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1、7. count on “依靠,指望”eg.You can count on me.count in “算入,包括”eg.See how many plates we have , but dont count in the cracked ones.count down “(火箭发射的)倒计时”count out “点数,拳击中判输”eg.He was counted out at the end of the sixth round. stock “库存”eg.He keeps a stock of medicines in the cupboard. store “储存,储备”eg.a

2、store of wood bank “储存所,库” wealth “财富” A wealth of something “大量” Eg.There is a wealth of information . evolve v.进化,演化;产生,想出;发展 Inexhaustible a.无穷尽的,用不完的 Eg.He is a man of inexhaustible energy.Part Grammar and Vocabulary1. “You D borrow my notes provided you take care of them”, I told my

3、uld B.should C.must D.canProvided (that) +从句表示一种假设条件,相当于if.英语中表示“许可建议”,在口语中常用can/may ,而不用could/might. not so much as “与其说不如说” Eg.He is not so much a player as a coach. 与其说他是个队员,不如说他是个教练。 there be 句型在介词for后使用时,用there to be这一结构; 在介词of 后使用时,用there being结构。 Eg.It is uncommon for there to be problems of

4、communication between the old and the young. get round to doing sth “(较重要之事处理完之后)处理某事” Eg.After a long delay , she got round to replying to my e-mail. get away with “逃避责罚” get back at sb. “报复” get back “(一度失去后)恢复力量,东山再起”。 .ratio 作数学术语,多以具体数据体现两个关系平行的事物的数量之比,所涉及的两个比较必须同时出现; Eg.At any rate, the separa

5、tion ratio is accurate. .percentage 多指部分在整体中所占的准确的百分率,百分比,句中已出现X时,就不会再用“percentage”. Eg. As with percents of trend, this measure is also a percentage . 同趋势百分数一样,这个量也是一个百分数。 .proportion 指两个关系平行的事物在大小、数量、程度的方面的比例、比率等,也可指部分在整体中所占的比例,还表示整体中各部分之间协调或和谐的关系,指匀称,平衡。常与“in”连用“in of” “按比例” Eg. Market share a ce

6、rtain proportion. 市场占有一定的比例。 .rate 多指动态的率,比率,速率,多与at 连用,“at the rate of” crude 粗超的 forgery n.伪造品 “拙劣的赝品” turn ones back on “背弃,拒绝帮助别人” exclusive 独有的,独占的,专用的 Eg. You forever all are my exclusive angel! 你永远都是我的专属天使!exclusion n.排除,除去,不包括inclusive 包含的,包括的eg. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive t

7、erm. 因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词。extensive 广泛的,广阔的eg.He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking. aftermath 灾后时期,余波 become “与相称,适宜,适于” eg.This sort of rude behavior in public hardly becomes a person in your position. fit v.适合,合身(尺寸,大小,形状等) eg.That jacket fits well. suit v.相配,合身(尤指服装、颜色等) eg.Blue suits you. Y

8、ou should wear it more often. basics n.基本知识 the basics of French grammar. spectator (到现场观看比赛的)观众 Eg. There is no spectator in life. smack v.咂嘴 smack ones lips (馋得)咂嘴,垂涎三尺 open /part ones lips 张开嘴 expanse 意为“大片的土地,海域,天空” stretch 意为“绵横的,延展的”通常指狭而长的区域。 Eg.We stood still , gazing out over the limitless

9、expanse of the desert. readily ad.容易地,轻易地 Eg. He readily promised to help. 他欣然答应给予帮助。 no more than 同样不 仅仅,只有 not more than 不比更,不如 至多 no less than 与一样,不亚于 竟达至多 not less than 至少,不少于 eg.He is no more than a worker. Hes no more fit to be a minister than a schoolboy would be. Ill stay here not more than

10、3 days. He ate no less than me. A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. Not less than five girls came to the party. Ill stay here not less than 3 days.Part Reading ComprehensionVocabulary superb a.excellent 极好的 Eg. Master Au is also a superb calligraph

11、er and a poet. 欧大师还是一位杰出的书法家和诗人。 conversely ad.相反地 hospitality n.热情好客 Eg. Thank you for your hospitality. 感谢你们的盛情款待。 coupon n.优惠券 Eg. Can I use this coupon? motto n.箴言,座右铭 braid v.编织 Eg. Dont braid fact with fiction.别将事实与虚构混为一谈。 compelling a.引人注目的,令人信服的 Eg. I have no compelling reasons to refuse. 我没

