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五年级英语上册The first period第一课时Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、能够听、说、读、写五个家居物品类的单词和词组“bike, clock, photo, water bottle, plant”能够听、说、读、写五个表示相对位置关系的介词和介词词组“beside, between, behind, above, in front of”能够正确使用上述有关家居物品和相对位置关系的单词和词组,并能简单介绍自己的房间语音能够掌握字母组合ai/ay在单词中的常见发音/e/能够读出符合ai/ay发音规则的单词,并根据ai/ay的发音规则拼写单词能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范情感态度文化意识学习策略目标:能够养成及时整理个人物品的习惯提倡垃圾分类,增强环保

2、意识能够在教师的帮助下总结there be 结构与名词单复数的搭配规律,并能正确运用这一结构能够根据ai/ay的发音规则拼读、拼写单词课时安排第一课时: Part A Lets try & Lets talk第二课时: Part A Lets learn & Lets play第三课时: Part A Lets spell第四课时: Part B Lets try &第五课时: Part B Lets learn & Find and say第六课时: Part B Read and write & Lets check & Lets wrap it upThe first period(第一

3、课时) Lets talk 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Lets try学生能够通过观察Lets try板块的图片,对听力部分的重点内容进行预测学生能够借助图片听懂简短对话,抓住关键信息,提高听的能力,并完成本部分的听力任务学生能够通过听的过程完成对新句型的初步感知,为Lets talk板块的学习做好铺垫Lets talk学生能够理解对话大意学生能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话并进行角色扮演学生能在情境中运用句型“There is”描述某处有某物学生能够在语境中理解“photo”的意思,并能正确发音教学重点1学生能够理解和掌握本课重点单词和句型。2学生能够在情境中运用句型“Th

4、ere is”描述某处有某物。教学难点学生能够在情境中运用句型“There is”描述某处有某物。教学准备1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2.PPT课件课文录音视频、头饰、学生自画的房间图等。Teaching purpose用歌曲激发学生的兴趣,用谈话的方式复习旧知,为新知的学习做好铺垫。教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Sing the songWhat can you do?Play the cartoon of the song. (出示课件) Let students enjo

5、y the song and try to sing it.3. Lead-in.Help students review the key contents of the last unit by asking students what they can do.T: You are helpful. And can you play computer games?Ss: Yes, I can./No, I cant.Step 2: Presentation1. Lets try.该过程训练学生的观察、思维及听力能力。在让学生完成听力任务的同时,自然地引出新句型,并让学生有效地感知新句型。(1

6、)Look at the pictures and talk about it. Sarah and Mike can play computer games, too. Now they are in Zhang Pengs bedroom. Open your books and observe the two pictures. Whats the difference between the two pictures? (a mouse, a TV remote control ) Students can say out the difference in Chinese. What

7、 are they? Ss: A TV set and a computer. So what is in the room? Can you predict? (2)Finish the exercise of “Lets try”. Whos right? Lets listen to the recording and tick the answer.The teacher plays the recording. And students listen and tick. Then check the answer together. (出示课件) So we can say “The

8、re is a computer in Zhang Pengs bedroom.”Write down “There is” on the blackboard. Teach students to say the sentence. Let them pay attention to the pronunciation of “there” and practice the word one by one.设计丰富多彩的活动,让学生既整体感知文本,又关注文本的细节,加深对文本的理解,并有意识地学习目标句型。2. Lets talk.(1)Look and predict. Show the

9、picture of “Lets talk” on page 48 to students on the PPT. (出示课件) Let students look at the picture carefully. Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogue. Whats this? A bedroom or a classroom? A bedroom. So whats the dialogue about? Its about the bedroom. Great! The bedro

10、om is Zhang Pengs. Zhang Pengs bedroom is really nice. Lets go to see.(2)Learn the new words and sentence pattern.(课件出示:Lets talk的整张图片,然后四周变暗,重点聚焦在bed上) What can you see in Zhang Pengs room? A bed. Right! There is a big bed.Write down the sentence on the blackboard. Lead students to read it several

11、times.Lets talk的整张图片,然后四周变暗,重点聚焦在photo上) Who is he? Zhang Peng. Yes. Its Zhang Pengs photo. Teach the word “photo” several times. Ask students to pay attention to the sound of the letter“o”. Then show some photos of students. Lead students to practice like these: S1s photo, S2s photo Ask students to

12、 imitate the sentence “There is a big bed.” to say a sentence. Good job! We can say “There is a photo in the room.”Point to the photo. Look at the photo. Zhang Peng can do kung fu. Is Zhang Peng cool? Yes! T: Can you do kung fu like Zhang Peng?Ask a student to do the action. (with a thumb up) Wow! Y

13、ou look cool!Ask all the students to say the sentence with their thumbs up. The photo is very nice. There is a nice photo in the room.Lead students to consolidate the sentences: There is a big bed. There is a nice photo, too.Write down the sentence “There is a nice photo, too.” on the blackboard. Le

