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1、C 创造 D 写照9 “以美育代宗教” 的思想是由( ) 提出的。A 王国维 B 鲁迅C 蔡元培 D 胡适1015 世纪以前欧洲绘画主要采用( )。A 油彩 B 蛋彩C 水粉 D 水彩11 唐代青绿山水的代表人物是( )。A 李思训 B 吴道子C 王维 D 李唐121924 年,法国作家安德烈 布勒东在巴黎发表了( )。A 超现实主义宣言 B 现实主义宣言C 未来主义宣言 D 表现主义宣言13艺术设计的思维方式属于( ) 。A 形象思维 B 逻辑思维C 形象思维与逻辑思维相结合 D 单向思维14 艺术设计的理论学习与技能训练最终是为了培养学生的( ) 。A 观察能力 B 表述能力C 描绘能力

2、D 创造能力15民间蓝印花布以其( ) 风格而着称。A 华贵 B 高雅C 淳朴 D 秀丽16着名的鲍豪斯设计学院发源于( )。A. 德国 B. 美国C 英国 D 法国17环境艺术设计的本质是为了( ) 。A 改造自然环境 B 美化生活环境C 安排居住空间 D. 创造理想的生存空间18丹麦的现代设计早期以( ) 而着称。A 陶瓷设计 B 家具设计C 服装设计 D 玩具设计19( )不属于戏剧的基本特性。A 动作 B 戏剧冲突C 照相本性 D 戏剧情境20戏剧的本质是( )。A 冲突 B 动作C 情节 D 结构21( )是欧洲中世纪戏剧的样式之一。A 苦难剧 B 道德剧C 性格剧 D 情景剧22(

3、 )是夏衍先生的戏剧作品。A 上海屋檐下 B 包身工C 原野 D 十 字街头23人们公认的中国话剧的发韧之作是( )。A 升官图 B. 名优之死C 黑奴吁天录 D 雷雨24( ) 的欧那尼的上演,标志着古典主义戏剧的结束,浪漫主义戏剧的开始。A雨果 B 席勒C 莱辛 D 博马舍25下列演员中,( )是评剧演员。A 丁是娥 B 李再雯C 罗寿山 D 周慕莲26发生在明代中期的“ 汤沈之争” 中的“沈” 指( )。A 沈约 B 沈云英C 沈璟 D 沈括27下列演员中,( )为元代杂剧演员。A 马锦 B 彭天锡C 陈明智 D 珠帘秀28花部农谭的作者是( )。A 叶堂 B 李调元C 黄幡绰 D 焦循

4、29“王十朋” 是( )中的人物。A 紫钗记 B. 荆钗记C 紫玉钗 D. 拜月亭记30参军戏的两个主要脚色,一为参军,另一个为( ) 。A 苍鹘 B 副末C 贴旦 D 副净31电影片种包括( ) 等。A 西部片 B 警匪片C 歌舞片 D. 故事片32中景一般表现的范围是( ) 。A人物身体膝盖以上的景别 B 人物全身的景C 人物身体胸部以上的景别 D 人物身体肩部以上的景别33摄影机沿着光轴方向向后移拍摄,画面包容范围逐渐扩大,这在镜头运动的术语中叫做( )。A 摇镜头 B 推镜头C 移镜头 D 拉镜头34电影定军山的出现标志着( ) 。A. 中国电影的诞生 B 中国有声电影的诞生C 中国电

5、影故事片的诞生 D 中国战争电影的诞生35广播电视作为电子媒介,以( )为表现形式。A新闻 B 文艺C 栏目 D. 节目36.电视视觉语言的最小单位是( ) 。A画面 B 镜头C. 形象 D. 词汇32.影视剧中的“主观镜头” 指的是( )。A摄像师的视角 B 导演的视角C 角色的视角 D 观众的视角38电视叙事、抒情的艺术手段主要体现为( )。A声音 B 厕面C 主持 D. 声画结合39电视连续剧围城改编自( ) 的同名长篇小说。A老舍 B 钱钟书C 张恨水 D. 贾平凹40中国着名的芭蕾舞表演艺术家( ) 被称为中国的第一只“白天鹅” 。A胡蓉蓉 B 薛菁华C. 白淑湘 D 石钟琴41中国

6、着名的舞蹈作品雀之灵,是中国舞蹈家( ) 的代表作。A刀美兰 B. 杨丽萍C 马惠仙 D 杨桂珍42 回忆和描写公孙大娘舞剑器情景的观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行一诗,是着名诗人( )所作。A李白 B 杜甫C. 李贺 D 白居易43 戴爱莲先生创作的着名舞蹈( ),是我国第一部根据敦煌壁画中“香音女神” 的形象创作的舞蹈作品。A双飞天 B 童子飞天C飞天 D 六臂飞天44舞剧丝路花雨中的敦煌舞姿,呈现了敦坞石窟壁画艺术特有的( ) 特征。A回旋动态 B 字形曲线C 仰俯动态 D S 形曲线二、多项选择题(共8 题,每小题 2分,共 16 分。以下各题五个选项中,至少有 2个选确)45刘天华是我国着名的

