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1、re playing against. At the opening move in chess there are 20 possible moves. In Go, the first player has 361possible moves. This wide latitude of choice continues throughout the game. At each move theopposing player must rethink his own plan of attack. Self-discipline is a major factor in success a

2、tthis game. The number ofpermutations (庠 U ) in a game of Go is greater than the number of atoms inthe universe, so it cant be solved by algorithms (法则 ) that search exhaustively for the bestmove. For this reason, its not just aout DermUtatlOnSmatter of the cold calculus ofGo was invented by the Chi

3、nese 2,500 years ago a computer workingor thereabouts. Its about controlling ternt on the board as opposed to chess which is about capturing the king. Both aretoo complex for a computer to predict every move with utter certainty, through the force ofcomputing power. Computers - like humans - have to

4、 assessAlpha Go worked out which positions were likely to be winning ones, and then - and this is the master-stroke - it played itself repeatedly to improve its own play. So, this tournament between man and machine feels like a contest for the supremacy of the future21. What is the main factor in su

5、ccess at the game?A. persistenceB. patienceB. thoughtfulD. self-control22. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. At the game, Lee Se-dol is the winnerB. The computer is the winner of the gameC. Who wins the game remams a mysteryD. At the game, Lee Se-dol and computer tied23. Which of the foll

6、owing is not correct?A. China invented GOB. Lee can know your opponents breathing and energyC. The decision of how to move next cant be made according to the person youre playing against. D. Lee Se-dol is the world champion at Go【参考答案】21-23 D C C解析:2I.D.词义猜测题。22.C推理判断题。根据最后一个自然段So,this tournament be

7、tween man and machine feelslike a contest for the supremacy of the future23.C.细节理解题。根据第二自然段And lots of times you make decisions which are dependenton the physical reactions of the person youBWang Na (pseudonym), 21, at Jilin University, has been experiencing social awkwardnesssince her junior middle

8、 school years. Back then, she felt self-conscious about going to therestroom alone. She even limited the amount of water she drank just so she didnt have to go thereoften. I feared that other students would think that I didnt get along well with others if I wasseen alone, she saidWang is not the onl

9、y sufferer of whats called social anxiety. China Youth Daily recentlydid a survey among l,544 people. Nearly half (44.6 percent) of the participants admitted that theywere afraid ofbeing the center of attention. Up t0 66.7 percent of them said they are more likely tobe anxious during face-to-face co

10、mmunications than in online conversations But these feelings are not necessarily something to worry about. There is social anxiety, and there is social anxiety disorder or social phobia. They are two completely different things,said Li Songwei, a lecturer at the psychological counseling center of Ts

11、inghua UniversityAccording to Thomas Rodebaugh, a psychology professor at Washington University in St Louis, US, almost everyone suffers from at least a little social anxiety. For example, we may get the before speaking in public, or have a bad nights sleep if there is going to be an important inter

12、view the next dayWed be worried about someone who never experiences any social anxiety, Rodebaugh toldThe Atlantic.But when does social anxiety develop into a disorder? That is up to a doctor to diagnose, saysLi. There are two simple questions you can ask yourself if youre concemed-;How much does th

13、eanxiety affect my life? and Is it acceptable? If the condition becomes so problematic that yourefuse to go out at all and cannot live a normal life, you need to seek help. But for common socialanxiety, people all have their different coping strategies. The more coping strategies one has, theless li

14、kely the anxiety is going to develop into a disorder, Li Songwei saidTina (pseudonym), 20, at Zhejiang A&F University, faces anxiety every time she has to speakup in class, so the strategy she employs is reasoning plus rewards. For example, she tells herselfthat there is no such thing as right or wr

15、ong when speaking publicly; there are only people whoagree with you or not. And if she conquers her fear, she buys new shoes or goes to see a movieafter class.The first time I pushed myself to speak up in class was a breakthrough, she said. fThingsseemed a lot easier after I took that first step.24.

