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1、宇宙向我们展示了我们是多么渺小,在一个如此广阔的空间里,只有人类一种智慧生物吗?是否出于某种理由可能有人不想让我们知道?下面是关于外太空的最佳奥秘和假说的列表。10 Simulacrum in Eagle Nebula 鹰状星云幻象One of the strangest photos that has ever been taken of space is that of the Eagle Nebula. The photo itself is supposed to show the birth of a star from the gaseous clouds. However, wh

2、en the photo was shown on CNN, hundreds of calls came in from people reporting they could see a face in the cloud. When the color of the photo was adjusted, a large human form seemed to appear within the cloud. Scientist have not been able to explain this phenomena (though listverse very possible ha

3、s on see item 1). .迄今为止拍摄的最奇特的太空照片之一是鹰状星云。人们认为照片显示的是恒星从云气中的诞生。然而,这张照片在CNN电视台播出后,数百名观众打来电话说他们在云里看到了一张脸。照片色彩经过调整后,云里似乎出现了一个巨大的人形。科学家一直无法解释这种现象(不过很可能给出了解释 -见第1项)。9 Where did galaxies come from? 星系来自哪里?Science has only recently been able to explain where the stars and planets came from. Now, scientists

4、have turned their attention to a much bigger mystery, where did galaxies come from? What is known is that galaxies are not scattered randomly throughout space, rather they are found in clusters, known as “super clusters”. Scientists have two main theories to attempt to explain galaxy formation. Firs

5、t, the gas left over from the big bang clustered together to form galaxies, in which stars and planets were born. Second is that gas from the big bang created stars and planets all over the universe, and they migrated through gravity into galaxies. Neither theory has been universally accepted yet.科学

6、直到最近才能够解释出恒星和行星的来源。现在,科学家们把注意力转向了一个更大的谜,星系是从哪儿来的?已知的情况是,星系不是错落在整个太空,而是位于被称为“超级星系团”的星系团里。科学家有两个主要的理论来试图解释星系的形成。一种理论认为大爆炸产生的气体聚集在一起形成了星系,星系中又诞生了恒星和行星。另一种理论认为大爆炸产生的气体生成了恒星和行星,它们通过引力作用迁移后形成了星系。两种理论都未被普遍接受。8 Other Earths 其它“地球”Our star, the sun, is just one of trillions in the universe. When you look at

7、the fact that our star has eight planets, and do the math, it tells you that it is possible for there to be eight times as many planets in the universe than stars; an astounding figure. Is it not possible that just one of those planets might have life on it? It is a fact that, since the year 2000, h

8、undreds of extra solar planets have been discovered orbiting distant stars. Some of these have found to be earth- like, such as the planet Gliese 581d, a planet believed to have liquid water on its surface. Could it possibly contain life? Hopefully with advances in technology in the next decade, we

9、will soon know the answer. Till then, it remains one of spaces greatest mysteries.我们的恒星-太阳只是宇宙的万亿分之一。我们知道,太阳有八大行星。计算一下就会知道,整个宇宙中行星的数量很可能是恒星的8倍,这是个令人震惊的数字。这些恒星中的某一颗没可能就有生命迹象吗?事实上,自2000年以来,数百颗太阳系以外的行星被发现绕着遥远的恒星在运行。其中有些行星与地球类似,例如,格利泽581d,人们相信其表面有液态水。它上面有可能有生命吗?希望在未来十年,随着技术的进步,我们很快就能知道答案。在此之前,它仍然是外太空最大的

10、谜团之一。7 Are there Other Universes? 是否有其它宇宙?This is one of the more controversial arguments out there. The theory is that there are an infinite number of universes, each which is governed by its own set of laws and physics. Many scientists dismiss this argument as nothing more than speculation, as the

11、re is no evidence or mathematical law that allows for the existence of other universes. However, believers in this theory have argued that there are none that disprove it either. This is one mystery which can only be solved if we were able to travel there, however, with the expansion of the universe

12、, it is unlikely humanity will ever find the answer.这是更具争议的问题之一。有种理论认为存在无数个宇宙,每个宇宙都有各自的规律和运行方式。许多科学家认为这种观点只不过是臆测,因为没有任何证据或数学法则可以印证其它宇宙的存在。持相信态度的人则辩称,同样没有证据能证明它不存在。要解开这个迷,除非我们能到达其它宇宙。然而,随着宇宙的膨胀,人类将永远不可能找到答案。6 Dark Matter 暗物质Albert Einsteins equation E = MC2 is perhaps the best known equation of the c

13、entury. However when applied to space, an anomaly occurs. When we use it to determine how much matter the universe should have, we realize that we have only found four percent of the matter in the universe! Where is the rest of it? Many believe it is in the form of dark matter. Where is this dark ma

14、tter? Its everywhere, wherever there is no visible matter. Scientists have yet to show any conclusive proof that dark matter does in fact exist. The fact that you cant see it, touch it, and light and radio waves pass right through it undeterred makes it extremely hard to detect.阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦的方程式E= MC 2也

15、许是本世纪最知名的方程式。但是把它运用到太空则会失灵。当用这个方程式来确定宇宙中应该有多少物质时,我们才意识到,我们只发现了宇宙中物质的百分之四!其它的物质呢?许多人相信,这些物质以暗物质的形式存在。那么暗物质在哪里呢?它无处不在,可见物质不存在的地方都有暗物质。科学家们还没有任何确凿的证据证明暗物质确实存在。暗物质看不到,摸不着,连光波和无线电波都穿其而过,不受任何阻碍。这些特征使得它非常难以察觉。5 Mars/Earth Connection 火星和地球的联系When talking about life on other planets, some say we need go no f

