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1、 ( B1-U2-L34 )Our group is composed of eight boys and three girls. 我们组由 8 个男孩和 3 个女孩组成。 The staff has been cut by a quarter over the past year. 去年员工被裁减了四分之一。 (B1-p19-L2) The staff are not very happy about the latest pay increase. 员工们对最近一次的加薪不很满意。 (B1-p19-L4)Note:有生命的集体名词如 cattle, clergy, livestock,

2、militia, people, personnel, police, poultry, youth 等作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式;无生命的集体名词如 clothing, jewelry, machinery, merchandise, poetry 等作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。Sadly, the youth of today arent so sure about their idols. 遗憾的是, 现在的年轻人并不清楚自己 的偶像是谁。 (B3-U11-L6)New machinery was introduced in the factory. 工厂引进了新的机器。2一

3、些以 -ics, 结尾的名词,如 aerobics, aesthetics, aeronautics, athletics, biogenetics, civics, cryonics economics, electronics, ethics, eugenics, genetics, gymnastics, linguistics, mathematics, mechanics, phonetics, politics, statistics 等作 一门学科 解释时,谓语动词用单数形式;表示 其它意义时用复数形式。If cryonics doesnt work, it is the sam

4、e as just dying. 如果人体冷冻法行不通, 那么与死去也没有 什么区别。 (BOOK 3 UNIT 4 Back from the Dead)Politics is much more difficult than physics, said Einstein. 爱因斯坦说, 政治比物理要难得多。 The politics of the country is really beyond the scope of a tourist book like this. Unit 11 The Criminals Go UnpunishedThe politics of the situ

5、ation are not complicated. 时局的政治关系很复杂。Statistics is a branch of mathematics that helps determine the possibility that something will occur. (BOOK 2 Unit 10 Risks TCH)The statistics were not quite that clear-cut, but averaged out into those ranges. (BOOK 4 Unit5 Appearance Dress for Success)Note: 有时以

6、 -ics 结尾的名词无论接单数还是接复数形式的动词,句子的意思不变。Politics has/have always interested me. 政治总是引起我的注意。 3.以-s结尾的疾病名词作主语时, 其谓语动词通常用单数形式, 如:AIDs, arthritis (关节炎) , diabetes(糖尿病) , measles(麻疹)等;以 -s 结尾的表示游戏的名词作主语,其谓语动词通 常用单数形式,如: billiards (桌球) , checkers(跳棋)(美国英语) , dominoes (多米诺骨 牌) , draughts(跳棋)等。Although AIDS is a

7、 notable exception, few new many killers have come along to replace the ones that have been eliminated. 尽管爱滋病是一个明显的例外, 但几乎没有什么新的大规模的致命 性疾病出现来取代那些已被根除的疾病。 (B2-p255-L6)Rickets is seldom found in sunny, tropical countries. (BOOK 2 UNIT 1 The Nutrients in Food)Dominoes is an easier game than chess. 玩多米诺

8、骨牌比下国际象棋容易。 mumps(腮腺炎)可用单数动词或复数动词; cards(纸牌,扑克)通常用复数谓语动词。Mumps is/are fairly rare in adults. 成年人很少得腮腺炎。Cards are allowed here. 这里可以打扑克。4. 表示由对应的两个部分合在一起构成的工具的名词,具有复数含义,故其谓语动 词用复数形式,如: binoculars, chopsticks, clippers (尖嘴钳子) , compasses(圆规) , forceps (镊子) , glasses, headphones, scales, scissors, spec

9、tacles, tongs(夹具)等;某些以 -s 结尾的 表示服装及鞋类的名词, 具有复数含义, 故其谓语动词用复数形式, 如: clothes, drawers(内 裤), gloves, jeans, pajamas, pants, shorts, slacks(工装裤) , stockings 等。 The scissors are dull. 这把剪刀很钝。These trousers are too tight for me. 这条裤子我穿太紧。5一些单复数同形的名词,如 aircraft, Chinese, crossroads, deer, fish, headquarters

