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1、The Saharað s&h:r&1,02 eters deepThe aspian Sea æspi&n si:6,671 ileters lngThe Nile& naɪl8,84443 eters highsquare不可数名词,意为“平方”。The ld it vers an area f abut 326 square ileters 这个古老城市的面积大约是326平方千米。16 is the square f 4 十六是四的平方。(1)square作可数名词,意为“正方形”。The ies ere in the fr f squares 那些饼干是正

2、方形的。square作可数名词,意为“广场;街区”。Tiananen Square天安门广场e live three squares fr the shl我们住在离学校三个街区的地方。1b Listen and plete the sentenes1 Qlanga is _higher_ than an ther untain in the rld2 The Sahara is _the biggest_ desert in the rld3 The aspian Sea is _the deepest_ f all the salt laes4 The Nile is _the lngest

3、_ river in the rldppulatin是一个集合名词,意为“人口”(1 )ppulatin常与定冠词the连用,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。The rlds ppulatin is inreasing faster and faster全世界的人口增长得越越快(2)当主语是表示“人口的百分之几、几分之几”时,谓语动词用复数形式。Abut sevent perent f the ppulatin in hina are farers中国大约有百分之七十的人口是农民。(3)有时ppulatin可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。Ne r is a big it ith a

4、 ppulatin f ver 10 illin纽约是一个有一干多万人口的大城市。(4)表示人口的“多”或“少”,不用“uh”或“little”,而要用“large”或“sall”India has a large ppulatin印度人口众多。Singapre has a sall ppulatin新加坡人口少。()询问某国、某地有多少人口时,不用“H uh ?而用“H large?问具体人口时“hats the ppulatin f ?”H large is the ppulatin f ur hetn?你们家乡有多少人口?hat is the ppulatin f anada? 加拿大的

5、人口有多少?1 Use the infratin in 1b t ae nversatinsA: hat is the highest untain in the rld?B: Qlanga2a Listen and nuber the fats 1-4 in the rder u hear the6,300 ,000 ,464 300_4_The angtze River is abut _6,300_ileters lng and the ell River is _,464_ ileters lng_2_hina has the biggest ppulatin in the rld I

6、ts a lt bigger than the ppulatin f the US_1_hina is ver _,000_ ears ld It has a uh lnger histr than the US The US is nt even _300_ ears ld_3_hina is alst as big as the US, but t is the biggest untr in Asia2b Listen again and fill in the blans in 2a ith the nubers in the bx2 ae nversatins using the i

7、nfratin in 2a Did u n that hina is ne f the ldest untries in the rld? es, I did Its uh lder than untr2d Rle-pla the nversatinGuide: Feel free t as e anthing n tdas Great all turTurist 1: H lng is the all? Ah, the st ppular questin! If ere nl taling abut the parts fr the ing Dnast, its abut 8,80 ilet

8、ers lng This aes it the lngest all in the rldTurist 2: , thats aazing! h did the anient eperrs build the all? The ain reasn as t prtet hina As u an see, its quite tall and ide As far as I n, there are n an-ade bets as big as thisTurist 3: Is Badaling part f the ing Great all? es, its the st faus par

9、tfeel free“随便,轻松”。I lve r, and I feel free 我喜欢我的工作。我觉得我现在自由自在feel free t d sth随意做某事If u need help ith anthing, please feel free t as e如果有什么需要我帮助之处尽管找我,请不要客气。Feel free t eat dinner here antie 你随时都可以这里吃晚餐!tur可数名词,意为“旅行;旅游”。e are planning a tur arund the rld 我们正计划环球旅行。prtet及物动词,“保护;防护”Therere feer ania

10、ls Its iprtant fr us t prtet the动物们越越少,对于我们说保护它们很重要。(1)prtetfr/against保护使不受;防御。He is earing sunglasses t prtet his ees fr the strng sunlight他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。prtetin不可数名词,意为“保护,防御”The hat ill give prtetin against the sun这顶帽子可遮阳。under the prtetin f 在的保护下。The his are under the prtetin f the hen 小鸡们处在母鸡的保

