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1、本题考查 such as to 的用法。such as to 表示“如此以至于”,其中 such是个代词,用来指代程度。在本句中 such 指“冒犯性的言语”,因此正确选项为 B。Aso as to“以便”,表目的,不合句意。C,D 无此用法。54.James has just arrived, but I didnt know he until yesterday.A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came译文詹姆斯刚到,不过我直到昨天才知道他要来。考点时态用法。本句是在过去时间里(昨天)看将来动作(詹姆斯要来),应该用过去将来

2、时。因为come/so/ leave 一类动词的进行时可以表将来,was coming 表达的就是过去将来时,因此 B 是正确答案。A. will come 和 Dcame 的时态明显错误。C. had been coming 是过去完成进行时,表示一个动作一直持续到过去某个时间,尤其强调与一个过去动作相比时间上更为靠前,例如:Nancy told me she had been looking for me(南希告诉我她一直在找我。)首先,用于这个时态的动词都是持续性动词,瞬间动词 come 不能用于此处;其次,选项 C 表达的意思是“他来”这个动作一直持续到昨天,显然与句意不合。55. c

3、onscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A.I was and always will beB.I have to be and always will beC.I had been and always will beD.I have been and always will be译文我一直记得而且也将永远记得自己作为一个公民所负有的道义上的责任。该句是一般性的陈述,没有理由用过去时或过去完成时,故排除 A 和 C。选项 B 中的 have to“不得不”表达的是被迫、不情愿的意思,与句子正面、肯定的意思相反。只有 D 正确地表达了说话者的

4、观念持续到现在并将延续到将来的意思。conscious of 认识到。56.Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install solar heating device in our home.A. some type of B. some types of aC. some type of a D. some types of译文由于燃料供应有限以及人们的浪费,我们将来不得不在家里安装某种太阳能供暖设施了。考点固定搭配。在 sort of,kind of 和 type o

5、f 后面,冠词 a/an 通常省略。另外,some 在这里指不确定的“某种,某个”而非具体的“一些”,所以 A .some type of 是正确选项。57.I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I the journey in exactly two days.A. must take B. must have madeC. was able to make D. could make译文我 1984 年去了那里,那也是我惟一一次有机会能够刚好在两天内完成旅行。考点情态动词的含义和用法。本句是陈述过去事实,而 Am

6、ust 多指现在或将来的情况,一般不用来表示过去必须做某事,据此排除。Bmust have done sth表示对过去行为的推测、猜想, 不一定是事实,与句意不符。Dcould 指“一般的能力”,通常不表示某人在某一场合设法做了某事,故不正确。C. was able to 专用于过去的具体场合,尤其指“具有能力完成某件有难度的事情”,因此 C 是正确答案。58.I know he failed his last test, but really hes stupid.A. something but B. anything but C. nothing but D. not but译文我知道他

7、最近一次考试没通过,但他真的绝对不笨。考点固定短语的含义。正确答案 Banything but 表达“决不”的意思,例如:I will do anything but go there(我决不到那里去。)Thats anything but true(那决不是真的。)Cnothing but 表达“只有,只是”的意思,例如:He eats nothing but hamburgers(他只吃汉堡包。)因此 hes nothing but stupid 的意思是“他就是太蠢了”,与转折的语气不符合。A. something but 和 Dnot but 都不是固定短语。59.Do you kno

8、w Tims brother? He is than Tim.A. much more sportsman B. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsman D. more a sportsman译文你认识蒂姆的兄弟吗?他比蒂姆更爱好运动。考点名词的程度比较。对于一些可显示程度的名词,把带 of 的数量词放在其前面可以表示程度的修饰,例如:Hes very much of a family man(他是一个很喜欢家庭生活的男人。)I think she is a bit of a fool(我觉得她有点傻。)这种用法也有比较级,用来比较两者程度的差异,例如:

9、It was more of a meeting than a party(与其说是一个聚会,不如说是一次会议。)She is less of a scientist than a technologist(她是个技术专家,不是科学家。)注意:这种结构只能与单数可数名词连用。因此 B 是惟一正确的选项。60.That was not the first time he us. I think its high time we strong actions against him.A. betrayedtake B. had betrayedtookC. has betrayedtook D.

