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1、32. sb. be president of a company.33. become happy34.last only a short time35. fail to resist the severe winter 36.abandon37. go abroad38. be absent from39. absorb 40.abstract41.abundant42.acceleratesb. lack sth./ sth. run out/ sth. is used upreplace A with Bwhateverinternational/worldwide/global/un

2、iversalcome into being/come into existencebesides; whats moresplit sth; destroy/damage sth.rural/urban areasbe publishedThe film is set in Shanghai.learn a great deal aboutremove the booksimmediately/directly/instantlybe not rich in to coping with/how to cope with no difference in spre

3、ading annualavoid doing sthenable sb to do sthAn increasing numbertend to do sthmake a planprefer sthScience is aimed at discovering avoid or prevent sicknesstake the advantage of Be aware of the importance of .feel unwilling to do spite of sth./ despite the fact thattrustdo A instead of BA c

4、ompany is in the charge of sb.cheer updisappearlose one s life/diegive upgo to a foreign countrybe not present attake innot specificbe rich inspeed up/quicken143.have access to sth have the chance of doing sth44.accessible be easy to enter/get accident occasionally/accidently46.accomplish/co

5、mplete get through47.on account of because of /due to/owing to48.account for make up/occupy49.bring sb to court charge sb with sth; accuse sb of accustomed to sth be used to not passive52.admire Look up to53.adolescent grown-up55.advance move forward56.have t

6、he advantages over Have the edge over/be better than/be prior to57.advise sb to do sth try to persuade sb to do sth58. affect have an effect on59.afford be able to pay money for sth/be able to afraid of sth fear sth61.afterwards after that/later on62.again Once against oppose/obje

7、ct to/disagree to sth/disapprove of64.allocate sth to sb divide sth among sb.65.all right do(行 ,可以 )66.alone by oneself67.although despite the fact that/in spite of68.get angry lose ones temper69.announce sth make sth known to the public70.annoy sb. Make sb. angry71.annual every response t

8、o sth reply to anxious about worry about/be concerned about74.anyhow in any way75.anything but never76.nothing but only77.apologize say sorry to /make an apology to78.appeal to sb interest sb79.appear come into being/existence80.approaches to sth. Ways to do sth./ways of doing sth.81.on one

9、s arrival as soon as sb arrived82.artificial man-made83.make an attempt have a try84.available be easily aware of sth realize/know; be conscious of87. bear a baby give birth to a baby88.behind at the back of89.believe in trust290.besides In addition/what s more/moreover91.block the traffic

10、hold up the traffic92.bother/disturb Cause trouble to93.brave have courage to do94.boycott refuse to accept sth95.breathless out of breath96.burden be loaded with97.calculate figure out98.calm not excited99.cancel call capable of be able about pay attention to sth.102.cater to o

11、nes need meet /satisfy the need103.cautious take care104.hold a celebration celebrate105. .century .fortnight .one hundred years; . two weeks106. chase run after107.cheer sb. up make sb. happy108.clarify make sth clear109.classify divide sth into categories110.collapse/ decline fall downbine mix sth

12、 upfortable at easemit suicide Kill oneselfpensate make up for115.take part in sports meeting compete in the sports meetingplete get throughplicated not simple118.concentrate on focus concerned about worry about120.conclude draw a good condition in a good state/in a good si

13、tuation122.conduct a survey carry out a conscious of be aware of124.take sth into consideration take sth into consistent with agree with/correspond to sth126.consult a doctor go to see a content with be satisfied with128.contradict sth. be opposite to sth.129.

14、contribute to sth lead to /result in130. sb. be convinced of sth sb. believe sth131. cost sb sth cause sb. to lose sth132.count/matter be important133.count on depend on/ rely on134.a couple of days several days135.bring sb. To court charge sb. With sth./accuse sb. Of sth.3136. cover the event repor

15、t the event137. be crazy about=be drunk with be keen on =be addicted to critical be particular the critical moment on the important occasion140.get cross get the current time at danger at the dark know nothing about144.turn a deaf ear to sth

16、 refuse to listen to with sth do sth with sth; handle/cope with146.decade ten years147.make up ones mind to do sth decide to do sth/determine to do sth148.make a decision decide149.decline fall down150.defeat win over151.delay put off152.delete cut out153.deliberately on purpose154.descr

17、ibe give a description of155.despite in spite of156.deserve sth be worthy of sth157.differ from be different from158.make no difference remain the same159.discourage sb from doing sth prevent sb from doing sth160.on display on show/ on exhibition161.distinguish A from B tell from B; identify/tell st

18、h. apart162.drop some subjects give up some subjects163.due to on account of/owing to/thanks to164.earn a living make a living165.have the edge over have the advantage over166.dozen;score twelve; twenty167.make efforts for contribute to sth/be devotedto sth168.employ take on169.energetic full of ene

19、rgy170.enjoy doing be fond of/feel like doing/would like to do171.ensure make sure172.enter go into173.envy feel jealous of174.escape run away175.establish set up176.eventually at last177.ever so far/on earth178.everywhere here and there179.exercise work fact actually/as a matter of fact18

20、1.have faith in believe familiar with sth know sth well183.fashionable up-to-date184.favourite like sth most/best185.fetch go to bring full of be filled with187.make fun of laugh at/tease188.gesture body language189.look at sth angrily glare at sth190.promise make a promise191.g

21、rasp catch/take hold of192.gravity the pull of the earth193.guarantee make sure194.feel guilty of feel ashamed harm/damage to be harmful for196.harvest get in197.hate be tired of198.go hungry starve199.ignore pay no attention to/overlook200.illegal be against the law201.improve make sth. be

22、tter202.incidentally by chance/accident203.inform sb of sth let sb know sth/keep sb. informed f sth204.for instance for example205.put money into sth invest206.burst into laughter burst out a loss be puzzled/confused208.maitain keep up209.the majority of most of210.manage to do sth su

23、cceed in doing sth211.mankind human being212.matter/count be important213.match go with214.meanwhile at the same time215.mention refer to/talk about216.without mercy a mess in disorder218.the minority of a small number of219.moreover furthermore/what s all over the c

24、 to second to222.nothing but only223.anything but not224.occasion a special time225.occur take particular particularly227.perform carry out5228.try to persuade sb. to do Advise sb. to do229.personally in pleasure a pleasure231.popular be well received232.take t

25、he possession of own/possess233.postpone put off234.prefer like sth. better/ present be not absent from/attend/participate proud of take pride public publically238.quit drop out of239.raise a question put forward a question240.recite learn sth. by heart241.make sb feel fr

26、ee relax242.release set free243.remove take away244.replace take the place of245.reply to answer246.resemble look like247.represent stand look for /hunt for/search for249.all of a sudden suddenly250.throughout all over251.tolerate/ bear/stand Put up with252.wealthy well-off253.put on weight gain weight254.whisper speak in a low voice255.above all especially266.make sb. able to do Enable sb. to do6

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