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1、江苏牛津译林八年级英语上册Unit18+词组句子汇总Unit 1 Friends1. have some more food 再吃一些食物2. Can I have something to drink? 我能喝点什么吗?3. what about some milk ? 来点牛奶怎么样?4. make sb. happy 使某人快乐5. keep a secret 保守秘密6. care about 关心,关怀7. listen to people carefully 仔细听别人说8. have problems 有问题9. share ones joy/ happiness 分享某人的快乐

2、10. You can trust them because they never tell lies 你可以信任他们,因为他们从不说谎11. believe what he says 相信他说的话12. tell him everything about yourself 把所有关于你自己的事情告诉他13. What makes good friends? 什么样的人适合做好朋友呢?14. Good friends should be interseting. 好朋友应该有趣15. an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩16. one of my best friends 我最好的一个朋

3、友17. She is willing to share things with her friends. 她愿意和朋友分享东西18. be willing to do sth 愿意做某事19. give a seat to someone in need 把座位让给有需要的人20. She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.她也乐于助人,在任何时候都愿意帮助别人21. help me with my homework 帮助我复习功课22. help people with their problems 帮助人们解决问题23.

4、She wants to be a singer when she grows up. 她想长大了当一名歌手24. have a good voice 有副好嗓子25. He is the tallest boy in our class. 他是我们班上个子最高的26. wear small round glasses 戴小而圆的眼镜27. make him look smart 使得他看起来时髦 /帅气28. have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感 29. be kind/ nice to sb 对某人友好30. He tells funny jokes and

5、always makes me laugh. 他讲好玩的笑话并总是使我大笑make sb. do sth 使得某人做某事31. feel bored / excited 感到无聊 /激动兴奋32. have long straight hair 有着长长的直发33. say a bad word about sb 说某人的坏话34. They do not fit well under his desk. 他们在课桌下伸不开35. be good at telling jokes 擅长讲笑话36. When something worries me,I can always go to her

6、.当某件事使我发愁时,我总是可以过去找她37. Max looks smart in his round glasses. 马克斯戴圆眼镜看起来帅气38. Who would you choose as your best friend? 你会选择谁作为你的最好朋友39. our future plans 我们的未来计划40. make friends with 和某人交朋友41. travel around the world 环游世界42. be a social worker 当一名社会工作者43. I will be happy if I can make other people h

7、appy. 如果我能使人们快乐,我将快乐44. I want to be as famous as he is. 我想和他一样出名45. some day 某一天46. Whos the girl on the left/ next to Peter? 在左边 /紧靠着彼得 的那女孩是谁?47. Whats he like ? 他是什么样的人?48. a small girl with a ponytail 一个扎着马尾辫的小女孩49. beautiful works of art 漂亮的艺术品50. Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend.

8、(both. and既。又)凯特既是我的邻居,也是我最好的朋友51. her smiling eyes 她的笑眯眯的眼睛52. have a smile on ones face 某人脸上带着微笑53. work with children 和孩子们一起工作54. She will make an excellent teacher. 她会成为一名好老师Unit 2 School life1. Because were cleverer than people. 因为我们比人聪明2. They have to work harder 他们不得不更努力的工作3. Whats school lik

9、e ? Its like watching TV. 学校像什么?它就像看电视4. There are fewer advertisements 有较少的广告5. American English 美式英语 6. British English 英式英语7. in Year 8 在八年级8. a mixed school 一个男女混合学校9. have lessons togther 一起上课10. do sports together 一起做运动 11. Among all my subjects, I like French best. 在所有学科中,我最喜欢法语12. Learning f

10、oreign languages is fun. 学习外语挺有趣13. a Reading Week 一个读书周14. discuss sth with sb. 和某人讨论某事15. during the week 在该周内16. I often read more books than my classmates 我经常比我的同学看书多17. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.当我们阅读有趣的书的时候,时间似乎过得更快18. in class 在课堂上19. help sb. learn more ab

11、out sth. 帮助某人了解有关某事的更多情况20. offer sb. help (主动)给某人提供帮助21. listen carefully to my problems 认真倾听我的问题22. play baseball 打棒球23. have different classes 有不同的课24. On Friday afternoon ,our school ends earlier than usual. 在星期五,我们放学比平时早25. I love this game and practice hard every time 我喜欢这项运动,每次训练都很苦26. Our te

