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1、高一英语第三单元测试题及答案doc命题意图:1.语音题,主要考察学生单词的发音,将相近的读音进行区别,情景对话让学生了解英语语境,在语境中掌握英语的许多用法。 2.单项选择题,着重考察动词的用法,固定短语的搭配,3.完形填空,重点考察名词单复数,动词的形式变化,介词的固定搭配,等等。4.阅读理解,考察学生的词汇量,不同句式的不同用法,阅读理解的能力。A篇主要介绍了西安用水的情况,B篇主要是讨论一个人在大工厂工作,却利用休息和午餐时间出去捡废旧罐子,这究竟是为什么呢?C篇D篇介绍了五一假期人们都是怎样度过的,有很多年轻人都在假期选择比较简单的方式度过,为的是避免交通的拥挤。5.单词拼写考察学生对

2、重点单词的识记,以及前后语境的变化,短文改错,考察了动词的单复数形式,固定短语搭配,系动词和实义动词的差别,近义词的不同用法,从句引导词的不同用法,祈使句的用法。6.书面表达,让学生更加熟悉书信的格式,并且学会自己写书信。高一年级英语学科第三单元质量检测试题石油中学 李娟本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。一、语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1.item A.aitm B.itm C.aitem D.item 2.attitude A.titju:d B. t ait u:d C. titju:d

3、 D. taitu:d 3.reliable A. relaibl B.rilaibl C. relieibl D. rilibl4.expression A. i kspren B. ekspren C. ikspren D.ekspren5 schedule A. skedulB. i: dju: lC. skedulD. i: du: l二、情景对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Hello,Lisa,do you like watching TV ?Yes,very much .My mother always says I spend too much time on it.6.

4、we should finish our homework ,and then help our parents with housework.7. but sometimes its too hard for me.I even cant help thinking of those good TV programs when I have to do my homework. Really ? 8. what kind of programs do you like to watch ?9.Movies ? By the way , if you are not busy this wee

5、kend,would you like to go to see a movie in the theatre?Sounds good.10.Do you like Zhen Zidan? Lets go to see his Ye Wen 2.All right. Letmeet at five oclock on Saturday.A.So do you my parents.B.You are keen on TV.C.What shall we see?D.Maybe you are right.E.I really dont like doing housework.F.I like

6、 watching wonderful movies.G.My mother doesnt allow me to watch TV. 三、单项选择(共10题,每题一分,满分10分)11 I have never dreamed of _such a beautiful place in the world. A. there is B. there to be C. there being D. having 12. You cant be _ when you camp _ an high altitude, where the air is thin. A. enough careful

7、; at B. too careful; at C. careful enough; on D. too careful; on13. We have to _ a time to discuss the matter again. A. make B. schedule C. have D. create 14. You have to keep on learning if you want to keep _ with the development of modern science and technology. A. peace B. touch C. pace D. connec

8、t 15. It might be very difficult to find the _ of the information. A. cause B. resource C. source D. course 16. _, you have studied very hard; on the other (hand) you have not learned as much as you need. A. Instead B. On the one hand C. Though D. First of all17. I _ him carefully, because he was so

9、 angry. A. dealt B. did C. handled D. exchanged18. The child should be punished. You shouldnt let him _ telling lies. A. keep away from B. keep away with C. get away from D. get away with19. -_ for Beijing? -Yes, and Ill come back in two months. A. Have you left B. Are you leaving C. Do you leave D.

10、 Did you leave20. E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play21.We look forward to the day when the car will be replaced by some less dangerous _ of transport.A. methods B. means C. manners D. ways22.Please _ me _ you

11、r wife and children.A. remind, to B. remember, of C. remember, to D. remind, of23. .We wont have meat for lunch, well have fish _.A. instead of B. instead C. in place D. in the place24. Is it true that light travels in a straight line and never _ _ it hits something that reflects it. A. turns; until

12、 B. bends; unless C. breaks; when D. changes; until 25. The hunter insisted that he _ a tiger and that a searching team _ to hunt for it.A. has seen; be set up B. had seen; be set up C. saw; would be set up D. should see; should be set up 四、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)The captain of a ship and a mercha

13、nt (商人) were friends. The merchant had a young son, who wanted to be a sailor (水手), so the captain took him for voyages (航海) in his 26 .One day when the captain had come from a 27with a lot of money, the merchant told him that the price of iron(铁) had 28 and suggested that he should buy some with hi

