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本文(浙江专用届高考英语二轮复习第四部分写作训练专题三概要写作Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、But then I watched the young employee with this woman.I watched him help her count her change,ever so softly taking it from her shaking hands. When she asked if she had enough to buy a reusable bag,he told her she did and went two lines over to get one for her and then repackaged her items.Never onc

2、e was this employee angry.He was nothing but patient and kind.As I was watching him,I saw that Eloise was too.She was standing next to the woman,watching the employee count the change.I realized I hadnt been inconvenienced at all.That my daughter was instead witnessing kindness and patience and bein

3、g taught this valuable lesson by a complete stranger.When the woman was finished,the employee began ringing up my items and thanked me for my patience.I then thanked him for teaching us patience and kindness by his treatment of that elderly woman.When he was finished I pushed my cart through the sto

4、re trying to find the manager.I wanted her to know of the employees kindness and patience and how much it meant to me.After tracking her down and sharing the story with her,we left Target with a cart full of consumable items,but what is more,a heart full of gratitude for such an invaluable lesson.If

5、 you are ever in the Glendale Target,give Ishmael a smile and a nod.The world could use more people like him._【写作指导】要写好记叙文的概要,先要找到以下两个问题的答案:(1)谁做了什么?(2)结果如何?如果是夹叙夹议文,还要加上这个故事给人们的启示或教育意义。就该题而言,本文的概要应该包含:作者购物的时间、地点、结果以及从本次购物中得到的启示,最后用自己的语言串联起来。【参考范文】The passage tells us an experience of shopping.(要点1)

6、One day,the author with two children went to Target for shopping.(要点2)While waiting in line,she found an old lady was troublesome,but the young employee treated her patiently.(要点3)Seeing that,the author was touched by his kindness and patience and she thought her children would learn a lot from this

7、 experience.(要点4)Writing 2Sugars are popular in the processed food industry because they add taste,colour and thickness to food products. The studies have shown that sugars can provide a source of energy.The body breaks down the sugar into simple forms that can be readily used in the body.But too mu

8、ch sugar can contribute to health problems like obesity and tooth disease.Having too much sugar is not the only reason for obesity or being overweight,but it does add to the amount of kilojoules in food.Eating too much of any food,without doing enough exercise,will cause you to become overweight.Gov

9、ernments in the United States and United Kingdom are waging a war on sugar in the interests of public health.Both countries claim that the overconsumption of sugar by much of the population is harmful to peoples health.On Thursday,the US.government issued new dietary guidelines that strongly recomme

10、nd people receive less than 10 per cent of their daily calorie intake from added sugar.On the same day,British Prime Minister David Cameron said he has not ruled out the idea of a tax on sugar to encourage consumers to buy food with reduced levels of the sweet.Politicians in the UK.are debating how

11、a reduction in the intake of sugar could help reduce Britains rising rates of obesity.The American and British governments both refer to a study conducted in Mexico that showed a tax on sugary,carbonated drinks led to a reduction in consumption.The tax was carried out on January 1,2014 and purchases

12、 of the taxed drinks went down by 12 per cent by December of that year.Sales of mineral water increased by 4 per cent over the same period.An alternative to taxing sugared drinks is to reduce the level of sugar in them.Researchers at Queen Mary University in London say that reducing the sugar conten

13、t in sugarsweetened drinks by 40 percent over five years could prevent one million cases of obesity in the UK.Researchers say people might not even notice the changes.本文是一篇说明文,讲述了人体摄入过多糖分会影响健康。英国和美国政府都号召人们不要摄入过多糖分,甚至考虑通过增收糖税来减少糖的食用。读懂原材料是写好概要的关键,在理解原文的基础上,用尽可能简洁的语言集中概括原文的主要观点及思想,但不能简单重复原文,同时,对各要点的概括

14、要详略得当,结构严谨,表达明确,语义准确简练,避免空泛、含混之词。Sugar is useful for our body,but too much sugar does harm to our health,which probably leads to health problems.(要点1)As for this,governments in the United States and United Kingdom call on people not to take in too much sugar.(要点2)British Prime Minister even planned

