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1、 从(A、B、C、D)四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Jack, _ play around here. Your sister is asleep now. A. doesnt B. not C. no D. dont2.The book must be Lilys. Look! _ name is on the cover. A. Her B. His C. Its D. My3. Kate is _ American girl, right? - Yes. She is from _ United States. A. a, the B. an

2、, a C. a, a D. an. the4. Lets send him home. Do you know _? - I have no idea. A. where does he live B. where he lives C. he where lives D. he lives where5. Mom, someone _. Please pick up the phone. A. has called B. is calling C. will call D. was calling6. Its rather windy today. Put on some warm clo

3、thes, _ youll catch a cold. A. and B. but C. or D. so7. -How do you like this movie? - Fantastic, its the _ one lve ever seen. A. better B. best C. good D. worst8. The policeman told the children _ play in the street A. cant B. to not C. dont D. not to 9. For kids of this age, two hours of sitting i

4、n a classroom _ too long. A. is B. are C. was D. were10. Steve and Jack didnt think _ of their school. Everything is so old. A. many B. much C. more D. less11.Whats your father?- He is a doctor. He _ in a local hospital. A. worked B. has worked C. works D. will work12. - _ do you like ping-pong ? -

5、Because it is relaxing. A. How B. When C. Why D. Where13. Last time, he offered to do my homework for me , but I _. A. refused B. refuse C. have refused D. will refuse14. Look! Here comes your moms car.- It _ be hers. She sold her car yesterday. A. must B. cant C. neednt D. might15. Jeff pleased eve

6、rybody by making his dog walk _. A. by B. over C. from D. on16. Would you like to go to the movie with me this evening ? - _, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.A. Never mind B. I dont think so C. Id love to D. Its not a big deal17. Books are everywhere, but its not easy to find one _ is really

7、 interesting. A. that B. who C. it D. what18. I need to _ with some ways of getting money or Ill have to stop. A. pick up B. come up C. take up D. set up19. I failed the exam _ I did my best. But Ill try harder next time. A. when B. until C. though D. because20. Its getting late, Betty. - Nearly _.

8、Im doing a composition. A. finished B. finishing C. finish D. finishes第二节:完形填空(共l5小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分) 阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A After Tom finished his middle school, he went to work in a post office. He was 21 to work, because he could send the 22 on his bike. It wa

9、s easy and interesting. One day he sent a letter to a house. When he got to the door, a big dog ran to him. He was afraid of it very much and quickly 23 the letter on the ground. To his surprise, the dog didnt come at him. It ran before the letter and picked it up with its 24 . Then it carried the l

10、etter in to the house. Tom said to himself, “It does the 25 work as me.21. A. quick B. clever C. glad D. patient22. A. children B. letter C. vegetable D. fruits23. A. threw B. read C. wrote D. opened24. A. hands B. mouth C. feet D. nose25. A. easy B. interesting C. hard D. sameBOne day I got into a

11、taxi and we took off for the airport. We were 26 on the right side when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of 27 . My taxi driver stopped at once and missed the other 28 by just inches ( 英寸)! The driver of the other car turned his head quickly 29 and started shouting a

12、t us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really 30 . So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost broke your car and sent us to the 31 !” This is when my taxi driver 32 me what I now call “The Law of the Rubbish Truck”. He explained that many people are lik

13、e rubbish trucks. They run around of rubbish, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their rubbish grows, they need a place to empty it and 33 theyll empty it onto you. Dont 34 it personally, just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Dont take the rubbish and 35 it t

14、o other people at work, at home, or on the streets.26. A.driving B.watching C.parking D. cheering27. A.himitme D. us28. A.mantruckcar D. road29. A.awayarounddown D. up30. A.angryB.funny friendly D. afraid31. A.hospitalschoolpolice D. airport32. A.taughtbrought C. showed D. bought33. A.finallyrecentl

15、ysometimesD. always34. A.puttakekeep D. drop35. A.sellspreadlend D. connect第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题, 每小题2分, 满分50分)短文理解(共20小题, 每小题2分, 满分40分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给出的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Many years ago, there lived an old man with his three sons, Dharma, Harrison and Keith, in a village. The man worked har

16、d when he was young, son he had the largest farmyard and the most beautiful house in the village. However, his sons were all born to be lazy, which mad him disappointed. He was worried that his sons would use up his money and starve to death. One day, the old man came up with a plan. He called his s

17、ons and said to them, “Look, my dear sons: in the land we have at the farmyard, there is lots of hidden gold. If you should work together, you may find it” In a wish to find out the gold, his sons worked hard from the morning to the evening digging and digging all through the land. The days had pass

18、ed, but they didnt find what were they were looking for. They got frustrated and angry. They decided to give up and returned to ask their father. “There is no gold in the land. We are cheated.” “Since the land has been dup soft. Why dont you pant some crops there?” was the reply of the father to the

19、 sons. Off went the sons. Soon the whole once-useless land was rich crops. “This if the real gold, my sons.” Said the now proud father.36. What do we know about the old man? A. He was the richest in his village. B. He was unable to feed his family.C. He loved daughters more than sons. D. He was quit

20、e successful as a farmer.37.Why did the old man ask his sons to dig the land? A. He was too old to do it himself.Hedidnt have money to pay workers.C. He decided to teach his sons an Important lesson.D. He didnt want other people to set foot on his land.38.Why did his sons agree to dig the land? A. T

21、hey wanted to help their father. B. They wantedto grow their own crops.C. They didnt want to be lazy any more.D. They wanted to find the hidden gold.39. After they dug the land , his sons found _.A. lots of gold B. nothing C. seeds of crops D. the value of work40. What can we learn from the end of t

22、he story ? A. The old man had achieved his goal.B. The three sons were still as lazy as before. C. The sons were quite angry with their father.D. The old man was still worried about his sons.Welcome to Math School of CountrysideHello. Im Andrew Kelly, Center Director of Math School of Countryside. W

23、e are ready to help kids in grades3-12 understand math better by teaching them how to learn. When they know how to learn math, kids make progress easily. Out school has already let 5000+ students in the US and Canada learn math successfully for over ten years. How to teach your child math. Our math

24、teachers will offer your child lessons on how to understand math. We use a special way to tell exactly what each child knows an d what they need to learn. Next, we make a learning plan for each kid. It doesnt stop there - our encouraging teachers continually check progress along the way to make sure

25、 your kids truly understand what weve taught. The result are clear your kids will see their scores in math exams continue to rise. How to help your child homework Our teachers will also provide homework support. We help kids understand the homework so they feel better prepared to finish the work at

26、home explaining the instructions of each exercise and changing homework frustration into a welcome challenge.41. Who might be most probably interested in it A.Jane, a mother of an eleven - year- old boy.B. Michael, a college student of math.Rena, a math teacher from a secondary school. D. Susan, a m

27、other of a Three year old girl42. Whats special about this school? A. It takes 5000 students each time. B. It can help kids in any grade. C. It is the oldest of its kind in the US.D. It teaches kids how to learn math.43. In how many steps will the teachers teach kids math? A. Two. B. Three.Four D. F

28、ive.44. How will the teachers help with kids homework? A. By showing them how to finish it. B. By watching them do it at home . C. By getting them better prepared for it. D. By giving the correct answers to them.45. What is this piece of writing ? A.A postcard. B.A poem. C. A diary. D. An advertisement.C According to a recent report, kids in primary school spend about six hours every week doing their homework. So kids hate homework. However, th

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