10、, Japanese, manners, means, offspring, pains, Portuguese, remains, series, sheep, species, Swiss, works 等需根据上下文判断它的数。Fish have evolved into around 30,000 different species. (BOOK 4 Unit 9 Computer Technology) That fish smells disgusting. (BOOK 2 UNIT 1 FOOD AND CULTURE)Every Chinese knows how New Ch

11、ina was born. 每一个中国人都知道新中国是怎样诞生的。 All Chinese know how New China was born. 所有的中国人都知道新中国是怎样诞生的。If constructive means are not available to satisfy this instinct, man will turn to destructive means. 如果没有建设性的方法来满足这一本能,人类就会采用破坏性的方法。 (B1-U10-L28) There is no means of finding out what happened. 没有办法查明发生了什么

12、事。fishes 表示鱼的种类,具有复数含义; pains 作主语一般接复数形式的动词,但有时也 接单数形式的动词。There were fishes of many huts and sizes. 鱼的颜色不一,大小不一。Great pains have/has been taken. 已经花费了很多心血了。 6英语中有些名词只用其复数形式,与其搭配的动词或相应的人称代词、指示代词 也要用复数形式。这类名词主要有: arms ( ), articles ( ), ashes ( ), belongs ( ), customs (风俗,关税) earnings ( ), goods ( ),

13、outskirts ( ), suburbs ( ), riches ( ) 等。 Halloween customs are mainly for the amusement of children.(BOOK 1 UNIT 4)They claim their goods are of high quality. (BOOK 4 Unit 4)The goods are to be exported to Canada. 这些货物将外销到加拿大。7某些名词以 -s 结尾,形式上是复数,但实际上作单数用,故其谓语动词也用单数形式, 如: gallows (绞架) , summons(传票)

14、, news 等。The summons was served on the man. 给那个人发了传票。The good news is that not all aspects of Type A behavior are equally toxic. 好消息是并非所有的A 型行为都有害。 (B1-p188-L15)8. 国名、机构等名称作主语,谓语动词用单数形式;山脉、群岛的专有名词如果是 以复数形式结尾的(前面带有定冠词 the),则作主语时动词用复数形式。The United States has a very violent history. 美国历史上充满暴力。PAWS is o

15、ne of 15 animal rights groups who have joined together to take the Navy to court. 动物 福利进步协会就是联合起来把海军告到了法庭的十五个动物权益组织之一。 (B1-p277-L14) Note: the Philippines (菲律宾)和 the Netherlands (荷兰)作为国家的政治、经济单位看待 时,可以接单数动词。The Netherlands, however, was not considered a god place to live in. 荷兰作为一个居住场所并 不被看好。 (B3-p3

16、83-L44) 9名词所有格省略式作主语时,其谓语动词的数要根据被省略的名词的单、复数来决定。1) 所有格所修饰的名词如果是指商店、住宅、教堂或办公室所在地时,经常被省略。这时 谓语动词应采用单数形式。常见的所有格省略式有: the bakers, the barbers, the butchers, thecarpenters, the grocers, the photographers, a booksellers, a dressmakers, Mr. Zhangs, my aunts 等。There is a stationers (shop) in the next street.

17、 隔条街有一家文具店。St. Pauls (Cathedral) has long been among the principal sights of London. 圣保罗教堂长期以来 一直是伦敦的主要名胜之一。2) 所有格所修饰的名词(或词组)在句子中已经作为前提出现过,或下文中将要提到,为 了避免重复, 可以省略。 谓语动词的单复数取决于被省略的名词 (或词组) 的单、 复数。 如: Many have come to believe that Type As (=Type A people) are much higher risk of suffering a heart atta

18、ck. 许多人开始相信 A 型行为者患心脏病的危险性要大的多。 (B1-p188-L6) The childrens was a wonderful performance. (=The childrens performance was a wonderful one.) 孩子们的表演很精彩。 简短的引语、格言和书籍、报刊、杂志的名称作为整体看待,相当于单个名词,作主 语时谓语动词用单数形式。Since its founding in 1996, Songs of Love has been responsible for the composition, taping and the se

