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4、还可附以必要的说明)。(6)讨论:不应是实验结果的重述,而是以结果为基础的逻辑推论。如对定性实验,在分析实验结果的基础上应有中肯的结论。还可以包括关于实验方法、操作技术和有关实验的一些问题,对实验异常结果的分析和评论,对于实验设计的认识、体会和建议,对实验课的改进意见等。(7)结论:一般实验要有结论,结论要简单扼要,说明本次实验所获得的结果。三、实验报告的评分标准(百分制)1实验预习报告内容(30分) 学生进入实验室前应预习实验,并书写预习报告。实验预习报告应包括以下三部分:实验原理(10分):要求以自己的语言归纳要点;实验材料(5分):包括样品、试剂及仪器。只列出主要仪器、试剂(常规材料不列





9、泳图谱和层析图谱等要标明正、负极方向及分离出的区带、色带或色斑的组分或成分。电泳结果还要标记泳道,并在图题下给出泳道的注释;要标出分子量标准的各条带的大小。并且注意需要结合图表对结果进行较详细的解释说明。实验结果有归纳、 解释说明,结果准确,格式规范。堆砌实验现象、数据,解释说明少。最终实验结果错误且无解释说明,图表、数字不规范。(3)讨论(20分)讨论应围绕实验结果进行,不是实验结果的重述,而是以实验结果为基础的逻辑推论,基本内容包括:用已有的专业知识理论对实验结果进行讨论,从理论上对实验结果的各种资料、数据、现象等进行综合分析、解释,说明实验结果,重点阐述实验中出现的一般规律与特殊性规律之


11、答思考题等,与实验结果无关。4格式与版面(5分)按照实验报告的书写格式、版面是否整洁、工整,分三个等级给分。实验报告字体工整,版面整洁。实验报告字体较工整,版面较整洁。实验报告字体潦草,版面凌乱。5. 加分(510分):以全英文书写实验报告视情况加510分。Introduction to Biochemistry ExperimentBiochemistry experiment is a preclinical curriculum of omni-specialties in biomedicine and an experimental curriculum for going with

12、 biochemistry teaching. Its task is to help students to understand and master the basic technical principles and methods in biochemistry, to possess the abilities of analyzing problems and working out solutions independently. By learning this curriculum, the students should understand the basic expe

13、rimental principles of spectrophotometry,chromatography, electrophoresis and centrifuge, et al.,master the basic technical skills commonly used with these principles and possess the abilities to apply the skills systematically and to optimize the experiment conditions. The goal of biochemistry exper

14、iment is to make the students strengthen their grasp of the biochemistry theories and to integrate what they have learned with scientific research and clinical application.There are 9 experiments that represent most important areas of biochemistry including characterization of proteins and nucleic a

15、cid by electrophoresis and spectroscopic or chromatographic analysis. These experiments are essential for a typical one-semester course and are to be revised and updated when necessary. New experiments will be added to this list in the future to cover more topics of biochemistry and to reflect the m

16、any advances in biochemistry. Biochemistry Laboratory Rules1Pre-Laboratory Preparation All students must prepare BEFORE ARRIVING IN THE LABORATORY. The experiments are designed so that they can be carried out with proper advance planning within the four-hour laboratory periods. It is expected that s

17、tudents should have a fundamental understanding of the theory and practices pertaining to the experiment before entering the laboratory to conduct these experiments. Biochemical experiments often employ toxic chemicals. For the health and safety of all students, the experimental protocols must be st

18、udied and the days activities should be planned in advance. If it becomes obvious that a student is ill-prepared, he or she will not be permitted to continue the experiment. 2Safety Precautions in the Biochemistry LaboratoryAll INJURIES, no matter how minor, should be reported to the instructor IMME

19、DIATELY. If you have any questions regarding the safe handling of any biochemical, consult your instructor. 3Strictly follow the experimental procedures. Turn to instructors immediately for help once the laboratory instruments dont work. DONT try to fix the breakdown by yourself. Proper compensation

20、 for loss because of your own fault will be demanded.4Disposal of SolutionsIn most cases the solutions used during the laboratory can be disposed of as directed by laboratory personnel at the end of the period. Any volatile organic solvents should be placed in the hood as directed. Laboratory person

21、nel will then dispose of these solvents.5Solid trashes including waste papers are prohibited to discard into the sink. 6All the glassware should be cleaned immediately after use. And all the reagent bottles and instruments should be placed neatly after use. 7An experiment report should be submitted

22、to the Professor and/or TAs in time. Laboratory Report1Although students will work in pairs for all experiments, each student must turn in an individual laboratory report, written by himself or herself. These reports should be clearly written in ink, typed, or printed and be clear and legible. If mi

23、stakes are made, neatly cross them out and enter the corrections nearby. Reports should be written in the third person (e.g., do not use “I” or “we”). STAPLE a Title Page to the top of the report and STAPLE the accompanying graphs, tables, and laboratory notebook sheets to the back. If the report is

24、 not clearly presented, the instructor may return the report without grading it. 2Each laboratory report should consist of:a. Title Page A title page for each experiment is required and should state the title of the experiment, the name of the student, the dates of the laboratory periods covered, th

25、e names of the laboratory partners, and the date that the laboratory report is due. b. ObjectivesStatement of the point of the experiment - in no more than two sentences. c. Procedures DO NOT recapitulate the laboratory protocol. Write in you OWN words. A clear flowchart of the procedures is recomme

26、nded. d. Results This section should summarize your observations presented in the form of graphs, calculations, tables, etc. e. Discussion Evaluate your data. Explain what you observed and also why you think the data were as observed. Do not restate procedures! List possible sites of error. Whenever

27、 possible demonstrate your understanding of the theory behind the experiment. Support your results (e.g.: “Using the linear portion of the Absorbance vs. Concentration graph to calculate the slope, it was determined that.”) (Limited to only one page per experiment for experiments 1 - 6 and four page

28、s for experiment 7-9). 3If any laboratory report is not completed and turned in by the end of the quarter, the student maybe receive an Incomplete for the course at the discretion of the instructors; alternatively a “zero” for the missing laboratory report will be recorded and the final grade determ

29、ined accordingly.实验名称(Title of Experimetn)Folin-酚试剂法测定蛋白质含量实验日期(Date of Experiment)2013-10-18实验地点(Lab No.)第六实验室合作者(Partner)指导老师(Instructor)总分(Total Score)教师签名(Signature)批改日期(Date)【实验报告第一部分(预习报告内容):实验步骤(包括实验流程、操作步骤和注意事项);评分(满分30分):XX】1、 实验原理:(1)蛋白质分子含有大量彼此相连的肽键(-CO-NH-),同样能在碱性条件下与Cu2+发生双缩脲反应,生成的紫红色络合物(蛋白质- Cu2+复合物)。且在540nm处的吸光度与蛋白质的含量在10120g/L范围内有良好的线性关系。 (2)Folin-酚试剂在碱性条件下极不稳定,其磷钼酸盐-磷钨酸盐易被酚类化合物还原而呈蓝色反应(钼蓝和钨蓝的混合物)。由于蛋白质中含有带酚羟基的酪氨酸( Tyr ) ,故有此显色反应。 即蛋白质- Cu2+复合物中所含的酪氨酸残基还原酚试剂中的磷钼酸和磷钨酸,生成蓝色的化合物。 (3)在一定浓度范围内,蓝色的深浅度与蛋白质浓度呈线性关系,故与同样处理的蛋白质标准液比色即可求出蛋白质的含量。即根据预先绘制的标准曲线求出未知样品中蛋白质的含量。2、实验材料:样品 健康人血清

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