16、 The example of Wang Na is mentioned to showA. the symptoms of B. she didnt know how to get along with other studentsC. she was unwilling to go to the restroom aloneD. she didnt like drinking water25. According to Li, which of the following is true?A. It is up to you to judge whether social anxiety

17、has developed into a disorder or not.B. The anxiety is more likely to become a disorder if you have more coping strategiesC. You will have a bad nights sleep if there is going to be an important interview the nextdayD. Dont worry about it if you are afraid ofbeing the center of attention26. What can

18、 we learned from Tina?A. Every time she speaks up in class, she will buy new shoes or goes to see a movie after class.B. She will give her some rewards if she overcomes the fear of speaking in publicC. What she says in public always wrongD. She failed to pushed herself to speak up in class at the fi

19、rst time27. The underlined word jitters can best be replaced by_A. comfortable B. nervous C. excited D. upset(参考答案】24-27 ADBB24.A.推理判断题。根据下文的Wang is not the only sufferer of what25.D.细节理解题。根据Tina所说的话26.B根据Tina所:说的And if she conquers her fear, she buys new shoes or goes to see a movie after class.27.

20、B.词义猜测题。根据下文的or have a bad nights sleep if there is going to be an important2017interview the next dayCAeroMobil, a Slovakian company, plans to start selling its creation, the AeroMobil 3.0, in The company claims on its车)to an airplane by that the vehicle transforms m seconds from a

21、n automobile existing infrastructure(基础结构)createdfor automobiles and The vehicle is gas-powered and has wings that fold, which allows it to be parked like a car, though it is nearly 20 feet long The companys web site features a video where the AeroMobil 3.0 drives out of a hangar and goes down a hig

22、hway, sharing the road with regular cars until it arrives at an airstrip. The car then unfolds its wings and takes off from a stretch of grass, rather than a paved tarmac, and flies through the air like any other small airplane AeroMobil spokesman Stefan Vadocz said his company hasnt nailed down an

23、exact pricebecause its not ready yet The prototype is a work in progress, he said in an email. But he said to expect the price to be several hundreds of thousands of euros, somewhere in between a sports car and a light sports aircraft. The vehicle seats two people - the pilot and located to the rear

24、 of the plane a passenger - and its single乜ro卫eLLer(螺旋桨)1S The company said the cars top speed on the road is at least 99 mph and while flying is at least 124 mph. It can fly for 435 miles before running It has a steel framework and carbon coatmg aircraft engine from BRP ofAustria28. Whats the main

25、topic of the passage?A. The AeroMobil 3.0. B. A sports carout of gas.and is powered by a Rotax 912, a four-cylinderC. The company. D.A light sports aircraft29.The vehicle transforms from an automobileA. only one minute B. an hourf汔车)to an airplane”inC. Several seconds D. Several minutes30. Which of

26、the following statements is NOT true?A. The vehicle can be parked like a carB. The cars top speed on the road is at least 124 mph and while flying is at least 99mphC. The company hasnD. The vehicle can fly for 435 miles before runnmg out of gas31. It can be inferred from the passage thatA. the vehic

27、le seats two passengersB. we can buy the vehicle in a big marketC. the car cant unfold its wingsD. not only can it run but also fly28-31: ACBD28.主旨大意题。文章主要讲一种新型的交通工具“汽车飞机”。29.细节理解题。由第二段的“transforms in seconds”可得出答案。30.细节推理题31.综合推理题。由文章第四段可以判断它不仅能在地上跑而且能在空中飞。DWalt Disney has finally confirmed the ope

28、ning date for the new Disney resort in ShanghaiThe projects developer has announced that the long-anticipated theme park will open its gatesto tounsts on June 16th The resorts general manager, Philippe Gas, says a three-day grand opening celebration is inpreparation.Its about being authentllV Disney

29、 and also distinctly Chinese. So of course, the celebrationwill also reflect that theme, that has been our theme since the beginning of our construction whichis celebrating both, the blend of what Disney can offer with the culture of China. Shanghai Disney resort is made up of six themed lands, including Adventure Is

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