曲)variations of temperature 温度的变化11. cod n. 鳕鱼C.O.D. n. (= cash on delivery) 货到付款12. skate 1)n. 鳐鱼2)v. 溜冰、滑冰eg:I want to go skating tomorrow. 我想明天去溜冰3) n. 溜冰鞋ice skate ; roller skate 旱冰鞋13. factor1)n.(造成某结果的) 因素、要

15、素the main factor that caused dispute 造成纠纷,的主要因素, eg:Honesty is one factor for his success. 诚信是他成功的因素之一。2) n. 因子、因子14. crew n.(船、飞机、火车等的) 全体工作人员(集体名词)eg:The crew is large. 工作人员很多。eg:The crew of the jet are 30 in all.全体机组人员总共是个。eg:The plane had seventy passengers and a crew of ten.这架飞机有七十名乘客,名机组人员。cre

16、w cut 小平头;crew neck 圆领毛衣【课文讲解】1.Fish and chips has always been a favorite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more and chips 油煎鱼加炸土豆片 ,英国的一种家常菜,被看做是一盘菜,因此用单数动词;而Jane and Keith have always been good friends of ours 谓语动词为have been. 用and相连的名词

17、看成一个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;如果把他们看成分开的部分,动词就用复数形式;如上句。more and more 越来越eg:The spectators got more and more excited. 观众们越来越兴奋。eg:More and more doctors have begun to use the new medicine.越来越多的医生使用这种新药。 1)dish 在这里指“一盘菜”或“菜肴”、“食品”:eg:I like French dishes.我喜欢(吃)法国菜。eg:Would you like a sweet dish?您要一盘甜食吗?2)the dish

18、es餐具3)常用于口语,用做单数,帅气的意思eg:Marys new boy-friend is quite a dish, isnt he? Mary新交的男朋友挺帅的,是不是?4)dish the dirt揭短,揭疮疤eg:Journalists dished the dirt about this famous singer. 记者们揭了这个著名歌星的疮疤。5)dish out 大量分发eg:There are many people dishing out leaflets to passers-by.有很多的人正在向路人分发传单。2. So it comes as a surpris

19、e to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. it comes to learn that 听说North Sea 北海 terrify, frighten, fear和 scare的区别 frighten最普通,没有特殊的意义,仅表示吓唬或使害怕;scare在口语中与frighten可以通用,但是在文学作品中,总是用它 表示把某人吓跑;scare还表示恐吓,实际并没有发生的事情。terrify指使(某人)感到恐怖,受到这种惊吓的人是不能自制的。语气最强烈.Fear当我们害怕某种东西而而产

20、生的一种害怕感觉。1)terrify 使某人害怕,感到恐怖eg: He terrified the children with ghost stories. 他用鬼故事来吓孩子们。 2)You scared me! 吓我一跳!3. Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into the

21、m as they work. 1)be frightened out of their wits 被吓晕了、被吓得惊惶失措 (be frightened/scared to death/out of ones wits某人被吓得要死)eg:The children are frightenedto death by the thunderstorm. 孩子们让雷雨吓得要命。 2)out of ones wits 表示“失去理智”、“惊慌失措”:eg:She was frightened out of her wits by the great fire. 大火吓得她惊慌失措。eg: Are

22、you out of your wits?(Are you out of your mind?) 你疯了吗? 3)bump into 的含义之一是“碰上”、“撞上”: bump against/into sth与某物相撞eg: I bumped into a chair in darkness. 我在黑暗中碰到了椅子。eg: Wandering in darkness, the drunk bumped into a policeman. 那醉汉在黑夜中闲荡时撞到了一个警察的身上。eg:I saw the taxi bump into a parked car . 我看到出租车撞上一辆停着的汽

23、车。bump into 也可以表示“偶然遇见”、“碰见”(多用于口语):eg: Guess who I bumped into today? 你猜我今天碰到谁了?eg: I bumped into Jane at the conference. 我开会时碰见了简。4. Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters.have sth done get sth done 让别人做某事=ask sb to do sthhave had.made 是使役式的完成式。(cf第66 课语法)have 作为完

24、全动词还可以构成使役式,其形式为: have+名词或宾格代词+动词的过去分词。由于have 是完全动词,所以其疑问句与否定句由do/did 构成。与被动语态相似,使役式着重表示的是对某物(或某人)做了什么而不是某人做了什么。用被动语态或使役式时,我们可能不知道或认为不必指明为我们服务 的人是谁。然而,使役式比被动语态更加强调“使”别人为我们服务这一事实。我们要表示让别人为我们做某事时,通常不用主动语态。让别人给理发时,不可说I want to cut my hair 而要说 I want to have my hair cut。eg: I m having my car repaired.我正

25、在让别人修理我的汽车。(使役式的进行式)eg: Did she mend the type writer herself?No, she had it mended in town.是她自己修理打字机的吗?(主动语态)不,她让别人在城里修的。(使役式)eg: How nice your car looks!Thank you. I ve just had it washed.你的车看上去真漂亮!谢谢。我刚让人洗过。(使役式的完成式)eg: You ll need some warm clothes for the journey.Ill have some new clothes made n

26、ext week.这次出去旅行你需要带一些暖和的衣服。我下周就让人做几件。(使役式的将来式) protect .from protect against eg:He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴着太阳镜保护眼睛免受强光伤害。eg: He tried to protect the child from the rain/the dog.试图使孩子不被雨淋/狗咬。eg: This coat will protect you against the cold.这件大衣可以给你御寒。5. Th

27、e fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favorite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length. fish : squid 鱿鱼 goldfish金鱼 carp鲤鱼 crucian 鲫鱼 scales鱼鳞 fins鳍gill鳃 frozen fish 冻鱼 smoked fish 熏鱼 fresh fish 鲜鱼 boiled fish 煮鱼fried fish 煎鱼

28、 grilled fish 烤鱼 favourite eating varieties, 深受人们喜爱的食用的品种。eating 在这里为形容词,表示“供食用的”,它有时也表示“宜生食的”:eg: Eating corn is quite sweet.食用玉米很香甜。eg: These are eating apples, and those are cooking apples/ones.这些是生吃的苹果,那些是烹任用的苹果。eat up your dinner.吃完你的饭! as much as 像一样(最大限度)数词 + 量词 + in + 名词as far as + 从句eg: Thi

29、s is as far as I can drink.我再也不能喝了。not . but . 不是而是 twelve feet long这条鱼有13英尺长。thirteen feet highthirteen feet wideThe fish is two feet in length.The fish is one feet in widthThe fish is one feet in height6. Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: cause for/to sth理由,缘故(直接原因)eg: You hav

30、e no cause for complaint/You have no cause to complaint. 你没有理由抱怨eg: Driving too fast may cause an accident. 开车太快会引起事故。eg: She is never absent from work without good cause. 她决不无故缺勤。 v.造成(某事物).eg: The cold weather caused the plants to die.天气寒冷冻死了植物。eg: Shes always causing trouble for people.她总是给人添麻烦。eg: This car caused me a lot of trouble. 这辆车给我带来许多麻烦。 cause sb to do sth:导致某人做某事eg: Illness caused him to lose his temper.疾病使他发脾气。eg: His illness caused him to miss the game. 他因病不能参加比赛。cause sth. to sb. / for sb. 给某人带来eg: He often causes trouble to / for people.cause:强调事情发生的直接原因

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