14、ad students to read it several times.(3)Watch and judge.Show some sentences on the PPT. Let students watch the cartoon and then underline the key information in the dialogue and judge the sentences.(4)Talk about the picture.Show the picture of “Lets talk”on page 48 on the PPT again. (出示课件)Say more s

15、entences with “There is” Can you say any more sentences about the room? S1: There is a desk.S2: There is a chair. S3: There isHelp students say and know the new words about the picture: clock, bike, water bottle and plant.Express the places with the prepositions “in/on”.Make a model: There is a comp

16、uter on the desk. There is a bed in the room.通过不同形式的朗读训练,确保学生能用正确的语音、语调和意群流利地朗读对话,锻炼学生的语言表达能力,进一步强化学生对文本的理解。Show the sentence pattern “There isin/on/” on the PPT for students to imitate. (出示课件) After practicing, ask some students to show in class.S1: There is a clock on the wall. S2: There is a bike

17、 in the room.(5)Read and act.The teacher plays the recording. (出示课件) Students read after it. Try to imitate the intonation and the pronunciation. Then students read together. At last students read freely.Students read the dialogue in pairs. Then the teacher takes out some headwears and asks some stu

18、dents to act out the dialogue.Students choose the best performers. The teacher gives awards.提供语言支架复述文本,降低难度,加深对文本的记忆,提高学生的逻辑思维能力。通过学科整合进行拓展、创编对话,增强小组合作意识,让学生学以致用,提升学生的语言综合运用能力。Step 3: Practice1. Retell and dub the dialogue.(1)Retell the dialogue.Show some information of the dialogue on the PPT. (出示课

19、件) Ask students to retell the dialogue according to the information.(2)Dub the dialogue.Play the cartoon without voice and subtitles. (出示课件) Ask students to dub the cartoon. Choose the best dubber.2. Make a new dialogue.(1)Pair work.Ask students to take out the pictures of their rooms drawn before c

20、lass. Let them imitate the text and make a dialogue with their partners.Make a model with a student. Look! This is my room. S1: Wow! Its really nice. Thanks. There is a computer on the desk. And there is a photo on the wall, too. Yes. I like my photo. S1:(2)Show time. Ask some students to show their

21、 dialogues. Encourage more students to participate in the show.Step 4: Consolidation & Extension该活动加强学生对核心句型的理解,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。Describe the picture.(1)Look and say.Show the picture of the second part of “Lets talk” on page 48 on the PPT. (出示课件) What can you see in the picture? A dog, a ball, (2)Descr

22、ibe the picture with “There isin/on/”Make a model first. There is a desk in the picture. There is a plate on the desk.Then students describe the picture by themselves. Pay attention to the pronunciation of “there”. At last, some students show their sentences in class. Maybe these sentences can be ma

23、de:There is a desk/dog/football/computer/plate/banana/in the picture.There is a plate/computer/schoolbag/an English bookon the desk.There is a banana/an apple on the plate.There is a dog/football under the desk.There is a football beside the dog.板书设计作业设计1. Practice the dialogue.2. Do the exercises.

24、(见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业100分或状元作业本对应课时作业)教学反思1. 本节课主要是围绕着对张鹏房间的描述所展开的一段对话,是一节会话课。2. 教学中通过复习上一单元的主要内容导入新知,让学生感知核心句型,并通过层层递进的操练活动强化学生对核心句型的理解和掌握。3. 通过听、读、演、编等方式加深学生对文本的理解和记忆。4. 不同形式的朗读及角色扮演,培养了学生用正确的意群、语音、语调流利地朗读对话的口语能力,并让学生在具体的语境中落实了核心句型的运用。同时也突出了语言的语用功能,通过学科整合进行拓展,让学生学以致用,提升学生的语言综合运用能力。5. 板书简洁清晰,重点突出,一目了然。

25、Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Be able to predict the main content of the listening part by observing the pictures.Be able to understand the brief dialogue, grasp the key information and improve listening abilities by observing the pictures and finish the listening task. Be able to perceive the k

26、ey sentence pattern in the process of listening and prepare for the learning of“Lets talk”.Lets playBe able to understand the main idea of the dialogue. Be able to read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation, intonation and meaning group and act it out.Be able to use the key sentence pattern to

27、 describe the position of the object in context properly.Be able to understand the word “photo” in context and read it correctly.Teaching PrioritiesBe able to understand and master the key words and sentence pattern of this lesson.Teaching DifficultiesTeaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s Acti

28、vitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up &RevisionLead-inAsk some questions.2. Enjoy the song and try to sing it.3. Answer the questions.Activate students interest. Review the knowledge that students have learned before. Lead in the new lesson.Presentation(1)Look at the pictures and talk about i

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