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1、 who cares? when you announce that you arent at your best, you are automatically setting expectations that you will be bad. even if you do the best speech of your life, they will leave thinking to themselves: i wonder how much better it would have been if he/she had been feeling good.3、did you hear

2、the one about. dont begin with a joke, period. jokes are rarely related to the topic at hand. they are only there to make people laugh, which causes people to wonder: what was the point of that joke?4、here is a story you all know. stay away from stories that everyone has told, unless you bring a twi

3、st to it.5、the great philosopher a. nonymous once said. use quotes, but not at the beginning of your speech.these five great ways to open a speech will make you stand out from the bunch(下面的演讲开场白会让你在演讲中脱颖而出):doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. did that get your atten

4、tion? i sure hope so! begin by startling your audience.once upon a time. tell a story. everyone loves a good story, especially if it is one that people dont expect, and one that is told exceptionally well. begin with a story that is related to the topic;t tell a story just for the sake of it.please

5、raise your hand if you. get them to participate immediately, the idea is to get the audience moving and doing something very quickly. your worst enemy is stillness. so get them moving as often and as early as possible.remember the last time you. establish contact early. your goal is to get the audie

6、nce to think of themselves and to feel something related to your topic. then, you can build on it. make sure it is an experience most people have shared. silence is golden. before uttering a single word, wait a few seconds. stand in silence in front of the audience, for five or ten seconds if you ca

7、n stand it. then start with a are five ways to begin a speech in an unusual, yet captivating manner(下面这五种开场白可以使得你的演讲有种一种不寻常,但是很吸引人的方式):to speak for your ears, i have overcome fears, to silence your groans, my skills i have honed. start with a poem or a rhyme. pick a poem that is short, liv

8、ely, and related to your theme or your message.2、start your speech with a song. ideally, you want to sing on key. but if you cannot hold a tune, think of it as a great start to a humorous speech!3、use an audio entrance. pre-record the first lines of your speech to set the tone. take care, though, th

9、at your recording sounds professional and not tinny, otherwise you will get a negative effect.4、blow up a balloon. or do something equally unexpected. catch the audience off guard. make sure nobody is drinking hot liquid when you do this.5、perform a magic trick. there are many easy magic tricks you

10、can find online. take the audience by surprise and make it entertaining from the start.the two most important parts of a speech are the introduction and the conclusion. the introduction sets the tone for your speech, while the conclusion determines how the audience will feel when they leave. dont se

11、t yourself up for failure from the start: drop these awful openings from your repertoire. instead, replace them with an opening that sets you apart and readies you to deliver a great speech.以下这篇英文演讲稿是南非前总统曼德拉1990年2月11日所作的一篇英文演讲i am prepared to die for an ideal,由应届毕业生演讲稿网站整理提供,供大家学习。i am prepared to

12、die for an ideal为理想我愿献出生命february 11,19901990年2月11日i have fought against white domination, and i have fought against black domination. i have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. it is an ideal which i hope to li

13、ve for and to see realized. but if needs be, it is an ideal for which i am prepared to die.我反对白人统治,也反对黑人统治。我珍视民主和自由社会的理想,在这个社会中,人人和睦相处,机会均等。我希望为这个理想而生,并希望能实现这个理想。但是如果需要,为理想我愿献出生命。my friends, comrades, and fellow south africans: i greet you all in the name of peace, democracy, and freedom for all. i

14、stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. i therefore have placed the remaining years of my life in your , i extend my sincere and warmest gratitude to the millions of my compa

15、triots and those in every corner of the globe who have campaigned tirelessly for my release. i extend special greetings to the people of cape town, the city through which which has been my home for three decades. your mass marches and other forms of struggle have served as a constant source of stren

16、gth to all political . it has fulfilled our every expectation in its role as leader of the great march to , comrade oliver tambo, for leading the anc even under the most difficult circumstances.我的朋友们、同志们和南非同胞们: 我以和平、民主和全人类自由的名义,向你们大家致意。今天我站在你们面前,不是作为一名预言家,而是作为人民的谦卑公仆。你们不懈的奋斗和英勇的牺牲才使我今天有可能站在这里,因此,我要把

