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1、() 3 . Where is your new home now?In the new developed zone. But I _ downtown for five years. Ahave livedBhad livedCwas livingDlived() 4 . Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Mr. Smith _. So we only had time for a few words. Ahas just leftBwas just leavingChad just leftDjust left() 5 . _ work has been

2、 done to improve our living environment. AA great amount ofBA number ofCA great manyDA plenty of() 6 . -They havent been to Beijing, have they?-_. They have never been there. AYes, they haventBYes, they haveCNo, they haveDNo, they havent() 7 . Our English teacher insisted that the homework _ tomorro

3、w morning. Amust be handed inBhand inCbe handed inDwould be handed in() 8 . _ picking up the phone, I recognized her voice. AUponBWithCAsDOver() 9 . All of the following are the themes of The Call of the Wild, EXCEPT _. Aeveryone must be bold to face reality in a gesture to make a living.Bthe love b

4、etween humans and animals deserves to be highly praised.Chuman beings are supposed to live in harmony with all kinds of creatures.Dit is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one that must be responsive to changes.() 10 . After reading the book The Last of the Mohicans, we can know

5、that Cora is very _. AcoldBbraveCselfishDpitiful二、阅读理解() 11 . As the summer travel season rolls in, prices at the gas pump are usually going in the wrong direction for our wallets. Thats when drivers become more concerned about how to squeeze the most miles from their fuel dollars and keep their car

6、s running their best. To help you stay in the know, here are some common questions that our auto-experts often get asked about gas mileage and related topics:What if I need to carry stuff on my cars roof? Carrying things on the roof hurts fuel economy. When tested a 2013 Honda Accord at a steady 65

7、mph, it got 42 mpg with nothing on the roof. Adding even an empty bike rack(架子)dropped the mileage by 5 mpg. And with two bikes on the roof, gas mileage dropped to 27mpg.Does running the A/C hurt fuel economy compared with opening the windows? It depends on-how hard the air-conditioning system has t

8、o work. When we measured the fuel-economy difference, we found that fuel use with the A/C running went up with higher outside temperatures. At 55 F, there were unnoticeable differences. But when we measured again on days when the temperature was in the low 70s and high 80s, we got fewer miles per ga

9、llon with the A/C on.How far can I go when my low-fuel warning light comes on? There is no set rule, but most cars have a reserve of between 1 and 2 gallons of gas when the light goes on, or enough to travel about 40 miles or so at a moderate speed. To maximize those last couple of gallons, we sugge

10、st slowing down and maintaining a steady pace.Can I improve gas mileage by installing a special air filter(过滤器)? With modern cars, changing your air filter probably wont improve your fuel economy. When we tested a car to see whether a dirty air filter hurt its gas mileage because of reduced air inta

11、ke, we found that the cars fuel economy wasnt hurt. The engines computer automatically made up for the restricted airflow by reducing fuel use to maintain the right air/fuel proportion. We expect similar results from any air-filter change. mph: mile per hour mpg: mile per gallon A/C: air-conditionin

12、g【小题1】The passage is intended to give answers to questions related to _. Ahow to save fuelBwhat fuel drivers can useChow to keep cars working wellDwhat mileage is most suitable for a car【小题2】It is suggested in the passage that _. Aa special air filter be installed to improve air intakeBthe engines c

13、omputer be updated as often as possibleCdrivers carry an empty bike rack on the roof just in caseDcars move at a fixed low speed with a warning of low fuel【小题3】At which temperature is there a most noticeable difference in fuel economy between running A/C and opening the window?A40 FB51C55D73() 12 .

14、Spending Christmas in a foreign country can be a truly eye-opening experience, especially since its easy to believe that as a worldwide festival, most countries probably celebrate it in a fairly similar manner. Being from the UK, Christmas for me means spending time with family and friends, exchangi

15、ng presents, eating and drinking, and, of course, hiding from the cold. In Colombia, however, Christmas is viewed much more as a time which devotes itself to religion. With celebrations beginning on 7 December, Columbia is recognized as having the longest Christmas celebrations period in the world.

16、The celebrations generally begin in the evening with the lighting of candles, either in the streets, parks or outside peoples homes. Cities are lit up by candles, as this day marks the beginning of the Christmas period. Although decorations have been up since early November, another tradition in Col

17、ombia is that during the nine days before Christmas, family members and friends meet up to pray, sing songs and share traditional foods at home. Probably the biggest surprise for me has been the music people listen to during the Christmas period. At first, you could easily mistake these songs for th

18、e classic salsa, which is played all year round. However, after asking a Colombian if it really felt like Christmas music, they explained to me that the songs are loved more for the memories they symbolize than for the way they sound, and that Colombia has been through so many dark periods in histor

19、y, it was important to hold on to the good memories of years gone past. Being in a country like Colombia during this festive period has taught me that you dont need to be religious to take part in these Christmas traditions. 【小题1】Whats the authors opinion of Christmas?AIt isnt a global festival.BIt

20、isnt a time for being alone.CIt is mainly devoted to religion.DIts celebrated only in some places.【小题2】What can we learn about the Christmas music?AIt is celebrated in the same way as in the UK.BIt is celebrated mainly as a religious festival.CIt is celebrated for nine days or so.DIt is celebrated w

21、ith lanterns and fireworks.【小题3】What do Colombians do during the Christmas celebration period?AEnjoy traditional foods.BGo to the church together.CLearn abut home decorations.DHave a one-month-long holiday.【小题4】Colombians love the songs mainly because _. Athey sound extremely wonderfulBthey express

22、best wishes for the futureCthey represent good memories of the pastDthey have been passed down for generations() 13 . Rumors(谣言):weve all heard some and weve all spread some. In more traditional times they shook entire families. Today, they circulate differently because the way we share information

23、has also changed. The fact is that rumors have great potential to upset things, whether socially or personally. We dont enjoy being on the receiving end of one, since they usually dont have good intentions. They are somewhat veiled(掩饰的) messages. Normally rumors are oral messages: word of mouth. The

24、 paradox(自相矛盾) is that there is no evidence to support rumors, but the more people share it, the more they see it as true. To finish defining rumors, we think that they follow certain very clear laws. Secrecy:The source is unknown. There is also a proven phenomenon that human beings usually forget t

25、he source of a message before they forget its content. Certainty: We hardly question rumors simply because of the mental effort involved. On the other hand, no one likes to doubt a person who convinces us that the information they spread is true. Change: It acts like a tree. New rumors branch out to

26、 fill in the gaps left by the initial rumor. Another property of rumors is that they tend to become viral. Each receiver is at the same time a potential transmitter of the information. The receiver often adds their own opinion. Their manner and tone of transmitting it also changes it. How can we end

27、 rumors? The answer is as simple as it is impossible: preventing people from communicating. A more realistic response is equally difficult, although less than the first one. It is that we should be critical of the information we receive. We should ask ourselves if the source is reliable. Ask (if pos

28、sible) the person you heard it from whether they also trust the information. We should also think about if the rumor benefits someone, and if that someone started the rumor. One rumor to be especially cautious of is a rumor about groups relatively unable to defend themselves. Thats why we say, “hist

29、ory is always told by the victors.” The first payment the defeated must make is to accept the victors version of the story. 【小题1】Whats the authors attitude towards rumors?ACritical.BPositive.CApproving.DCautious.【小题2】What can we learn about rumors?AWe have all heard some and believed them.BWere happy to be the receiving end of them.CThey may have negative influence on society.DThey often hide good intentions in the messages.【小题3】How are rumors like trees?ARumors keep changing, just as trees change their color.BRumors are deeply rooted in reality, like tree roots in the earth.CNew ru

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