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1、 business etiquette norm business exchange 摘要商务礼仪是商务活动中的行为规范,它是一门行为科学,在商务交往中扮演着重要的角色 ,了解中西方的礼仪及其差异对促进国际间商务交往的顺利进行有着举足轻重的作用。随着中国在国际交往的角色发生改变,中国的对外交流和合作日益频繁,国际地位越来越明显,国际间的交往,尤其是和西方国家的商务交往就更应该规范化、礼仪化;本文从国际间商务礼仪入手,对中国和西方的商务礼仪的异同点予以概述和比较,主要论述了商务礼仪的有关概念、中西方商务礼仪的主要特征、中西方礼仪在商务活动中的不同体现、影响中西方商务礼仪的主要因素(文化因素)及相

2、关的解决办法。用大量的实例来反映礼仪差异, 让读者从“ 初步认知初步了解了解”各个不同阶段对中西方商务礼仪进行理解和接受,并将它用于实践。 研究结果表明,为了避免商务活动中,尤其在国际商务交往中的误解,除了了解一些基本的商务规范,更需要深层次地了解由不同文化间产生地商务礼仪差异。关键词 : 商务礼仪 规范 商务交往 Comparison between Chinese and Western business etiquette1. IntroductionBusiness etiquette is a code of conduct, which embodies mutual respec

3、t in the day-to-day business activities. It is also the norms for people who is engaged in commercial activities and business communications, in other words, how to master basic business activities, so you can meet the requirements for business; how to make yourself familiar with the norms and discl

4、ose your dignified demeanor ;how to avoid the embarrassing questions you encountered : such as dress wrong ,dining at a loss; how to eliminate a small matter ,which will have the unexpected negative image to the individuals or companies. Only have you know some knowledge of Chinese and English etiqu

5、ette , all these problems can be easily solved .Therefore business etiquette helps to create good personal image and corporate image.Business etiquette is coordination and communication functions with cohesion emotional role. With the development of society, the business relations are getting wider

6、and wider, in a variety of business contacts gradually formed a code of conduct and guidelines, guidance on business conduct themselves in society, and as a code of society, coordinating human relations and human and social relations, so that people are friendly to each other, respect the others pre

7、mise, compliance with the protocol norms, in accordance with the protocol norms restrain itself, it is easy for people to have interpersonal communication. Therefore , emotional pool plays to the role, and establish mutual respect, mutual trust, friendship and cooperation relations, whats more, it w

8、ill help the development of various undertakings. Business etiquette is a behavior science, and should be trained seriously and systemically. Due to geographical and historical background, various kinds of differences occurs between the systems, but the desire to reflect the aspirations is the same,

9、 and to abide by the norms and codes of conduct is consistent.Business etiquette is made up of significantly more important things than just knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client. Unfortunately, in the perception of others, the devil is in the details. People may feel that if you cant be

10、trusted not to embarrass yourself in business and social situations, you may lack the self-control necessary to be good at what you do. Etiquette is about presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. Etiquette is also about being comfortable around people (and m

11、aking them comfortable around you!)People are a key factor in your own and your business success. Many potentially worthwhile and profitable alliances have been lost because of an unintentional breach of manners.Dan McLeod, president of Positive Management Leadership Programs, a union avoidance comp

12、any, says, Show me a boss who treats his or her employees abrasively, and Ill show you an environment ripe for labor problems and obviously poor customers relations. Disrespectful and discourteous treatment of employees is passed along from the top.( Dan McLeod:2008) Which strongly emphasize the imp

13、ortance of courtesy, therefore , its necessary to know etiquette, especially the business etiquette.2. Characteristics of business etiquette As regional and historical reasons, understandings of people from different regions and ethnic varies , as the development of whole world .Chinese people have

14、attached great importance to the foreigners , especially the westerners ,trading between the two regions is becoming more and more frequent ,establishing good relations with western people is of great importance ,therefore ,knowing the business etiquette is essential . As Chinas reform and opening u

15、p the pace accelerated, peoples living and working in foreign exchanges increased. Understanding the content of foreign-related rituals and requirements, and mastering the skills of contacts with foreigners is particularly important.In the business occasions , how to make business etiquette effect c

16、ompletely and how to create the best interpersonal relationships is closely related to the principles of business etiquette , which can be concluded into four aspects:(1) The principle of sincerity and respect Socrates had made a very famous statement:“ there must not be a gift to a friend, you have

17、 to contribute to your sincere love ,learning how to use legitimate means to win a persons heart .”(Voice of English ,2005) Which tells us that if you contact with the people , sincere respect for the ritual is the primary principle . Only you treat others sincerely and courteously ,can you create a

18、 harmonious happy relations, for good faith and respect are complementary to each other. Sincerity is a practical and realistic approach to communicate with other people ,especially in the business activities , it can be directly reflected .Sincere and respect for the first performance with some peo

19、ple :do not lie ,not hypocrisy ,do not insult people ,the so called “cheating once ,for life no friends.” also the practical reflection of business dealing . Sincere dedication, be fruitful harvest, only sincere respect for the two sides can be affiliated, friendship for a long time.(2) The principl

20、e of moderate equalityIn the social field ,ritual behavior is always expressed as the two sides ,for instance, if you treat your business guests sincerely and thoughtfully , others would show the identical courteous respond to your hospitality ,and they would become the potential regular customers .

21、 If you performed impatiently and hasty ,there is no doubt that you would get the same response .The purposes of this protocol must emphasize the principle of equality, equal exchanges between the two parts, for equality is the foundation to establish emotion with other people. If you want to mainta

22、in a good interpersonal relationship with your business partners or your customers , you should locate modesty in the first place ,because it is the essential way to make more friends. Moderate principle requires us to measure the criteria of etiquette , in accordance with specific circumstance , sp

23、ecific situation and the exercise of the corresponding ritual .For instance ,when doing business with some people both warm and urbane are required ,one can not be rude and frivolous ,lively and modest ,but lethargic and sophisticated.(3) Self-confidence and self-discipline The principle of self-con

24、fidence is a mental health principle in the social occasion , especially in the commercial contact .Only someone is self-confident ,can he master things freely. Self-confidence is a very valuable psychological quality, people who have full confidence will not discourage when they encounter difficult

25、ies , on the contrary , they will counterattack when they are reduced to a rattrap, they are also willing to show their helping hand to people who are involved in jeopardy. People who are not confident enough will run into snags everywhere , even despair of their life . In the process of social inte

26、raction and business communication , establishing a sense of moral values and norms of self-cultivation in the mind to our behaviors .Achieving the balance of self education ,self management and self-confidence correctly , placing a rational and active attitude to fulfill the great obligation the li

27、fe leaves us , refusing self-righteous and arrogant . Nothing great can be achieved without these traits.(4) honesty and tolerance Honesty stresses the principle of credibility , Confucius , a great philosopher , made the statement : people cant live without credit , if you affiliate with your friends, honesty should be laid in the first place; Which also emphasize the principle of keeping promises. Trustworthiness is the virtue of the Chinese nation , in particular ,it is necessary to stress punctuality , and people should not delay whe

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