17、余生献给你们。在我获释的今天,我要向千百万同胞,向世界各地为我的获释作出过不懈努力的人们,致以真诚的、最热烈的感谢。 我要特别感谢开普敦的人民,我以开普敦为家住了30年。你们大规模的游行示威和其他形式的斗争一直是所有政治犯们的力量源泉。我向非国大会议致敬。作为一个领导我们奔向自由的政党,它实现了我们对它的所有期望。我向我们的主席奥利弗坦博同志致敬,他在最艰难的环境下领导着非国大。i salute the rank?and?file members of the anc: you have sacrificed life and limb in the pursuit of the noble

18、cause of our , like solomon mahlangu and ashley kriel, who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom of all south africans. i salute the south african communist party for its sterling contribution to the struggle for democracy. you have survived 40 years of unrelenting persecution. the memory of

19、great communists like moses kotane, yusuf dadoo, bram fischer, and moses mabhida will be cherished for generations to come. i salute general secretary joe slovo, one of our finest patriots. we are heartened by the fact that the alliance between ourselves and the party remains as strong as it it alwa

20、ys , the national education crisis committee, the south african youth congress, the transvaal and natal indian congresses, and cosatu, and the many other formations of the mass democratic movement. i also salute the black sash and the national union of south african students. we note with pride that

21、 you have looked that you have acted as the conscience of white south africa. even during the darkest days in the history of our struggle you held the flag of liberty high. the large?scale mass mobilization of the past few years is one of the key factors which led to the opening of the final chapter

22、 of our your organized strength is the pride of our movement. you remain the most dependable force in the struggle to end exploitation and oppression.我向非国大的普通党员们致敬:你们在争取自由的伟大事业中赴汤蹈火英勇献身。我向“民族之矛”的战士们如所罗门马赫兰古和艾希莉柯瑞尔致敬,他们为了全体南非人的自由而流尽了最后一滴血。我向南非共产党致敬,它为南非的民主斗争作出了非凡的贡献。你们经受了40年的无情迫害而坚持了下来。南非世世代代的人民都将怀念摩


24、我们争取自由运动的骄傲。你们依然是我们反剥削反压迫斗争中最可依赖的力量。i pay tribute i pay tribute to the many religious communities who carried the campaign for justice forward when the organizations of our people were silenced. i greet the traditional leaders of our country many among you continue to walk in the footsteps of great

25、heroes like hintsa and , you, the young lions. you, the young lions, have energized our entire struggle. i pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation. you are the rock?hard foundation of our struggle. apartheid has inflicted more pain on you than on anyone , we thank the world we

26、 thank the world community for their great contribution to the anti?apartheid struggle. without your support our struggle would not have reached this advanced stage. the sacrifice of the frontline states will be remembered by south africans , black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future.

27、it has to be ended by our own decisive mass action in order to build peace and security.我向众多宗教团体致敬,在我们的组织被压制得鸦雀无声时,他们挺身而出,展开争取正义的运动。我向我国过去的领导者们致敬,你们中的很多人继续沿着亨萨、瑟库库内等伟大英雄们的足迹前进。我向年轻的英雄主义者们致敬,你们是年轻的雄狮。你们年轻的雄狮们,给我们整个斗争中注入了活力。我向我们国家里的母亲们、妻子们、姐妹们致敬。你们是我们进行斗争的坚强基石。种族隔离烙在你们身心上的伤痕比任何人的都多。在这个时刻,我们感谢世界我们感谢世界这


29、he mass campaigns of defiance and other actions of our organizations and people can only culminate in the establishment of continent is in calculable. the fabric of family life of millions of my people has been shattered. millions are homeless and unemployed. our economy our economy lies in ruins an

30、d our people are embroiled in political strife. our resort to the armed struggle in 1960 with the formation of the military wing of the anc, umkhonto we sizwe, was a purely defensive action against the violence of apartheid. the factors which necessitated the armed struggle still exist today. we hav

31、e no option but to continue. we express the hope that a climate conducive to a negotiated settlement will be created soon so that there may no longer be the need for the armed , strategies, and , i feel duty?bound to make the point that a leader of the movement is a person who has been democratically elected at a national conference. this is a principle which must be upheld without any , i wish to report to you that my talks with the government have been aimed at normalizing the political situation in the country. we have not as yet begun

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