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1、 they praise, people laugh.9、四川太阳云南风,贵州落雨如过冬。Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou rain like winter.10、禾苗不认爹和娘,耕作到家多打粮。The seedlings do not recognize their father and mother. They farm at homeand get more grain.11、人各有心,物各有主。Every man has his own heart and every thing has its own.12、只有上不去的天,没有过不去的山。There

2、are no mountains that cant be crossed e_cept those that cant becrossed.13、拳不离手,曲不离口。Fist does not leave the hand, song does not leave the mouth.14、人多智谋广,柴多火焰高。Many people are wise and wise, but many firewood have a high flame.15、好汉做事干到底,好马登程跑到头。A good man does everything to the end, and a good horse

3、 runs to theend.16、人敬有的,狗咬丑的。People respect, dogs bite ugly.17、人多出韩信,智多出孔明。More people than Han _in, more wisdom than Kong Ming.18、人强人欺病,人弱病欺人。A strong man deceives a sick man, a weak man deceives a sick man.19、一时强弱在于力,万古胜负在于理。For a moment strength lies in strength, and for all time success lies inr

4、eason.20、内行看门道,外行看人行道。The e_pert watches the doorway, the layman watches the sidewalk.21、一人说话全有理,两人说话见高低。One person speaks with all reason, two people speak with high or low.22、狗记路,猫记家,小孩只记_妈。Dogs keep track, cats keep track of homes, and children only remember toeat wet nurses.23、枯木逢春犹再发,人无两度再少年。De

5、ad trees return in spring, and no one is ever young again.24、小时不教成浑虫,长大不学成懒龙。If you dont teach a worm in an hour, if you grow up, you dont learn to bea lazy dragon.25、人哄地皮,地哄肚皮。People coa_ the ground, the ground coa_ the belly.26、留得五湖明月在,不怕没处下金钩。Leave five lakes bright moon in, not afraid of no plac

6、e to lay goldenhook.27、有爱情的生活是幸福的,为爱情而生活是愚蠢的。Life with love is happy, life for love is foolish.28、人恶人怕天不怕,人善人欺天不欺。The wicked are afraid of heaven, but the good deceive heaven.29、走路不怕上高山,撑船不怕过险滩。Walking is not afraid of climbing mountains, and boating is not afraid ofcrossing dangerous beaches.30、泥人经

7、不起雨淋,假话经不起对证。The clay man cant stand the rain and the falsehood cant stand theproof.有趣的英语谚语篇21、自己做错不算数,别人做错打_。It doesnt matter what you do wrong, others do wrong spanking.2、大狗爬墙,小狗看样。The big dog climbs the wall, the little dog looks like it.3、皮里生的皮里热,皮里不生冷似铁。The skin is hot, but not cold as iron.4、一

8、个巴掌拍不响,一人难唱独板腔。Its hard for one person to sing a solo tune without clapping hishands.5、禾苗不认爹和娘,耕作到家多打粮。He seedlings do not recognize his father and his mother, so they farm athome and get more grain.6、忠实的人,对人处处关心;虚伪的人,对人当面奉承。Faithful people care about people everywhere; hypocritical people flatterpe

9、ople face to face.7、擒龙要下海,打虎要上山。Catching dragons is to go to sea and fighting tigers is to go up thehill.8、一时强弱在于力,万古胜负在于理。9、公鸡打架头对头,夫妻吵嘴不记仇。Cocks fight head-to-head, husbands and wives quarrel without revenge.10、长木匠,短铁匠,不长不短是裁缝。11、一等二靠三落空,一感二干三成功。First class, second class and third class fail, and

10、second classsucceeds.12、人有恒心万事成,人无恒心万事崩。All things come true with perseverance, but all things come to an endwithout perseverance.13、有了千钱想万钱,当了皇帝想成仙。Thoughts of thousands of money, when the emperor wants to becomeimmortal.14、一根筷子容易折,十根筷子硬如铁。One chopstick folds easily, ten chopsticks are as hard as i

