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1、Financial assets 金融资产 mutual saving bank 互助储蓄银行Credit union 信用合作社 savings and loan association 储蓄贷款协会Life insurance 人寿保险 pension funds 养老基金Mutual funds 互助基金(投资公司) equity securities 股权股票Security portfolios 证券投资组合 the law of large numbers 大数法则Unit 2选词(Exercise5)组合起来(推测大概意思是两个单元这样组成类似于完形填空那种)1、Now Im c

2、lear about how the bank deals with the savers deposited money.2、Our company acquires that piece of land by purchase.3、The court established that he has a claim to the property of his stepfather.4、The uncovered foreign exchange position can be very risky because of the fluctuation of the exchange rat

3、es.5、It was the high yield that encouraged Mr. Smith to buy that bond.6、Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.7、In the foreign exchange market, you have a variety of choices to cover the exchange risks.8、Adam Smiths concept of “invisible hand” can be apply to modern economy.9、The p

4、rimary function of money is to facilitate exchange.10、A rang of more specialized bank, together with the Bank of England, make up the structure of British banking.1、U.S. Treasury bills are central to money market transactions.2、Money and banks play dominant roes in our economic life.3、Banks may borr

5、ow temporary reserves from the FRS as a(n) alternative to selling secondary reserves.4、The money market is characterized by its physical invisibility.5、The financial market consist of foreign exchange market , money market ,bond markets and equity market.6. Money market instruments are financial cla

6、im of low default risk, short term to maturity and high marketability .Now, lets discuss these characteristics respective.7. In the money market, the purpose of a dealer is distinct from that of a broker.8. Financial futures markets are important in that they provide a way for financial markets part

7、icipants to protect themselves against changes in interest rates.9. Many financial companies in our country specialize in consumer financial, particularly in small loans.10. OTC trading of securities, over-the-counter trading for short, conducted by telephone, telex and computer links.Unit 31.A docu

8、mentary is a draft accompanied by documents of title to goods. The draft is drawn up by the exporter who also collects necessary documents.2. The shipping documents submitted may be rejected for not conforming to the terms of the credit.3. The sales contract specifies container shipment for the good

9、s.4. Those goods have to be inspected prior to shipments.5. Under an open account arrangement, Mr. Wang got his funds tied up in the transaction with a foreign company.6. Generally speaking, a factor(保理商,承购应收账款代理人)will substitute its accounting services for the accounting work of his clients.7. The

10、economist sets out his ideas clearly in his article that the central bank should carry out a loose monetary policy.8. The Fed Imposes reserve requirement on banks so that they keep part of their deposits on reserve, either in the bank or with the Federal Reserve.9. A letter of credit always indicate

11、s the exact documents which the beneficiary must submit.10. Fortunately our company has obtained a loan for the project from the local government.Unit 41. Because top managers are important assets to a firm, the corporation can purchase key executive insurance.2. “All risks” type coverage protects y

12、ou against all the risks or perils that may cause loss to the covered property.3. Insurance claims statistics reveal that drivers under 30 are involved in far more accidents than are older drivers.4. The marine insurance is associated with the risk such as fire, storm, collision, pilferage and explo

13、sions, etc.5. Many health insurance policies list the dollar value for specific medical procedures.6. Insurance in FOB and CIF contracts should be arranged between the buyer and seller, so that there will be no misunderstanding with respect to the responsibility of both parties.7. Either you or your

14、 customer will be liable for the goods at any one point in the journey.8. German insurance company is subject to regulation by the Federal Supervisory Office concerning accounting and investment practices.9. In accordance with the Bern Union, maximum credit terms have been recommended for many terms

15、 such as heavy capital goods, light capital goods, and consumer durable goods.10. There is a range of standard types of coverage.Unit 5 1. The loan was made at 6 percent interest.2. Of course, he will be subjected to loss when the stock price goes down.3. At what rate can the government securities c

16、onvert into dollars?4. The shares are quoted on the Stock Exchange at page 80.5. These securities serve as substitutes for cash in asset holdings of individuals.6. You have to take a risk of buying lottery tickets.7. Children should be protected against any forms of ill-treatment(虐待).8. Treasury bil

17、ls are usually marketed at a discount.9. We must cut down expenses or well be getting into debt.10. In an aggregative sense, the interest rate of long-term government bonds is higher than short-term bills. Unit 6 1. An internal auditor is a member of staff who audits the accounts of the company he w

