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新版深圳初中英语八上Unit 1EncyclopaediasWord下载.docx

1、练习:1.We are all h_beings. 2.Wolves will not usually attack(袭击) h_. 3.These robots are just like h_.learn about 获悉,得知,了解到about是介词,后面接名词,代词做宾语,about 也可用of代替。例:Were all sorry to learn about her illness.听到她生病的消息,我们都很难过。listen to 意为“听”。listen 意为“听”,指听的过程,强调动作,是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语,若表示听某人或某事时,后面要加介词to,to后接名词或代词。

2、Listen to a radio programme about the “Human Encyclopedia”.听关于“百科全书”的广播节目。练习 1.我很高兴帮你了解中国。I am glad to help you _ _China.2.我经常听收音机学习英语。I often _ _ _ _and learn English.Inventor 发明家 He is a famous inventor.他是一位有名的发明家。【知识拓展】(1)invent 发明,创造,指发明,创造出来的是以前没有的东西。 Gilbert discovered electricity,but Edison i

3、nvented the light bulb.吉尔伯特发现了电,但爱迪生发明了灯泡。(2)invention 发明 The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。musician 音乐家,可数名词。a piece of music 一首音乐 listen to music 听音乐【知识拓展】music 音乐,乐曲 musical 音乐的Scientist 科学家【知识拓展】-ist是表示人的职业类词汇的后缀:scient 科学-scientist 科学家art 艺术-artis

4、t 艺术家piano 钢琴-pianist 钢琴家violin小提琴-violinist 小提琴家born 出生 be born on +地点 ;be born in出生于I was bornin1980.我生于1980年。ability 才能,能力,复数是abilities , have the ability to do sth有能力做某事perhaps 可能,大概 【词语辨析】maybe ,perhaps,possible,probably这四个词都意为“可能”,但表示可能性大小不一样,其顺序如下:maybe,或许,大概,主要用于非正式场合,常用于口语中,语气比perhaps轻。perh

5、aps,也许,可能,副词,一般指小于一半可能性,较多的含有“不大可能”的意思。possibly,也许,或者,可能,可能性较大,用于否定句中表示“无论如何之意Probably,很可能,大概,在这组中可能性最大,表示一种几乎完全肯定的意思。include 包括,包含 The price of the room includes breakfast.房间的租金包括在早餐在内。【词语辨析】include , including , included(1)include 为及物动词,意为“包含,包括”指整体中包含明确说出的某些部分,有时不一定举出所包含的全部内容。The price includes b

6、oth house and furniture.价钱包括房子和家具(2)including 介词,意为“包含,包括” There are seven people, including four men. 共有七人,包括四位男士。(3)included 为形容词,意为“包括在内的”,常用于名词之后。它和including引起的短语含义相同,但是在句中的词序位置不同。Everybody had something to say, me included/ including me.nobody 没有人,nobody 相当于 not . anybody.I saw nobody.=I didnt

7、see anybody.我没有见到一个人。新词强化训练根据汉语提示完成句子1.I was _(出生) in a small village.2.Im planning to spend some time in the beautiful _(乡村).I love nature.3.He has the _(能力)to be the manager .4._(也许)Ill see him tomorrow,but Im not sure.5.I think the most helpful_(发明) is the light bulb.6._(甚至) a child can understan

8、d it.7.My house is small .Its very comfortable,_(然而).8._(突然)there was a loud noise .9.I opened the the door ,but I could see_(无人).用所给词的适当形式填空10.The Chinese _(inventor) the compass(指南针).11.She likes listening to _(musician).12.My favorite subject is _(scientist)13.Youll find the plan _(include) most

9、of your suggestions.14.Their daughter is very _(intelligence)more than 后接数词,意为“超过,多于 ,相当于overHe has been ill for more than two weeks,.他病了俩周多。look up 查找,后面接名词或代词做宾语必须放在look与up之间。Please look it up in the dictionary,if you dont know. 如果你不明白就请查字典。on earth 在地球上,在世界上,在人间,相当于in the world.Dinosaurs lived on

10、 earth more than 60 million years before human beings.在人类之前,恐龙在地球上生活了6千多万年。【知识拓展】on earth 意为“究竟”。一般用于疑问词后表示强调Where on earth have you been just now.刚才你究竟去哪了?as+形容词或副词原级+as 表示双方在某个方面一样,前一个as是副词,其后跟形容词或副词原级,后一个as是连词,常引导一个省略的比较状语从句。not as +形容词或副词原级+as 表示双方在某个方面不同。We think science is as important as math

11、s.我们认为自然科学和数学一样重要。 used to 意为“过去常常,以前常常”,后面接动词原形,表示过去的习惯,只表示过去和现在的对比,暗指现在已经不存在的动作或状态。I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去常常怕黑。something important 意为重要的事情,something 为不定代词,形容词修饰复合不定代词时放在不定代词后面I want to do something different. 我想做些不同的事。remember 及物动词,意为“记得,记住”,remember to do something 意为“记得去做某事”,remember

12、 doing sth 意为“记得做过某事”。Please remember to post the letter for me. 请记得为我邮这封信。I remember telling you about her. 我记得告诉过你关于她的事。famous 出名的,著名的,sb +be famous for 指某人以某种知识,技能或特征出名。 sb + be famous as 指某人以某种身份出名,其后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity.爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名Einstein was famous

13、as a great scientist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家而著称。sp+ be famous for 指某地以某种地产而出名。sp +be famous as 指以什么样的产地或地方出名。This area is famous for its green tea. 这个地区以绿茶而出名。This area is famous as a green tea producing place.这个地区是著名的绿茶产地。else 意为别的,其他的,通常修饰不定代词something等,疑问代词what等,疑问副词when 等,else 用在这些词之后。Who else did you see

