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1、研究生基础综合英语期末复习【词汇题】Unit 11.this research seems to lend some validity (有力的)to the theory that the durg might cause a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impdiment (障碍)to progress.3.Anthea was about to play her trump card(王牌): without her signature none of the money c

2、ould be released.4.I flunked (挂科)my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college5.I didnt want to lose my composure (镇静)in front of her.6.the management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority(优先)7.for three hours a committee of state senators listened to a parade

3、(一系列)of local residents giving their opinions8.thousands of lives will be at stake (在危机关头)if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.9.brierleys book has the merit (优点)of being both informative and readable10.I think there was a conspiracy (阴谋)to keep me out of the committee.Unit is no

4、t easy for Chinese people to respond properly to others compliments and equally difficult for them to accept criticisms gracefully.(优雅)12.we should be truly thankful to Mr. Deng Xiaoping for taking the plunge (做一个决定)and initiating the economic reform in china.13.Unfortunately, television studios are

5、 strangely designed and dressing-rooms are often miles away from the studio, so we had to find a place where she and her entourage (随从人员)could relax in comfort without the need to climb stairs.14.what is the use of whining about (发牢骚)your bad luck? It is more important to find the real cause of your

6、 misfortune.15.the rising real estate prices thwarted (阻碍)his ambition of owning a houses of his own in the big city. Disappointed, he returned to his hometown.16.the old woman sat silently beside her collapsed hous, her eyes brimming with (充满)tears and hatred.17.he writes clearly and lightheartedly

7、 about the 100 best rivers and gives his expert advice on how to navigate (航行)their reaches.18.outside the forest the snow was already six inches deep and growing steadily, relentlessly (无情地,残忍地)deeper.19.there is no doubt that his duty extends to informing his patient, if asked, of the nature of hi

8、s illness and its likely prognosis.(预测,诊断)20.those who are climbing the career ladder fast may use alcohol as a booster to help them to achieve, and those who recognize that they have failed to reach the top may also turn to alcohol, in an attempt to bolster (支持,提升)their failing self-image.21.a typi

9、cally Chinese countryside house is one whose eaves protrude (伸出,突出)over the wall.22.the ship came back from the region that had just been attacked by a strange disease. Thus the health officials placed all its crew in quarantine.(检疫)Unit 323.given the sophistication (成熟)of modern machines, there is

10、little that require manual labor.24.after the police released their report, john was exonerated (开脱)from all responsibility for the accident.25.the world constructed by online games seems to many youngsters a reasonable surrogate (代理)for “real life”, although what they see is not real in the least.2

11、 a speech at the Congress, the president extolled (赞美)the virtues of free enterprise and expressed his distaste for the blatant hegemony in IT industry.27.he soon became notorious because he enjoyed deriving perverse (倒行逆施)satisfaction from embarrassing people.28.I endorse (赞同,支持,认可签署)everything

12、 that has been said from both sides of the House in support and admiration of him and of the courage and fortitude that he and his family have displayed.29.the opposition members of the parliament derided(嘲笑,嘲讽) the Governments response to the crisis.30.the poor woman was defrauded(骗取)of her money b

13、y a dishonest accountant.31.the other guests were stunned into silence as he began swinging into the gaggle (一群)of giggling photographers and kicking at them frantically.32.back to the US, the sly businessman was faced with racketeering (敲诈勒索)charges that may send him to life imprisonment.Unit 433.i

14、t is certainly undemocratic, and many people are beginning to feel that it border on (相当于)the unconstitutional.34.traditionally, organizations are constructed pyramidally, with a hierarchy (阶级资料)most powerful at the top and progressively less so as the pyramid spreads downwards35.“No theory explains

15、 everything,” she remarks. “Yet it is just the desire to explain everything which is the spur (刺激,激励)of theory.”36.the archaeologist in the film knew that there was a curse (祸因,诅咒)upon anyone who entered the pyramid.37.I have always believed tourism has an important part to play in the spreading of

