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1、句子式提纲修改版第一篇:句子式提纲Title: The womens status in The Joy Luck Club Thesis: Most of the female characters in The Joy Luck Club struggle with oppressive societal structures, often in the form of patriarchy and attendant sexism. But in America as well, the women characters fall victim to sexism structures.

2、 Many of the characters respond to this suppression simply by becoming passive, silent, and indecisive. Outline Introduction of the author Amy Tan and her book The Joy Luck Club. A. Amy Tan and her literature position B. A brief introduction of her work The Joy Luck Club The oppression of women in o

3、ld China A. There were Three Obedience and Four Virtues in old China. B. Grandmothers and mothers in The Joy Luck Club are suppressed under the patriarchy China 1. An-meis mother is raped by Wuqing. 2. Lindo is forced to accept the arranged marriage. 3. Ying-ying is taught not to ask but listen. 4.

4、An-mei swallows her tears and conceals her pain. Joy Luck Club daughters are brave enough to speech out their thoughts in America, thus having conflicts with their mothers. A. Waverly doesnt want her mother to show off her talent in playing chess and has conflicts with her. B. Lena cant understand h

5、er mother in her youth, which is marked by silence and C. avoidance of conflicts. Rose Hsu displayed a certain strength, illustrated by her insistence on marrying her husband, Ted, despite her mothers objection and her mother-in-laws poorly concealed racism. Jing-Mei quarrels with her mother in prac

6、ticing piano. D. In America, the daughters also encounter sexism as they grow up. A. Chinatown in America: Waverly experiences resistance when she asks to play chess with the old man in the park in Chinatown. B. American society 1. Sexual Discrimination: Roses passivity with Ted is based on the ster

7、eotypical gender roles of a proactive, heroic male and a submissive, victimized female. 2. Racial Discrimination: When heard Ted is falling in love with Rose, Teds mother refers to the people in Vietnam Conclusion: Women, as a powerless group were suppressed under the patriarchy China. However, when

8、 they immigrate to America, which is considered to be a right-free country, the situation has not changed much for those Chinese-Americans. Because of the racial discrimination in the American society and patriarchy Chinatown in America, they can not get rid of their low status compared with men. 第二

9、篇:提纲式教案案例. 一、 通过电影空军一号片段与淘金记导入新课。 1. 进行有声电影与无声电影的对比。 2. 介绍电影音响的三种形态台词、自然音响、电影音乐。 3. 通过启发、提问的形式引出电影音乐的概念。 二、 电影音乐的艺术形态分类 1. 欣赏翠堤春晓片段与泰坦尼克号片段。 2. 通过两个片段的比较,启发学生区分电影音乐的两种形态,即画内音乐、画外音乐,同时注意引导学生该收音乐的感染力。 三、 结合电影片段,介绍电影音乐的三个主要功能 1. 欣赏淮海战役片段、音乐之声片段、红高粱片段。 2. 通过提问的方式,引导学生归纳、总结电影音乐有哪些功能。(烘托背景、气氛作用,展示地域、民族特色)

10、。 3. 结合电影片段,使学生的认识上升到理论的高度,加深印象,巩固所学知识,同时对所听到的音乐产生共鸣。 四、 引导学生根据故事情节发挥想象 1. 为苏格兰民歌友谊天长地久设计故事情节、画面。 2. 欣赏魂断蓝桥片段。 第三篇:英语句子复习提纲英语句子复习提纲1. Her time is fully taken up with drawing.她的时间被绘画给占了。2. I found it difficult to understand him.我觉得很难理解他。3. We found him to be dishonest.我们认为他不诚实。4. This toy is not suit

11、able for young children.这个玩具笔试和小孩玩。5. I expect (that) hell pass the examination.我估计他会考及格。6. I cant keep up with all the changes in computer techndogy.计算机技术的各种改进有些我已经跟不上了。7. Whatever happens, I will go. = No matter what happens, I will go.无论如何我都会去。8. The plans have been under discussion for a year no

12、w, but no decision has been reached.那些计划讨论了一年了,还是没有结果。9. I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我更想喝冷饮而不想喝咖啡。10. Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.等一下,让我喘口气。11. He let her go.(非强迫性)他让她走了。类似:He had her go. / He got her to go. / He made her go. (强迫性)12. The restaurant is open every

13、 day except Monday.这家饭店除星期一外,每天都营业。13. I can answer all the questions except for the last one.所有的题我都会答,只是最后一题不会。14. Besides milk and bread, we need vegetables.除了牛奶和面包外,我们还需要蔬菜。15. Ill make arrangements for you to be met at the airport.我将安排到机场接你的事。16. We heard it from the radio.我们从无线电广播中听到了此事。17. Can

14、 you find out what time the train leaves?你能查问出火车什么时候开吗?18. He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out.他一直欺骗税务局,但多年之后才被查出。19. He lives on (the) camps.他在学校里住。20. He waits for an opportunity to take action.他伺机而动。21. No one discovers a rarity by chance.侥幸发现一件珍品的人是没有的。22. Wh

15、en the star was ill, the understudy finally got her first break.当明星生病了,这个替补总算得到了第一次大好机会。23. She looked all over for the lost book.她到处找那本丢了的书。24. The subject camp up in conversation.这个问题是在讨论中提到的。25. The lecture made me sleepy.这个讲座使我昏昏欲睡。26. The news made me disappointed.这个消息使我大为沮丧。27. They make him h

16、eadmaster.他们使他当上了校长。28. I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.我爱喝黑咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。29. Some people came by cars, other came on foot.有些人是坐汽车来的,其他人是走着来的。30. I went swimming while the others played tennis.我去游泳,其余的人都打网球去了。31. To some extent you are correct.在某种程度上你是正确的。32. I spent a lot of time o

