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外研社必修四module 4 great scientists 基础试题含答案.docx

1、Module 4 Great Scientists 基础试题一、 单词拼写1. According to the rules of the work you should prefer quality toq_.2. The h_of a donkey and a horse is called a mule.3. With new technology used in a_ more crops are produced.4. She was the V_of a road accident.5. Some scientists like to e_with small white mice

2、.6. The_(本来的) owner of the house was the Duke ofWellington.7. _(生物化学) is a very popular science today.8. He is not_(身体上地) ill but mentally ill.9. The writer was_ (教育) at a very good school.10. The _ (产量) of computers has doubled in the last fewweeks.11. Some s_ of animals have, become extinct becaus

3、e theycould not adapt to the changing environment.12. P_fitness means having a strong healthy body.13. The old man was one of the great f_ of history,14. It was a b_album for the band.15. That building has been c_into a school.二、 选词填空Bring up, bring in, as a result of, figure out, the key to.,be kno

4、wn for, earn ones living, come to power, at war, by; accident1._the fire, thousands of people lost their homes.2. He was _in the country, so he was not used to the city life.3. The humble potato may be_feeding the worlds population.4. I have three part-time jobs, which_about 14,000 a year.5. This no

5、vel is so badly written that I can hardly _what thewriter is trying to say.6. Many graduates dont _by themselves but depending on theirparents.7. President Xi Jinping began to reform after he_.8. Michael Jackson_his songs as a popular9. The country has been_with its neighbour for two years.10.The ho

6、use caught fire by design rather than_.三、 单句语法填空1. The first editions_ (publish) in 1955 and_(be) abest-seller ever since.2. The problem of global warming is serious. _a result, the sealevel rises.3. At the sight of her mother, the surprise in her face_(replace)by joy.4. They converted the study_a n

7、ursery room when the babywas born.5. The key to_( keep) this country a of comfortable and cleanplace to live in is to control industrial pollution.6. The old scientist has made_breakthrough in growing rice,which will feed more people in the world.7. He lost his parents in the earthquake and was brou

8、ght_bythe government.8. I am really interested in his way_(study) English.9. What are they trying to figure_?10. _(brief) speaking,Im in support of your idea.四、 单句改错1. In the rice grown world, Yuan Longping is a leading figure._.2. Researchers were brought up from all over China to develop the newsy

9、stem._.3. He thought that the key to feed people was to have more rice._.4. Her uncle managed to support such a large family by sellsnewspapers._.5. Bananas are usually sold by dozen._.6. He studied the agriculture in college._.7. He attached two big kites for the chair, and 47 rockets to the kites.

10、_.8. Quantities of money has been spent on the project._.9. As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production riseto 47. 5 percent in the 1990s._.10. The Chinese discovered that the gas escaped from the tube could liftit into the air._.五、 完成句子1.大自然提供了无尽的天然宝藏,使得此地成为当地人的幸福家园。Nature has

11、 provided with endless natural treasures, _for the local people.2.在这次事故中, 他很幸运没有受伤。In the accident, he was lucky to escape_.3.你年龄足够大能自己谋生了。You are old enough to_.4.自从这个政党执政以来,已经 2 年了。 许多人纳闷它是否会继续下去。It has been two years since this party_. Many peoplewonder whether it will stay on.5. 她作为一个出色的经理因她的业绩而

12、出名。She _an excellent manager_her outstandingachievement.6.我们自愿捐款帮助洪水中的受害者。We volunteered to collect money to help_.六、 短文改错After graduate from college, I worked for a large company. During a teambuilding activity, all the participants asked to describe who their heroeswere and why. When it was their

13、turn, I was a little embarrassing. Myhero, not famous or wealthy, was just the shoe shine man. One day whilehe was shining my shoes, I asked him for some questions about his life.He deeply impresses me with his kind and friendliness. I discovered thatthis man who main income was from his hard work o

14、n shining shoes hadsuccessful put his five children through college.参考答案一、1. quantity 2. hybrid 3. agriculture 4. victim 5. experiment6. original 7. Biochemistry 8. physically 9. educated 10. production11. species 12. Physical 13. figures 14. breakthrough 15. converted二、1.As a result of 2. brought u

15、p 3. the key to 4. bring in 5. figure out6. earn their living 7. came to power 8. was known for war 10. byaccident三、1. published;has been 2. As 3. was replaced 4. into 5. keeping6.a 7.up 8. to study 9. out 10. Briefly四、1. rice grown- rice-growing 2. upin 3. feedfeeding4. sellsselling 后加 th

16、e 6.去掉 the 7.forto8. hashave 9. toby 10. escapedescaping五、1. making the land a happy homed 2. being injured 3. earn your ownliving 4. came to power 5. is known as; for 6. the victims of the flood六、1. graduate-graduation2. asked 前 面 加 were3.their-my4.embarrassing-embarrassed 5. the-a 6. for 去掉6. impresses-impressed 8. kind-kindness 9. who- whose10. successful-successfully

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