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1、注意:1.词数 100 左右 2.开头已给出,但不计入总词数; 3.不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥,以行文连贯。Recently we have had a discussion about whether money can bring us happiness._ _ 【参考范文】书面表达Recently we have had a discussion about whether money can bring us happiness. Different students have different opinions. Some students think that money is

2、so important that we couldnt survive without money. Besides, money can help us to solve many problems in life. In addition , it is money that allows us to live a comfortable life. Others, however, have opposite opinion. They think money doesnt mean everything. For example, money cannot buy happiness

3、 or health. If we attach too much importance to money, we cannot find the real meaning of life, and nor can we find pleasure in life. Personally, we should not regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that helps us to get what we need. We should use it wisely and properly. Only in this way c

4、an we enjoy life to the fullest.【2014中原名校联盟一模】书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是高三学生李华,看到同学们互赠纸质新年贺卡,认为这会造成浪费和污染。请你根据下列要点写一篇100词左右的英语短文向校英语报投稿,建议大家使用电子贺卡(e-cards)。1方便快捷:电子邮件传送: 2省钱:网站免费下载; 3内容非富:可增加音乐动画: 4环保:不会造成污染浪费。 参考词汇: 动画animation_【参考范文】One possible version New Years Day is drawing near and as usual many of my c

5、lassmates begin to send paper cards to each other, friends and family. I think it is really a waste of money and it can also cause pollution. So I suggest using e-cards instead of paper-cards. First, it is very convenient to send e-cards. It just takes a click and our friends will receive them in on

6、e or two seconds. Second, free e-cards can help us save money. Third, with sound and animation, e-cards are more interesting and lively than paper cards. Last but not least, e-cards are environmentally friendly as no real materials are used. Since they have so many advantages, why not have a try?【20

7、12届湖北省孝感市高中三年级第一次统一考试】短文写作(共1题;满分25分 请根据下面提示,结合你的校园生活中的一个事例,就英语格言(Failure is the mother of success)这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。 In fact, there arent always bright sunshine and gentle breeze, birds singing and flowers fragrant in our daily life. We have so many failures and hardships that someone will be disappoin

8、ted and give up the hope of success, but life is what you make it. 1无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; 2除诗歌外,文体不限; 3词数为120左右。【参考范文】【广东省广州市2014综合测试】基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)为了弘扬中国茶文化,你就读的国际学校举办“中国茶,知多少”英语征文比赛。【写作内容】请你根据以下信息卡,写一篇关于白茶的英语短文参赛。白茶(中国六大茶类之一)名字由来:因呈银白色而得名主要产地:福建、台湾历史:最早出现于北宋特点:形如银针,外形优美;口感甘甜;年份越久,功效越好功效:常饮有益健康,可预防高血压

9、等疾病,还可以辅助治疗牙痛和发烧等参考词汇:针(needle),高血压(high blood pressure)【写作要求】只能用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。【参考范文】基础写作(满分15分) White Tea, which gets its name from its silver-colour, is regarded as one of the six major Chinese tea types. Dating back to the Beisong Dynasty, White Tea has a long history and

10、it is mainly grown in Fujian and Taiwan. White Tea is famous for its beautiful silver-needle-like shape, its sweat taste and its medicinal effects. The longer it is preserved, the better effect it has. White Tea is good for health if drunk frequently and can be used in preventing diseases like high

11、blood pressure and helping relieve the pain of toothache and fever.读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。I came from a family that never liked to waste money, and my parents taught me that living within my budget was the most important thing.I had a very comfortable childhood, and never felt t

12、he need to throw away money on unnecessary things.But things changed in my twenties, when I found myself in a city with plenty of food and shopping attractions! I burned through my income in the department stores on Saturday mornings, then burned through my credit cards at the night clubs on Saturda

13、y nights. Before too long, I was deeply in debt and constantly borrowing more money from my friends. It was during this time that I reflected on my behaviour, and decided that life was a lot more comfortable when you weren;t continually stressed about money.For me, being thrifty (节俭)is not about bei

14、ng short on money. Its about being smart with your money so you can enjoy your life to is fullest. I love recycling and getting back to nature, and teaching the kids about eco-friendly and responsible living.Whether I like it or not, my natural feeling is to find ways to do everything for less. Less

15、 money, less time and less stress!1. 以30个词概括上文的主要内容。2. 以约120个词就“节俭”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:对你来说,节俭是什么?你认为节俭是否重要?为什么?就生活中如何做到节俭提一些建议。1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。【参考范文】读写任务(满分25分) 概括要点:1. family never liked to waste money; 2. was deeply in debt; 3. be

16、ing thrifty is being smart with your money find ways to do everything for less.第二部分:1. 对节俭的理解;2. 对节俭的重要性的论述; 3. 就生活中如何做到节俭提出建议。Version 1In the passage, the writer describes how he forgot his familys thrifty tradition and eventually met with financial difficulty. This helped him realized the importan

17、ce of thriftiness and start to practise thriftiness again.To me, being thrifty means valuing money, making the most of what I have and trying never to spend beyond my budget or on unnecessary things.Thrift is an old and dated concept to many young people. As life has become a lot easier, people tend

18、 to indulge(沉溺) in a luxurious lifestyle. Thats why I regard this nearly forgotten practice more important now than ever before.Actually, to be thrifty can be really simple. Most of the time, its simply a matter of being more thoughtful in our everyday life: turning off lights when leaving the room,

19、 not using the air-conditioners unless necessary, bringing our water bottle from home rather than spending on soft drinks, using public transports to avoid needles driving and parking, ordering just enough when eating out, and so forth. To do these might mean doing things others wont do and controll

20、ing our desires. But remember, a smart person is not one who always tries to impress others by showing off their wealth, but one who spares no effort to save for the future and for others.Version 2The writer recalls the stress and economic problems he had after moving to a big city, forgetting the t

21、hrifty habits of his youth and wasting all his money. At last, however, he learned his lesson and became thrifty once more.I think a thrifty person is someone who uses only what they need and avoids wastes. Being thrifty can save us money, but more importantly, it is necessary if we want to save our

22、 planet. In the face of growing environmental problems, I believe it is more necessary than ever to reduce the amount of rubbish and pollution each individual produces. If we fail to control the amount of waste we produce, our society and our planet are doomed(毁灭) and this concern must outweigh any

23、short-term satisfaction we get from buying and consuming more.It is for the reason that I buy as much fresh food as possible, rather than packaged food, which requires much more energy to produce and adds to our pollution problems. I also try to cycle or walk everywhere I go, or at least use public

24、transport rather than getting a taxi or depending on a private car. Actions like these keep me fit and healthy, helping environment and leave me with more money in my pocket! Why dont you try these too? You might really enjoy the results.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。(2016南宁市适应性测试)There have al

25、ways been laws against copying other peoples ideas. However, when copying was only limited to copying something by hand, problems were solved easily. The solution was always the destruction or removal of the copy. Nowadays, the rise of the Internet has made the issue of intellectual property (知识产权) more complicated.Almost every bit of information can be cut and pasted (粘贴) with a few clicks of a mouse. Many art forms such as writings, film

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