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1、高中英语语法易错题100高中英语语法易错题 100(附详细答案 )1.Stop making so much noise _ the neighbor will start complaining.A .or else B .but still C.and then that2.We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we wont go _ its raining.A .if B.when C.though D.because3.-The weather is too cold _ March this year. -It was stil

2、l _ when I camehere years ago.A .for ; colder; cold; hot D.for; hotter4.-How much vinegar did you put in the soup -Im sorry to say, _. I forget.A .no one C.nothing D.none5.He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him.A .if never B.if ever C.if no

3、t D.if any6.-What should I wear to attend his wedding party -Dress _ you like.A .what B.however C.whatever D.how7.-The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do youthink can do the job - _ my students have a tryA .Shall B.Must C.Will D.May8.Id like to live somew

4、here _ the sun shines all year long.A .which B.that C.where which9.I _ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldnt get away.A .was planning B.planned C.had planned D.would plan10.-Your book, Tommy -No, Mom, its my friends. -Remember to return it to _name is on it.A .what B.which C.whose

5、D.whosever11.Thank you for sending us _ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us_ a great service.A .不填 ;a B.the;a C.不填 ;不填 D.the;不填12.Now that we _ all the money, its no use turning on me and saying its all my fault.A .had lost B.lost C.have lost D.lose13.We had a really bad time about six

6、months ago but now things are _A .looking up B.coming up C.making up D.turning up14.-When did it begin to snow -It started _ the night.A .during C.from D.at15.Young as he is, David has gained _ rich experience in _ society.A .the; the B.a; 不填 C.不填;不填 D.不填;the16._ from endless homework on weeken

7、ds, the students now find their own activities,such as taking a ride together to watch the sunwise.A .Freed B.Freeing C.To free D.having freed17.So you missed the meeting. - _. I got there five minutes before it finished.A .Not at all B.Not exactly C.Not especially D.Not really18.-Do you mind if I s

8、moke -_.A .Why not B.Yes, help yourself C.Go ahead D.Yes, but youd better not19.-We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal. -_.A .With pleasure B.It doesnt matter C.It was no trouble at all D.By all means20._ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.A .To consider B

9、.Considered C.Considering D.To be considered21.-Tom, you are caught late again. -Oh, _.A .not at all B.just my luck C.never mind D.thats all right22.-What do you think of the concert -I really enjoy it. I didnt expect it was _wonderful.A .as B.more C.most D.very23.The engineers made two big plans fo

10、r the dam, _ was never put in force.A .one of them B.which of which D.every one of which24.I have no one _ me, for I am a new comer here.A .help B.helping help have helped25.The little girl couldnt work the problem out. She wasnt _ clever.A .that B.much C.enough D.too26.Listen! His f

11、amily must be quarrelling, _A .mustnt it B.isnt it C.arent they D.neednt they27.The police have _ power to deal with such matters by _ law.A .the; the B.不填 ;不填 C.不填 ;the D.the; 不填28.Jack felt unhappy as they all went outing _ him.A .except B.but C.without D.besides29.That she hadnt kept her _ on her

12、 work resulted in the failure.A .head B.heart C.brain D.mind30.-Did your sister pass the exam -She failed and is in low spirits. -Im sorry for her.-_.A .Thank you welcome C.I would think so D.Never mind31.The students spent as much time getting trained as they _ studying.A .disliked B.were

13、C.had D.did32.It was believed that things would get worse, but _ it is they are getting better.A .before B.after C.because D.as33.As time went by, the plan stuck _ fairly practical.A .to proved proving C.proved be proved34.More than one _ the people heart and soul.A .official has served B.