16、understanding between countries, as well as being a catalyst(促进)for economic development.38.her body looked diminished, almost shiveled,(枯萎)in the huge chair, and her hands on the arms began very gently to shake.39.the talks will not be easy and the fundamental differences between the parties remain

17、 as potentially irreconcilable (不可调和的)as ever.40.a real love song is infinitely more appropriate for christmas than a trashy song cooked up(编造)as a commercial gimmick.41.a local builder offered to knock down the remains of the house in exchange for the materials he could salvage.(抢救)42.edward now wo

18、re the manic look of some animal transferred into the wrong environment, as though he might run amok(四处狂奔),or bite.43.Alan attempted to read every press clipping, interview anyone who ever knew the movie star, and cobble together(拼凑)a book out of it.44.some sociologists tend to bemoan (哀悼)the loss o

19、f community in the face of modern urbanism; there is a wistful longing for the past in their analysis of the modern world.Unit 545.“you just cant escape the fact (忽略事实)that were in a transformational period,” Cole said. “the old way is not survivable. Investors, mangers and laborers all have accepte

20、d that big things have to be done.”46.I think youve just put your finger on (指出)the biggest problem facing the Conservative party in this election47.the great conundrum (谜)of my life is that my public career continues to flourish and expand even at a time when the muic I love, the music I write, the

21、 music I champion, the music on which I am the worlds leading expert, is utterly out of fashion in every segment of musical society.48.Flummoxed (使胡乱)by the surreality of history and the mind-boggling changes unleased in the 60s, many writers in that era became minimalists, withdrawing, turtlelike,

22、inside their own homes and heads.49.Hannah Arendts clear message is directed at the citizens of democratic societies that the raison detre (存在的理由)of politics is freedom.50.According to a survey of college graduates recently released by the gobernments Council of Labor Affairs(CLA), the average start

23、ing monthly salary for college graduates in 2006 decreased, which reveals stagnation (停滞)in economy.51.Financial incentives(鼓励机制)are said to exist where an agent can expect some form of material rewardespecially moneyin exchange for acting in a particular way.52.Girls form dalit families, the lowest

24、 in the caste hierarchy in India have the yearning (渴望)for formal school education.53.the heated argument is getting out of control. And it must be admitted that Challenger is provocative (积极的)in the last degree, but Summerless has an acid tongue, which makes matters worse.54.Malaise (不舒服,不适)is a fe

25、eling of general discomfort or uneasiness, an “out of sorts” feeling, often the first indication of an infection or other disease.【翻译句子】Unit11.Ouryoungest,aword-classcharmer,didlittletodevelophisintellectualtalentsbutalwaysgotbyUntilMrs.Stifer.我们的小儿子是个世界级的万人迷,学习不怎么动脑筋,但是总是能蒙混过关,直到Mrs.Stifer成为他的老师,这种



28、hismeansnomoredoingScottsassignmentsforhimbecausehemightfail.NomorepassingJodi becauseshessuchanicekid.这意味着再也不要因为担心斯科特会不及格而替他做作业,再也不要因为朱迪是个乖孩子而放她过关.Unit21.IhadalwaysdreamedofbeingproposedtoinaParisiancafe,underdazzlingstars,liketheoneinaVanGoghknockoffthathangsinmystudioapartment.Instead,myboyfriend

29、askedmetomarryhimwhileIwasWindexingthebathroommirror.我一直有这样的梦想,星光灿烂的晚上,在一家巴黎咖啡馆就像梵高所画的“一夜的咖啡馆”我的工作室墙上就有一幅此画的翻本 然而我男朋友却在我用的“稳得新”擦洗卫生间镜子的时候叫我嫁给他。2.ButthemoretimeandeffortIputin themore theuniverse tried tothwartme.TheGreekbandfromLosAngelesthatIwantedwasntavailable.ThestitchingIhadrequested formycathe



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