12、am won two games last month. 上个月我们队赢了两场比赛27. twice a week 一周两次28. at lunchtime 在午餐时间29. I have less free time than John,but Nancy has more free time than John.。我比约翰空余时间少,但南希比约翰空余时间多30. Daniel has the fewest tomatoes. 丹尼尔的西红柿最少31. Millie has the least juice. 米莉的果汁最少32. among the three of us 在我们三人当中33

13、. come third in the race 在赛跑中得第三名34. She writes more quickly than any other student(=the other students= all my other classmates ) in my class. 她写得比我班上其他任何同学快35. The number of the students is two hundred。 学生的数目是20036. have more weeks off 多放/ 休几个星期假37. spend time on sth./ doing sth 花费时间做某事38. They wo

14、rk the hardest 他们工作最努力39. I have only half an hour for my hobbies. 我只有一个小时进行我业余爱好40. play chess 下棋41. do morning exercises 做早操42. do some reading 看点书43. wear uniforms / ties 穿制服/ 扎领带44. have an English test 有一个英语测试45. look through the questions quickly 快速浏览这些问题46. I also keep writing in English abou

15、t my daily life 我也坚持用英语写下我的日常生活47. We have a monthly test on each subject 我们每门学科有一次月考48. To me,learning foreign languages is really fun. 对我来说,学外语真有趣49. at first 在开始时50. I learn to use English better this way. 我学习用这种方法更好的使用英语51. an hour of homework 一个小时的家庭作业52. need to get up early 需要起得早53. Every mon

16、th,we go on a school trip 每个月,我们都有一次学校旅行54. choose subjects to study 选择学习的科目55. in each class 在每个班56. My ideal school starts at 9.a.m and finishes at 3.p.m.我的理想学校上午9点上学,下午3点放学57. I love computers,so I have computer lessons every day. 我喜爱电脑,所以我每天有电脑课Unit 3 A day out1. come on 来吧;赶快2. Wha are you goin

17、g to do ? 你打算干什么3. Im going to exercise 我打算锻炼4. You need to exercise and keep fit 你需要锻炼,保持健康5. enjoy oneself/ have a great time 玩得高兴,过得愉快6. take a boat trip 乘船旅行7. go past 走过,经过8. a beautiful building with a big garden 一个有花园的漂亮建筑物/ 大楼9. take care 保重10. Mr.Wu invited me to join their school trip to t

18、he World Park吴老师邀请我参加他们前往世界公园的学校旅行11. arrive in/ at ,reach,get to 到达(注意他们的用法) 12. shine in a clear blue sky13. It took us about two hours to get there by bus. 乘大巴去那里花了我们大约2个小时14. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.(许多车辆) 路上车辆很多,旅程有点枯燥。15. cant wait to do sth. 迫

19、不及待做某事16. There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world.这里有100多个世界各地名胜的模型17. not believe ones eyes 不相信自己的眼镜,非常惊讶18. an amazing day 令人惊奇的一天19. the main sights of the world 世界上的主要景点20. get off /on 下/上(车) get into /out of a car上/ 下 小汽车21. learn a lot about different

20、 cultures 了解许多关于不同的文化22. Go and see for yourself. 你自己去亲眼瞧瞧吧23. hurt oneself 伤了某人自己 by oneself独自,单独24. keep ones secret to themselves 保守他们自己的秘密25. The bus is as comfortable as those in the USA 这汽车和美国的那些汽车一样安全26. The Eiffel Tower is not as tall the real one in France.这座埃菲尔铁塔没有法国的那座真的铁塔高27. Luckily,som

21、e climbers helped Simon. 幸运的是,几名攀爬者帮助了西蒙28. pull themselves up the rocks 将他们自己拉上岩石29. It is in the final of the basketball composition .她进入了篮球比赛的决赛30. The match took place on Sunday. 这场比赛在星期天举行31. With your support, we will win. 有你们的支持,我们将会赢32. That sounds good, but its too far away. 那听起来很好,但是太远33.

