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1、 Thanks, you are so kind. but there is someone in my seat. Look!谢谢您的帮助,但是已经有人坐在我的座位上了,看。Sorry to trouble you. Im afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle. Please change your seat.恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。请换下座位。旅客B: oh, Im so sorry. I will change at once.对不起,我马上

2、换座位。列车长:Dear passengers, welcome to take T12train, the train is from Haerbin to Shenyang. During the trip, if you have some trouble, please connect with the staff or the chief or the police on the train, we will try our best to help you. The train is equiped with air-condition and the windows are in

3、tact, so smoking is not allowed in the car. If you want to smoke, please do it at the connection of cars. I am the conductor XXX of this train, I am appreciated of your understanding and support on behalf of our group. 旅客们,大家好,欢迎乘座T12次列车,本列车是由哈尔滨开往沈阳。 在旅途中,如果您有困难的话,请与乘务员或列车长或乘警联系,我们将尽最大力来帮助您。 由于列车是空

4、调车,窗户为全封闭的,所以车内禁止吸烟。 如果您实在想吸烟,请到列车车厢的连接处吸烟。我是本次列车的列车长, 对于您对我们工作的理解的支持,我代表本次乘务组向您表示感谢。场景2: 3车厢 (旅客问路) Can I buy food on the train?我可以在火车上买食物吗? Yes, a crew member will come by with food to sell.是的,乘务员从你身边经过卖东西。 Can you show me where the buffet car is please?你能告诉我餐车在哪吗? Yes, there is a restaurant carri

5、age by soft sleeper carriage.Go straight ,you will take it.是的,有餐车,在软卧车厢旁边。(空几秒钟) Please,Help us to keep the train clean.请协助我们,保持火车清洁卫生。Luggage must not be put in the gateway. 行李不准放到过道上。Please keep gateways clear. 请保持过道畅通。场景3:3车厢 (检票)Welcome to our train. Now please show your ticket, its the time to

6、check ticket. Passengers without buying tickets, please go to NO.XX car and make up the ticket.因时间紧没有买票的旅客,请到XX号车厢办理补票手续。(停几秒钟,看旅客车票)Whats your nationality?请问您的国籍?旅客C:America.May I know your name? 请问您的姓名? John.Spell your name please!麻烦您拼写下您的名字!旅客C:J-O-H-N, John.Ticket, please. Have your ticket back.

7、您的票!请把票拿好。场景4: 3车厢 (晚点)列车员B:This is a temporary stop.现在是临时停车。How long shall we stop here, please?请问在这停车多久?It stays for about 15 minutes.停车大约15分。So the train is now 15 minutes late?所以列车现在晚点15分钟?Please dont worry,the train will arrive on schedule.请别着急,列车将正点到达。场景5:3车厢 (丢东西)旅客A: Excuse me? My wallet has

8、 lost. Please help me !打扰一下?我的钱包丢了,请帮帮忙。Take easy, relax! Please speak slowly. What have you got inside?放松,说慢点,里面有什么东西?there is some cash, but my identity card is very important for me and there is a photo of my son.有一些现金,最重要的是我的身份证和我儿子的照片。、Dont worry. Well try to find it for you.请不要着急,我们设法帮你找。well

9、manage to give it back to you if we find it.请放心,如果我们找到了,我们设法转交给你。Well keep you informed.我们将随时通知您。I have got a but I dont know whether it is yours?我刚拾到,不知道是不是你的?Please take care of your valuables.请保管好贵重物品!thanks.场景6:3车厢 (找医生)旅客B :Is there any doctor in the train?车上有医生吗?列车员A:There is a hospital at the

10、 next station, will you get off the train there? 下一站有个医院,您要不要再那里下车?no, I have something important to do ,so must be quick to arrive Shenyang.不,我有重要的事情要赶时间,所以希望能快点到沈阳。,let me try ,I will tell it to our chief-conductor, and he will broadcast through all the train. If someone is a doctor, he will help

