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22 选修7 Unit 2 高考英语课本知识点梳理 黄冈中学内部资料Word版含答案Word格式.docx

1、We hope that many future robot researchers and engineers will be born today. 【文章大意】这篇文章主要向我们介绍了有关国际机器人论坛的信息: 举办的时间、地点、目的、流程等。1. Who is the Conference intended for?A. Japanese robot researchers. B. Senior high school students worldwide. C. The RSJ professors. D. Robot lovers of all ages. 【解析】选B。 细节理解

2、题。根据第二段第二句The Conference will offer a great opportunity for senior high school students from all around the world to communicate with each other through robots. 可知, 会议面向的是全世界的高中生。故选B。2. When can the participants study the real robots?A. On the afternoon of December 4. B. On the morning of December 5

3、. C. On the morning of December 4. D. On the afternoon of December 5. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan, December 4-5和第四段on the afternoon of Day One, you will visit the Tokyo International Exhibition Center and investigate real robots. 可知, 在12月4日, 参加者可以访问东京国家展览中心研究真正的机器人。故选A。3. What type

4、of writing is this text?A. A research paper. B. An announcement. C. An exhibition guide. D. The robotics introduction. 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句Therefore, we look forward to your active participation(因此, 我们期盼你的积极参与)可知, 这是一篇论坛公告。BKanda really doesnt like to walk alone. The scientist from a research institute o

5、f intelligent robots finds the experience so boring that hed rather driveeven though he lives close to his lab and knows that walking is healthy. “I enjoy walking with someone, like with my wife, with my daughter, ” Kanda said. “But they are not always available. ”So Kanda, who specializes in human-

6、like robots, developed a robotic walking partner that could make small talk based on its surroundings, which, he hopes, might motivate people to get out and exercise more. The robot rests on a persons shoulder like a boxy parrot. It weighs about a pound and a half and sits roughly 8. 5 inches high,

7、3. 5 inches wide, and 10 inches long. A microphone, speaker, and internal camera allow it to communicate. Its even equipped with a smile. Kanda and his team collected video from five different locations, including a garden and a shopping mall, and created a data set of small talk topics related to e

8、ach location. Then they programmed the robot to associate visual cues with specific topics. A special speech software provided the robot with a voice. Near a group of parked cars, for example, it might say, “In a big parking lot sometimes I forget where I parked. ”They tested the robot on 15 volunte

9、ers, 10 males and 5 females, who were paid and averaged about 26 years old. “Have you ever blown a puff of dandelion (蒲公英)seeds into the air? ” The robot asked a participant who smiled and responded, “Yes, I often did that when I was a child. ” Although several participants noted the robots weight,

10、Kanda was surprised that no one considered the experience as strange or funny. “I guess people enjoy new technologies, ” he said. Just like a human partner, Kandas robot isnt perfect. Its not able to go for walks in heavy rain and, while the robot can make expressions, it cant really hold a conversa

11、tion, about which Kanda is most worried. Despite its limits, Kanda was comforted by the robots presence. “I felt a kind of sense of being with someone, ”he said, “particularly when it spoke. ”【文章大意】本文主要讲述了科字家Kanda因不喜欢自己一个人走路, 需要有人陪伴而产生灵感, 发明了可以陪人走路的机器人。这个机器人还可以根据场合的不同说出简单的句子, 让人有种被陪伴的感觉。4. Why does

12、Kanda have the idea of developing a robotic walking partner?A. Because he wants someone to accompany him while walking. B. Because he has never developed a robot like a parrot. C. Because his family are unwilling to walk with him. D. Because he is crazy about developing robots. 细节理解题。根据第一段Kanda的自述说自

13、己喜欢家人的陪伴, 不喜欢自己一个人走路, 到第二段中 “So Kanda, who specializes in human-like robots, developed a robotic walking partner that could make small talk based on its surroundings, which, he hopes, might motivate people to get out and exercise more. ”可知, Kanda是希望有人陪伴自己走路, 才有了发明这种机器人的想法。5. What characteristic does

14、 the robot have?A. It can“speak”and“see”. B. It can walk like a human being. C. It can communicate with people freely. D. It is much more humorous than a real person. 根据第二段最后一句“A microphone, speaker, and internal camera allow it to communicate. ”以及第三段“A special speech software provided the robot wit

15、h a voice. Near a group of parked cars, for example, it might say, In a big parking lot sometimes I forget where I parked. ”可知, 这个机器人可以“说话”也可以“看”。6. What is necessary for the robot to function?A. A small size. B. A boxy shape. C. A human partner. D. A speech software. 【解析】选D。根据最后一段中“I felt a kind of