18、orks for.2. If you havent got cash, a credit card will serve the purpose.3. I am writing on behalf of the shareholders.4. The customs have imposed a 10% tax increase on luxury items.5. After going through the books, they found that only 60% of the records meet the standards.6. Once you have become a

19、 member of the staff, you must conform to the companys regulations.7. Accounting procedure refers to the orderly steps taken by accounting staff in keeping proper financial records.8. The validity of this ticket has expired. You cannot use it any more.9. Their business interests diverge from their a

20、ims, and finally they had to sell the company.10. The price went beyond our means; we simply couldnt afford. Unit 71. He obtained control of the company by buying the founders shareholding.2. In terms of the numbers in employment, the Big Five are the biggest public accounting firms in the U.S.A.3.

21、A dozen of new models are exhibited at the international Motor Show。4. China is a country with very large population composed of many nationalities.5. Unique selling proposition is the special quality of a product which makes it different from other goods and therefore attractive to customers.6. Now

22、adays more women are attaining positions of power in public life.7. We have been on good terms for a long time, so we decide to extend the contract for another five years.8. The company has sufficient funds to pay for its expansion program.9. A large segment of the public is against the new tax.10.

23、During those days, the fall of oil price overshadowed the economy of the oil exporting countries.Unit 8汉译英(Exercise9)1、没有金融中介行为,金融中介机构就无法存在。Financial intermediaries could not exist without intermediation.2、所有的存款人在同一时间提取资金是极不可能的。It is highly improbable that all depositors will withdraw funds from at

24、the same time.3、金融机构促使资金从贷款人向借款人更为有效的流动。Financial intermediaries facilitate a more efficient flow of funds from lenders to borrowers.4、这种利率的降低可能对一个国家的经济增长率和发展极为有利。This lowering of interest rates would be highly beneficial to a countrys rate of economic growth and development.Unit 2 1、货币市场包括了一系列的市场,每

25、个市场交易的是一种完全不同的金融工具。The money market consists of a collection of market, each trading a distinctly different financial instrument.2、可以理解的是交易人要以高价卖出而以最低价买入。It is understandable that the traders will sell at the highest price and buy at the lowest.3、在交易室里,电话铃声从来不响,打进的电话是由闪烁的灯光来显示的。In the trading room p

26、hone never ring. Instead, incoming calls are signaled by the blinking lights.4、参与交易的双方指示联储银行从一位客户的银行账户上将资金划拨到另一方的银行账户上。The two parties involved in the transaction instruct the Federal Reserve to transfer funds from the account of customers bank to the other partys bank.1、汇票只不过是一种要求支付的命令。The draft is

27、 simply an instrument that requests payment.2、作为一种物权凭证,海运提单可以由出口商用作获得支付的手段。As a document of title, a bill of landing can be used by the exporter as a means of obtaining payment.3、即期汇票,顾名思义,是银行要求见票即付。Sight draft, as the name implies, require the bank to pay on demand.4、作为一种融资工具,信用证对进、出口商都有利。As a fina

28、ncial instrument, the letter of credit benefits both importers and exporters.1、通过买保险,投保人降低了承受潜在损失的风险。By purchasing the insurance, the insured reduces exposure to potential losses.2、在保险业中,信任极为重要,因为保单保护个人或企业免遭不利事件的影响。In the insurance industry, confidence is very important because insurance policies pr

29、otect individuals and businesses from effects of unfavorable events.3、在大多数的保险系统内,遭受损失的只是其中的一小部分。In most insurance systems, only small percentages of those insured suffer losses.4、尽管保单包括各种不同的风险保险,但也具有某些共同的特征。While the policies cover a wide variety of risks, they also share certain common features.5、养

30、老金是工作人员退休后应该得到的收入。A pension is an income payable after a worker retires.Unit 51、债务的定义包括联邦政府所有的有息债务。The debt is defined to include all interest-bearing obligations of the federal government.2、如果购买者想在未到期前将储蓄券变现,就要提供一份确定的货币兑现计划。If the purchaser desires to convert a saving bond into cash prior to the maturity date, a fixed redemption schedule is provided.3、在利率上升期间,这类长期政府债券的持有者可能要遭受巨大的资本损失。In periods of rising interest rates, the holders of such long-term treasury bonds may suffer sizable capital loss. 4、对长期债券的法定上线不适用于短期债券。The legal ceiling on long-term bonds does not appl

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