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1、9.What day is it today?A.Tuesday B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. 请听第 8 段材料,回答第 10至 12题。10.What does the woman think of her new apartment?A.It is very good.B.It is far form her school.C.It is small.11.How does the woman go to school?A.By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.12.What happened to the man?A.He was puni

2、shed. B. He was late. C. He lost his bike.请听第 9 段材料,回答第 13至 16题。13.What is the man busy with these days?A.Shopping online.B.Preparing for exams.C.Writing his term paper.14.Why did the man buy the book on the chair?A. For his school paper.B.For his brothers birthday.C.For the woma n15.What does the w

3、oma n th ink of the mans brother?A.Bori ng B. Crazy C. Differe nt16.What can we learn from the conversation?A.The woma n prefers to buy books in the bookstore.B.The man is almost finishing his term paper.C.The mans brother likes play ing games. 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What did Lincolns father do?A. He

4、 is a teacher. B. He is a worker. C. He is a farmer.18.Why could nt Li ncoln go to school?A.Because his family was too poor.B.Because he was too old for school.C.Because there was no school n ear him.19.How long did it take Mrs. Lincoln to make a trip to town?A. A whole day. B. Half of a day. C. One

5、 and a half days.20.Why did Mrs. Lincoln go to town?A.To meet some oneB.To buy Li ncoln a gift.C.To join a birthday party.二单项选择(共20题,每题1分,满分20分)21. Shen zhe nis a beautiful moder n city. But She nzhe n before theyear 1979 was a fishing village.A. The; the B./; / C. /; the D. The; /22.Jack fell in lo

6、ve with Catheri ne he met her in the uni versity.A. for the first time B. first time C. the first time D. a first time23.Was it near the white building, if I may ask, Martin Luther King gave aspeech “I have a dream ”?A. where B. that C. why D. in which24. is known to us is that the old doctor, for l

7、ife was hard in the past,still works very hard in his late life.A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose25.My En glish teacher in sisted that the exercises very difficult and that we it carefully.A. were; must finish B. be; finish C. were; finish D. be; fini shed26. in a heavy traffic jam

8、 is quite an un pleasa nt experie nee.A. Caught B. Having caught C. Being caught D. To catch27.There was a teapot shaped like a duck, out of mouth the tea wassupposed to come.A. whose B. which C. its D. that28.I ngoing to find a part-time job and earn some money, I think I couldafford that beautiful

9、 MP4.A. i n case B. i n that case C. i n which case D. i n the case29.At yesterday s meeting lots of questions .A.brought up B. went up C. came up D. broke up30. late, but also he forgot his books.A.Not only did he turn up B. Not only he turned upC. Not only did he turn out D. Not only he turned out

10、31.You should read the first whe n using the new wash ing machi ne.A. i ntroductio ns B. expla nati ons C. direct ions D. expressi ons32.We arrived home at 9:00 in the eve ning, most people had already hadsupper.A. at that time B. by that time C. at which time D. by which time33. Does your brother s

11、erve in the army?No, not now. But he in the army for 8 years.A. would serve B. served C. had served D. was serv ing34.Studies show the MP3 people have made much use of music may becaus ing heari ng loss in many people.A. enjoy B. to enjoy C. enjoying D. enjo yed35.The artist made up his mind to devo

12、te all he could his En glish beforegoing abroad.A. improve B. to improve C. improvi ng D. to improvi ng36.En glish words are not always spelt .A. the way which they sound B. by the way they soundC. the way they sound D. as they are soun ded37.Where is Jim? He said he would meet me here at 3:00 pm.He

13、 seems with Mr Black in the office.A. to talk B. to be talk ing38.The house rent is expe nsive. Ipay ing here.A. as three times muchC. much as three times39.The small mountain village in is now part of Hubei.A. which; where B. where; what40.What if we meet with a situati have talked D. talk i

14、ngve oftheDopabe I had at home and I much three timesD.three times as muchwe spe nt our holiday last mon th liesC.that; which D. whe n; which none of us are able to deal with?D. thatA. where B. i n which C. what三完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, and my sist

15、er a few days ago. 虹,I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to 42_ them.My aunt and I were 43 for some thi ngs to buy for our family whe n I no ticedtwo 44_ on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her 45_ _ nearby an

16、d the other one was 46_ _ . So, I decided to sit down. While I was 47_ my own thi ng there, I 48 that the family were not in front of the 49_anym ore. I saw the girl 50 and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in 51 _, crying.I knew that she 52 her family and was all by herself .