14、s money. “Ill 29it for you in my storehouse 30 you return from your next voyage, and perhaps youll get 31 money.”But while the captain was away, the price of iron went up very 32 , so the merchant sold it and kept the money. When the captain came back, his 33friend told him that he was very sorry an

15、d the rots (老鼠) had 34 all the iron.The captain knew that his friend was 35lies, but he stayed 36_and said, “I knew that you had problems 37rats in your storehouse.”After a few days, the captain started 38 voyage, and when he returned home, he said to the merchant, “Im very sorry, but 39our voyage a

16、 bird came down and carried, your son away.” The merchant was very 40and said, “Birds cannot carry boys!” “And 41 can rats eat iron,” answered the captain. The merchant took the captain to a 42 , who said, “The merchant must 43the captain the money which he got when he 44the iron, and then the capta

17、in must 55the merchants son back to him.” 26. A. car B. cart C. ship D. plane 27. A. voyage B. travelC. business D. visit 28. A. fallen B. changedC. widened D. risen 29. A. keep B. hide C. hold D. put 30. A. when B. since C. after D. until 31. A. many B. moreC. a bit D. less 32. A. slowly B. lowC. l

18、ittle D. high 33. A. dishonestB. honest C. real D. former 34. A.soldB. borrowed C. eaten D. destroyed 35. A. talking B. making C. telling D. saying 36. A. friendly B. calm C. quietD. angry 37. A. about B. inC. on D. with 38. A. another B. next C. the otherD. other 39. A. while B. after C. duringD. b

19、efore 40. A. boring B. puzzled C. angryD. frightened 41. A. yetB. neither C. so D. either 42. A. lawyer B. manager C. childD. judge 43. A. return B. give C. offer D. lend 44. A. kept B. bought C. sold D. stole 45. A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. catch 五、阅读理解:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) AXian, capital of Shaan

20、xi Province, will be supplied with more water this summer. Water from the Shitouhe River, 140 kilometres west of Xian, is planned to flow into the city in early June, adding 350,000 tons of water per day for industrial use. With 200,000 tons of water a day already supplied by the existing project dr

21、awing water from the Heihe River, Xian will get a total of one million tons of water per day this summer, which can basically meet the citys demands.Xian, with a population of more than three million, needs one million tons of water supply a day for industrial and drinking use. However, it is only s

22、upplied with 700,000 tons of water a day at present, 500,000 tons from underground and 200,000 tons from the Heihe River.Last summer, Xian suffered its worst water shortage ever, getting just half the amount it needed. More than 40 large-scale factories had to cut back on water use, and many people

23、had to line up at midnight to get drinking water.Project Heihe started in 1989 and its first stage was completed. It has received I.I billion yuan and still needs another billion to reach its planned supply of 1. 1 million tons of water a day. Combined with the 500,000 tons of underground water the

24、city already gets, Xian will have much more water than it needs. Statistics suggest that industrial and commercial(商业的) companies use more than half of Xians water. So those factories have been asked to take water-saving measures using technology. About three quarters of the water used by them is re

25、used. A citywide movement to save water has also started.46. Xian needs at least_ tons of water per year. A. 127,750,000 B. 200,750,000 C. 365,000,000 D. 255,500,00047. At present, the water Xian needs is from_. A. the Heihe River B. the Shitouhe River C. the Heihe River and underground D. Both A an

26、d B.48. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Part of Project Heihe has been completed. B. Water from the Shitouhe River has already been drawn into Xian. C. It will take another billion yuan to complete Project Heihe. D. About half of the water needed by Xian is from under

27、ground.49. With a large population of more than 3 million, Xian has about half of the water used _.A. for drinking B. by industry C. for farming D. by factories50. This passage is mainly about how to _.A. solve the water shortage problem in Xian B. draw water from the Shitouhe River into Xian C. com

28、plete Project HeiheD. reuse waterBHe worked in a big factory. I had seen him for years but I never paid any attention to him. He was a little bit strange, I think. He always wore an old red hat and he always carried a rubbish bag. He usually spend his break time and his lunchtime walking around in t

29、hat old big factory to collect the unused tins. Whether it is hot or cold, he is always there. Today, I was fixing one of the broken machines in the factory when this “tin man”came with his bag. As usual ,he picked up the tins. The manager was standing there to watch me. He was worried that the broken machine would influence the production in the factory. When I finished my work,I heard my manager asking the “tin man” about what he s going to do with those tins that he has collected. Surprisingly, this “tin man” answered,“I will give these tins to my neighbor. He has been i

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