12、有驱使我拒绝的理由。 toll n.代价 take a toll 照成损失或不良的影响 hitch v.系住,套住,钩住 Eg. He hitched his boat to a tree when he landed. Hitchhiker n.免费搭便车旅行的人 wary a.警惕的,小心的 Eg. Our dog is rather wary of strangers. 我家的狗对陌生人很警惕。 calendar n.历法;日历;日程表;记事录 valid a.有理的,有证据的,令人信服的;正当的,有效的 inevitable a.不可避免的 Eg. Technology will be

13、 the inevitable trend. 技术将是必然的趋势.Test for English Majors(2008) substance “物质”,指任何一类固体、液体和气体都可以称为物质。 Object “物体”,强调用一种或多种感言,尤其是指用视觉或触觉可以感觉到的东西。 article “物品,商品” absolute 绝对的 abstract 抽象的 abundant 丰富的,大量的 one time and another 不同时期 precede v.在之前 proceed v.继续前进,前往 process v.加工,冲洗 format n.设计,版式 Eg. For e

14、ach format specific parameters can be set. 对每个格式细节参数能够被设置。 form n.形式 v. eg. Please fill in this form first. 请先把这张表格填一下。 ceremonial occasion“礼仪场合,特殊场合” gathering 聚会parents gathering assembly 聚会eg. Evening session, English assembly, by way of singing and dancing. event 活动eg. We will do in the event be

15、tter. primitive “原始的” Eg. Primitive people live in holes. 原始人过穴居生活。 original “最初的”,指第一个出现的 Eg. Back to the original place. crude “粗糙的”,指质量不好 Eg. In retrospect, of course, these innovations look hopelessly crude. 当然,回想起来,这些玩意儿十分粗糙。 Lump n.困,大堆;肿块,隆突 Eg. In particular lump coal, known. 特别是块煤,远近闻名。 A i

16、s to B what C is to D. A相对于B等同于C相对于D。 Eg.Nine is to three what three is to one. In that “因为,由于” Eg.He didnt attend the negotiation in that he was ill. asas one can “尽可能地” Eg. I finished this task as quick as I could. In his play , Shakespeare D his characters live throgh their language. A.would make

17、 B.had made C.made D.makes 尽管莎翁是已故作家,但这里用一般现在时表示一种生动或真实的叙述。主+谓+倍数(分数)+as+adj+as Eg.I have three times as many as you.我有你三倍那么多。 主+谓+倍数(分数)+the size (amount , length)of Eg.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 主+谓+倍数(分数)+a/ad 比较级+than Eg.The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that o

18、f last yest. by+倍数。表示增加多少倍 Eg.The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. at sea “离开陆地” “忙然” eg.He felt completely at sea in his new school. at home “舒适,无拘束” eg.Jim always lived by a lake , and he is at home in the water. considerate “考虑周到的” Considerable “相当的,可观的,大量的” capital

19、ize Vt.使资本化 capitalize a new bussiness. capitalize Vi. on 利用 capitalize on ones opportunity. repeat some courses 重修一些课程。 come in handy 迟早会有用,派上用场。 Eg. Keep this reference book ; It may come in handy one day. tool 既可指抽象工具 eg.Words are the tools of his trade. 也可指实物 eg.carpenters tool (木匠工具) Instrument

20、特指专业人员如医生、牙医使用的要求极高精度的仪器 set on sth 着于,打定主意做 doing sth eg.Shes absolutely set on publishing as a career. fit on “装上,穿上” decide on sth 决定 to do sth dispose of “处理” trumpet n.喇叭,小号 blow ones own trumpet 自吹自擂 blow ones own horn whistle n.口哨 bugle n.喇叭 flute n.长笛 suspend“暂停,中止”指正式让某事停下,通常是短时间暂停 Eg.The p

21、oliceman was suspended while the complaint was investigated.应该警察遭投诉,在调查期间已令其暂停职务。 discontinue “停下” ,强调结果,不涉及停多久的问题。 Eg.Bus route 51 is being discontinued .51号公交车取消了。 halt “停下” (Vi) Eg.The soldiers halted for a rest. cease “停下”不涉及时间长短。 principal “主要的” Eg.My wages are the principal source of my income

22、. come to ones rescue 解救某人,救助某人 blare v.make a loud noise Eg.The radio is blaring ; turn it off ! cruise v.游览,漫游 picturesque a.如画的 What a village ! hieroglyphics n.象形文字 jovial a.愉快的,高兴的 Eg.I am in a jovial mood today. squeak n.尖叫声,吱吱声 Eg.I heard the squeak of a mouse. detention n.扣留,拘留 ghetto n.少数民族聚居地 integial a.不可分割的 humiliate v.羞耻,丢脸 humiliation (n.) Eg.Enduring the humiliation , he continued to work hard. ordeal n.严峻考验,磨难 scripted a.照原稿宣读的

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