10、has betrayedtake译文那不是他第一次背叛我们。我认为我们该对他采取强硬措施了。考点时态用法和虚拟语气。当句子里有序数词 first/second/third.、副词 only 或最高级best/worst/most 的时候,后面的定语从句要用完成时态,例如:It is one of the most interesting books Ive ever read (这是我看过的最有趣的书之一。)因为句子是过去时,这里应该用过去完成时。另外,its(high)time 后的谓语要用过去时表示虚拟语气,因此 Bhad betrayed.took 是正确答案。61.Whats the

11、chance of a general election this year?A. there being B. there to be C. there be D. there going to be译文今年举行大选的可能性有多大?考点动名词的用法。句中介词of 后面要跟动名词being,而动名词可以有其逻辑主语there(there be结构),因此 A. there being 是正确答案。Dthere going to be 是缺少谓语的一般将来时,不是动名词结构,注意区别。62.The meeting was put off because we a meeting without

12、John.A. objected having B. were objected to havingC. objected to have D. objected to having译文我们反对在约翰缺席的情况下开会,因此会议延期了。考点固定搭配及用法。object 作动词时的用法:object to+名词/动名词;object+that 从句。因此 Dobjected to having 是正确答案。63. you further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.A.If, had B. Have, had

13、 C. Should, have D. In case, had译文要是你的打印机还有其他问题,请和经销商联系以获得帮助。本句表示对现在和将来情况的虚拟:Should you have further problems 其实是从 If you should have further problems 转化而来的,通常这类从句后面,主句的谓语用祈使语气或陈述语气,例如:Should you require anything,just give me a ring(你要是需要什么就给我打电话。)Should I be free tomorrow,I will come to see you(如果明

14、天我有空,我会来看你。)由于本题的主句正是祈使句,从句显然应该由 should 引导,故 C 是正确答案。若答案为 A,则主句谓语要用虚拟语气 would+动词原形,而不用祈使语气。DIn case“万一,以免,以防”,后面一般跟现在时或者 should+动词原形,例如:I always take an umbrella in case it rains(我总是带上一把伞,以防下雨。)I wrote down her address in case I should forget it.(我记下了她的地址,免得忘了。)64.He asked me to lend him some money,

15、 which I agreed to do, that he paid me back the following week.A.on occasion B. on purpose C. on condition D. only if译文他向我借钱,我同意了,但条件是下周还钱。考点词组的含义和用法。四个选项中只有 Con condition 后面跟 that 从句,是正确答案,表示“在条件下,如果,倘若”,例如:You can go out on condition that you wear anovercoat(你要穿上外套才能出去。)Aon occasion 表示“间或,有时”,例如:I

16、t has,on occasion,created trouble for the bank. (有时,这给银行造成麻烦。)Bon purpose“故意”,例如:I came here on purpose to see you(我特地来这里看你。)Donly if“只要,只有”,用于句首时,后面主句的主谓语要倒装,例如:Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room,(只有得到老师的允许,学生才可以进这屋。65.Children who stay away from school d

17、o for different reasons.A.them B. / C. it D. theirs译文孩子们旷课有着各种各样的理由。考点代词的用法。it 可以指代抽象事物,例如:Youve saved my lifeI shall never forget it(你救过我的命,我永远不会忘记的。)本句中,“指代 stay away from school 这一行为,故 C 是正确答案。A. them 和 Dtheirs 都只能指代具体事物,不能指代抽象的动作,故不选。66.Why are you staring? Ive never seen b tree before.67.There

18、are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we can see light at the end of the .A. battle B. day C. road D. tunnel译文我们面前仍然有很多问题,不过到明年这个时候,我们就能看到曙光了。考点固定短语用法。虽然四个选项都可以搭配词组 at the end of,但 light at the end of the tunnel 是英语中的俗语,表示“曙光在前,胜利在望”的意思。其他选项都不能表达这个特定含义,所以选项 D 正确。68.We realize

19、d that he was under great , so we took no notice of his bad temper.A. excitement B. stress C. crisis D. nervousness译文我们知道他压力很大,所以也就不计较他的坏脾气了。考点名词的固定搭配。本题选项中能与 under 搭配的词只有 Bstress,表示“承受压力,在压力下”。C crisis 一般与 in 搭配;而 Aexcitement 和 Dnervousness 通常与 with 搭配。69.The director tried to get the actors to to

