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1、 I like playing football after school. 放学后我喜欢踢足球。 They are having a football match. 他产正在进行足球比赛。 【点拨】 合成词,foot+ball。踢足球 play football。注意在球类运动的名词前不要加冠词。 6. light灯,灯光;光线,亮光;轻的 Turn off the light when you leave. 离开时请关灯。 Dont read in a bad light. 不要在光线差的地方看书。 The desk is not heavy. Its light. 这书桌不重,它很轻。

2、7. some 一点;一些,几个 Please bring me some tea. 请给我带点茶来。 Some children are playing football at school. 有些孩子正在学校里踢足球。 Some are singing the ABC Song, some are reading. 有些在唱英语字母歌,有些在看书。 【点拨】 some既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。即可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词。some一般用于肯定句,也可用于希望得到肯定答复的疑问句,但不能用于否定句。 8. flower花 How nice the flowers are!

3、 这些花多漂亮呀! 9. table 桌子 There is a table for six in the room. 房间里有一张可供六个人进餐的餐桌。 【点拨】 table一般指没有抽屉的桌子,而desk则指有抽屉的供看书、写字等用的桌子。at table在用餐;at the talbe坐在桌旁。 10. window窗 Will you please open the car window? 请把车窗打开好吗? 11. broom扫帚 We can use a broom to sweep the floor. 我们可以用扫帚扫地。 12. find找到t worry. Ill find

4、 a way. 别担心,我会找到办法的。 【点拨】 find 作为“找到”解,是指找的结果。可以接双宾语。 13. China中国 China is a great country. 中国是个伟大的国家。 【点拨】 专有名词,第一个字母要大写。Chinese中国人,中国的 14. let 让 Let me see your pictures. 让我看看你的照片。 【点拨】 Let sb. do 让某人做。注意do前不能加to。 15. us我们 Will you go with us? 你跟我们一道去吗? 【点拨】 us是宾格代词作宾语的。 16. turn轮流;(依次轮流的)顺序 Whose

5、 turn is it next? 接下去轮到谁了? Its my turn to clean the blackboard. 轮到我擦黑板了。 【点拨】 Its ones turn to do. 轮到干单元词组思维运用 1. in the picture在图片(照片)中 We can see a school boy in the picture. 在图片中,我们可以看到一个学生。 2. on the wall在墙上 There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有张图片。 in the wall 在墙里。如:There is a window in the wall.

6、 3. in the bedroom在卧室里 In the bedroom we can see some flowers. 我们可以看到卧室里有花。 4. the teachers desk 讲台 Our English teacher is standing behind the teachers desk. 我们的英语老师正站在讲台后面。 5. a map of . 一幅地图 On the wall of our classroom there is a map of China. 在我们教室的墙上有一幅中国地图。二、学海导航学法指要单元句型思路明晰 1. What can you se

7、e+地点状语? 在(地方)你能看到什么? What can you see in the picture? 在图片中你能看什么? 2. Lets+动词原形+其他 让我们(干吧) Lets read the next once again. 我们再来念一遍课文。s start at once, shall we? 我们马上动身好吗? 这是一种建议祈使句。用Lets时一定包括对方在内,后用shall we进行试探。而用let us有时包括对方,有时不包括,得根据具体语言环境而定,故后用will you进行试探。 还可有“Let+第三人称宾语+动词原形+其他”句型。Let him have his

8、say.(让他发言。)s sbs turn(to do sth.) 该做了s your turn to speak. 该轮到你讲话了。 注意这里的turn是不可数名词。 4. It is on . 它在的上面 Is the football on the floor? 足球在地板上吗? The apples are on the tree. 树上有苹果。 5. It is in .它在的里面 My English book is in the bag. 我的英语书在书包里。 in 强调处于之中; on 强调在之上(接触)。 因此,in a tree强调了在树枝、枝叶之中, on a tree

9、强调了在树之上,即把重点放在两者紧贴在一起。The trees have lots of apples on them.(树上苹果满枝。)这时,就应该用on,因为苹果是长在树枝上的。 6. Its under . 它在的底下 The boat is under the bridge. 小船在桥底下。 7. Its behind . 它在的后面 The garden is behind the house. 花园在屋后。单元难点疑点释疑 1. Thats not my pen. 那不是我的钢笔。s Lilys. 是莉莉的。 Lilys. (Lilys pen.) 这是名词所有格的用法。 2. C