14、officials have served C.official has served for D.officials have served for35.The president stood by a window inside the room, _ , looking over the square.A .where I entered B.into which I entered C.which I entered D.that I entered36.Though I _ to go abroad, I changed my mind and decided to stay wit

15、h my family.A .had wanted B.wanted C.would want D.did want37.My brother is very tall. The little bed wont _ for him.A .prepare B.match D.do38.-Thank you so much for the lovely evening, Dennis. -Youre quite welcome, Julie. _.Wed been looking forward to seeing you.A .Were glad to meet you B.Im a

16、fraid you didnt have a good time C.Thank you for your comingD.Just stay a little longer, please39.Scientists say they have found a way to produce the human bodys own cancer-killing cellsthrough gene treatment, _ new hope to cancer sufferers.A .offering B.showing C.taking D.making40.We are going to d

17、iscuss the way of reading works _ it is used for real life purposes,and this should give you a better understanding of it.A .that B.which C.where D.when41.-The dinner was delicious! -I agree. I am so full. -Thats too bad. But some dessert_.A .has ordered B.will be ordered C.has been ordered D.was go

18、ing to be ordered42.-This wall of air is an effective answer to the problem and it_ work. -But it is aquestion to put such a wall of air around the statue.A .may B.must C.should D.could43.We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to _ and learnfrom failure.A .deal with B.depend o

19、n C.carry on D.go with44.-Good evening. I _ to see Miss Jessic. -Oh! Good evening. Im sorry, but she is notin.A .came B.come C.have come D.had come45.-Please call me at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Im kind of forgetful. -Dont worry about that,youll be surely_.A .reminded B.told C.warned D.informed46.-What

20、s the matter with Tim -Oh, Tims cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally, never_ again.A .to find be found C.finding D.being found47.A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004, _ manycountries in the world paid close attention to this.A .where B.when C.which D.what48.-H

21、ow come a simple meal like this costs so much -We have _ in your bill the costof the cup you broke just now.A .added B.included C.contained D.charged49.-You didnt wait for Mr. Black last night, did you -No, but we _. He didnt returnhome at allA .couldnt have B,neednt have C,didnt need to D.should wa

22、it have50. How do you think I should receive the reporter _ you feel about him,try to be polite.A .How B.What C.Whatever D.However51._ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage ofpublic vehicles remains a serious problem.A .That B.What C.In spite of what D.Though what52

23、.As we have much time left, lets discuss the matter_ tea and cake.A .over B.with D.at53.Mr Black must be worried about something. You can _ it from the look on his face.A .reason B.recognize D.realize54.-Can I pay the bill by check -Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel

24、thatpayment _ be made in cash.A .shall B.need C.will D.can55.If you win the competition, you will be given _ to Europe for two.A .a free 7-day trip B.a free trip for 7-day C.a 7-day free trip D.a trip for 7-day free56.-Hey, Kelin. Happy new year! _ -Ok, I guess. My grandma kept cooking andcooking, s

25、o I just kept eatingA .How was your break B.How is your grandma C.Where did you go for holiday D.What did you doin your holiday57.-Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management ifyou make _ most of the equipment, there will be _ rise in production.A .不填 ;不填 B.the;a C.不填

26、 ;a D.the;不填58. Will $200 _ the cost of the damage Im afraid not. I need at least $100more.A .do B.include C.cover D.afford59.If you live in the country or have ever visited there, _ are that you have heard birdssinging to welcome the new day.A .situations B.facts C.dances D.possibilities60.I _ you,

27、 but I didnt think you would listen to me.A .could have told B.must have told C.should tell D.might rell61.This problem may lead to more serious ones if _ unsolved.A .making B.remained C.keeping D.left62.I have no dreams _ to have a happy life.A .rather than B.more than C.other than D.less than63.-Y

28、ou know Mr. Green has been ill for days -Yes, I wonder if he is_ better now.A .some B.much C.any D.no64.$100 a month could hardly _ the cost of his life in such a big city in this country.A .spend B.take C.cover D.meet65.Working in the kitchen for years made Tom _ a good cook. A .for B.into C.of D.a

29、s66.She was such a proud person that she would die _ she would admit she was wrong.A .rather than B.until C.after D.before67.-Are you through with your homework -Well, _. A .sort of B.go ahead C.why notD.thats OK68.-What field will your son go into after graduation from Nanjing University -Im not quitecertain, but he _ a good teacher of English. A .promises B.becomes C.makes D.proves69.My mother is always warning me when I go out, Dont get off the bus_ it isstopping.A .until

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