20、the next scene by hand signals.A.move on B. move off C. move out D. move along译文导演想通过手势指示演员进入下一场景。考点词组含义辨析。Amove on 后接 to,表示“继续前进到,转入”,例如:Can we move on to the second question?(我们可以转入讨论第二个问题吗?)该词组正合题意,是正确答案。B.move off“离开,出发”,例如:The bus moved off just as I got to the bus stop(我刚赶到车站,汽车就开走了。)Cmove out

21、“搬出去”;Dmove along“朝某一方向走动,走开”,例如:“Move along, please,”said the bus conductor(“请往里走走,”汽车售票员说。70.His ideas are invariably condemned as by his colleagues.A. imaginative B. ingenious C. impractical D. theoretical译文他的想法总是被同事们指为不切实际。考点形容词的含义及用法。本句中的 condemn“谴责,反对”表明其后的形容词一定是带贬义的词。四个选项中只有 Cimpractical“不切实际

22、的,不实用的”带贬义,因此是正确答案。Bingenious“聪明的,精巧的”是褒义;Aimaginative“想像的,虚构的”和 Dtheoretical“理论上的”都是中性词。71.Thousands of people turned out into the streets to against the local authorities decision to build a highway across the field.A.contradict B. reform C. counter D. protest译文上千名群众出现在街头,抗议当地政府做出修建横穿田野的高速公路的决定。考点

23、动词的含义及用法。本题要选出能搭配 against 的词,protest against 是固定搭配(反对,抗议),故 D 为正确答案。Ccounter 表示“反对,反驳,对抗”时通常用作及物动词,例如:He countered my plan with his own (他用自己的计划来反对我的计划。)They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship(他们调动两艘驱逐舰进入该地区以抵抗敌舰的威胁。)Acontradict 和 Breform 后面都不接 against

24、。72.The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a .A. minority B. scarcity C. rarity D. minimum译文大多数护士都是女性,但在医学界拥有较高职务的人中,女性却占少数。考点名词的含义。本题意在对比,和 majority 相对的是 minority,专指“人数上占少数的情况”, 故选 A。B scarcity 多指“数量或供应上短缺、不足”;Crarity 侧重“稀有罕见的品质或状态”;Dminimum

25、“最小值,最小量”。73.Professor Johnsons retirement from next January.A. carries into effect B. takes effectC. has effect D. puts into effect译文约翰逊教授明年一月份退休。考点动词短语含义及用法。虽然 carry into effect,take effect 和 put into effect 都有“实施,生效” 的意思,但用法却大不一样。carry/put/bring into effect 一类的词组是“使生效”的意思,要带宾语或用被动语态;而 take/come/g

26、o into effect 一类的词组可以独立使用,可以直接说: sthtakes/comes into/ goes into effect。题目中 retirement 是主语,因此只能选 B。Chas effect 表示“有效果或影响”,与句意不合。74.The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to government B. expand C. enlarge D. budget译文总统解释说,征税的目的是为政府开支提供资金。常识告诉我们,政府的开销靠的是税收,因此人 fina

27、nce为提供资金”是正确答案。又如:They work hard to finance their daughter through law school(他们辛苦工作,供女儿读完法律学校。)Dbudget 是“编预算;规划安排”的意思,例如:The government has budgeted10,000,000 for education spending(政府将 1000 万美元编入教育预算。)You have to budget your time carefully(你得认真安排自己的时间。)因此,budget government spending 是“计划安排政府开销”的意思,

28、与税收的目的不符合,故不选。Bexpand 和 Cenlarge 明显与句意不合。75.The heat in summer is no less here in this mountain region.A. concentrated B. extensive C. intense D. intensive译文夏天这个山区里一样的炎热。Aconcentrated“集中的,浓缩的”,从动词 concentrate 转化而来, 侧重“集中、专注”,例如:We should make a concentrated effort to study well(我们应该专心搞好研究。)Bextensive“广阔的,广泛的”。Dintensive“密集的,加强的”,常用于指在短期内为达到某个目的而高强度地做某事,行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的,例如:Theworkers received s t

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