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1、Objective 1:FoundationsTraining students to master solid professional basic principles, methods and means, have the good humanities and social science quality, the strong sense of social responsibility and the good occupation moral of engineering.Objective 2:Professional KnowledgeCultivating student

2、s to be creative use the basic theory and basic knowledge of Mechatronic engineering, mechanical and electrical disciplines to solve problems encountered in practice and industrial needs.Objective 3:Teamwork/LeadershipCultivating students ability of the teams communication and cooperation, and then

3、and thus be able to have the leadership ability of the field of Mechatronic engineering.Objective 4:Engineered SystemsDeveloping students ability to preliminarily master and use various technologies, skills and modern engineering tools in mechanical and electronic engineering practice; have the abil

4、ity to design mechanical and electrical systems, components and processes; have a sense of innovation and the ability of research, development and design on new products, new processes, new technology and new equipment.Objective 5:Societal ImpactCultivating students to have a correct understanding o

5、f production, design, research and development laws and regulations of Mechatronic Engineering and correlative occupation and industry, and familiar with the aspects of environmental protection and sustainable development principles, policies and legal regulations, correctly understand the impact of

6、 engineering for the objective world and the social; have a broad range of knowledge, and knowledge of the problems of modern society, and then to realize the impact of Mechatronic Engineering for the world and the social.Objective 6:Global AwarenessTraining students to maintain a clear awareness in

7、 a globalized environment perform their duties competitively and responsibly, have the ability of cooperation and competition with international vision and cross-cultural communication.Objective 7:Lifelong LearningThe graduates are qualified to engage in design, research, manufacturing, development,

8、 management and teaching in industrial enterprises, research institutions, colleges and universities related to Mechatronic engineering, have the ability to take on various experienced occupation career, and have the ability of life-long learning.专业特色:本专业以制造业先进生产工程技术为基础,融合光电子、微电子、自动化、计算机和信息管理等有关技术,注

9、重培养学生在机械工程及微电子技术两方面具有坚实的理论基础和基本知识,并在计算机、光机电液气综合应用的生产系统、企业管理等方面具有相应的知识和能力。Speciality Features:This major takes the advanced manufacturing industry production technology as the foundation, integrates the subject of optoelectronics, microelectronics, automation, integration of computer information mana

10、gement technology, and so on, focuses on cultivating students to have a solid theoretical foundation and basic knowledge in mechanical engineering and microelectronics technology and have the appropriate knowledge and ability in comprehensive application of the computer, optical and electro-hydrauli

11、c gas production systems, enterprise management, and so on.培养要求:课程目标体系构成,每门课的设置都有相对应的培养目的,即学生所获得相应的知识、能力和素质。Educational Requirement:The objective system of each course is composed of a corresponding set of cultivation purposes, which are the appropriate knowledge, ability and quality that students a

12、re supposed to gain.知识架构:(Knowledge Structure)A1 文学、历史、哲学、艺术的基本知识;A1 Fundamental knowledge of literature, history, philosophy and art;A2 社会科学学科的研究方法入门知识;A2 Fundamental knowledge of social science research methods;A3 自然科学与工程技术的基础知识和前沿知识;A3 Fundamental and frontier knowledge of natural science and eng

13、ineering;A4 数学和逻辑学的基础知识;A4 Fundamental knowledge of mathematics and logic; A5 机械电子工程专业领域内系统的核心知识;A5 Core knowledge of Mechatronic engineering;A6 专业技术知识;A6 Knowledge of specialized technique;A7 管理知识;A7 Managemental knowledge;A8 跨文化、国际化知识;A8 Cross-cultural, international knowledge.A9 能力要求:(Ability Req

14、uirements)B1 清晰思考和用语言文字准确表达的能力;B1The ability of clear thinking and accurate language expression;B2 发现、分析和解决问题的能力;B2 The ability of discovering, analyzing and solving problems;B3 批判性思考和独立工作的能力;B3 The ability of critical thinking and independent working;B4 与不同类型的人合作沟通的能力;B4 The ability of cooperating

