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本文(20届高考英语二轮 专题2 阅读理解第2节 推理判断题 2观点态度题Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

20届高考英语二轮 专题2 阅读理解第2节 推理判断题 2观点态度题Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、答案D解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Unfortunately,its too little,too late.By the time these solutions(解决方案) become widely available,scammers will have moved onto cleverer means.”可知这些措施太少,也太晚,等到这些“解决方案”被广泛使用时,不法分子就会转向更聪明的手段。由此可推知,作者对骚扰电话问题的解决方案感到很失望,故D项正确。39Taking advantage of the new technologies,scammers can .Aaim

2、at victims precisely Bdamage databases easily Cstart campaigns rapidly Dspread information widely答案A解析细节理解题。根据第三段的第二句“The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision.”可知,骚扰电话让人头疼的原因是它能准确地获取受害人的信息,故A项正确。40What does the passage imply?AHonesty is the best policy.BTech

3、nologies can be doubleedged.CThere are more solutions than problems.DCredibility holds the key to development.答案B根据第二段可知,新技术可以给人们带来便利,第三段论述了这一技术让不法分子有了可乘之机,由此可知,技术是把双刃剑,故B项正确。41Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AWhere the Problem of Robocalls Is Rooted BWho Is to Blame f

4、or the Problem of Robocalls CWhy Robocalls Are About to Get More Dangerous DHow Robocalls Are Affecting the World of Technology答案C解析标题归纳题。通读全文可知,首段介绍了越来越多的人拒接未知号码的电话的现象,接下来着重阐述了这类电话给人们带来危害的原因,最后给出了解决方案,故C项最适合作本文标题。一、题型解读所谓作者的观点和态度,就是表达作者对某个话题、行为、事件的看法、感觉或判断。作者的观点和态度一般分为三大类:支持、赞同、乐观;客观、中立;反对、批评、怀疑、悲观

5、。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩往往隐含在文章的字里行间。因此,在推断过程中,应特别注意文中作者的措辞,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词或副词。此类试题往往让考生推断文章作者或文中人物对某事所持的态度、观点或看法,或推断文中人物的语气、性格等。设问形式常有:1Whats the writers attitude towards.?2What is the authors opinion on.?3What does the author think/feel about.?二、解题技巧“忠于措辞”定选项1文章作者或文中人物对某事物所持的观点或态度往往隐含在文章的字里行间或流露于修饰词之中,注意文中作者

6、或人物的措辞。(1)正确掌握字里行间所隐含或流露的意思,切不可用自己的观点来代替作者或文中人物的观点。(2)留意那些描写所处氛围的语言及表达情感、态度或观点的词语或句子。(3)结合平时所积累的有关英语国家的文化传统、风俗习惯等的背景知识来进行合理的推断。(4)关注首段首尾句,推断文章主题,确定作者观点。2要分清选项中的表示支持或肯定、中立、反对或否定的词语,再以此对照文章内容。下面是一些常见的有关作者情感、态度的词语:(1)表示支持或肯定的词语 favorable赞同的,有利的;positive积极的,肯定的,确实的;supportive支持的;approval赞成,正式批准;reasonab

7、le合理的;enthusiastic热情的等。(2)表示反对或否定的词语critical批评的;negative否定的,消极的;disapproval不赞成;impractical不实际的;radical激进的;prejudiced有成见的,偏颇的等。(3)表示中立、客观的态度objective 客观的;neutral 中立的; indifferent 漠然的例如:【真题感悟】中第38题。A吉林三模)For the last few months, I have given up what was previously one of my favorite foods:beef.Eating

8、less red meat and be healthier, better for the environment andsurprisingly to mereally easy to do so.Sometimes it seems like much of our food is stuck in a cycle of excessive(过度的) production and excessive 1consumption.Meat consumption today contributes to 4global warming and environmental degradatio

