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1、2).Leave the windows open to let the room air (通风)a bit.3)We dont want you like (相似的,一类的) around here.4)Well back (支持)his plan if you agree with ours.5)After several days at sea. the sailors finally sighted(见到) land.6)The article makes mention(提到) of a trip she made to Greece.7)I was so worried abou

2、t you that I clean (完全的)forgot to feel sorry for myself.8)The hospital is only 10 minutes drive(驾驶) from the airport.否定式frost defrost 除霜 value devalue 贬值forestation deforestation 砍伐森林colorize decolorize 使漂白accurate inaccurate 不准确的adequate inadequate 不充足的appropriate inappropriate 不恰当的dependent indepe

3、ndent 独立的2,(选择合适单词形式填空) Complete each of the following sentences. Change the form if necessary.1) (equate/equal/equality)a. No one equals Professor Smith as a teacher in experience.b. All people have the right to equality of opportunity.2) (liberate/liberty/liberation)a. Children have a lot more lib

4、erations than they used to.b. She wanted to liberate herself from the kitchen and find a job in a company.3) (distinguish/distinguishing/distinguished)a. These are some features that distinguish spoken English from written English.b. He is not an ordinary man ; he is a distinguished judge.4) (contri

5、bute/contributing/contribution) a. Both the listener and the speaker should make contribution to the smooth development of a conversation.b. A proper amount of excise contributes to good health.5) (attached/attach/attachment)a. Please complete the attached application form.b. She attaches great impo

6、rtance to being financially independent.6) (alive/live/living)a. It isnt a recorded show. Its live.b. It seems like just about every week we hear that the oldest person alive has died.7) (attend/attendance/attendant/attention)a. Well have an attendant with him 24 hours a day to keep an eye on him.b.

7、 Attendance at Chicagos top 10 museums fell for the fourth year in a row(连续的).8) (intend/intent/intention/intentional)a. It is my intention to do better next semester.b. What does your brother intend by his words?9) (laugh/laughter/laughable/laughing)a. Remember that even in the most difficult of ti

8、mes, a laugh or even simply a smile, can go a long way in helping us feel better. Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.b. Did you know that you can significantly improve your health simply by laughing more?10) (confide/confidence/confident/confidential)a. Doctors are required to keep

9、 their patients records confidential.b. He feels confident of passing the examination.11) (cooperate/cooperative/cooperation)a. China will cooperatives with the USA in developing new medicines to prevent AIDS.b. Professor Smith thanked his students for being so cooperative in the past semester.12) (

10、ashamed/sham/shameful/shameless)a. You should be ashamed of your behavior.b. Its a shame you cannot come for dinner.13) (valued/valuable/invaluable/valueless)a. The Internet is a(n) invaled source of information.b. Their advice is very valuable to the freshmen of the university.14) (worthy/ worth) a

11、. He is a worthy opponent although he was defeated in the match.b. They didnt understand the worth of their books until the examination was drawing near.15) (type/.typical/typically)a. It is typical of Nanjing to be extremely hot in summer.b. This is just the type of house I require.c. Typically, he

12、 would come in late and then say he was sorry.16) (profession/professional/professionally)a. Jack is a highly professional dentist who has served in this town for 30 years.b. The teaching profession very demanding and even painstaking but very rewarding.c. Nancy played the piano professionally at th

13、e party last night.17) (capable/capability/incapable)a. He does not have the capability to solve the problem by himself.b. He is hardly capable of accomplishing such a difficult task.c. The injured man in capable of walking ,so he had to be carried.18) (discover/recover/uncover)a. Rosemary has recov

14、ered from her bad cold and go out tomorrow.b. The islands were discovered by an English Army captain.c. The young reporter uncover the scandal(丑闻) in the local newspaper.19) (accept/ acceptance/acceptable)a. It took years for Einsteins theory to gain acceptance.b. Lisa refused to accept the gift MR.