14、?你还看见别人了吗?for example 与 such as这俩个短语都是“例如”的意思,for example 用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只列举同类人或事物中的“一个”为例,做插入语,可放在句首,句中或句末。For example, Ill help you with your study.例如,我会在学习上帮助你。such as 用来举例,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个为例,插在被例举的事物与名词之间,as后面不可有逗号。I know many of them, such as Mike, Tom ,and Bill.【知识巩固】根据汉语意思完成句子1.我们学校有三千多名学生。The

15、re are _ _ three thousand students in our school.2.关于中国文学你了解多少?How much do you _ _ the Chinese literature.3.例如,约翰就有相同的观点。_ _,John has the same opinion.4.如果你不认识这个单词,可以在字典中查找它。If you dont know this world ,you can _ _ _in the dictionary.5.地球上有上百万种生物。There are millions of living things _ _.6.我们学校有许多花,一些

16、是红的,另一些是黄的。There are many flowers in our school; _are red; _are yellow.7.他和哥哥一样高。He is _ _ _his brother.8.我希望有一天能参观夏威夷。I hope to visit Hawaii _ _.用适当的介词或副词填空9.Please connect the printer _the computer.10.At the end _this road, you can see a supermarket.11. Because of the environment problems, many ki

17、nds of animals have died _.12.China is famous _the Great Wall.13.Yao Ming is famous _ a basketball 赢,获胜后面接match, game 等名词做宾语He won a prize yesterday.他昨天得了一个奖。【词汇辨析】beat 也可表示“打败,战胜”的意思,但此后只能 接表示人的词做宾语,此外,beat还有“敲打”的意思,表示连续不断的动作。We werent sure we could beat them.我们没有把握能打败他们。His heart is sti

18、ll beating.他的心脏还在跳动。【强化训练】What an exciting football match !Dalian Shide Team_Shanghai Shenhua.A. won B.lost C.failed D.beatfind out 意为“查明,弄清楚情况”指找出比较难找的抽象事物。【知识拓展】find强调经过寻找后的结果,表示“发现”I find a watch on the road. 我在路上发现了一块表。find out 意为“发现,弄清,查明”强调“经过调查,研究或仔细搜寻而得出某一事情的真相或结论”We shall find out the truth

19、 early or later.我们迟早会查明真相。look for 意为“寻找”着重找的过程。I look for my cat,but I didnt find it. 我到处找我的猫,但是没找到。【巩固训练】他下决心查明那个男孩发生了什么事情。He decided to _ _what had happened to the boy.让我们去寻找答案。Lets go and _ _ the answers.expect 及物动词,意为“期望,指望,认为”强调等待的“心境”(即期待某事会发生,某人会来)。I ll wait for her at the station.我会到车站去等他。w

20、ait for 强调等待的“活动”(即不做别的事,待在某处去等)He is expecting a letter. 他在等一封信。look forward to 强调期待者“怀有愉快的心情”,所以被期待的事物必然是愉快的事(如,假日,晚会等),而用expect所期待发生的事,可以是好事,也可以是坏事。We are looking forward to our holidays.我们盼望假日的来临。1.Dont sit _ the window. Its cold there.A. next door to B.nextC. near D. far from2.-Would you like t

21、o go out for a walk with us?-_,but I must write a letter to my pen friend now.A. Of course not B. Thats all rightC. Id love to D. Yes ,I do3.-Do you think our football team will win the match?-Yes, we have better players.So I _ them to win.A. hope B. askC. help D. expectbe interested in 对.产生兴趣,对.感兴趣

22、。后面接动名词,名词,代词。1.I was _ the drawing and bought it for 300 yuan.A. good at B. bad at C. interested in D. terrified of2.我们确信能帮这个男孩找到家人。We _ _ _ we can help the boy find his family.3.我们应该互相学习。We should _ _ each other.be动词+形容词比较级 +than 表示俩者之间的比较,意为“更.,较.”Our school is bigger than theirs.我们学校比他们学校大。do wi

23、th 意为“处理”,常与what 连用,表示询问。What are you going to do with your old books?你打算怎么处理你的旧书。【知识拓展】deal with 意为“解决,应付,处理”后面常接trouble,problem等词,deal with 多与how连用,表示询问。How did you deal with your book?你怎样处理了你的书?【知识巩固练习】1. 我们将怎样处理这个问题?What shall we _ _ this problem?2. 他的头发比萨姆短。He has _ hair _Sam,a number of 意为“许多”

24、后跟可数名词复数the number of 意为“.的数目”做主语时,谓语动词用单数。Our city has a number of hotels with high standard of services.我市有许多高品质服务的宾馆。The number of the teachers in our school is 200.我们学校有200位老师。1.地上有许多蚂蚁。There are _ _ _ ants on the ground.2.在超市里有各种各样的事物。There are _ _ _foods in the supermarket.since then 意为“从那时起”用

25、于现在完成时。Since then he has lived in Beijing.make up 意为“组成,构成”强调由几部分组成,多用于其被动形式:be made up of.【巩固练习】1.五个男学生和两个女学生组成了这个组。Five boy students and two girl students _ _ the group.2.从那时起,发生了很多变化。Many changes have taken place _ _.语法点:some ,any ,复合不定代词。【典例精析】1、Its polite to take _ flowers as a gift when you go

26、 to visit a friend. A. little B. any C some 答案:C2.They need some more workers and money to build the bridge. (改否定句) They dont need _ more workers _ money to build the bridge. any ,or3.I cant connect my computer to the Internet. There must be _ wrong with it.A.something B.everything C. anything D.nothing A4.Mrs Brown is nice.Every day she tried to cook _ for me during my stay in Canada.A.something different B.anyt

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