11、护下。3a Read the artile and ath eah paragraph ith the ain ideasParagraph 1Spirit f libers登者的精神Paragraph 2 Ahieveents f libers登者的成就Paragraph 3 Fats and dangers事实与危险Qlangathe st Dangerus untain in the rld?ne f the rlds st dangerus sprts is untain libing, and ne f the st ppular plaes fr this is the Hiala

12、as&hi&lei&z The Hialaas run alng the suthestern part f hina f all the untains, Qlanga rises the highest and is the st faus It is 8,84443 eters high and s is ver dangerus t lib Thi luds ver the tp and sn an fall ver hard Even re serius diffiulties inlude freezing eather nditins and heav strs It is al

13、s ver hard t tae in air as u get near the tpthi形容词,此处意为“浓的,稠的”,反义词为thinThe ld an lies t eat thi sup 那个老人喜欢喝浓汤。(1)thi作形容词,意为“厚的”。His English-hinese ditinar is ver thi他的英汉词典很厚:thin作形容词,意为“茂密的,密集的”。a thi head f hair一头浓密的头发thi作形容词,意为“粗的,粗壮的”。There is a thi tree in the ard院子里有一棵粗壮的树。inlude及物动词,意为“包括,包含”,

14、指包含其中的一部分。The prie inludes bth huse and furniture 这个价格包括房子和家具The lass f tent inludes eight girls 全班二十人中包括八个女生。inlude作动词,还可意为“算在内;列在里面”。Please inlude e in ur grup 请把我算在你们组内。inluded形容词,无比较等级,一般位于名词或代词之后,意为“包括在内”Everne laughed, e inluded 每个人都笑了,包括我在内。inluding介词,意为“包括;包含在内、和其后的名词/ 代词一起形成介宾短语。There are 4

15、0 students in the lassr, inluding e 包括我在内,教室里有40名学生。freezing形容词,意为“结冰的; 冻冰的”It as freezing ld that rning 那天早晨非常冷。(1)freezing可用作名词,“冰点”。The teperature is bel freezing 气温在零度以下freeze是动词,“结冰,凝固”。ater freezes bel freezing 冰点以下时水结冰。nditin名词,“条,状况”既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。Its terrible t stud in suh nditins在这种状况下学习

16、很糟糕。e are interested in the r nditins in Afria 我们对非洲的工作状况感兴趣。The plaer is in ver gd nditin, but his living nditins are ver bad这个运动员的健康状况良好,但他的生活条非常槽糕。n nditin that十从句”表示“如果,在条下”。He an use the bile n nditin that he return(s) it trr他可以使用自行车,条是明天必须归还。tae in为固定短语,意为“吸入;吞入(体内”pen the ind and tae in fresh

17、 air打开窗户,吸收新鲜空气。tae in的其他含义:接待(某人)留宿He had nhere t sleep s e ffered t tae hi in他没有地方可睡,于是我们提出让他留宿。包含;包括This is the ttal st f the hlida, taing everthing in这是度假的全部费用,一切都包括在内。把(衣服)改窄uld u tae the dress in fr e? 你能把我的这连衣裙改窄点吗?充分理解,掌握It t e a lng tie t tae in hat u ere saing我费了好长时间才明白你说的话。The first peple

18、 t reah the tp ere Tenzing Nrga and Edund Hillar n a 29,193 The first hinese tea did s in 1960, hile the first an t sueed as un Tabei fr apan in 197 sueed动词,意为“实现目标;成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。His plan sueeded他的计划成功了。(1)sueed in ding sth 成功做成某事 He is ertain t sueed in ding his experient 他做试验一定会成功。sueed it

19、h sth在某方面获得成功u nt sueed ith the r if u dnt put ur ind t it如果你不把心放在工作上,工作就不会做好。h d s an libers ris their lives? ne f the ain reasns is beause peple ant t hallenge theselves in the fae f diffiulties The spirit f these libers shs us that e shuld never give up tring t ahieve ur dreas It als shs that hua

20、ns an seties be strnger than the fres f naturehallenge及物动词,意为“挑战;考验”。He hallenged anne t beat hi他向任何要打败他的人挑战。I nl lie t stud sething if it reall hallenges e 我只喜欢研究真正对我有所考验的东西。hallenge的其他用法作名词,意为“(挑战、决斗、比赛等的)邀请;挑战书”等。a letter f hallenge挑战书作名词,意为“挑战,邀请比赛”。aept a hallenge t run a rae 接受赛跑的挑战in the fae

