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1、 -_A.How are you?B.Im fine. Thank you.C.How do you do?D.Nice to meet you.5.- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- _Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it. A.I beg your pardon?B.What do you mean?C.Youre welcome.D.Mm, let me think.D1.- Im s

2、orry I broke your mirror.A.Its OK with me. B.It doesnt matter.C.You are welcome. D.I dont care.2.- Excuse me, how much is the jacket?- Its 499 Yuan. _A.Oh, no. Thats OK!B.How do you like it?C.Which do you prefer?D.Would you like to try it on?3.- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!- _

3、 This is not the end of the world. A.Good luck.B.Cheer up.C.Go ahead.D.No problem.4.- Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest.- _ A.Yes, I beat the others.B.No, no, I didnt do it well.D.Its a pleasure.C5.- Paul, _?- Oh, thats my father!And beside him, my mother.A.what is th

4、e person over thereB.whos talking over thereC.what are they doingD.which is that1.- Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow.- Oh, really? _A.I am sorry.B.Thank you.C.Have a good time.D.Congratulations!2.- Congratulations!3.- Could you help me with my physics, please?A.No, no way.B.No, I

5、couldnD.Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now.4.- Do you mind my smoking here?5.- Please help yourself to the seafood.A.No, I canB.Sorry, I cant help.C.Well, seafood dont suit.D.Well, Im afraid I dont like seafood.2.- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _ A.You may ask fo

6、r help.ll give you a hand.C.Please do me a favor.D.Id come to help.3.- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?4.- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- _Oh yes!5.- Must I take a taxi?- No, you _ . You can take my car.A.had better toB.dontC

7、.must notD.dont have to1.- Sorry Im late. A.You are welcome. B.Its a pleasure. C.Take care. D.Dont worry.3.- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?A.No, I already have plans.d love to, but Im busy tonight.C.No, I really dont like being with you.m ill, so I shouldnt go out.4.- Must

8、 I take a taxi?- No, you _ . You can take my car.5.- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?A.Speaking, please.B.Oh, how are you?C.Im listening.m Don.1.- Thank you very much. A.It doesnt matter. B.Yes, please. C.You are welcome. D.Forget it. 2.-May I see your tickets, please?A.Sure.B.No, you canC.No,

9、they are mine.D.Yes, you can.3.- Hello, Im Harry Potter. - Hello, my name is Charles Green, but my me at me Charles me4.- Could you help me with my physics, please?5.- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?m looking for a shirt fo

10、r my father.A.What size do you wear?B.What can I do for you?C.How about this one?D.What size does your father wear?2.- Please help yourself to the seafood.3.- _ - He teaches physics in a school.A.What does your father do?B.Who is your father?C.What is your father doing?D.Where is your father now?4.-

11、 Hey, Tom, whats up?- _ A.Yes, definitely!B.Oh, not much.C.What is happening in your life?D.You are lucky.5.- Whos speaking?- This is Tom _.A.speaksB.spokenC.speakingD.saying1.- Would you like to have some coffee?A.No, please.B.Yes, I like.C.It is a pleasure.D.No, thank you.2.- Wow! This is a marvel

12、ous room! Ive never known youre so artistic.- _ A.Great, I am very art-conscious.B.Dont mention it.C.Thanks for your compliments.s fine.3.- Thanks for your help. - _A.My pleasure.B.Never mind.C.Quite right.t thank me.4.- Is it possible for you to work late tonight?A.I like it.ll do that.d love to.D.

13、I think so.5.- Do you mind my smoking here?1、- Bring me the bill, please. - _ A:You are welcome. B:Please wait for a moment, sir. C:Ill hurry up. D:Be quick. B2、- Did you win the 100 metre race?- Yes, I did.- Really?- _.CongratulationsBest wishesGood luckRight A3、- Hello, may I talk to the director

14、now?- _Sorry, he is busy at the moment.No, you canSorry, you canI dont know.4、- Could you help me with my physics, please?- _No, no way.No, I couldnNo, I canSorry I can D5、- Must I take a taxi?- No, you _ . You can take my car.had better todonmust not1.- May I take your order now?A.No, Im in trouble now. B.Yes, we take orders.C.Yes, Id like a dish of chicken.D.No, I dont have an order.2.- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?3.- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.5.- Excuse me, how much is the jacket?

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