9、n(退化)Its 2estimated that 14.5% of global manmade greenhouse gas emission(排放) come from livestock(家畜)which is more than the contribution from all forms of transport.Beef production 5makes up 41% of those emissions. Last year, Brazil reported a 28% increase in Amazonian deforestation(森林采伐)80% of defor

10、ested land in Brazil is then used for cattle farming.Modern beef farming is also a huge drain(流干) on water resources.But it is possible to change.Reducing meat consumption is a growing trend,8driven by health and environmental considerations.A switch to a “healthy diet” as 6recommended by Harvard Me

11、dical Schoolwhich still includes eating meat,fish and eggswould reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food production by 36%.The Norwegian military announced it is switching a oneday to a oneweek vegetarian diet in a move against global warming, while even in the US consumption of redmeat is falling.

12、 And as for yours truly,I feel healthier,more active and by making my diet more varied I never feel like I am missing out on anything.Stopping eating beef has also had a knockon effect on the rest of my diet,and I am eating less.Cattle and other livestock dont have to be environmentally harmful.Gras

13、sfed cattle need much smaller resource input.And as it has been shown, livestock, if managed properly, can even restore degraded land.In the longer term, as Bill Gates highlighted, there is also great potential for advance in fields like synthetic(合成) meat. And there are other more sources of effici

14、ent protein; like insects!9But in a world where more people are now dying from obesity than malnutrition(营养不良)when hundreds of millions of people still dont have enough to eat, we cant solve this problem by simply continuing to make “conventional” intensive farming more intensive.语篇解读 本文主要讲了牛肉的消费对于环

15、境和健康的不利之处,并呼吁人们减少红肉的消费。1Why has the author given up eating beef?AIt is better for his health and global warming.BIt can prevent him from being obesity.CIt is better for both health and environment.DHe likes vegetarian diet very much.根据第一段第一句“Eating less red meat and be healthier, better for the envi

16、ronment andsurprisingly to mereally easy to do so.”可知,少吃牛肉对于健康和环境都好。故选C。2What result does cattle farming lead to?AThe loss of deforestation.BThe great loss of water resources.CThe loss of manmade greenhouse.DThe loss of livestock.根据第二段最后两句“Last year,Brazil reported a 28% increase in Amazonian defore

17、station(森林采伐)80% of deforested land in Brazil is then used for cattle farming.Modern beef farming is also a huge drain(流干) on water resources.”可知,养牛造成大量水资源的流失。故选B。3Whats the authors attitude towards raising some livestock in an environmental way? ANegative. BDoubtful.CFavorable. DProtective.根据倒数第二段最

18、后三句“Cattle and other livestock dont have to be environmentally harmful.Grassfed cattle need much smaller resource input.And as it has been shown, livestock, if managed properly, can even restore degraded land.”可知,如果管理得当,畜牧养殖甚至可以恢复退化的土地,可见作者是持支持态度的。4In Bill Gates opinion, we can get efficient protein

19、 by .Araising more insectsBraising more cattleCdeveloping manmade meatDdeveloping intensive farming根据最后一段第一句“In the longer term, as Bill Gates highlighted, there is also great potential for advance in fields like synthetic(合成) meat.”可知,从长远来看,在合成肉等领域也有很大的发展潜力。B广西南宁二模)A new study shows that when teach

20、ers participate in a training program focused on prosocial(亲社会的) classroom behavior,their students are better able to control their emotions,and that children who can regulate emotions are more likely to be academically successful.10For the study,which appears in Prevention Science,researchers looke

21、d at more than 100 teachers and 1,817 students from kindergarten to third grade to see if teachers could support students emotional and behavioral growth through the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management(IYTCM) program.The program uses videos and training sessions,along with roleplaying and

22、coaching,to help teachers learn management skills such as using behaviorspecific praise,building positive relationships with students,and considering how to reduce poor behavior.Teachers in the training group increased 3interactions with students by 64 percent compared with 53 percent for teachers in the control group without the training.“Emotional regulation is the ability to recognize what behavior is 7appropriate in the present situation,” says Wendy

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