21、f为固定短语,意为“面对(问题,困难等)”。He shed great braver in fae f danger 面对危险他表现非常勇敢。He eeps sense f huur in the fae f great diffiulties 面对极大的困难,他保持幽默感。ahieve及物动词,意为“达到;完成;成功”,其宾语可以是“实现”的目标、目的等,也可以是“取得”的胜利、成功、名誉、地位等。Everbd shuld be given the hane t ahieve their ais 要让每个人都有机会实现自己的目标。She ahieved n suess 她没有获得成功。ahi

22、eve 有时与 this, that, hat, all, uh, anthing, nthing, a little等代词连用,表示“获得(成功)”或“取得(成就)”等。N ne an ahieve anthing ithut effrt 谁也不可能不努力而有所作为。ahieveent名词,意为“成就,业绩(可数);实现,达到,成功(不可数)”e felt a great sense f ahieveent hen e reahed the tp f the untain当我们到达顶时,我们感到有一种巨大的成就感。fre名词,意为“力;力量”。(1)表示物质方面的“力”,是可数名词。the

23、fres f nature自然力量 表示物理方面的“力”,是不可数名词。the fre f an explsin 爆炸力fre可用作动词,“强迫;迫使”。fre sb t d sth = fre sb int ding sth迫使某人做某事。The fred hi t leave the sall tn =The fred hi int leaving the sall tn他们强迫他离开小镇。natural形容词,意为“自然的;天然的;非人力所为的;天生的”The untrs natural resures inlude frests, al and il这个国家的自然资包括森林、煤和石油。

24、It is natural fr a hild t lve its ther 孩子爱母亲是常情He is a natural usiian 他天生是个音乐家。3b Read the artile again and plete the hartParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3List fur dangers fr libersList three ahieveentsList fur parisnsthi luds193-Tenzing Nrga and Edund Hillar ere the first t reah the tpst dangerus s

25、prt3 Anser the questins using infratin in the artile1 here are the Hialaas?2 H high is Qlanga?3 h d s an peple tr t lib this untain even thught it is dangerus?4 hat des the spirit f the libers tell us?Graar Fushats the highest untain in the rld?QlangaH high is Qlanga?Its 8,84443 eters highIts higher

26、 than an ther untainhih is the deepest salt lae in the rld?The aspian Sea is the deepest f all the salt laesDid u n that hina is ne f the ldest untries in the rld?es, I didIts uh lder than the US4a Fill in the blans ith the rret frs f the rds in the bxbig uh ppular lng ld high1 The Aazn River is ne

27、f the _lngest_ rivers in the rld Its a little _lnger_ than the angtze River2 Qlanga is 8,84443 eters_high_ Its ne f the st _ppular_ plaes fr serius untain libers3 N ean in the rld is as _big_ as the Paifi ean4 Althugh apan is _lder_ than anada, it is _uh_ saller4b rite t parisns abut t tpis rite tru

28、e fatseg T rivers: The angtze River and the Aazn RiverThe angtze River is alst as lng as the Aazn RiverThe Aazn is lnger than the angtze, but the angtze is the lngest river in hinaT ities: _ and _ 1 _2 _T anials: _ and _4 rite five questins using parisnsThen as ur partner ur questins1 hats is the hi

29、ghest building in ur it?3 _4 _ _Setin B1a pare fats abut these t anials Use the language in the bx t help u ae sentenesElephant-is 30 tall-eighs eiz ,000 ils-eats 10 ils f fd a daeigh动词,意为“有重; 重”。表示“重(多少)”,是连系动词。He eighs 60 ils 他体重60千克。H uh des it eigh? 它的重量有多少?表示“称的重量”,是及物动词。He eighed the fish 他称了这条鱼。eight不可数名词,意为“重量,体重”。hats the eight f the sheep? 这只羊的重量是多少?Panda-is 10 tall(standing n t legs)-eighs 100 ilsExaple se

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