15、and communicating with different various people;B5 对文学艺术作品的初步审美能力;B5 Preliminary aesthetic ability on the literary and artistic work;B6 至少一种外语的应用能力;B6 At least one foreign language proficiency;B7 终生学习的能力;B7 The capacity for lifelong learningB8 组织管理能力;B8 Organizational and managemental capacity;B9具有创

16、新意识和创新能力;B9A sense of innovation and creativity;B10 分析写作能力;B10 Analytical writing skills.B11素质要求:(Quality Requirements)C1 志存高远、意志坚强以传承文明、探求真理、振兴中华、造福人类为己任,矢志不渝;C1 Ambitious, strong-willedwith the pursuit of civilization heritage, the truth, the rejuvenate of nation, as well as the benefit of human r

17、ace;C2 刻苦务实、精勤进取脚踏实地,不慕虚名;勤奋努力,追求卓越;C2 Diligent, pragmatic, down to earth, hard working, excellence striving;C3 身心和谐、视野开阔具有良好的身体和心理素质;具有对多元文化的包容心态和宽阔的国际化视野;C3 Physical and mental harmony, open-mindedwith good physical and mental quality, as well as the tolerant mentality of multicultural and broad i

18、nternational perspective;C4 思维敏捷、乐于创新勤于思考,善于钻研,对于推陈出新怀有浓厚的兴趣,富有探索精神并渴望解决问题;C4 Quick thinking, innovative awarenessdiligent in thinking, good at research, with strong interest in innovation, full of curiosity and desire to solve problems;C5崇高价值观念具有正确的法律意识、职业道德及很强的社会责任感,具有较强的主动性、责任感与合作性。C5Noble values

19、with the correct legal awareness, professional ethics and a strong sense of social responsibility, as well as strong initiative, responsible and cooperative awareness.授予学位:工学学士学位Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering主干课程:模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、机械原理、机械设计、成型技术基础、机械制造技术基础、自动控制原理、检测技术与信号处理、机电系统设计、微机原理及接口技术。Ma

20、in Courses:Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Theory of Machines and Mechanism, Mechanical Design, Fundamental of Molding Technology, Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture, Principles of Automatic Control, Testing Technology & Signal Processing, Mechanic/Electrical Systems Design, Fundamentals

21、 of Microcomputers & Interface Technique.特色课程:全英语教学课程:机械设计双语教学课程:机械原理、机械设计、成型技术基础、机械制造技术基础、机械设备数控技术、工程中的模型与模拟创新实践课程:先进制造技术实践创业教育课程:机电产品市场营销学Featured Course:Courses Taught in English: Mechanical DesignBilingual Courses: Theory of Machines and Mechanism, Mechanical Design, Fundamental of Molding Techn

22、ology, Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture, Digit Control Technique of Mechanical Equipment, Modeling and Simulation in EngineeringInnovation Practice Courses: Advanced Manufacturing Technology PracticeEntrepreneurship Education Courses: Market Selling of Electromechanical Product一、教学计划总体安排表(Teach

23、ing Plan Schedule)学年学期教学进度安排(周)理论教学考试入学教育军训课程设计大作业工程练电子实习综合实验社会实践生产实习毕业实习其它实习中外合作项目毕业设计就业安排机动假小计1234567891011121314151617181920ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR一二(1.5)三(0.5)四(1)合计(周)98(4.5)157二、各类课程学分登记表(Registration Form of Curriculum Credits)课程类别Course Category课程要求Requirement学分Credits学时Academic Hour备注RemarksLect

24、ures公共基础课General Basic Course必修Compulsory71.01068通识Elective10.0160学科基础课Disciplinary Basic Courses43.5728选修2.032专业领域课Specialty- related Courses3.04816.0256合计Total117.5184428.0448145.52292集中实践教学环节(周)Practice Training (Weeks)37.537.5周毕业生学分要求Graduation Credit Required145.5+37.5=183注:通选课在合计中计入选修一项中。每学期建议修读学分表学期第1学期第2学期第3学期第4学期第5学期第6学期第7学期第8学期2430226216.524172.417.52496183三、专业

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