11、you.让我试试吧,我会将您的情况上报车长,他将会在火车上广播,如果有人是医生,他会来帮助您的。Thanks very much.万分感谢。The destination will be reached in about ten minutes. 还有大约10分钟到达终点站 Attention, please. The next station is Shenyang.请大家注意,下一张是沈阳。Passengers for Shenyang station, please get ready.到沈阳的乘客请做好下车准备。 Please take your belongings with you

12、.请带好自己的行李物品。We are looking forward to having you here again.我们期待着您下次乘车。Enjoy your stay in Shenyang.祝您在沈阳愉快!铁路服务英语 情景对话 (拟提列车长班)9车厢 (找卧铺) This is carriage nine. Let me help you (帮助提行李上车)这是9车厢,我帮您吧。 Excuse me, can you help me find my berth?打扰一下,您能帮我找下我的铺位吗? Please show me your ticket, it says which be

13、rth is yours . Oh,your berth number is 17 upper ,follow me ,please.(引领) This upper berth is yours.请出示下您的车票,那上面有您的铺位号码,您的铺位号是17上铺,请跟我来,就是这个上铺。 Thanks, you are so kind. but there is someone on my berth. Look!谢谢您的帮助,但是已经有人在我的铺位上了,看。m afraid you are in the wrong berth . Please change your seat.恐怕您走错铺位了,

14、麻烦换下铺位。 what? is it true? Im so sorry. I will change at once. But I want to change a lower berth ,would you help me ?什么?是吗?对不起,我马上换.可是我想换一张下铺的票,您能帮我吗? You can have a change, but you have to pay the balance.您可以调换一下,不过您要补票价差。(换铺)Well manage to change the berth for you ,if someone gets off the train on

15、 the way.如果中途有人下车,我们就个给您调换个座位。But I see there is an empty berth over there. Sorry, this berth is reserved. Somebody will get on board the train halfway.对不起,这个卧铺是预留的,中途有人上车。Sorry. 9车厢 (餐车服务) Yes, there is a restaurant carriage by soft sleeper carriage.Go straight ,you will take it. Our restaurant ope

16、ns at 6:00 pm for supper.餐车下午6点开始供应晚餐。(餐车)Good evening. Welcome to our dining car. 晚上好。欢迎就餐。For how many? 您几位?A table for four. 四位。This way, please. 您这边请。Here is the menu. 给您菜单。What would you like to have?您想吃点什么?Anything to drink?您喝点什么?We have cola, orange juice, green tea, and coffee, which one do

17、you prefer?我们有橘子汁、绿茶、咖啡,您喜欢哪一种? four green tea,please. and four bowls of rice, and some vegetables,please.四瓶绿茶,四碗饭,再来些蔬菜,谢谢。Wait a moment ,please.9车厢 (检票)Welcome to our train. Now please show your ticket, its the time to check ticket. Passengers without buying tickets, please go to NO 11 car and mak

18、e up the ticket.因时间紧没有买票的旅客,请到11号车厢办理补票手续。 Ill be keeping the berth ticket for you, Heres your ticket check. Youll have your ticket back before we arrive.我替你保管车票。这是您的换票证。下车前我会把票还给您的。 9车厢 (临时停车)9车厢 (找厕所) Where is the washroom?打扰一下,哪里有洗手间? There is a washroom at the end of each carriage.在每节车厢的末端都有洗漱间。

19、Why is the toilet locked? 厕所的门为什么锁上了?The toilet is always locked when the train is at the station. When the train begins moving again we will unlock it.火车进站后经常要锁上厕所的,火车重新开动后,我们就开门。The toilets are available only when the train is travelling. 停车厕所是要锁闭的,请开车后再使用OK.Our train will arrive at Beijing Railwa

20、y Station at 18:27.列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分 Our next stop will be Beijing Station. Please prepare yourself for getting off the train. 下一站将要到达北京站,请您提前做好下车的准备。Here is your ticket.这是您的车票。9车厢 (吸烟)Can I smoke here?我能在这里吸烟吗?No, the smoking section is at the end of the carriage between this carriage and the next.不可以,吸烟区在两节车厢之间。Can I buy cigarettes on the train?我能在火车上买到香烟吗?Great!太好了。请大家注意,下一站是沈阳。

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