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1、 篇幅一定要不长不短 字大一号4、 行文要求: 切题 条理清楚 简洁 准确2006Some college graduates choose to work as village officials.1. Do you think it is a good idea?2. What can they offer the countryside?3. What can they gain from their village positions?20051. Choose either of the two positions: College students should (not) be

2、allowed to get married.2. State your reasons for or against the issue3. Conclusion同等学历历年作文题:2004 What is the Goal of Your Life?2003 What will money bring us, fortune or misfortune?2002 The Increase in the Number of Chinese Traveling Abroad2001 The Greatest Invention in the Past Century2000 Which is

3、More Important, Wealth or Health?1999 The Qualities of the Cross-Century Talents1998 Why We Work?1997 The Problems I Have in My English Studye.g. It is inevitable that as technology develops so traditional cultures must be lost. Technology and tradition are incompatible, you cannot have both togethe

4、r. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?Science or traditional culture?It is a fact of life that the development of science and technology has been accompanied by a decline in traditional culture. In my opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing, because some aspects of tradit

5、ional culture hamper progress and should be abandoned.In the first place, science and technology have cleared up many matters that were mysterious to us in the past. For instance, we now know that thunder and lightning are not caused by gods being angry, but are normal natural phenomena. As a result

6、, a great number of harmful superstitions have disappeared.In the second place, our everyday lives have been made more convenient by scientific and technological inventions. Nowadays e-mail and telephones have almost replaced the traditional letter-writing, and computers enable us to make quicker an

7、d more accurate calculations. Even more important is the fact that Internet brings the whole world together.In conclusion, advances in science and technology have brought us many benefits by eliminating the bad parts of traditional culture while preserving the essence. 文章的内容不重要!重要的是框架(背)!习惯先看每段的首句+文

8、章末句,再浏览全文挑错字和语法错误,所以要写成34段,每段首句为中心句,结尾再总结一下,这样老师只看4句话就可以给出分数了,节省时间自然分数就高了。 中心句的写法模式性,一般背20句,不管出什么题都能从中挑出34句用上,各种题型背一些。 拼写不大确定的词一定不要写!判卷老师最强的能力就是找错字,而且这是他判断你写作能力的重要尺度!当你文章中出现了3个以上的拼写错误的时候,可以说你已经mission fail了。 作文中出现一些闪光词汇和句型,对分数的提高有很大帮助的!建议背一些模块长句。如“重要”一词,用important太一般了,如果用vital, critical,essential,cr

9、ucial就能使老师眼前一亮! more and more这个词是一定不要用,可以用A growing number of sth 或 An increasing number of sth, 或说is on the rise。词汇和句式的转化很重要,你背的中心句一定要能体现这两点,如问题解决型文章末段首句可以这样写An immediate step must be taken before the problem becomes too serious to solve.(必须在问题严重之前及时采取有效措施解决)正反观点对比可以说 Weighing the pros and cons of

10、these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter/former point of view.(权衡正反两种观点,我倾向于后者前者的看法),这样就不用为字数发愁了! 作文的时间分钟,分钟构思(确定模块,举例,论据等),分钟写,分钟检查。 内容切题,但不新颖不重要,不要为了想个好的例子浪费时间,第一是你未必想的出来,第二是你想出来了也写不出来,第三是你写出来了老师也不会看!所以要写最简单的例子。 检查,这个时间千万不要数字数,主要是找拼写和语法的错误,主要是全篇文章时态一致、单复数、主谓一致!记住小的地方可以改,但决不要整句整句的改,缩

11、短老师的评卷时间、使老师高兴是及格和打高分的首要条件!2模块1.议论型模块 (89 words) Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former /latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importa

12、ntly, 论据2. Most important of all, 论据3. In summary, 总结观点. As a citizen of the global village, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测.(一)议论文填空: Will Globalization benefit mankind? Some people believe (recognize, think) that globalization will benefit mankind. But other people take a

13、n opposite side. They firmly believe that it will do harm to the world. As for me, I agree to the former.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, globalization enables people from all over the world to share information, intelligence, products and services, which helps to cultiva

