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1、四句型背诵1.He was brought up in Hannibal,Missouri,along theMississippi River. 他是在密西西比河边密苏里州的汉尼拔长大。2.Permit me to lead the way ,sir.先生,请让我来带路吧。3I wonder ,Mr Adams ,if youd mind us asking a few questions.亚当斯先生,不知你是否介意我们介意我们问几个问题。4.Well,we will have to take a chance.哦,我们得冒点风险。5.And it was the ship that bro

2、ught you to England.正是那艘船把你带到了英国。五核心单词1 have made a bet. bet n.赌;打赌 make a bet on sth with sb. 和某人在上打赌 win a bet/lose a bet 赢/输一场赌 have a bet on 在上下赌注 bet v.打赌bet on sth 对某事打赌He bet ten dollars on Johns coming.He had a bet on the horses.Have you ever made a bet with anybody?I bet=(informal) Im certa

3、in我肯定I bet hes gone to swim-he loves it.2 . scene n. 现场, 场面,景色,(戏剧)一场on the scene 在现场 behind the scenes 在后台,在幕后,暗中Firefighters were on the scene immediately.What a fantastic mountain scene! The boy led his mother to the scene of the accident.The scene in the hospital is very moving. The last scene o

4、f the play was very impressive. scenery / scene / view / sightscenery 是总称, 指大范围的自然风光,是由多个scene构成的景色, 常译为 “景色”, “风景”。scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可指scenery的一部分, 指某处小范围的景色,大多包括景物中的人及活动,可译为 “情景”, “景色”, “场面”, “(戏剧)一场”。view是指人以一定的角度(或从远处或从高处等)所看到的景色,还有 “观点”, “看法”的意思sight 是眼睛所看到的景象,可以指美丽的风景,也可以指悲惨的景象,用其复数sights表示名胜古迹,

5、人文景观等。选用scenery / scene / view / sight 填空 1).I will never forget the terrible _ of the car accident.2).We will go to Jiu Zhaigou for our holiday to enjoy the beautiful nature _ .3).As we stand on the top of the high tower, we had a good _ of the whole city.4).The Great wall is one of the most wonder

6、ful _ in the world.5).From the top of the Mount Tai you can get a wonderful _ of sunrise.3. Permit me to lead the way, sir. permit sth. 允许某事 Permit doing sth. 允许干某事 permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 permit sb sth 允许某人做某事Visitors are not permitted to take photos.I dont permit holding a party in my house. J

7、ims father didnt permit him to join the school football team.permit n. 通行证, 许可证, 执照 Cpermission n. 有批准权的人的口头 “允许”, “许可” Uapply for a parking permit申请停车许可证with/without ones permission 在某人的准许下/没获得的允许ask for permission请求允许4. fault n. 1).缺点, 缺陷; 故障 His greatest fault is that he talks too much. 他最大的缺点是说得

8、太多。 There is a fault in this machine. 这台机器出了故障。2).过失, 过错 Its my fault that we are late. 结构:It is ones fault (that) 是某人的错find fault with sb./ sth. 挑某人/某物的毛病,找茬be at fault 有错的,要对错误负责任的5. accountn. 说明,理由,计算, 账目(accountant n. 会计)keep accounts 记账 open/close an account in a bank 在银行开立/结束帐户 on account of 因

9、为, 由于 take into account 考虑,重视 on all accounts 无论如何 on no account 绝不 (位于句首要倒装)Give us an account of what happened.She retired early on account of ill health.The company takes environmental issues into account wherever possible.On no account should the car be left unlocked.account vi.1).说明原因(或理由),做出说明

10、(或解释) +(for) His illness accounts for his absence. 他因为生病, 所以才缺席。He has to account to the chairman for how he spends the companys money.他一定要向主席说明他是如何花公司的钱的。2).为负责;导致,引起(与for连用) His reckless driving accounted for the accident. 他开车鲁莽,引起了这场事故。vt.认为,把视作 We all account him a qualified teacher.我们都认为他是一名合格的

11、教师。Tom accounts himself (to be) lucky.汤姆认为自己运气好。6. spotn.斑点, 污点;地点, 场所;少量vt. & vi.弄上污渍vt.看出, 认出 You have a spot on your shirt. Lets meet at this spot tomorrow. The fabric will spot easily. I spotted him in the crowd.on the spot 立即, 当场 The doctor was on the spot a few minutes after theAccident7. seek