10、lass Three have a map. 三班有幅地图。 此句中Class Three指的是三班所有的学生,将它作为一个复数来看待,谓语动词用have而不用has.但在多数情况下,Class Three作为一个整体来看,谓语动词应该用单数形式。 Class Three is a good class. 三班是个好班。 3. a map of China 一幅中国地图 这是一个名词词组,其中of引出的介词短语,表示“的”。 a picture of Jim 一张吉姆的照片 the wall of the classroom 教室的墙 4. The map is on the wall of

11、their classroom. 地图在他们教室的墙上。 注意这句中的is不能少,否则句子无动词,没有谓语,句子就不能成立了。 on the wall of their classroom 在他们教室的墙上 注意英汉的次序不同。 例如: Your coat is on the bed of my room. 你的外套在我房间里的床上。 The football is on the floor under the teachers desk. 足球在讲台下的地上。 5. Wheres Wuhan? 武汉在哪里? 英语中,国名、地名、星期几、月份等,第一个字母必须大写。 China、Nanjing

12、、Sunday(星期天)、May(五月份)等 6. China 和 Chinese China 中国。例如:s a map of China. 这是幅中国地图。 Wuxi is in China. 无锡在中国。 Chinese中国的,中国人(的),中国式的。例如 That is a Chinese jeep. 那是一辆中国吉普车 We are all Chinese. 我们都是中国人。 7. table和desk table 餐桌 desk书桌,写字台,办公桌等 8. “some+复数名词”与“the+复数名词”的区别 some表示“一些”、“有些”,the在这里表示“这些”、“那些”,相当于

13、these,those。除意义不同外,在用法上,复数名词前的some表示泛指,the表示特指。另外,some一般只用在肯定句中,在疑问句、否定句中改some为any(一些),the不受句型限制。试比较: 误:I cant see some books. 正:t see any books.t see the books.9. 打扰他人时要先说Excuse me以示礼貌。但43课中为什么不在Wheres .?前加Excuse me?从第2部分对话中可以看出:Meimei与Lily可能是同班同学,彼此非常熟悉,不是陌生人。同时,她们是就一张中国地图进行对话,由Meimei发问,Lily在地图中找出

14、所问的地方。这种情况与陌生人打听某地在哪儿(即问路)是有区别的,不太正式,比较随便,不必拘泥于正式的社交礼仪,因而没先说Excuse me。当然,说了也无妨。 10. Its your turn now. 的使用场合 该句意为“现在轮到你了”。Turn在这里是名词,意思是“轮流”、(依次轮流的)顺序”。此句在转换性质的游戏、比赛、发言、工作、值日等许多方面都可用到。如果说到具体转换的内容,即表达“轮到某人做某事”时,用“Its + ones(某人的)+turn+to+动词原形+其他”这一句型。s your turn to be on duty today. 今天轮到你值日了。 11. in t

15、he wall 与 on the wall都是“在墙上”,它们之间的区别是: in the wall 通常指门、窗、洞、钉子等“在墙上”,因为它们均镶嵌在墙里;on the wall 习惯上指黑板、标语、图画、地图等“在墙上”,因为它们都是在墙的表面上。 The windows in the wall are big. 墙上的窗户大。 The map of China is on the wall. 中国地图在墙上。 12. “Its.”的用法是否错了? 没错。名词所有格之后既可以接名词,也可以不接名词。为避免重复,Lilys后面省略了“pen”。 13. 从“I can see some b

16、ooks.”中看如何使用some一词 some books意思是“一些书”,some在这里修饰可数名词boos, some既可以修饰可数名词(要用复数形式),又可以修饰不可数名词,表示“一些”。 I can see some trees behind the house. 我能看到房子后面有一些树。 There is some water in the glass. 杯子里有一些水。 some 通常用在肯定句中,表示“一些”的含义,在否定句和疑问句中some常常由any来代替。 I can see some birds in the tree. 我看到树上有些鸟。 I cant see any

17、 birds in the tree. 我看不见在那棵树上鸟。 Can you see any birds in the tree? 你看那棵树上有鸟吗? No. I cant see any. 不,我没看到任何鸟。 some 在希望得到肯定的答复时,也常可以用在疑问句中。Would you like some tea? 你想喝点茶吗?妙文赏析The Diet Mrs Tan was worried about her weight.“Im much too fat,” she told her friend. “I need to lose a lot of weight but I don

18、t know how to do it.” “Go and see Dr Wei,” Her friend said. “Hell tell you how to lose weight.” Mrs Tan visited Dr. Wei and told him her problem. “It isnt difficult to lose weight,” he told her. “All you need to do is go on a diet. Ill give you one.” He began to write on a piece of paper. “Eat lots