16、 sense of being with someone, he said, particularly when it spoke. ”可知, 当机器人说话的时候最能让人有陪伴感, 所以他的声音系统是必不可少的。故选D。7. What is Kanda most likely to do about his robot next?A. To make it more convenient to carry. B. To improve its conversational skills. C. To enable it to walk in heavy rain. D. To better i

17、ts sound system. 根据最后一段中“while the robot can make expressions, it cant really hold a conversation, about which Kanda is most worried”可知, 不能进行对话是Kanda最担心的事情, 所以他接下来会改进这一方面。【知识拓展】难句解读翻译: 专门研发类似人类的机器人的专家Kanda, 开发了一款可以陪走的机器人伙伴。这位机器人伙伴可以根据周围的环境, 进行短暂的谈话。Kanda希望这款机器人或许会激励人们出去, 然后进行更多锻炼。. 完形填空At 18, I was

18、on the flight to Europe for the first time. Excited about the1of a lifetime, I enjoyed a free in-flight meal. I even 2a sandwich for later. At the Lisbon airport, I got my backpack off the 3conveyor(传送带) with the help of another4. I got to the youth hostel(青年旅行社)I d stay at. But I had only one day t

19、o see everything, so barely stopping to 5after my overnight flight I headed out to take photos of various buildings. The next morning at 6 a. m. , I was to 6 to Brussels. I set my alarm for a super-early start, but I was 7 whether the button on the top had to be up or down. Obviously, I had made a 8

20、because the next morning I 9only a short while before sunrise. I 10, took my belongings and rushed to the bus stop. I was extremely 11with the bus driver pulling over every few minutes. 12 what seemed ages, I arrived, only to be told it was too late. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Fortunately, the f

21、riendly lady at the desk 13 to put me on the flight the next morning at no extra cost. What a 14! 15, I had to spend the next 22 hours at the airport. By late afternoon, I was truly 16 sitting all day. Then I got to know a young man who 17 parcels to and from the airport. So I asked him to take me o

22、ut for the evening. To my surprise, he accepted my 18 without hesitation. Oh! All the beautiful palaces and ancient buildings!This was fun for me at least; there was a man to keep my 19 and I had enough time to take in sights without 20. He even dropped me off just before 4 a. m. That was my first a

23、dventure. 【文章大意】本文主要讲述了作者在葡萄牙旅行中所发生的事。1. A. story B. purposeC. adventure D. freedom【解析】选C。句意: 18岁时, 我第一次乘飞机去欧洲。我为人生冒险感到兴奋, 享受了免费的飞行餐。根据最后一段最后一句“That was my first adventure”, 作者是对人生冒险感到非常兴奋。2. A. turned down B. set upC. turned in D. set aside 我甚至为晚些时候留出一个三明治。turn down拒绝; set up建立; turn in上交; set asid

24、e留出。3. A. baggage B. petrolC. food D. rubbish 在里斯本机场, 我在另一名乘客的帮助下把行李从行李传送带上取下。旅行自然要带行李, 故选A。4. A. pilot B. passengerC. clerk D. cleaner 在里斯本机场, 我在另一个乘客的帮助下把行李从行李传送带上取下。5. A. rest B. play C. think D. explain 但是我只有一天的时间去看所有的东西, 所以在我的通宵飞行之后几乎没停下来休息, 我就出发去拍摄各种建筑物的照片。6. A. drive B. fly C. hike D. swim 第二

25、天早上6点钟, 我要乘飞机去布鲁塞尔。7. A. concerned B. curiousC. afraid D. uncertain 我定了一个非常早的闹钟, 但我不确定那个按钮是向上还是向下设置。concerned关心的; curious好奇的; afraid害怕的; uncertain不确定的。8. A. mistake B. difference C. plan D. decision 很明显我犯了一个错误, 因为第二天一早我醒来没一会儿太阳就升起了。make a mistake 犯错误。9. A. woke B. wrote C. slept D. stayed根据上文中的“I set my alarm for a super-early start”可知作者是在日出之前醒来, 故选A。10. A. washed B. panickedC. laughed D. cooked 我很惊慌, 拿起行李, 冲向公共汽车站。wash洗; panic惊慌; laugh笑; cook烹饪。11. A. worried B. impoliteC. impatient D. content 我对司机每隔几分钟到站停车很不耐烦。worried担心的; impolite不礼貌的; impatient没有耐心的; con

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