19、nding of more than 780 songs to delighted children, all for free. 自 1966 年创立以来, 爱之 歌已经免费为孩子们创作、录音并发送了 780 多首歌曲。( Songs of Love 是一非赢利性的组 织) (B2-p182-L13)The greatness of our people is their cordiality is a line from the national anthem of Aruba. 阿鲁巴国歌中有这样一句话 我们人民的伟大之处就在于他们的热情 。 (B1-p256-L1)Crime and

20、Punishment is perhaps the best constructed of Dostoyevskys novels, but The Brothers Karamazov is undoubtedly his masterpiece. 罪与罚也许是陀思妥也夫斯基所创作的最好的 作品,但卡拉马佐夫兄弟无疑是他的代表作。8.1.2主语带有数量词的主谓一致1带有 a lot of (lots of), a majority of, a number of , a part of, a percentage of , an average of, all of, half of, so

21、me of, most of, plenty of, the rest of, two-thirds of, ninety percent of, more than 等词 的谓语动词用单数还是复数, 取决于这些词所修饰或限定的名词的数。 如果这些词后的名词 为单数,谓语动词应用单数。如果这些词后的名词为复数,谓语动词应用复数。 Now most of the motivation was internal and related to their larger goals. 现在大部分的动力是内在的,是与他们更大的目标相联系的。 (B3-U6-L97)Most of the evening

22、news on all three networks is composed of pre-planned stories-stories about events or situations that are not spontaneous. (BOOK 4 UNIT 8 What Makes TV Most Entertaining?)One study found that 80 percent of teenagers were heavily involved in family food shopping.一项研究发现百分之八十的青少年 大量地参与 家庭的食品采购。 (B1-U6-

23、L26)34 percent of the teachers time was allocated to girls. 老师把 34% 的时间分配给了女生。 (B2-p229-L21)The vast majority of the parents were not themselves outstanding musicians, athletes or scholars. 绝大部分的家长自己本身并不是杰出的音乐家、运动员或学者。 (B3-U6-L27) the number of, the percentage of, the proportion of 后不管其后面接单数名词还是复数名

24、词,谓语动词都用单数。The number of books stolen from the library is large. 图书馆被偷的书的数量很大。2 a series (kind / piece / proportion / species / succession, etc. ) +of + 复数名词作主语时,谓语 动词用单数和复数形式都有。A series of lectures on psychology is said to be given by Mr. Stone. 据说斯通先生要作一系列心 理学讲座。A series of conferences were staged

25、 for local officials and police personnel from Americas 136 largest cities.3名词 +of this/ that kind / sort / type ,这时谓语动词的数与 of 前的名词的数相一致; this/that kind, sort, type + 单数或复数名词作主语,其谓语动词用单数形式。Questions of that kind /sort are very difficult. 那种问题很难。For religious and political reasons, a mandatory policy

26、 of this kind has been impossible to introduce in other densely-populated countries, such as India, Pakistan or Brazil. (BOOK 5 UNIT 5 Population Tch)Violent incidents of this kind have become commonplace in a country where all human rights are being eroded.Selection of this sort raises all kinds of

27、 problems of the sample being consciously or unconsciously affected by the selectors personal biases.Since many caves of this sort were known in the area, the hunter gave it little thought. (BOOK 6 Unit 10 Prehistoric Art-The Beginning of Artistic Expression)4one and a half后面要接复数名词,但谓语动词习惯用单数形式 , 有时

28、也发现用复数形式。One and a half bananas (=a banana and a half) is left on the table. 一只半香蕉留在桌子上。 One and a half million trees have now replaced the desolation on the valley floor.THERE ARE ABOUT one and a half million different kinds of life forms on the planet today. During todays Consolidated Fund Bill de

29、bate only one and a half hours have been allocated to discussing pension funds.5more than one + 单数名词 在意义上是复数的,但一般仍选用单数形式的动词,有时也发 现用复数形式类似的用法还有 many a, a day and a half 等。More than one member has protested against the proposal. 不止一个人反对这个计划。Many a famous star has been ruined by drugs. 许多著名新秀被毒品给毁了。A year and a h

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