19、of fruit and vegetables. Also eat a lot of lean meat and grains.” When he finished, he handed her the piece of paper. “There you are,” he said. “Eat all those things and youll soon lose weight.” A few weeks later, Mrs Tans friend called on her. She was surprised to see that she was even fatter than

20、before and that she was eating a huge sandwich with chocolate cake and ice cream. “I thought you were on a diet,” she said. “Oh, I am,” Mrs Tan replied. “Ive already had all the food on my diet today. Now Im eating my dinner.” 注释:weight体重,fat肥胖的,lose失去,diet规定的饮食,vegetable蔬菜,lean瘦的,grain谷物,huge巨大的。思维

21、体操改错:下列各句话如有错误,在错误处划一横线,并在题后横线上改正;如果没错,在题后横线上划“”。 This is my bedroom. 1. I can see a picture in the wall. 2. The light is up the desk. 3. Where is the bed? 4. s under the table. 5. My sister bedroom is near my bedroom. 6. Some flower and a bed are in her room. 7. Two windows are on the wall. 8. A ye

22、llow door is in the wall, either. 9. We all like our bedrooms. 10. 答案与解析:1. 2. in 改为 on 3. up改为on 4. 5. under改为near 6.sister改为sisters 7.flower改为flowers 8. on 改为in 9.either改为too 10. 题2表示“在墙上(表面)”应该用介词on;题3“在桌上”应该用介词on,不能用副词up;题5床和桌应该是“附近”关系,常理不将床置于桌下,那么应该将介词under改为near;题6是名词所有格;题7 flower前面是some,因为flo

23、wer应该用复数;题8“在墙里”应该用介词in;题9肯定句中的“也”用too,不用either。either用在否定句中。三、智能显示心中有数单元语法发散思维 冠词的用法 冠词通常放在名词之前,用来说明所指的人或物。冠词分为不定冠词a,an和定冠词the。 不定冠词a,an表示一类人或事物中的“一个”,相当于汉语的“一”,用在单数名词或词组前面。a pear一只梨,a black car一辆黑色轿车,an English boy一个英国男孩。 定冠词the表示一类人或物中的“某一个”或“某些”,相当于汉语中的“这(些)”,用在单数或复数名词之前。the woman in red 穿红衣服的那个

24、妇女,the books这(那)些书。 在第二次提到某东西时,常常需加定冠词。I can see a kite. B: Where is the kite? 可数名词前要用冠词。A说看到风筝,那风筝不是特别指定的一个,所以是泛指,用不定冠词“a”。B接着问:风筝在哪里,是问A刚才说的那只风筝,所以是特指,用定冠词the。动手动脑单元能力立体检测 A. 用a、an、the填空,不需要填的不填 1. Look! That is orange. orange is on floor. 2. On wall is kite. kite is very nice. 3. A: old man is ov

25、er there. Can you see?Yes. old man is Miss Gaos father. 4. A: Wherere girls? Theyre in classroom. 5. A: Thats map of China on teachers desk. 6. A:s Nanjing? Do you know?s in Jiangsu. B. 选择正确答案 a bike is the banana tree. Its new. A. in B. on C. behind 2. Wheres my pen?t it. A. look B. find C. look 3.

26、 A map is on the wall. Lets at it. A. see B. find C. look 4. Lucy is new. Please look after . A. she B. him C. her 5. Li Hai cant sing the English song. Let help . A. we,him B. Kate,him C. me, herI can see birds.Wherere birds? A.the,some B. some,some C. some,the 7. A:Look! orange is on the desk.Is o

27、range Sams? A. An,the B. The, an C. A,the 8. What in the box? A. can they see B. can them see C. they can see 9. A kite is on the table. Is it Jims kite? A. / B. a C. the 10. Class Four have a . A. map of Chinese B. China map C. map of China 答案:A. 1. an; The; the 2.the;a 3.An;The 4.the;the 5.a;the 6

28、./;/ B.1.5. C B C C B 6.10. C A A A C C. 要点分析 1. 门在墙上。The door is on the wall.The door is in the wall. 提示:“on the wall”表示在墙的表面上,一般指黑板、地图、画、标语等“在墙上”;“in the wall”表示在墙的里面,一般指门、窗、洞、钉子等“在墙上”。 2. 北京在哪儿?s the Beijing?s Beijing?Beijing是专有名词,其前不用冠词。 3. 我能看见一些花。I can see some the flowers.I can see some flowers.当名词前已有some, my, Lilys等不定代词

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