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1、 The existing usual raila line uld n lnger supprt Xiniangs develpent All passenger trains ill graduall shift t the ne lin,leaving the ld ne t be used fr gds As a result,Xiniangs annual gds abilit uld reah 200 illin etri tns fr the urrent 70 illin The line passes thrugh areas that experiene high inds

2、, and it als rsses parts f the deserted Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the bne-dr sands f the Gbi Desert The pret uld help hina t prte its high-speed raila tehnlg abrad,said a Xi zhang, diretr f the Lanzhu-Xiniang raila prets anageent departent in Xiniang【小题1】H lng did it tae t g fr Uruqi t Lanzhu b the

3、usual train befre?Aabut 12 hursBAbut 6 hursAbut 18 hursDAbut 24 hurs【小题2】hats the ain advantage f the ne high-speed raila?AIt taes re tie t g t Uruqi t LanzhuBIt ill be re nvenient fr peple all ver the untr t XiniangAll the peple in Lanzhu an return he n festivalsDIt helps t iprve Xiniangs develpent

4、【小题3】Fr the passage e an learn_ AXiniangs annual gds abilit an inrease nearl fur tiesBthe ne raila tehnlg a help re raila lines t be built abradthe high-speed raila lines ant be built arss the bne-dr sandsDthe ld raila lines an nl arr gds n【小题4】hih f the flling is true arding t the passage?AThe ne h

5、igh-speed raila line is gd fr all peple t g heBThe ne high-speed raila line benefits businessen t arr gdsTaing the ne train is safer than driving he fr Uruqi t LanzhuDBusinessen seld ent he fr Spring Festival befre2、If u see a grup f peple daning and singing n the street r in the raila statin, u dnt

6、 need t feel surprised The are a flash b(暴民) h are the? Are the bs? Dnt be nfused b their nae Atuall, a flash b is a grup f peple h gather suddenl in a publi plae, d sething unusual fr a brief perid f tie, and then quil disappear The are usuall rganized ith the help f the Internet r ther digital uni

7、atins netrs The essages a be sent t friends, h send t re peple At a predeterined tie, the gather and perfr se ativities suh as exhanging bs, ing tgether t l at the s, aving their hands and elling sething at the tp f their vie fr 30 sends Then, the quil disappear befre the plie an arrive Using bile p

8、hnes, the flash b an hange its plae if the first ne has been anelled fr an reasn Bill asi, senir editr f Harpers agazine, rganized the first flash b in anhattan in a 2003 and the first suessful flash b gathered n une 3, 2003 asi laied that he reated the flash b as a sial experient designed t laugh a

9、t fashin seeers and stress the ultural atsphere f anting t be an insider r part f “the next big thing” Flash b gatherings an seties sh peple Suh an ativit ight see ausing and agial, but it als ight frighten peple h are nt aare f hat is taing plae Undubtedl, flash b an serve as gd plitial tls and hav

10、e great ptential, suh as using flash b t advertise a prdut The flash b is n being re and re ppular Peple use it t d an things Fr exaple, in 2009, ihael asns fans t part in a flash b t reeber hi Hundreds f his fans gathered singing and daning ihaels faus sng “Beat It” tgether Flash bs give peple fr a

11、ll als f life an pprtunit t e tgether t reate a er【小题1】hat is NT the feature f the flash b?AIt an get tgether quilBIt an hange its plae freelIt an d ativities suddenlDIt an inure peple seriusl【小题2】H d flash bs infr ne anther?B using the InternetB riting lettersB ellingB aving handsB using bile phnes

12、B hlding a eeting A BD【小题3】h did Bill asi reate the flash b?AT advertise se prdutsBT help peple ae friendsT laugh at fashin seeersDT reate se eries【小题4】hat an e learn abut the flash b fr the passage?ABill asi rganized the first suessful flash b in a, 2003BPeple are enuraged t tae a re ative part in

13、an ativitFlash bs tend t d sething illegal fr a shrt tieDFlash b gathering an frighten all the peple present3、Have u ever run int a areless ell phne user n the street? Perhaps the ere bus taling, testing r heing updates n ehat ithut ling at hat as ging n arund the As the nuber f this ne “speies” f h

14、uan has ept rising, the have been given a ne nae phubbers (低头族) Reentl, a artn reated b students fr hina entral Aade f Fine Arts put this grup f peple under the sptlight In the shrt fil, phubbers ith varius sial identities bur theselves in their phnes A dtr plas ith his ell phne hile letting his pat

