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1、”修辞学修辞起源于美索不达米亚.在古埃及,修辞学自中王国时期就存在,古埃及人关注雄辩,认为修辞学在社会生活中具有重大价值。The “Egyptian rules of rhetoric” also clearly specified that “knowing when not to speak is essential, and very respected, rhetorical knowledge.” Their “approach to rhetoric” was thus a “balance between eloquence and wise silence.” Their ru

2、les of speech also strongly emphasized “adherence to social behaviors that support a conservative status quo” and they held that “skilled speech should support, not question, society.” In ancient China, rhetoric dates back to the Chinese philosopher, Confucius. In ancient Greece, the earliest mentio

3、n of oratorical skill occurs in Homers Iliad. At the turn of the 20th century, there was a revival of rhetorical study manifested in the establishment of departments of rhetoric and speech at academic institutions, as well as the formation of national and international professional organizations.埃及的

4、修辞原则明确定义:知道什么时候不说话是必不可少的,而且了解非常受人尊敬和修辞的知识. 古埃及的修辞手法是雄辩和智慧的沉默的平衡。他们演讲的原则强调坚持保持现状的社会行为,并且他们认为好的演讲应该是受人支持的,有利于社会的,而不是被人质疑的。在古中国,修辞回溯到中国的哲学家孔子和他的追随者。在古希腊,最早涉及的是河马的伊利亚特。20世纪见证了修辞学的再次兴起。当代学者继续在数世纪的修辞传统上添砖加瓦,重新解释修辞学来说明人类交流的重要性Rhetoric typically provide heuristics for understanding discovering and developin

5、g arguments for particular situations. And we should know the Aristotles three persuasive audience appeals:logos, pathos, and ethos. And the five canons of rhetoric:invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery.invention (the process of developing arguments);style (determining how to present t

6、he arguments);arrangement (organizing the arguments for extreme effect);delivery (the gestures, pronunciation, tone and pace used when presenting the persuasive arguments);memory (the process of learning and memorizing the speech and persuasive messages.)修辞学通常提供在特定条件下,关于理解,认知和论据的探索法.关于修辞,我们需要知道亚里士多德

7、的修辞学三种劝说方式:逻辑诉求,情感诉求,人格诉求,以及修辞五艺:取材,布局谋篇,朗诵法,表达技巧,默记:取材建立论据的过程;表达技巧如何表述布局谋略决定如何表达论据;朗诵法手势,发音,语调,表达论据的步骤;默记学习和记忆演讲信息的过程Grammar The system of transitivity is a particular grammatical facility used for capturing experience in language is the system of transitivity. In this system, it contain six proces

8、s(the participant ):Material processes (actor, goal) Mental processes (senser, phenomenon)Behavioural processes ( behaver)Processes of verbalization (sayer, verbiage, receiver)Relational processes(carrier, attribute, identified, identifier, possessed, possessor)Existential processes (existent)语法及物性系

9、统是一个语义系统,他把人们的经验表达出来,并指明过程所涉及的参与者和环境成分。在这个系统中,分为六个过程类型(括号内为其参与者):物质过程(动作着,目标),心理过程(感觉者,现象),行为过程(行为者), 言语过程(说话者,说话内容,受话者),关系过程(载体,属性,被识别者,识别者,被占有者,占有者)存在过程(存在物)。A basic model of grammar should contain:sentence (or clause complex), clause, phrase (or group), word, morpheme.Four basic elements of claus

10、e structure:the Subject (S), the Predicator (P), the Complement (C) and the Adjunct (A).an SPCA pattern。 We should notice that SPCA is the basic pattern of clause structure. But other types are existing such as Imperative clauses, Interrogative clauses, and Declarative clauses. To test for the subje

11、ct, complement and adjunct elements of clause structure, we can ask various questions around the verb.语法的基本模型应该包含:句子,从句,词组,单词,语素。句子结构的四个基本要素:主语,谓语,补语,修饰语。值得注意的是主谓补修是基本结构,但是其他类型也存在,例如祈使句,疑问句和陈述句。而且要检验句子的基本要素,我们可以围绕动词询问一系列问题。Stylistic devicesStylistic devices contain : Figurative language,Sound techni