15、 Williams gave her.c. None of the suggestions were acceptable , they were just too infeasible.完成句子:(Complete the following sentences with the expressions given)1. 与我们讨论的内容无关has nothing to do with what were discussing2. 选定大公司而不是小公司decided in favor of big companies over small ones3. 导致考试不及格 contribute

16、d to her failure in the exam 4. 每个细节度需要关注 every detail that needs to be attended to.5. 认为父母为他所做的一切是理所当然的took for granted all that his parents did for him6. 对鸡毛蒜皮的事大惊小怪fusses about the smallest tings7. 整个讨论归结起来就是The whole discussion boils down to8. 你没有花心思去查字典You didnt take trouble to consult the dict

17、ionary.9. 所有同房间的人都和他关系不好。all his roommates do not get along with him10. 他帮我He lent me a hand11. 你必须克服害羞的毛病you must get over your shyness. 翻译:(中译英及英译中)1. 许多人把通过4级考试等同于英语学得好。事实是一些4级考试得高分的学生却不能与外国人交流。Many college students equate passing CET4 with being good at English.The truth is that some high-scorin

18、g students in CET4 cant communicate with foreigners.2. 一完成大专学业,她就开始攻读大学本科课程。The moment she completed her studies in the junior college ,she began to take undergraduate courses in a university.3. 我认为我能一天不抽烟,我就能每天不抽烟而不觉得难受。My theory is if I can get through one day without smoking, I can get through ev

19、ery day without feeling awful.4. 我也说不准如果我的邻居当时要是知道是我打破了他的窗玻璃的话,他会干出些什么事来。Im not sure what my neighbor would have done had he known that I had broken his window.5. 除非我们现在就开始在银行存钱,不然我们怎么能确保年老时仍能过上好日子呢?Unless we start to save money in the bank now, how can ensure that we will live a happy life when we

20、are old ?6. 任何人要在参观订餐只需打个电话就行了。Anyone who likes to book a table at a restaurant need only make a phone call.7. 他们轮流看守着花瓶,这是展览会中最值钱的古董。They in turn kept an eye on the vase that is the most valuable antique of the display.8. 最糟糕的是,我开始相信,仅仅因为我没有考上英国的大学,我将再也见不到大卫了。But worst off all, I began to believe t

21、hat I had no chance to see David again just because I was not accepted by the college in Britain.9. fun activities - 娱乐性活动10. positive effect - 积极的影响11. charitable work - 慈善工作12. the bottom drawer - 底层抽屉13. a special occasion - 特殊的日子或场合14. admire the view - 欣赏风景 15. once in a while - 偶然16. valued fr

22、iends - 受尊重的朋友17. mental picture - 心理图像18. culture shock - 文化冲击19. host country - 东道主20. 养儿育女 - raise children21. 多半 - more times than not 22. 承诺 - make a commitment23. 天文数字- an astronomical figure24. 意外事故- an unexpected death25. 价格标签- a price tag26. 创造奇迹- work miracles27. 日常交往- daily contact28. 改善他

23、与别人的关系- improve his relationships with others29. 给与帮助,提供帮助- lend a hand 30. 由衷的喜爱 - genuine fondness31. 随机事件 - random events32. 长期坚守的信仰 - long-held beliefs33. But, in fact, the opposite is true: More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.但是事实恰恰相反:很多时候,能够带来幸福的事情往往都伴随着一定的痛苦。3

24、4. More difficult endeavors will bring me more happiness than can be found in fun, that least permanent of things.更为艰苦的事情.会比享受这个最不持久的东西给我带来更多的幸福。35. Im sitting on the deck and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden.我坐在露天平台的甲板上欣赏风景,不再操心园中的杂草。36. Im not sure what my sister wou

25、ld have done had she known that she wouldnt be here for the tomorrow we all task for granted.我不知道,如果姐姐知道大家都以为可以拥有的明天已不用属于自己了,他会做些什么。37. Coming home after a hard days work , the man who sees the faces of his children pressed against the window, watching for him ,can water his soul with their silent b

26、ut golden opinion.男人劳累一天下班回到家里,看见自己的孩子脸贴在窗户上期待着他时,孩子们无声的赞誉会滋润他的心田。38. There is truth in the saying : Flowers leave part of their fragrance in the hand that bestows them.这条谚语是有道理的:“送人鲜花,手有余香。”39. Soon enough, the sheen rubs off the new, exciting, and fascinating experiences and you have to come back

27、down from the clouds and actually live and work in this place.很快,新环境让人兴奋,着迷的光彩开始减退。你不得不从梦境中醒来,真正开始在外国工作和生活。40. Suddenly youll start to discover that your ways of doing thingsprofessionally and otherwisejust dont work in the new environment.你会突然发现自己的做事方式在工作或其他方面在新环境下不适用。同义词:1. positive - good2. attai

28、n - obtain3. endeavor - effort4. inevitably - undoubtedly5. vacation - holiday6. hug - embrace7. devote - dedicate8. literally - really9. chore - task10. recognize - know11. cherish - treasure12. endure - dear13. package - parcel14. committee - commission15. co-worker - colleague16. hostile - unfriendly17. requirement - need18. pretty - colleague19. master - gain20. funct

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