15、ient die, a prett an taes selfie in frnt f a ar aident siteand a father lses his hild ithut ning abut it hile using his bile phne A hain f siilar events eventuall leads t the destrutin f the rld Althugh the ending sunds verstated, the daage phubbing an bring is real ur health is the first t bear the

16、 effet and result f it “nstantl bending ur head t he ur ell phne uld daage ur ne,” Guanging Dail quted dtrs as saing “The ne is lie a rpe that breas after lng-ter strething” Als, staring at ell phnes fr lng perids f tie ill daage ur eesight graduall, arding t the reprt But thats nt all Being a phubb

17、er uld als daage ur sial sills and drive u aa fr ur friends and fail At reunins ith fail r friends, an peple tend t sti t their ell phnes hile thers are hatting happil ith eah ther and this reates a strange atsphere, Qilu Evening Nes reprted It an als st u ur life There have been lts f reprts n phub

18、bers h fell t their death, suffered aidents, and ere rbbed f their ell phnes in brad dalight【小题1】Fr hat purpse des the authr give the exaple f a artn in Para 2?AT infr peple f the bad effets f phubbingBT advertise the artn ade b studentsT indiate the rld ill finall be destred b phubbersDT arn dtrs a

19、gainst using ell phnes hile treating patients【小题2】hih f the flling is NT a ris a phubber a have?AHis sial sills uld be affetedBHis ne and eesight ill be graduall haredHe ill ause the destrutin f the rldDHe ight get separated fr his friends and fail【小题3】hih f the flling a be the authrs attitude tards

20、 phubbing?ASupprtiveBppsedptiistiDbetive【小题4】hat a the passage tal abut next?AAdvie n h t use a ell phneBPeple addited t phubbingeasures t redue the riss f phubbingDnsequenes f phubbing4、D u lve Beats headphnes, True Religin eans, and UGG shes? These are se f the st ppular brands (牌子) arund The are

21、als expensive But se experts sa the are nt uh better than heaper brands Fr exaple, i ilx rs fr nsuer Reprts He tested all inds f headphnes He sas that $80 ss Pr headphnes prvide basiall the sae qualit and frt as Beats S h d peple pa tie r even 10 ties as uh fr the httest brands? Experts sa its beaus

22、e fashinable, expensive brands send a essage Brands sa “I belng” r “I an affrd it” Se peple thin that expensive brand naes are rth the prie The sa that se designer lthes reall are tp qualit and that the last lnger than heaper brands Se teenagers hse t ear ppular brands beause these brands ae the fee

23、l gd abut theselves Alexandra Alla, 17, lies t bu brand-nae prduts “Id rather spend the extra ne t get sething I n Ill be satisfied ith,” she sas Her friend E San agrees, saing “As lng as u an affrd it, it sees reasnable t bu hat u ant” But nt all teenagers agree “Spending hundreds f dllars fr desig

24、ner sunglasses is stupid and unreasnable,” sas Daniel Steinbreher, 16 “Its fae (假的) happiness” Peple h are against earing expensive brand naes sa that an designer brands arent an better “Its asteful t bu things ust beause the are ppular,” sas Edund illias, 1 “ull feel better if u bu things beause u

25、lie the If u have extra ne t spend, it uld be better t give it t peple in need”【小题1】The exaple f is reprt ants t tell us _ Appular brands ae peple frtableBss Pr headphnes are better than Beatsthe httest brands are f the highest qualitDlesser-nn brands a ffer the sae qualit as nae brands【小题2】Arding t

26、 experts, peple hse the httest brands prbabl _ At sh ffBfr their better qualitfr their better designsDt belng t a speial grup【小题3】hat des Edund thin f expensive brands?AThe are nt rth the prieBThe ae hi feel nfidentThe need t iprve their qualitDThe pa t uh attentin t persnal lies【小题4】The text is ain

27、l abut _ Ah t bu things reasnablBthe petitin beteen brandsthe different values f teenagersDhether expensive brands are rth high pries、Shuld e all dern buildings t be built next t lder buildings in a histri area f a it? In rder t anser this questin, e ust first exaine hether peple reall ant t preserv

28、e the histri feel f an area Nt all histrial buildings are attrative Hever, there a be ther reasnsfr exaple, eni(经济的) reasnsh the shuld be preserved S, let us assue that histrial buildings are bth attrative and iprtant t the arit f peple hat shuld e d then if a ne building is needed? In vie, ne arhitetural stles an exist perfetl ell alngside an lder stle Indeed, there are an exaples in

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