17、Now, I am sure that almost everybody has bee n lost in a departme nt store or 53 big before and we all know that feeli ng. 54 I went up to her and asked what was 55 and in betwee ntears she told me she was lost. I 56 her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the 57 on her face when she re

18、ad it. Then I went up to customer service center and 58 them what happened.People there promised to 59her. After I left, the little girl s parents went there and I could see them looking arounfor the pers on who had found their daughter and give n her the 60 . Little did theyknow it was a regular te

19、e nager who did it.41. A. LuckilyB. UsuallyC. SadlyD. Surprisi ngly42. A. helpB. en courageC. joi nD. support43. A. an sweri ngB. looki ngC. prepari ngD. call ing44. A. chairsB. childre nC. sig nsD. toys45. A. friendsB.bookC. familyD. bags46. A. clea nB. largeC. emptyD. beautiful47. A. studyi ngB. c

20、arry ingC. buyingD. doing48. A. n oticedB. believedC. doubtedD. un derstood49. A. shopB. giftC. girlD. lady50. A. get upB. come upC. give upD. make up51. A. returnB. detailC. vai nD. tears52. A. hatedB. raisedC. lostD. lived53. A. somewhereB. someth ingC. everywhereD. everyth ing54. A. IfB. AsC. SoD

21、. Or55. A. importa ntB. wrongC. stra ngeD. differe nt56. A. le ntB. gaveC. sentD. posted57. A. smileB. hopeC. puzzleD. worry58. A. rem in dedB. warnedC. askedD. told59. A. look out forB. take care ofC. wait forD. call up60. A. courageB. moneyC. expla nati onD. card四阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)(A )Albert E

22、i nstei n had a great effect on scie nee and history. An America n uni versity preside nt once said that Ein stei n had made a new outlook, a new view of the uni verse. It may be some time before the average mi nd un dersta nds fully the ide ntity of time and space and so onbut eve n ordinary man no

23、w un dersta nd that the uni verse is someth ing larger tha n ever thought before.By 1914 young Ein stei n had bee n world-famous. He accepted the offer to become a professor at the Prussian Academy of Science in Berlin. He had few duties, little teaching and unlimited chances for study, but soon his

24、 peace and quiet life were broken by World War I.Einstein hated fighting and killing. The great suffering of war affected him deeply, and he sat unhappily in his o ffice doing little. He lost interest in his research. Only whe n peace came in 1918 was he able to get back to work. In the year follow

25、ing World War I honors were increasingly put on him. He became head of the KaiserWhihem Institute of Theoretical Physics. But he himself refused the effort to put him in a positi on far above other people. He was well known for his humble (谦逊的) mann ers. He ofte n said that his success would certa i

26、nly have bee n achieved by others if he had never lived. In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize, and he was honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism when he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.61.The main idea of the first paragraph is .A.the difficulty of Ei nstei ns thought to othersB.the feel

27、i ng of an America n uni versity preside nt towards Ein ste inC.the differe nee betwee n scie nee and historyD.the change in human thought produced by Einstein62.From the sec ond paragraph, we know Albert Ein ste in .A.enjo yed world popularityB.was the head of a schoolC.was popular with his stude n

28、tsD.enjo yed study ing wars63.Which of the following statements about Einstein is true?A.He achieved more than any other scientists in history.B.Our ideas about the uni verse differ from one ano ther because of him.C.He kept work ing un til peace came in 1918.D.His research practically stopped during the first world war.64.In the years followi ng the First World War, .A.Einstein s theory was soon ac

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