15、to put a tax on sugar.(要点3)A study showed that the tax on sugar helped reduce the consumption of sugar.(要点4)Researchers also think reducing the sugar content slightly would not be noticed.(要点5)Writing 3Dieters have long sworn that grapefruit helps them lose weight.The Grapefruit Diet,also called the

16、 Hollywood Diet,dates back to the 1930s and has a host of celebrity fans including singer Kylie Minogue.It involves having grapefruit or grapefruit juice with every meal while cutting back on calories.Now,scientists are beginning to believe them.A study has found that drinking grapefruit juice when

17、eating fatty food lowers the amount of weight put on by up to a fifth.The research also suggested that grapefruit could be as good as prescription drugs at keeping blood sugar levels under controla key part of managing diabetes.The experiments were conducted on micebut researchers say the results ju

18、stify studies on humans.Professor Joseph Napoli,of the University of California,Berkeley,said,“We see all sorts of scams about nutrition. But these results,based on controlled experiments,warrant further study of the potential healthpromoting properties of grapefruit juice.”The researchers found tha

19、t when the mice were fed fatty food for three months,those given grapefruit juice to drink gained up to 18 percent less weight than those given water.They also had lower blood sugar and insulin levelsdespite eating the same number of calories and doing the same amount of exercise as the mice who dra

20、nk water. In fact,grapefruit juice was as good at controlling insulin as the widely used diabetes drug metformin,the journal PLOS ONE reports.However,the fruit juice only had an effect on weight when the animals ate fatty food.The researchers said they did not know how grapefruit stops the pounds fr

21、om piling on.Spokesman Mariette Abrahams,a dietician,said until then it is too early for people to try grapefruit diets.“Grapefruit should be part of a healthy balanced diet,but it shouldnt be the focus of the diet,” she said._本文是一篇科普类说明文,主要介绍了葡萄柚的减肥功效。第一段介绍了葡萄柚用于减肥的历史背景;第二至七段的内容是:研究表明,葡萄柚对人的身体健康有很多

22、好处;第八段介绍了葡萄柚汁减肥的局限性;最后一段对葡萄柚饮食提出了不同的意见。考生在作答时,应注意条理清晰,避免混乱性语句;语言简洁,要点全面,可将原文中涉及的人名、地名等非重要信息忽略,以节约词数。另外,考生在作答时应注意语言的准确性和语句间的衔接性。Dieters think grapefruit juice helps lose weight and the Grapefruit Diet or the Hollywood Diet was a popular way of losing weight in the 1930s.(要点1)The experiments conducted

23、 on mice,which can also apply to humans,shows that grapefruit juice benefits the loss of weight and the control of blood sugar and insulin levels.(要点2)However,the fruit only takes effect when the animals eat fatty food.(要点3)The opposite view doesnt think eating grapefruit can be the focus of the die

24、t.(要点4)Writing 4In fact,great white sharks are not white. The name is thought to have come about because these sharks are white in one circumstance when they are lying dead on the deck of a boat.It would be more proper to call this species the “black shark”They have a dark upper surface,which means

25、their prey(猎物) are difficult to spot them approaching from the dark depths.Speaking of prey,they have been recorded dining out on a wide range of species,including whales,squid(鱿鱼),turtles and occasionally penguins.“If you make a list of everything thats been found in a white sharks stomach,youd get

26、 a variety of things,” says marine biologist George Burgess of the University of Florida in Gainesville.But whats clear is that their tastes change as they age.“They are almost just fisheaters until they are 7,8,9 feet long,” says Burgess.“As they get bigger,they will begin to start eating mammal pr

27、ey if they get the opportunity.”These older sharks prefer seals,sea lions and walruses.When they strike from below,at speed,white sharks can clear the surface by as much as 3 m.To locate their prey,white sharks use almost every trick in the book.“They have a series of senses,” says Burgess.In a 1963

28、 study,researchers hung a speaker over the edge of their boat off Miami to see if they could attract sharks with sound.No great white sharks were spotted in this study,but its reasonable to assume they have good hearing too.As a great white shark gets closer to its prey,its sense of smell begins to kick in.A study of the brains of different species of sharks shows that the great whites olfactory bulb (嗅球) is especially large.Their vision is not bad,either.“They see particularly well,” says Burgess.T

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