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1、4. When will the speaers begin to watch the game?A. At 600. B. At 800. C. At 1000.5. How is the womans new house?A. It is noisy. B. It is large. C. It is uncomfortable.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。

2、每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. How many songs is the womans iPod supposed to hold?A. 1,000. B. 300. C. 10.7. What is wrong with the iPod?A. It is the wrong sie.B. It doesnt play any songs.C. It plays a small number of songs.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. Where does the woman decide to go at first for her holiday t

3、his year?A. Florida. B. France. C. Meico.9. Why does the man want the woman to go to Paris?A. There are nice beaches nearby.B. He wants to get cheap ticets.C. He had a wonderful time there last year.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How does the woman feel about model car racing?A. It is time-wasting. B. It is r

4、ewarding. C. It is eciting.11. How old was the boy when he won the racing for the first time?A. 6. B. 7. C. 8.12. Who influenced the boy to start the model car racing?A. His friends. B. His father. C. His cousin.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What maes Stacy feel frightened?A. Some strange noises.B. Some nois

5、es of the strangers.C. Some loud noises of the neighbors.14. Why does Stacy have the frightened feelings?A. She saw some wolves passing by the par.B. She saw a baby crying in the corner.C. She saw a thrilling film yesterday.15. Who was Candyman designed for?A. Adults. B. Teenagers. C. Young children

6、.16. What will the speaers do after the conversation?A. Find out where the sound comes from.B. Mae their trip to the countryside.C. Find out where the crying baby is.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the speaer do most probably?A. A coach. B. A reporter. C. A tourist.18. Where is the speaer right now?

7、A. At the top of Mount Raven.B. On a si lift.C. In the newsroom.19. What is the lowest temperature tomorrow?A. ero degree. B. Minus 22 degrees. C. Minus 20 degrees.20. What does the speaer suggest that siers should do?A. Stay indoors. B. Dress warmly. C. Watch siing.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题

8、2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Most Popular Destinations for Every Budget UbudIts rich in culture and a green environment. Travelers can tour rice field, head to the popular money oo, or practice yoga(瑜伽)at one of the many studios. The city also acts as the center of Balis art scene.

9、Hotel The Chedi Club Tanah Gajah, a GHM hotel, maes our list of the best hotels in Bali for a reason. It comes with indoor/outdoor bathrooms, and many have pools. utauta is basically a bacpacer and party-lover heaven. The laid-bac beaches are lined with restaurants and bars and travelers can also sc

10、ore some serious deals at the numerous shopping outlets.Hotel The Sheraton Bali uta Resort is a typical modern chain resort that can be enjoyed along with first-class ocean views. SeminyaJust north of uta, Seminya is sometimes referred to as its grown-up neighbor. Its paced with high-end spas, gorge

11、ous beaches, and plenty of boutique shops. Sunsets and surfing here are not to be missed.Hotel The five-pearl Legian Bali provides you with an infinity pool, elegant rooms, and quality dining. JimbaranJimbaran is an interesting mi with resorts and strange fishing villages. Dining at seafood huts and

12、 browsing fish marets are typical daytime activities, but most visitors to this part of Bali are here for enjoying water.Hotel Villas at Ayana Resort is located on a private beach, the scenery of which is impressive. The large villas have gorgeous bathrooms, garden terraces(花园露台), and private pools.

13、21. Which can be recommended if Andy is interested in surfing?A. Ubud. B. uta. C. Seminya. D. Jimbaran.22. What can tourists do in Ubud?A. See lots of moneys. B. Visit museums on yoga.C. Watch movies in studios. D. Enjoy scenery on the beach.23. uta is a suitable place especially for _.A. A person w

14、ho lies modern art.B. A person who wants to gather with friends.C. A person who enjoys ocean views.D. A person who wants to buy beautiful bags.24. What can be nown about the Villas at Ayana Resort?A. They provide western food in restaurants.B. Public visitors can visit here easily.C. They can provid