12、ques,Structure,Irony,Register。Figurative language uses figures of speech - a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of the words. Simile,Metaphor,Synecdoche,Personification,Apostrophe,Charactonym,Symbol,Imagery,Motif,Metonymy,Analogy ,Paradox,Pun,Parallelism,Hyperbole and so on.文体手段文

13、体手段包括:比喻性语言,声音技巧,结果,讽刺,语域。比喻性语言使用“修辞格”一种说什么而不是字面意义的方式。明喻,暗喻,提喻,拟人,呼语,个性化诨名,象征,意向,主题,转喻,类比,悖论, 双关,排比,夸张 等。Sound techniques:It contains:Rhyme,AlliterationAssonance ConsonanceRhythmOnomatopoeiaStructure Formal structure (the forms of a text)Storyline and PlotPlot structureFlashbackFrame story Foreshado

14、wing Allusion IronyVerbal IronySituational ironyDramatic irony声音技巧包括:韵脚,头韵,元韵,尾韵,韵律,拟声。结构形式结构,故事线情节,倒叙,框架故事,伏笔,典故.讽刺言语反讽,情景反讽,戏剧反讽RegisterDiction SyntaxVoice ToneLiterary StylisticsThe modern literary stylistic is established by Charles bally. Spitzer is the father of literary stylistic. It should b

15、e noticed that the foregrounding is proposed first by Mukarovsky of the Prague group.It refers to a form of textual patterning which is motivated specifically for literary-aesthetic purposes。It has two main guises, foregrounding as deviation from a norm and foregrounding as more of the same.语域措辞,句法,

16、语态,语气。文学文体学现代文体学创始人是法国文体学家巴利,德国文体学家斯皮泽被普遍尊为文学文体学之父.值得注意的是突出”一词首先是由布拉格学提出的,国内也有学者译成“前景化”。用特定方法突出以达到某种文学审美效果。通常表现为与众不同和老调重弹。And the structuralist poetician Roman Jakobson proposes a model of language which comprises six key functions:The emotive functionThe conative functionThe referential functionThe

17、 poetic functionThe phatic functionThe metalingual functionStylistic analysisNarrativesPrincipal mode of narrative characterisation is the transmission of actions and events. This mode refers to the way character is developed through and by the semantic processes and participant roles embodied in na

18、rrative discourse.著名诗学家雅各布森提出了话语的六大功能:表情功能意动功能指称功能组诗功能人际功能评释功能文体学分析记述文叙事特征的主要模式 是行为和事件的传送。角色是按语义过程和叙事话语中的参与者角色发展的。Planes of point of view in narrative fictionPoint of view on the ideological planePoint of view on the temporal planePoint of view on the spatial planePoint of view on the psychological

19、planeThe analytical procedure of narratives:Source, author (style), themenarrative perspectivelanguage feature(Sentence structure,vocabulary,)Logical characteristicsConversational featuresfigure of speech and so onPoemThe stylistic analysis of poem mainly study from two ways: the relevant informatio

20、n and the structure style.the relevant information:title, author, writing year, subject matter.叙事小说中的层面:意识形态层面时空层面空间层面心理感知层面小说文体分析方法:出处、作者(风格)、主题叙述视角语言特点(句式结构、词汇)逻辑特点人物会话特点修辞格等诗歌对诗歌文体进行分析主要是从诗歌的相关信息与诗歌本身的结构形式两方面着手。相关信息包括:题目、作者、写作年代、体裁、题材Structure style:Overall layout Number and length of linesMetreF

21、igure of speechAdjectives have already been highlighted as one of the main sites for stylistic experimentation in the poem.DramaStylistic analysis of dramaParaphrase or commentthetextScript formlanguage featurefigure of speech and so on the analysis of dialogue is important .A model for the analysis of dialogue was suggested which comprised two principal methodological orientations. 诗歌本身的结构形式:总体布局诗行数目,长度;格律韵律;修辞格;形容词是对诗歌进行文体分析的重点。戏剧戏剧分体分析方法:解释剧本或评论剧本形式人物语言特点修辞格等。 戏剧的对话是一大重点,可分为两类。The first of these involves a focus on the way spoken discourse is structured. The second orientat

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