7、民族器乐家,下列作品中 是由他创作的名曲。A 二泉映月 B. 良宵C 广陵散 D 光明行E 荫中鸟46意本利文艺复兴艺术采用了等科学手段。A. 透视学 B 化学C. 解剖学 D. 光学E 数学47科学的艺术设计方法是为了( )。A 提高工作效率 B. 提高设计质量C设计者的能动作用 D 确定设计选题E 明确设计任务48戏剧的基本功能有( ) 。A 审美功能 B 娱乐功能C 间离功能 D流功能E 教育功能49下列元代杂剧作品中,根据唐传奇改编的有( )。A. 西厢记 B. 望江亭C 倩女离魂 D. 救风尘E 墙头马上50在电影摄制中,“摇镜头” 的运动是指( ) 。A 上下摇 B. 推拉镜头C

8、事右摇 D. 旋转E. 跟镜头51影视光源主要包括( )。A 顺光 B 逆光C 自然光 D 人工光E 气氛光52中国舞剧小刀会( ) 。A 反映19 世纪50 年代太平天国运动B 反映天地会农民起义运动C表现农民黄巾起义的内容D 表现反抗帝国主义和清朝封建统治的主题E 表现农民领袖洪秀全组织穷苦百姓武装起义的内容三、英语阅读理解(共15 题,每小题2 分,满分30 分)Part I Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are three reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by

9、 somequestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answersmarked A, B,C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: ( 10 分 )Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public.Not only does

10、hewantto say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes thepublicwill listen and understand- he wants to teach them, and he wants them to learn from him.Whatvisual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, becausepainters

11、translate their experiences into shapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that acertainselection of shapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionallyinteresting forthem and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticedthese particularshapes and

12、 colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist. Mostartists take theirshapes and c olors from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion andrepose; theirchoices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they containbeautifulsights. Contemporary

13、artists might say that they merely choose subjects that p rovide aninterestingpattern, that there is nothing more in it. Yet even they do not choose entirely withoutreference to thecharacter of their subjects. If one painter chooses to paint a gangrenous ( 生坏疽的)leg and another alake in moonlight, ea

14、ch of them i s directing our attention to a certain aspect ofthe world. Eachpainter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizingsomething- all of which meanthat, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.53. All artists are common in that ( )A. they use shapes and colors i

15、nstead of wordsB. they are trying to teach the publicC. whaat they want to teach is difficult to explainD. they want to learn from the public54. A painter chooses certain shapes and colors out of the countless bi llions possible because hebelieves they ( )A. are beautiful B. can bring delight to him

16、C. are worth showing to the public D. are particular55. Contemporary artists choose subjects ( )A. without reference to the character of their subjectsB. that only provide the interesting patternC. that there is no meaning in itD. partly for the meaning of the subjects56. Comparing the painter who p

17、aints a gangrenous leg with the one who paints a lake inmoonlight, we can draw the conclusion that ( )A. both convey the same meaning B. both show certain aspects of the worldC. the latter is more meaningful D. the former is more meaningful57. According to the passage, which of the following s tatem

18、ents is true? ( )A. The public could share the artists feelings through their choice of shapes and colors.B. The painter should not choose to paint ugly things.C. Contemporary artists are completely different from other artists.D. All artists are teaching the public consciously.Questions 6 to 10 are

19、 based on the following passage: (10 分)In previous generations, young people were under their parents control; now theteenagechildren of the Wests richest generation were ready for something to get excited about.The Beatlessimply put a spark to a fuse (导火线) that was waiting to be lit.Everything chan

20、ged, and what changed for the Beatles was their lives and their workinghabits,in the midst of the hysterical (歇斯底里的)following the band attracted. Because of thedemand ofthe fans to see them perform, they played bigger and bigger venues (meeting places),especially inAmerica.But John, Paul, George and

21、 Ringo became increasingly unhappy that, because of thescreaming of their fans, ne ither the band nor the audience could hear the music. Creativelyfrustrated and tiredof the pressures of life under siege (围攻) from their fans, they retired fromplaying concerts in 1966and decided to concentrate on rec

22、ording.It was from this point that the brilliance of the Beades really began to reveal itself: theywouldrecord over their career some 200 songs. Never before nor since has any recording andwriting groupeven developed and yet remained the same in the way the Beades did.Their songs never lost their un

23、iversal appeal thanks to the warmth and timelessness oftheirmelodies and lyrics. John and Paul were powerful singers with distinctive styles. It becameapparent that, despite thefact that the songwriting credits were always equally attributed to them,Paul and John wrote andsang their own songs. Georg

24、e also contributed two or three of hisown compositions to each of theBeatles eleven albums. Even Ringo wrote and sang the occasionalsong.58. Which of the following is NOT true about the Beatles according to the passage?A. They made the young people of their time very excited.B. They attracted a larg

25、e following wherever they played.C. They were always pleased with their popularity.D. No other pop music group had ever recorded or written as many songs as they did.59. It can be inferred from the passage that ( )A. John and Paul were more talented and made greater contribution to the success of th

26、e bandB. John and Paul sang their own songs because they didn like each others styleC. George and Ringo never composed or sang theii own songsD. The Beatles maintained so much popularity with their works that no other recording orwriting group could Compare60. It is implied in the third paragraph th

27、at( )A. the Beatles had no appetite for fameB. the audience were unhappy about the sound effectC. pop musicians get easily fired as they are under great pressures of lifeD. the screaming of the fans prevented the Beafles fromperforming happily and creatively61. The Beatlesoutstanding qualities were really shown when( )A. they concentrated on recording and compositionB. they played on the

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