11、ron.15、受恩深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。The deepest receipt of favor should be retreated first, and when you areproud, you can rest.16、留得五湖明月在,不愁无处下金钩。Keep the bright moon in the lakes, there is no place to worry about thegolden hook.17、人不缺地的工,地不缺人的粮。No man lacks land for his work and no mans grain for his land.18、人

12、生只有两种事,就是幸福和愁苦;一种口头说出来,一种心里暗想着。There are only two things in life, happiness and sorrow; one is spoken, theother is thought.19、骑着骡子想骏马,官居宰相想王侯。Riding a mule like a horse, the prime minister like a prince.20、爱吹牛的人,嘴边冒着青烟。A boaster has smoke on his lips.21、撒网要撒迎风网,开船要开顶风船。To cast a net against the wind

13、, to sail a ship against the wind.22、一千个嘴把式,顶不上一个手把式。A thousand mouthholds, not one handleholds.23、人爱富的,狗咬穷的。People love the rich, but dogs bite the poor.24、爸爸虽然是秃子,儿子仍然喊爸爸。Although his father is bald, his son still calls for his father.25、人急投亲,鸟急投林。People rush to relatives, birds rush to forests.26

14、、走路不怕上高山,撑船不怕过险滩。27、人在福中不知福,船在水中不知流。A man knows no happiness in happiness, but a ship knows no flow inwater.28、有钱杀人不偿命,沒钱淘气也坐牢。Money kills people for life, and money mischief goes to prison.29、桃花要趁东风开,幸福要靠劳动来。Peach blossoms blossom in the East wind, and happiness depends onlabor.30、人怕没脸,树怕没皮。People

15、are afraid of losing face and trees are afraid of losing bark.有趣的英语谚语篇31、人家夸,一朵花;2、好汉做事干到底,好马登程跑到头。3、一根筷子容易折,十根筷子硬如铁。4、十年窗下无人问,一举成名天下知。No one asked under the window for ten years, and it became famous all overthe world.5、勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。6、擒龙要下海,打虎要上山。7、自己做错不算数,别人做错打_。8、一千个嘴把式,顶不上一个手把式。9、人到四十五,正是出山虎。When

16、 people reach 45, it is the mountain tiger.10、受恩深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。It is better to retreat from the depths of gratitude, and then rest whenyou are proud.11、再甜的甘蔗不如糖,再亲的婶子不如娘。Sugar is not as sweet as sugar, and aunt is not as sweet as mother.12、门前有马非为富,家中有人不算穷。There are horses in front of the door who are

17、 not rich, and some in thefamily who are not poor.13、好铁要经三回炉,好书要经百回读。Good iron goes through three hearths and good books go through ahundred.14、人强人欺病,人弱病欺人。15、姑舅亲,辈辈亲,打断骨头连着筋。Uncles and relatives, from generation to generation, broke the bones andtendons.16、为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。Dont be afraid to knock at

18、 the door in the middle of the night.17、娘想儿,长江水,儿想娘,哭一场。18、一举首登龙虎榜,十年身到风凰池。First place on the list of dragons and tigers, ten years toFenghuangchi.19、阿大穿新,阿二穿旧,阿三穿补,要四穿破。A Da wears new clothes, A Er wears old clothes, A San wears mendingclothes, four wears broken.20、狐狸总要露尾巴,毒蛇总要吐舌头。A fo_ always show

19、s its tail and a snake always spits its tongue.21、四川太阳云南风,贵州落雨如过冬。22、小时不教成浑虫,长大不学成懒龙。23、人活七十稀,请教不为低。Seventy people live a sparse life.24、人爱富的,狗咬穷的。25、桃花要趁东风开,幸福要靠劳动来。26、皮里生的皮里热,皮里不生冷似铁。27、泥人经不起雨淋,假话经不起对证。28、秦岭山脉一条线,南吃大米北吃面。There is a line in the Qinling Mountains, where rice is eaten in the Southand noodles in the north.29、穷家难舍,熟地难离。Poor families are inseparable from familiarity.30、人各有心,物各有主。

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