22、Its free for groups of 30 or more students. 它向30人或以上的团体是免费的34. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事35. cheer for 为。而欢呼36. plan a day out 计划一天外出37. see the biggest city square 看见最大的城市广场38. go back to the USA 回到美国去39. row boats 划船40. We will take the underground/ bus to Tiananmen Square=We will go to Tiananmen Sq

23、uare by underground./bus. 我们将乘地铁/汽车去天安门广场41. We will walk to Baihai Park.=We will go to Baihai Park on foot我们将步行去北海公园42. We hope you can join us. 我们希望你能加入我们,和我们在一起43. The cost of the trip is 10 per student. 这次旅行的费用是每个学生10元 44. This is the plan for the day. 这就是这天的计划Unit 4 Do it yourself1. clear instr

24、uctions 清楚的说明2. Youd better get some tools 你最好找些工具3. Read them first 先读读它们4. instead of doing sth. 代替做某事5. pay someone to do sth. 付钱某人做某事6. stand for 代表,象征7.a pair of scissors 一副剪刀8.whats DIY exactly? DIY 确切的意思是什么?9.make some paper roses 做一些纸玫瑰10.make something new 制作新的东西 problem 没问题 crazy

25、 about 对。着迷13 look terrible 看起来糟糕14.put in a brighter light 装一盏更亮的灯15.make a mistake 犯错16.another time 另一次,再一次17.fillwith 用。填充18.advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事19.put up a picture on the wall 把一幅画张贴到墙上20.take a course in。 学。课程21.attend lessons 上课22.have a power cut 供电中断,停电23.Stop it. 停止做此事24.Now the l

26、iving room has not only blue walls 现在客厅里不仅墙壁是蓝色的but also a blue ceiling and floor, 连天花板和地板也是蓝色的not. only but also 不仅。而且)25.much more beautiful 漂亮得多 26.Dont paint the cat 不要给猫涂漆/ 颜料27. Please fix the shelf for me 请替我固定那架子28. Dont touch the wet paint,please 请不要碰未干的漆29. You should know a little about D

27、IY. 你应该了解一点“自己动手做”30.You should not put so many books on the shelf 你不应该把这么多书放到架子上 31.Your watch is broken. You had better buy a new one . 你的手表坏了,你最好买个新的32.You had better not be late for school. 你最好上学不要迟到33.on the other side of 在。另一边34.mix them together 把它们混在一起35.prepare to do sth 准备做某事 for ma

28、king a fruit salad 做水果沙拉的一些提示37.for example 例如38. cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces 把其中一些大些的水果切成小块39. leave it in the air 使它暴露在外leave the door open 使门开着40.make sure 确保,确信41.add some salad cream 加一些沙拉奶油42.tidy up 收拾妥当,整理好43.I decided to make her a birthday card by myself 我决定亲自为她制作一张生日卡片4

29、4.keep it secret 保密45.We had fun working together. 我们一起合作很开心46.plan to do sth. 计划做某事47.go wrong 弄错;(机器)出故障48.I kept spellig the words wrong 我总是把单词拼错keep doing sth 不停做某事49.cut out 剪出50.When I completed the card,there was paint on everything. 当我完成卡片的时候,每样东西上都是颜料Unit 5 Wild animals1. have / take pity o

30、n 同情,怜悯2. no way 没门,不可能3. in fact 事实上4. They may become dishes on the table any time. 它们随时可能餐桌上的菜5. Could you please not eat them ? 请你不要吃它们,好吗?6. I may die without them. 没有它们我可能会死的7. live in the wild 生活在野外8. When Xi Wang was born,she weighed just 100 grams and looked like a whte mouse “希望”出生时,只有100克

31、,像个白鼠9. be born 出生10. look like 看起来像11. at four months old 在四个月大时12. go outside for the first time 第一次走出去13. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more.八个月以后,她不再是个小幼崽了14. notany more = no more 不再15. in the beginning 在一开始16. look after herself 照料她自己17. face serious problems 面临严重的问题18. Giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo。大熊猫主要以一种特别的竹子为生19. live on 以。为生20. As a result,pandas may not have a

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