17、n the project.我花了很多时间进行这个项目。33. He speaks more and more openly about his family.他越来越公开地谈论他的家庭。34. I really like English.我的确喜欢英语。35. We have really been to Paris.我们确实去过巴黎。36. Theres nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。37. We should study hard and make progress everyday.我们应该好好学习,天天向上。38. She is by no means

18、 poor: in fact, shes quite rich.她可不穷,其实她很阔。39. Can I see it? By all means.我可以看看吗?当然可以。40. I lift the load by means of a crane.我用起重机把重物吊起。41. Ill think about it and let you know tomorrow.我要把这事仔细想想,明天再给你回话.42. Shes thinking about changing her job.她正考虑换个工作。43. Theres something wrong with his eyes.他的眼睛有

19、毛病。44. Please call me up this evening.请今晚给我打电话。45. The happy laughter called up memories of his childhood.这欢笑声使他回忆起童年时代的情景。46. He asked me to help him.他求我助他一臂之力。47. I asked him where he lived.我问他住在哪里。48. I asked Tom for some help.我请求汤姆的帮助。49. I listened to the tape carefully but heard nothing.我仔细地听了

20、磁带,但什么也听不到。50. Hes not in the habit of drinking a lot.他不习惯于多喝酒。51. Ive got into the habit of switching on TV as soon as I get home.我已养成一到家就打开电视机的习惯。52. Both books / Both the books / Both these books are expensive.这两本书都很贵。53. He is blind in both eyes.他双目失明。54. She went to school / university / colleg

21、e in York.她在约克上学。55. Hes coming out of hospital on Friday.他星期五要出院了。56. We went to the school to discuss our daughters progress.我们去学校谈谈女儿的进步情况。57. I saw her coming out of the hospital.我看见她从医院里出来。58. Im not going. To begin with I havent a ticket, and secondly I dont like the play.我不去。一来我没票,二来我不喜欢这出戏。5

22、9. To begin with he had no money, but later he became quite rich.他起初没钱,可是后来相当富有了。60. Have a look at this picture.看看这张照片。61. Every other girl except me is wearing jeans.除了我以外,其他姑娘都穿牛仔裤。62. They visit us every other week.他隔周到我们这儿来。63. He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他既种菜也种花。64. She is a talente

23、d musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。65. His interests ranged from chess to swimming.他的爱好从下国际象棋到游泳,范围很广。66. We depend on the radio for news.我们靠收音机听新闻。67. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.儿童靠父母供给衣食。68. She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to

24、concentrate.他病了,然而他照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。69. Although / Though / Even though we all tried our best, we lost the game.虽然我们已尽了最大的努力,但还是输了。70. We all tried our best. However, we lost the game.我们输了,然而我们尽了最大的努力。71. We all tried our best. We lost the game, though/however.我们都已尽了最大努力,不过我们还是输了。72. Her appointment

25、 was a significant, (al) though temporary success.他受聘虽说是临时性的,但却是一大成功。73. He performed the task well, (al) though slowly.他把任务完成得很好,只是有些慢。74. The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.婴儿被弃于风雨中75. The cure for stress lies in learning to relax.消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。76. We have a series of good harvests.我们获

26、得了接连的丰收。77. All pilots are responsible for their passengers safety.所有飞机驾驶员均应对乘客的安全负责。78. The teacher liberated the students from the burden of study.老师将学生从学习负担中解放出来。79. This pass enable me to travel half-price on trains.我用这张通行证坐火车能半价。80. He devoted all his efforts to his task.他全力以赴地工作。81. You will f

27、ind several shops in the neighborhood.你会在附近找到几家商店。82. He paid in the neighborhood of $5000 for the computer.这台电脑他付了约5000美元。83. I thought Id drop in on you while I was passing.我曾想路过时就来看看你。84. Sorry were late -we dropped into a pub on the way.对不起我们迟到了我们中途到酒馆去了。84. Come and stay with us soon.快来我们这里住些日子

28、吧。85. Im hoping to go and stay with my cousin Tom over Christmas.我希望到我表哥汤姆那儿去过圣诞节。86. A representative of the company will call on you to assess the damage.公司的代表将前往贵处评估受损的状况。87. We could call in on Patrick on the way to your mothers.我们到你母亲家去,不妨顺路到帕里克家串个门儿。88. What time do you begin/star work in the

29、morning?你上午几点钟开始工作?89. If we want to get there tonight, we should start (be set off)now.假设我们想今天晚上到那里,现在就得动身。90. The car wont start.这辆汽车发动不起来。91. She majored in Chinese (at university).她(在大学)主修中文。92. In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天树叶由绿变黄。93. She had to work her way through law scho

30、ol.她须半工半读学习法律。94. The board are still working their way through the application forms.委员会仍在审阅全部申请表。95. He checked a book out of/checked out a book from the library.他从图书馆借出了一本书。96. I can take up to four people in my car.我的汽车最多能坐四个人。97. He obtained 81 marks out of a maximum of 100.满分为100分他得了81分 。98. Y

31、ou must get a minimum of 40 questions right to pass the examination.你必须最少答对40道题才能通过考试。99. First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh.最初她只是微笑,后来才放声大笑。100. Can you provide accommodation for thirty people?你能为三十人提供住宿吗?101. Let us hope his research will provide us with the evidence we need.但愿他作的研究能提供我们所需要的证据。102. I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home.不论你来还是留在家中,我都要去。103. He asked whether/if we wanted a drink.他问我们是否要喝点东西。104. Im

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