16、urther than our own solar system. Mars has always been thought to harbor life by many conspiracy theorists, saying that NASA is covering it up. Many photos have also called into question civilization on Mars, such as the face on Mars, Pyramids on Mars, and photo of what appears to be an ape like fig

17、ure sitting on a rock on Mars. While scientists have come out to debunk these photos, they have also admitted that they believe liquid oceans once covered the surface of Mars before its magnetic field disappeared. Is it possible that life did indeed once exist? The current missions to Mars hope to a

18、nswer this question.提起其它星球上的生命,有人认为我们无需到太阳系以外寻找。一直以来,许多阴谋论者都认为火星上有生命,只是美国航空航天局封锁了消息。许多照片也被用来质疑火星上存在文明,如在火星上出现的脸、金字塔、坐在火星岩石上的类猿人等照片。虽然科学家们站出来揭穿了这些照片,但同时也承认,他们认为在磁场消失前,液态海洋曾经覆盖过火星表面。生命是否可能曾经存在过?希望目前的火星探测任务能回答这个问题。4 UFO sightings by NASA Astronauts美国航天局宇航员看到的不明飞行物NASA Astronauts are some of the most hi

19、ghly trained and specialized people in the world. Often they are expert scientists that can explain almost anything. So when they see something they cant explain, you can bet it is going to raise eyebrows. One of the most famous incidents occurred on a live broadcast on NBC in 1963. Major Gordon Coo

20、per was at the end of his 22 orbit solo journey around the earth when he said that out of one of his windows he could see a glowing green object fast approaching. The object then made a sharp turn and shot away. He was sure he was not seeing things, as the radar in his spacecraft picked up the objec

21、t as well. Upon his return to earth interviewers wanted to ask him about the object, however NASA officials would not allow it. You can read about this and other Astronaut sightings at .美国航天局的宇航员是世界上最训练有素和专业的一些人。他们通常是可以解释几乎所有的问题的科学专家。因此,当他们看到的东西自己也无法解释时,毫无疑问会引人侧目。最著名的事件之一发生在1963年的美国全国广播公司现场直播上。戈登.库珀

22、少校在绕地球22周飞行的最后一周飞行时说,他可以看到窗外有一个发光的绿色物体正在迅速靠近。那个物体急转弯后消失得无影无踪。库珀确定他看到的不是虚无的东西,因为他飞船上的雷达也监测到了这个物体。返回地面后,有记者想要追问详情,但美国航天局的官员未允许。上有此事件和其它宇航员目击情况的介绍。3 “White” Holes “白”洞One of Albert Einsteins greatest accomplishments was the proving, though mathematics, the existence of black holes. From the advances in

23、 technology, we now have been able to find several black holes, and believe one to be at the center of our very own Milky Way galaxy. What is astonishing, however, is what Einstein also proved through his equations; white holes also exist. The exact opposite of black holes, white holes are believed

24、to “spit out” an incredible amount of matter from seemingly nothing. Such an object shouldbe easy to find, yet none have been. If one was found, it may help us explain other unknown mysteries, such as where the material that made the galaxies came from.阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦最伟大的成就之一,是用数学证明了黑洞的存在。随着技术的进步,我们现在已经可以

25、找到数个黑洞,并相信其中一个位于我们所在的银河系的中心。令人惊讶的是,爱因斯坦通过他的方程证明了另一种情况:白洞也存在。与黑洞正好相反,白洞被认为是从无缝的零空间里“吐出”难以计数的物质。这样的对象应该很容易找到,但一直都没有找到。如果找到了,这可能有助于我们解释其它的未知之谜,例如形成星系的物质是从何而来的。2 Ruins on Moon 月球上的废墟In this list we have discussed the possibility of life on distant planets, and in near planets. But could it possibly at o

26、ne time have been as close as the moon? This conspiracy theory states that there are indeed ancient ruins and buildings on the moon, but the government has been censoring them from the public. This theory had no backing until two recent breakthroughs. A man who claims to have worked for the governme

27、nt censoring moon photos came forward with several, explaining how the censorship was done and that indeed there were structures on the moon. More recently, scientist announced they believe they have discovered water, possibly in ice or liquid form, under the surface of the moon. For conspiracy theo

28、rists, this was all the proof they needed, while critics dismiss it as “ridiculous speculation”. You can read more about this, and watch a fascinating video, .在这个排行榜里,我们讨论了在遥远星球及近距离星球上存在生命的可能。然而这种生命迹象有可能曾发生在据我们咫尺之遥的月球吗?这种阴谋论指出,月球上确实有古遗址和古建筑,只是政府一直未将之公之于众。这一理论一直缺乏佐证,直到最近两个突破性的事件。一名男子声称曾在供职的政府部门审查过月球的

29、照片,还解释了审查工作是如何进行的,并称月球上确有工事结构。最近,科学家宣布,他们相信自己已经在月球表面下发现了可能处于冰态或液态的水。对于阴谋论者,这是他们所需要的所有证据,而批评者则斥之为“荒谬的猜测”。 可以在阅读到更多的有关介绍,并观看精彩视频。1 Dark Energy 暗能量Dark energy is the greatest mystery in the universe today, because of the fact that it is believed to be all around us, and it explains why there seems to b

30、e anomalies within the law of gravity. By the law of gravity, large objects, like galaxy clusters, should attract each other, and their gravitational pull should pull in other objects. This however, is not the case, and the fact is most galaxy clusters are moving farther apart. This is due to the fact

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