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1、A n ear the letter box B also in the letter boxC in the post office D watching the letter box( )7. Ben climbs into the letter box an A closes the door of it B. Nancy closes the doorC the postman closes the door D sleeps in the letter box()8. Why does Ben cryA.Because he knows he carbgo out.B.Because

2、 Nancy cago out.C.Because the postma n doesnclose the door.D.Because the postman sticks a stamp on him.( )9. Ben gets out of the letter box A by himself B with the help of NancyC and hides in the letter box againD with the help of Nancy and the postma nBJim is twelve years old, but he ofte n thinks

3、that he is a man. At home, whe n he takes a bath, he always asks his father to help him shave剃胡子).Everytime, his father says that he is still a boy and doesft need to have a shave. One day, he goes to a barber s shop. At that time, the barber has nothing to do. When jim asks for a shave, the barber

4、looks at him in surprise, lets him sit down to wait and then goes out. Jim waits and waits. After some time, the barber still doesn t come to him. Jim goes out and finds that the barber is standing outside and talking with a woman.At this time, Jim is really angry and asks the barber, “What are you

5、doing now Why are you leaving me all the time”The barber looks back and an swers,”Well, I wait ing for your beard(胡子)to grow.”( )1. Why doesntJimsfather help him shave his beardA.Because Jim has no beard.B.Because Jimsbeard is short.C.Because Jimsbeard is very long.D.Because Jimsfather doesntlike hi

6、m.( )2. What is the barber doing when Jim goes into the barbersshopA.He is shaving a man.B.He is sleeping in the shop.C.He is talking with a woman.D.He is doing nothing.( )3. What does the barber ask Jim to doA.He asks Jim to wait.B.He asks Jim to go back home.C.He asks Jim to go away.D.He asks Jim

7、to wait for another barber.( )4. Why does the barber talk with a woman and leave Jim along in the shopB.Because Jim has no money.C.Because he doesntlike Jim.D.Because their talk is very important.CMr Zhang had a very big shop. There were usually a lot of people coming to his shop to buy things. One

8、day, it was already very late. He saw that there was no one in the shop, so he closed his shop and went home. He was very tired. But just as he went to bed, the telephone rang.A man asked”,What time do you open your shop”Mr Zhang was too tired and he was unhappy about this phone, so he hung up witho

9、ut answering the man and went back to bed. A few minutes later, the man called him again, and again he asked the same question.Mr Zhang became very angry and shouted at the phone,”You neednt ask me when Illopen the shop. I wontlet you in!”“But, sir,”said the man,”Idontwant to get in , I want to get

10、out.”( )1. Mr Zhang opened up a big shop.( )2. One day, the teleph one rang whe n Mr Zhang was going to sleep.( )3. Mr Zhang was very happy to an swer the teleph one.( )4. The man teleph oned Mr Zhang twice because he wan ted to buy sth.( )5. The man was stay ing in the shop.DMr Bea n could nhear we

11、ll. He was n early deaf(聋子).But he did n like people to talk about this. One day, he in vited some frie nds to have a birthday party in his house. They sang and danced. Mr Bean laughed, too. Then he said, That is a very funny joke. But I know a funnier one. ” So he told his story. When the story end

12、ed, every one laughed more happily tha n ever. Because Mr Beastory was the same as his frie nds.()1. Mr Bean A could n see well B could n hear wellC could see well D could hear well( )2. Mr Bea nbfrie nds didn at his birthday party.A tell jokes B play the piano C sing D dance()3. One of Mr Beansfri

13、nds told a story.i sadhappyfunnymoving()4.Mr Bea n told astory.differe ntfunniersamesad)5.Mr Bean isbadcleverEA man always goes to the same cafe at the same time every time every day and asked for two cups of coffee. He drinks them and the n asks for two more. One day the assista nt beh ind the cafe

14、 said to him,”Why do you always ask for two cups of coffee each time Why don you get one big glass in stead 代替)” The man an swered, Because I do not like to drink coffee along(独自).I drink with my friend. ” But a few days later the man came in and asked only for one cup of coffee/Oh, ” said the assis

