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1、扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption Part 3词根和词缀cess系列: cess作为词根是:走入access:接近助记ac(辅音双写,前面加a):一再。“一再走过去”接近。词组have access to:接近,使用process:前进,加工助记“往前走”procession:n.队列,行列recession:休息,企业处在停业整顿阶段助记re-回来excess:过度,剩余助记ex-过concession:妥协,让步助记con-共同,“你走一步,我也走一步”pose系列:pose:词义是摆姿势。作为词根是“放”expose:“放在外

2、面”暴露compose:“共同放在一起”组成decompose:“把组成的东西向下弄没了”分解depose:“向下放”免职、降职deposit:“低头放下一个东西”下蛋、存款、沉淀物repose:“反复放下来”休息impose:“往里放”强加于,征税porpose:“往前放”提出建议,求婚Part 4谐音联想法记忆单词Ponderous Merchandise exhaust sentimental vigorous loom obstinate feeble sentimental Blush Exhaust isolate feeble vanish spouse patience难句的超

3、级分析能力原则一:拆分意思群体,迅速抓住主干。难句之难在与如何花整为零,如何在复杂的结构中分析清楚主干和从句,如何拨开云雾见光明。关键要抓住意思群体,比如一个谓语的成分多达十个单词,就不能一个一个单词翻译,要把他们想成整体。定语从句很长,要抓关键的意思,不能眉毛和胡子一起抓。很多学生喜欢逐字阅读,过于咬文嚼字,而忽视了句子的整体性。还有些同学碰到难句子就划黑色的圆圈,结果到头来什么也看不出。不要拘泥于难词,因为很多难词并不是正确答案的所在。原则二: 熟悉难句的类型以及特殊的分析技巧难句有很多种多样,从句型上看有定语从句, 状语从句,名词性从句; 从短语类型上看,有分词状语,动名词短语, 介词短

4、语; 从成分的特殊位置看, 有倒装句, 插入语,省略情况,分割结构。从语气看有虚拟语气, 建议语气等。对不同的难句采取专项突破,一定会起到事半功倍的效果。原则三:利用语法、不靠语法即在考研中,考生永远也不需要再考场上分析一句话的语法成分,也不要想这句话有没有语法错误,考生的唯一任务就是现场迅速的读懂文章。然而在初期可以少量的运用语法,目的有二:一为初学者如果看不懂句子得结构,往往会感到心情沮丧,或大脑混乱,根本就读不尽文章,因此引入语法能够给读者以信心;二为运用语法,可以了解文章的语法结构,并最终完全熟悉各种类型的句子,达到一遍就可以读懂句子得效果。英语基本的句型包括五种成分,五种功能句型,这

5、些成分包括名词(N=noun),谓语动词(V=verb), 宾语(O=objective),直接宾语(Od=direct object), 间接宾语(Oi=indirect object),补足语(C=complementary) 1. 句型的基本结构:(1)主-谓结构(SV)All the folks in the lobby were deeply movedThe existence of both racial and sexual discrimination in employment is well documented.(2)主系表(SVC)She is feeling dep

6、ressed today.To be or not to be is a hard thing(3) 主-谓-宾(SVO)They are talking loudly about the political affairs.All parents have to solve the problems of freedom and discipline.Early upbringing in the home is affected both by the cultural pattern of th community and by the parents capabilities.(4)

7、主-谓-直接宾语-间接宾语(S-V-Od-Oi)He offered me a great handThe modern whte furniture and greater variety in character development. (5) 主谓宾语补语(SVOC)Tom made Jim cry loudly.They let him try a third time.We consider it a good opportunity to study abroad。We painted the roof red.They had the dishes prepared.(6) 主

8、谓状We should confront hardships fearlessly and strive to overcome themPart 2 各种从句的类型一. 主语从句阅读1. That Experience influence subsequent behavior is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called rememebering.2. That the seas are being overfished has been known for years. What researc

9、hers suchas Ransom Myers have shown is just how fast things are going二. 宾语从句阅读1. Cartwright believes that one can exerciese conscious control over recurring bad dreams2. They dont know whether this decisison comes out of convincing proof or whether it can be put into practice.三.表语从句阅读1. I am not afr

10、aid of dying from a spiritual pont of view,but what was afraid of is how I would die.2.One difficulty is that alomost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature and so on.四.同位语从句阅读1. In talking to some young sci

11、entists, you might gather the impression that they find the scientific method substitute for imaginative thought.2.Online culture thinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request.五.定语从句阅读1. Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting onl

12、ine transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the companys private internet2.Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings which investors now view as necessary ingredient to a sustained boom.六.副词性从句阅读-状语从句1. 时间状语从句1. We can not do anything abo