12、 vi.寻找; 探寻 We sought long and hard but found no answer.我们作了长期的艰苦探索, 但没有找到答案。The police are still seeking the men involved in last weeks robbery.警察仍在寻找跟上星期的抢劫案有牵连的人。vi.1.企图; 试图 I sought to change her mind.我试图改变她的心意。 2.找,寻找;探索(+for/after) They are seeking for solutions to the problems.8.amountn.量, 数量,

13、 数额 Large amounts of money were wasted.= A large amount of money was wasted.浪费了大量的钱。.总额, 总数 He owed me 100 but could pay only half that amount.他欠我100英镑, 但是只能偿还总数的一半。vi.合计, 共计 The bill amounts to 500.这张账单共计500美元。点津:a good/large amount of 修饰不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数;good/large amounts of 修饰不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数

14、。归纳拓展:修饰不可数名词的有:a good/large amount ofgood/large amounts ofmucha great deal of 修饰可数名词复数的有:(a good) manya (great/large/small) number of 修饰可数名词或不可数名词的有:a large quantity of large quantities of a lot/lots of plenty of 只修饰单数名词的有:many a more than one9.mannern. 方法;方式;举止;态度(常用单数)Do it in this manner.照这样的方式做

15、。His manner showed his frankness.他的态度说明了他的坦率。She answered in a rude manner.她以一种粗鲁的方式回答。 礼貌;规矩(常用复数)Mind your table manners at the dinner party.在宴会上要注意餐桌上的礼仪。in a manner 以的方式its good/bad manners to do sth. 做是有/没有礼貌的10. take a chance 冒险;碰运气He is taking a chance by driving his car so fast.他冒险把车开得如此之快。L

16、ets take a chance. There may still be some tickets left。让我们碰碰运气,那儿或许还有一些剩余票。by chance 偶然地;意外地by any chance 或许;可能have/get a chance of doing sth 有机会做(The)chance is that/(The) chances are that 可能 forAs for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable and miles from the sea.至于旅馆呢,非常不舒服,而且离海边有好几里地。As for yo

17、ur salary, lets discuss it later.至于你的薪水,我们之后再谈。12. in rags 穿着破衣服,衣衫褴楼 Walking in the street, I often see beggars in rags. 走在街上,我经常看见乞丐穿着破衣服。in在这里表示“穿;戴”,后面接表示衣物、颜色的名词。Thepolicemanwasnot inuniform then.Shedressedhiminhisnewclothes.He is often in black.难句剖析1.He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, al

18、ong the Mississippi River. 他是在密西西比河边密苏里州的汉尼拔大。 bring up 用法归纳: (1)提出 Why did you bring that question up again? 为什么又把那个问题提出来? He brought up another idea at yesterdays meeting. 昨天的会上他又提出了一个想法。 (2)抚养大;教养 Parents should bring up children to be polite. 父母应该教养孩子懂礼貌。 That boy was born in the south but broug

19、ht up in the north. 那个男孩出生在南方,但是在北方长大。 (3)呕吐 If you bring up what you drink, you may feel more comfortable. 如果你把喝的吐出来,你会感觉好些。 He must be ill, he brought up everything. 他一定是病了,他把吃的全吐了。 联想扩展: bring down 击落;降低 bring about 致使 bring along 使发展;领来 bring back 拿回来;使恢复 bring out 出版;生产 bring in 介绍;引进;赚钱 bring

20、on 导致;使成长 即时活用: 1、Although the prices of TV set are _ , he managed to make the manager _ the price of that TV set .A.going up ; bring down B. gone up ; go down C . brought down D. going down ; 2、_ up in the village as a child , Mr Gao offers _ fifty thousand Yuan to the primary school to help build

21、a classroom building .Brought ; to contribute B. Having been brought ;contributingC. Having brought ; D. To be brought ; contributing2、He was best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river. 最使他出名的小说都是以他在密西西比河畔的童年世界作为背景的。 be set in 故事发生在;以为背景 The film was set in the time when Califon

22、ia found gold. 电影以加利福尼亚发现金子为背景。 The story was set in the 17th century. 故事发生在17世纪。 set about 开始;散布 set back 往回拨;推迟 set aside 挑出;不顾;不理会 set apart 使分离;留出 set forth 动身;启程;阐明 set off 动身;出发;引爆 set oneself against 坚决反对 set out 动身;开始;装饰;摆放 set up 开办;建立 set out to do sth 着手做 set about doing sth着手做特别提示:set ou

23、t 和set about 都表示“着手做”。但set out 后跟to do, 而set about后跟doing。即时活用:1、Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up2、Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical.A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up 3、Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the c

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