15、tant? Is your friend dead(死的)” Oh, no.” said the man. He is very well. This coffee is for him. My doctor does nwa nt me to drink coffee. ”( )1. The man always goes to the same bar.( )2. The man asks for two cups of coffee everyday.( )3. The man doesntlike to drink coffee along.( )4. The man sfrie nd

16、 was dead.( )5. The man doctor does nwa nt him to drink coffee.FOne morning, Mr Black is driving his car in the countryside and looking for a hotel. When he sees an old man, he stops his car and says to the old man, ” Excuseme, can you tell me the way to a hotelYes,”the old man says. Ilshow you the

17、way.” He gets into Mr Blackscar, and they drive about six miles(公里). When they come to a small house, the man asks Mr Black to stop the car” This isnta hotel, is it” Mr Black says to the old man.No,” he answers. This is my house. Your hotel is six miles away from here. Turn around and go back 6miles

18、, and the n yosee it.”)1. Mr Black is in the coun tryside.A ridi ng a bike B tak ing a busC driving a car D taking a walk)2. Mr Black wan ts to A go fish ing B find the small houseC find a hotel D go sightsee in g 观光)3. Mr Black to the hotel.A asks an old man the way B tells an old woma n the wayC k

19、nows the way D is on the way(在 路上)4. The old man the small house.A walks toC takes a train toB takes a bus toD takes Mr Blackscar toB Mr Blackshouse D a sn ack bar)5. The small house is _ A a hotelC the old man houseGMr King gives Mrs King 100 yua n, so Mrs King goes shopp ing. She gets on the bus a

20、nd sits down next to an old man. Then she sees the old man bag is open. There is 100 yuan in it. She quickly looks into her bag-the money isibhere now! Mrs Ki ng is sure that the old man is a thief.( 小偷).She decides to take back the money from the old man s bag and say nothing about it. She puts cau

21、tiously(小心地)her hand into the old man sbag, takes the money and puts it into her own bag.Whe n she gets home, she shows Mr King the beautiful dress she buys.How do you pay for it” Mr Ki ng asks.With the money you give me, of course”Oh, What sthat” he asks and points to the money on the desk.( )1. Mr

22、s Ki ng goes shopp ingA on foot B by taxiby bike D by bus)2. There next to Mrs King.A are two old wome nfrom her bagC is an old woma nis an old man)3. Mrs King goes shopp ingA with $100B with 30 yuanC without(没有)taking her own moneyD with Mr King()4. Mrs King gets 100 yua n A from the old man sbag C

23、 from the thiefB from her bagD from the shop)5. Mrs King buys from a shop.A a n ice walletB a nice dressC a nice purseD a beautiful bagHKobe is twelve years old. He likes playing football. But he doesn listen to his teachers in class and never does his homework. So his teachers donike him.It Sun day

24、 today. Kobe gets up early. After breakfast , his mum asks him to do his homework. Kobe goes to his study. Whe n his mum is busy with her housework, Kobe goes out with a ball quickly. Now lunch is ready. But Kobe mum cant find him. When Kobe comes back, its half past twelve. His pare nts are an gry.

25、After lun ch. Kobe wants to go out to play aga in. His dad stops him and asksDid you finish your homework this morning ”No” says Kobecant do it ”So his dad pulls his ears and sayswhere are your earsOh! They are in your han ds” 判断正(门误(F)( )1. Kobeshobby is play ing football.( )2. On Sun day morning K

26、obe gets up very late.( )3. Kobe doesnthave lunch on Sun day.( )4. On Sun day morning, Kobesmother does her housework.( )5. Kobe can do his homework, but he doesrtdo it on Sun day.ILong long ago, there lived a young boy called David. He lived with his father. One mirning his father went out. Before

27、he left, he said to his son,”David, when Im away, stay near the door and watch it all the time( 一直)!” He said this because there were a lot of thieves in their coun try.David sat dow n n ear the door. A few minu tes later one of his aunts came. She asked TWhere is your father ” He out, David answered. Oh/said his aunt. Im going to visit your father. Go and tell him”His aunt the n went away, and Da

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