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1、 A. came up with B. put up with C. fitted in with D. caught up with 7. His story agreed _ the facts. A, with B. to C on D. for 8. I think, Tom, rather than all of you, _ an honest boy. A. is B are C . were D. have been. 9. _ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. T

2、here B. This C That D. It 10. I knew _ John Lennon, but not _ famous one. A. /; a B. a; the C. /; the D. the; a 11. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. everything B. something C. Something D. nothing. 12. In fact _ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an impart a

3、nt match. A. this B. that C. there D. it 13. Lets keep to the point or we _ any decision. A. will never reach B. have never reached. C. never reach D never reached. 14. I tried to avoid _ him because he always bored me. A. meeting B. to meet C. meet D. to be held 15. We need to concentrate resources

4、 _ the most run-down areas. A. to B. on C. in D. with 16. They _ friends since they met in Shanghai. A. have made B. have become C. have been D. have turned17. It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcast began. A. while B. which C. that D. since18. Mother _ him to study hard, but it didnt seem t

5、o help. A. hoped B. suggested C. insisted D. tried to persuade19. Paul doesnt have to be made_. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning20. What _ great fun it is to have a swim on a hot day in summer. A. a B. the C. / D. of 二:完型填空。(20分)Drawing a picture is the simplest way

6、of putting an idea down on paper. That is 21 men first began to write, six thousand years ago or 22. The alphabet we now use 23 down to us over a long period of time. It was 24 from the picture-writing of ancient Egypt.Picture-writing was useful in many 25 . It could be used to express ideas as well

7、 as 26 .For example, a drawing of a 27 meant the object “man”. 28 a drawing of a man 29 on the ground with a spear in him meant 30 . Besides the Egyptians, the Chinese 31 the American Indians also developed ways 32 writing in pictures. But only 33 much could be said 34 . Thousands of pictures would

8、have been needed 35 express all the ideas that people might have. It would have 36 many thousands more to express all the objects 37 to men. No one could 38 so many pictures in a lifetime. 39 could anyone learn the meaning of all 40 drawings in a lifetime.( )21Awhen Bbecause Cwhere Dhow( )22Aover Bm

9、ore Celse Dlater( )23Awent Bshowed Cappeared Dcame( )24Adeveloped Bdiscovered Cincreased Dgrown( )25Asides Bcolors Cways Dmeanings( )26Astories Banimals Cobjects Dsubjects( )27Acreature Bbeing Cwoman Dman( )28ABut BFor CAfter DBecause( )29Alies Blying Claying Dlain( )30A“die” B“death” C“sleep” D“dow

10、n”( )31Aand Bwith Chelped Dfollowed( )32Ato Babout Con Dof( )33Anot Bvery Cso Dtoo( )34Aas follows Bthis way Cthat much Dat least( )35Ato Bfor Cpossibly Dactually( )36Awritten Bcircled Cdone Dtaken( )37Aknown Bwith Ccalled Din( )38Awrite Bdraw Cwatch Dtake( )39AEither BSo CNor DAlso( )40Amany Bsome

11、Cthat Dsuch三、阅读理解(20分)AIt doesnt matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. Thats what all doctors thought, until they heard about Al Herpin. Al herpin, it was said, never slept. Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.Al h

12、erpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised. Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Herpin sle

13、eping. In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspaper. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They asked him many questions, hoping to find an answer. They found only

14、 one answer that might explain his condition. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.Herpin died at the age of 94.( )41The main idea of this passage is that _. Alarge numbers o

15、f people do not need sleep Ba person was found who actually didnt need any sleep Ceveryone needs some sleep to stay alive Dpeople can live longer by trying not to sleep( )42The doctors came to visit Herpin, expecting _. Ato cure him of his sleeplessness Bto find that his sleeplessness was not really

16、 true Cto find out why some old people didnt need any sleep Dto find a way to free people from the need of sleeping( )43After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that Al Herpin _. Aneeded some kind of sleep Bwas too old to need any sleep Cneeded no sleep at all Doften slept in a chair(

17、 )44One reason that might explain Herpins sleeplessness was _. Ahis mothers injury before he was born Bthat he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit Chis magnificent physical condition Dthat he hadnt got a bed( )45Al Herpins condition(情况) could be regarded as _. Aa common one Bone that could b

18、e cured Cvery healthy Da rare(稀有的,罕见的) oneBMr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey in the past, staying in a small inn(旅店) at the foot of a hill. One year, however, Mr. Smith made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good

19、hotel while they went touring around that famous city.They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. They were therefore surprised when the man who rec

20、eived them in the hall asked whether they would take dinner there that night.“Are you still serving dinner?” asked Mr Smith.“Yes, certainly, sir,” answered the man. “We serve it until half past nine.”“What are the times of meals then?“Well, sir,” answered the man, “We serve breakfast from seven to h

21、alf past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from six to half past nine.”“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London!” said Mrs Smith.( )46Mr and Mrs Smith _ in the past. Ahad often stayed in a big hotel in New

22、 Jersey Bhad traveled to many places Chad often stayed in a small inn Dhad made a lot of money( )47They decided to go to a really good hotel because _. Ait was famous Bit was difficult to find a cheap hotel Cit was near many interesting places Dthey now had enough money( )48When they arrived at the

23、hotel, they found _. Ano meals were served after seven Bdinner was still being served Ctheir plane had arrived too late Dthey had to go to bed hungry( )49When the man told them the times of meals at the hotel, Mrs Smith felt _. Adisappointed Bexcited Cdelighted Dsatisfied( )50Mrs Smith _. Athought s

24、he would have plenty of time to see the sights Bwas afraid they would have no time to tour around London Cthought the hotel was not as good as the small inn Dthought the hotel was much better than the small inn for its good meals C Tim Berners-Lee, who received one million euros ($1.2 million) cash

25、for creating the World Wide Web, says he would never have succeeded if he had charged money for his inventions.“ If had tried to demand feesthere would be no World Wide Web,” Berners-Lee, 49, said on June 15 at a ceremony (仪式) for winning the first Millennium Technology Prize, awarded by the Finnish

26、 Technology Award Foundation. “There would be lots of small webs,” The prize committee agreed. The Internet had existed for nearly 20 years when Mr Berners-Lee launched(推出) the worlds first website in August, 1991.But the Net was little more than a collection of computer connected with cables. It di

27、dnt have a means (way) of sharing information between different kinds of computers running different kinds of software. Mr Berners-Lee found ways to connect documents and other information using hypertext links. The universal hypertext language he created allows all kinds of software to communicate

28、with(与交流) each other. His creation(创造) made a generation of youthful millionaires and millionaires, lit the spark(火花) for the New Economy and paved the way for(为铺平道路) great new industries such as e-commerce.The invention could have made him unbelievably wealthy (rich), even by Internet standards. But Berners-Lees never devoted to commercialize(使商业化)or patent(取得专利) his contributions(贡献) to the Internet technologies he had developed. BernersLee, who is originally from Britain, has mostly avoided both the fame and the fortune won by many of his Internet colleagues. Des

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