14、te our qualities, enrich our life and raise the quality of our living. More importantly, globalization supplies/endows us with more opportunities and challenges, which may lead to our self-fulfillment and success. Most important of all, with the concept of globalization, every individual of us, ever

15、y firm and every nation will double our efforts to contribute to the sustainable development可持续性发展 of our common earth. In summary, as a citizen of the global village, I am thrilled about its bright future and I will make best use of the opportunities to realize my dream.2. 现象解释型模版 (32 words)1. Nowa

16、days, 现象. What amazes us most is that 2. There are many reasons explaining why The main reason is that Whats more, Thirdly, 3. In conclusion,Nowadays, a growing number of people, especially girls, choose to have plastic surgery整容. What amazes us most is that even some men and aged people do so. Ther

17、e are many reasons explaining why plastic surgery is becoming increasingly popular. The main reason is that with intense competition and rare opportunities people have to improve their physical appearance外表 to develop their personal image 个人形象so that they may be in an advantageous position in their

18、career. What is more, plastic surgery may turn an ugly darkling into a beautiful swan, which helps to boost peoples confidence in their work and life. Thirdly, loving beauty is human nature. If the world is full of beauty, both physical beauty and inner beauty, we just can not imagine what a paradis

19、e it will be!In conclusion, plastic surgery, an advance in medical science, can help people realize their dream and pursuit for beauty. Were I given a chance,enough time and money, I would not hesitate to take it.3. 对比选择型模版 (56 words)1. There is a heated debate over _. It is commonly accepted that _

20、. In contrast, others _.2. Those who hold the first opinion suggest _. In their view, _. However, others think _. They argue that _.3. Considering one after another, I stand on the side of On Marriage of College Students1. There is a heated debate over whether college students should get married or

21、not. It is commonly accepted that they are entitled to有权利 get married. In contrast, a small minority of people are against it.2. Those who hold the first opinion suggest that college students are both physically and mentally mature enough to get married and that they know what they are doing. In the

22、ir view, if college students get married, they will be more disciplined, more motivated and more responsible. However, others think todays college students are mostly from one childs family. As a matter of fact, they are usually spoilt and not psychologically prepared for undertaking the responsibil

23、ity of a family. They argue that marriage will distract them from study and plunge them into financial dilemma.3. Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the former. If I am lucky enough to meet my Mr. Right, I may marry him. Then we may love each other, support each other and encourag

24、e each other. Oh, what a rosy picture it is!Benefits of Sports and Games With the quicker pace of our life and greater stress from our work, an increasing number of modern people attach much importance to sports and games. Why are they becoming so popular?First, sports and games do a lot of good to

25、our health. They can make us strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. They can be of great value to people who work with their brains most of the day, for sports and games give people valuable practice in building up a strong constitution.Whats more, they make our life richer an

26、d more colorful. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, just as the saying goes. So people of all ages enjoy watching and taking part in various kinds of sports track and field, skating, swimming, volleyball, basketball, football, etc.Sports and games are also very useful in character trainin

27、g. They demand not only physical skill and strength but also courage, enthusiasm, discipline and usually teamwork. For boys and girls, what is learned in the playground often has a deep effect on their character. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field,

28、he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.With all these benefits, it is no wonder that sports and games seem to have become part of our daily life.书信模版1 Dear John,I am delighted to hear that you will come to Guangzhou for a visit soon. I c

29、ant wait to see you. Here Id like to give you several tips.First, Guangzhou is a big metropolitan city with a lot of vehicles and a huge crowd of people and the traffic jam is extremely heavy, for which I hope you will be prepared. Second, people here are addicted to foods of different flavors, esp.

30、 seafoods and living animals, even insects. I doubt youll like them. Besides, the weather here is changeable, so youd better bring more clothes and medicine.With people from different regions and countries, diverse cultures and exotic customs, you will definitely enjoy yourself. Then I may serve as

31、your guide. If you have any doubts, please dont hesitate to inform me. I am looking forward to seeing you .Sincerely Yours,Signature: _.书信模版2 A letter of complaint (投诉信)Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to complain of the internet system of our office, which seriously affects our routine business work. The major problems are as follows. First, when we get online, we can not make a phone call at the same time, because there is a loud noise interrupting our talk. Second, we have to wait for a long tim

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