13、ut it until we know the truth.2. Immediately he arrived, he started describing us what had happened3. The day he returned home, his grandpa was already dead.注: 很多表示时间的名词词组和副词也可以引导时间状语从句, instantly, immediately, directly, the day, every time, the minute, the moment2.条件状语从句1.If only I had worked harde

14、r, I would finish the job.2.As long as you keep on trying, you will certainly succeed. 很多词组也可以引导条件状语从句, Provided that, Given that, Supposing that, On condition that, In case that3. 原因状语从句1. Theory is valuable in that it can provide a direction for practice.2. Now that the weather has improved, lets

15、go out for a picnic. 很多词组也可以引导原因状语从句, now that, in that, considering that, in that, on account of, owing to, due to, thanks to4.让步状语从句1. Tom always enjoys swimming, even though the weather is rough.2. Despite the existence of national differences, certain situations have a universal appeal.3. whatev

16、er he says, I do not believe in him. 很多词组也可以引导让步状语从句,even if, as, no matter what, no matter how, despite, while,whatever, whenever, whoever, however.5.目的状语从句1. They climbed to the top of the mountain in order that they could get a birds-eye view of the city.2. Take an umbrella in case it rains. 很多词组

17、也可以引导目的状语从句, so that, in order that, lest, in case that, for fear that.特殊结构的突破一.倒装句子(1).否定副词放句首要求倒装1. Less well known is the advantage that Adam has in life over Zysman.2. Americans no longer expect public figures to command the English language with skill and gifet. Nor do they aspire to such comma

18、nd themselves.3. No longer could I count on people to take precautions to deal with those serious problems.(2) 某些固定词组要求倒装1. Not only has the Government refused to consult with the people of Australia on this issue of decreasing the duty rates, they have also refused to consult with them on increasin

19、g the export and import between tow countries.2. So addicted to electronic games that our schools should control the time of surfing the internet for the children.(3) 某些语法要求倒装1. However, should policy measures be taken to boost economic growth and make the growth process more inclusive to the poor,

20、the World Bank reckons that 500 million people could be brought out of extreme poverty by 2008.(4)为了平衡句子关系要求倒装1.Coupled with the centralization of economic growth is the disapperance of the extended families in favor of isolated, two-generation households.2.Emerging from the 1980 census is the pictu

21、re of a nation develoing more and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast reaches a standstill.3. Along with them goes social mobility, ambitions to rise in the urban world, a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenth century.4. Jack London poured i

22、nto his writings all the pain of his life, the fierce hatred of the society that it had produced on him.二省略1. As families move away away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confide

23、nce that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable.2. If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals.三.与than搭配的短语或结构的翻译(1) else/other than: 除之外(2) nothing else than/bu

24、t: 相当于nothing but,意为“只,只有”(3) nothing if not: 极其(4) would/had rather/soonerthan: 宁愿也不(5) no soonerthan: 一就(6) no more than: 仅仅,只是(7) no less than: 简直是,实在是(8) no/none other than: 正是,就是(9) no morethan/not any morethan: 和一样都不(10) not morethan: 和相比没有(不及)(11) morethan: 与其不如(12) not more than: 至多,不超过(13)

25、know better than to do something: 很明白而不至于下面举例说明:1 What he did was nothing else than a practical joke.2 He would rather die than yield.3 No sooner had he got off the train than his daughter ran towards him.4 The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.

26、 5 As a nation, the French are no more eager to learn about their wartime failings than are the Japanese.6 .He didnt know anyone at the wedding other than the bride and groom.3. He is none other than the man I met in Los Angles five years ago.四. 与but搭配的短语和结构的翻译not onlybut also: 不但而且not thatbut that:

27、 不是因为,而是因为;不是说,而是说but that: 要不是but for:but then: 但另一方面cannot help but do something: 不得不cannot choose but do something:have no choice/alternative but to do: 不得不there is nothing forbut to do something: 除了别无他法nothing but: 除了之外没有;不过是;仅仅是anything but: 完全(绝对)不是;一点也不all but: 几乎;除之外其余都(=all except)五. as作为介词

28、或连词时的翻译及结构的翻译just as: 正如as if/as though: 好像A is to B as C is to D. A比之于B正如C比之于D。asas: 和一样as far as someone is concerned: 据某人所知;就而言not so muchas: 与其说(还/倒)不如说;有时也可以改变成not so muchbut,意思不变。not so much as: 连都不肯not so +形容词+ but +从句: 虽然但是nothing + like(near) as (so) as: 远远不像那样A is notas well as B. B实施或被实施某种行为,但A没有asso: 像那

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