15、e public pools for people.D. People can enjoy beautiful scenery there.BThe Thames Barrier is a system that prevents London from being flooded by North Sea storms. It lies in the eastern part of London. The Thames Barrier was built in the 1970s and has been in operation since 1982.It cost over 500 mi

16、llion and is operated by the Environment Agency.In normal weather, tides cause the Thames River to rise and fall by about 5 metres twice a day. Heavy storms in the North Sea, however, combined with rising tides can push too much water up the Thames and flood central parts of the city. When this happ

17、ens, the gates of the London Barrier are raised to eep water away from the city.In the course of history, London has witnessed many cases of etreme flooding. The worst event too place in 1958, when 300 people died during a heavy storm that spread across the North Sea and flooded the city. After this

18、 disaster, city planners decided that something had to be done to protect the city.Today, 10 rotating(旋转)steel gates span the 520-metre wide Thames River. Under normal conditions, the five storey high gates are down and ships can pass through. When danger approaches, the 3000-ton gates can be raised

19、 within minutes to eep etra water out of the city area. Since the opening of the barrier in 1982, the gates have been closed over 170 times. Recently, however, the gates have been closed very often due to rising sea levels.The Thames Barrier protects over a million people who live and wor in Central

20、 London. It also protects historic buildings, infrastructure(基础设施)and the London Underground. Climate eperts say that sea levels are rising slower than predicted so that the barrier will be operational through to 2070.25. What can we now about the Thames Barrier?A. It lies in the north of London. B.

21、 It was used to store water.C. It costs 500 million a year. D. It started to be used in 1982.26. Why did city planners decide to do something to protect the city?A. Tides rise and fall about 5 metres twice a day.B. Rising tides can easily flood central parts of the city.C. The Environment Agency hop

22、ed to reduce losses.D. The flood in 1953 made 300 people lose their lives.27. What caused the Thames Barrier to close very often?A. Frequent ships. B. Rising sea levelsC. Etreme weather. D. Too much rain.28. What does the author thin of the Thames Barrier?A. Attractive. B. Vital.C. Concerned. D. Con

23、troversial.CAfter being unemployed for a few years, I was looing for something to do in my spare time that would also help to increase my sills and confidence.Having previously suffered from depression(沮丧)and aniety, I new a full-time job would be more of a long-term goal. When I was introduced to V

24、olunteering Matters, I was particularly interested in the handyperson service. I was a bit nervous though as it was brand new to me. After chatting with the project coordinator, I signed up and went through some initial training, which was really relaing and enjoyable.In February, I too up the role

25、as a handyperson organier, which means it is my responsibility to spea to older people who require our service. After that, I assign the job request to the most appropriate volunteers, based on their location and sills. It usually taes about one hour per evening to complete my tas.Having done this r

26、ole now for si months, I have learned a great deal and am very proud to be a part of this project. I have seen first-hand how important it is to help older people, who would really struggle without our service. I really feel that I am doing my bit to help others and give something bac. It has helped

27、 me to believe in myself and I have learned some new sills, which I didnt believe I could ever do, especially my communication, organiation and interpersonal sills.Its great to be able to build a relationship with our clients and volunteers and it is also a lot of fun. My confidence has increased an

28、d I absolutely love my volunteer organier role. Most recently, I have also been helping the project coordinator with administration tass and publicity(宣传)wor for the service, which means I am improving my IT nowledge as well. It means a lot that I have received help and support from Volunteering Mat

29、ters. At the same time, I am helping the organiation and its beneficiaries too.29. Why did the author turn to Volunteering Matters?A. To meet new friends. B. To mae more money.C. To mae himself a better person. D. To get rid of depression and aniety.30. What does the underlined phrase “handyperson s

30、ervice” mean?A. Convenient help. B. Total support.C. Careful thought. D. Friendly communication.31. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. What the author is supposed to do.B. The reason why the author volunteers.C. How this project benefits the author.D. Why the author loves the volunteer organier role.32. What can we infer from the tet about the authors attitude?A. It is worthwhile to do voluntary wor.B. The old are badly in need of volunteers.

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