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polly 期末考前 中译英解析Word格式文档下载.docx

1、(impress)7.要是给我们更多的时间,我们肯定会把工作完成得更好些。(1分词作状语 ) (2.状语从句 )这家餐馆不断改进服务,开发新品以满足不同顾客的需求。(develop)1Do you know what XO stand for?2The latest household appliances ranging in price from 100 to 1000yuan here sell well here. 3. There is no doubt that this fire was caused by someone smoking.No doubt this fire w

2、as caused by someone smoking.4.Since this technology was introduced, the production of our factory has doubted/ increased _ twice. Since the introduction of this technology,5 The supermarket is popular with the customers because of its reasonable price and wide range of products, The supermarket , w

3、hich provides a wide range of products at reasonable prices, is popular with the customers.The supermarket provides a wide range of products at reasonable prices, making it popular with the customers.6The tourists were deeply impressed by the International Book Fair;International Book Exhibition7. G

4、iven more time, we would surely finish the work better8 This restaurant keeps improving its service and developing new products to meet/ satisfy the customers needs.Part 21.只要坚持努力,你就一定能梦想成真。(come true)2. 各国都在尝试各种方法减少温室效应的影响。(reduce)3.人类几百年来梦寐以求的星际旅行终于实现了。4. 他一心想做宇航员 / 做顶级时装设计师. (dream).5. 你知道谁是第一个被送

5、入太空的中国宇航员吗?(send)6农民工说的话真实地反映了他们的真实想法。(reflect)710真正重要的不是你做什么,而是你如何去做。(not . but) (matter) (count)1.So long as you keep on working hard, your dream will surely come true./ you will surely make your dream come true.2.Each country is trying every means to reduce the influence of the greenhouse effect.

6、3.The interplanetary travel, which humans have dreamed of for hundreds of years has come true at last.4. He has always been dreaming of becoming a top fasion designer.5. Do you know who the first Chinese astronaut to be sent into space was.?6.what the migrant workers said reflected their true though

7、ts.10 It is not what you do but how you do it that matters. What really counts is not what you do but how you do it.Part 3 1上海的巨大变化给这些来自欧洲的客人留下了深刻的印象。(impress/impression)2众所周知,这三个字母代表世界贸易组织。(As) (It)3毫无疑问,政府将采取措施来防止疾病的蔓延。4虽然他年纪轻轻,但对电脑却很在行。( despite ,command)5 在如此糟糕的天气里,与其出去散步还不如呆在家里。(It is better -)

8、6这本时尚杂志值得一读。(worth)7尽管下着大雨,他们还是提前完成了任务。(despite, manage)8因特网使我们能快捷便利德获得信息。enable9遇到困难的时候,我们要做的不是彼此的埋怨,而是相互帮助。(not.but)10这对孪生兄弟在外貌上相似但性格不同。(similar)11我愿意在这门功课上多花时间。(willing)12你方便在9点去机场接我吗?(convenient for)Part 4 高考真题选1. 同其他学生相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听、说能力。(compare) 考核点:1)compared with 2)better 3)listening and spe

9、aking abilities2.对父母而言,没有什么能与孩子的身心健康相比。 (compare) (physical and mental health).3.祝贺你被允许参加开幕典礼。(congratulate)4.就我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。(as far as) convenient5.如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。(convenient) fetch parcel.6.遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互帮助。 (notbut) blame7. 毫无疑问,旅行使人开阔眼界,增长知识。(doubt) There is no doubt that broaden

10、 ones mindenlarge/improve/increase ones knowledge. 8.他和他的同学都不喜欢放学后补课。(Neithernor) taking extra classes9.尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,实施援救。(despite) Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the carry out the rescue. rushed to the scene of the accident10.能否抵御网络游戏的诱惑是摆在中学生面前的一道难题。(It)It is a difficult p

11、roblem resist the temptation online games.11 .那些价格在2000元至3000元之间的数码相机很畅销。digital camerasCompared with other students,the girl has better listening and speaking abilities in English. (compare)As for parents, nothing can be compared with their childrens physical and mental health.Congratulate you on h

12、aving been admitted to the opening ceremony.(as far as)As far as I know, it is convenient to do shopping in that small city.(convenient) If (it is) convenient, please fetch me the parcel from the post office/please go to the post office and fetch me the parcel. When (we are) in difficulty / When we

13、meet with difficulties, what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other. There is no doubt that travelling broadens ones mind and enlarge/improve/increase ones knowledge. (Neithernor) Neither he nor his classmates like taking extra classes after school. Despite the high mountains and

14、thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue. It is a difficult problem for high school students whether they can resist the temptation of online games.Those digital cameras that range in price from 2000 Yuan to 3000 Yuan sell well.Part 5 U1-U3

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