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1、6. Where did the girl get information about robots from ? A. TV. B.The Internet. C. Newspapers.7. What does the boy like doing ? A. Playing computer games . B. Shopping. C.Going to school.8. What will they do ? A. Go shopping. B. Go to school. C. Study on computers.听下面一段对话,回答第9至11三个小题.9. Who did Ben

2、 live with in Shanghai eight years ago ? A. His parents. B. His grandparents. C. His brothers and sister.10. Why did Ben come to Zhengzhou ? A. Because his parents worked there. B. Because his grandparents moved there . C. Because his grandparents worked there.11Where may Ben come to college in eigh

3、t years?A. Shanghai. B. Zhengzhou . C. Beijing听下面一段独白,回答第12至15四个小题.12. What happens to Jack one day ?A. He feels ill. B. A car hits him. C. His ball is missing.13What is Jacks problem ? A. He cant get to sleep. B. He cant sleep well . C. He cant wake up.14. Who brings Cody to the hospital ?A. Jacks

4、parents . B. The nurse. C. Jack himself .15. Who wakes up Jack at last ? A. His father . B. The doctor . C. His dog .第三节短文理解,根据你说听到的短文内容选择正确答案。16.Summer is very in Hubei . A. cold . B. hot . C. warm.17. Its the hottest in in Hubei. A. June and July . B. June and August . C. July and August.18. Summe

5、r in Hubei lasts for months. A. two . B. three . C. four.19. Students dont in July and August . A. do homework. B. do sports . C. go to school.20. is the favourite sport of most of the children in Hubei .A. Swimming . B. Skating . C. Playing football.二词汇考查(10分)A 根据句子的意思,用适当的单词填空。21. I think people w

6、ill have r in their homes in 100 years.22. My aunt didnt go to the park. My cousin didnt go there, e .23. When I came back home, my mother was cooking in the k .24. Dont be n .Every is OK.25. He had to work in a building field to make a l .B. 根据句子的意思及首字母写上所缺单词,使句子完整。26. We can do the work with (litt

7、le )money than they can .27. Lucy is very upset and dont know what .(do)28. It was raining hard when the plane in London.(land)29. These clothes are very cheap.They are (expensive)30. In Enghish, Im better at than listening .(read)三.选择填空 (15分)31-Will people use mone in 100 years-No , _. A.they arent

8、 B.they wont C.they dont D.the cant32.Everyone else in my class _to Jims party except me ,and I dont know why. A.has invited B.was invited C.have invited D.were invited33.Im sorry I _ my homework at home this morning.A.leave B.left C.forget D.forgot34.I dont have _to buy that kind of computer. Its t

9、oo expensive. A.enough money B. money enough C.much too money D.many money35.I dont want to _ it _ _the about, on B.say, in C.speak ,on about ,on36._he was buying a souvenir ,a girl called the police. A.While B.Because C.As soon as D.Until37.We must hurry up ,and the plane will _

10、 in ten minutes. A.leave B.go C.take off on38.What _you parents at nine last night? A.did, do B.are ,doing C.were, doing D.was ,doing39. - _was your report?- well,my English teacher said that I was hard-working .A.Where B.When C.How D.What40.The police asked the little boy _.A.where did he li

11、ve B.where does he live C.where he lives D.where he lived41.I saw an old woman _on the road just lie B.lies C.lied D.lying42.He is unhappy because he lost his bike, but I think he will get _it.A.around B.about C.on D.over 43.If you buy a present for your mother on Mothers Day,she_very happy

12、 C.was D.will be44.If you bring food to the party ,the teachers will_. A.take away it B.take away them C. take them away D. take it away 45.Lucy _five yuan on the book.A.took B.lost C.paid D.spent四完型填空(10分)Polly went to school 46_she was six years old . She liked her first day 47 .Her teac

13、her , Miss Yates, was very nice , and the other children in her class were48 too. But at the end of the second day ,when the other children 49 the classrom, Polly stayed behind and waited.Miss Yates had some work to do and did not 50 Polly at first ,but when she looked up and saw her . “Why 51 you g

14、o with the others , Polly?” she asked kindly. “Did you want to ask me 52 ?”“Yes ,Miss Yates,” Polly said .“What is it ?” Miss Yates askd.“What did I do in school today ?” Polly askd.Miss Yates laughed. “What did yu do in school today ?” She said, “ 53 did you ask me that , Polly ?“Because Im going 5

15、4 now ,” Polly answered, “and my mother is going to 55 me that.”( )46. A .at B. when C.just D. where ( )47. A . very much B. very well C.too D. much better( )48.A. young B .bad C. clever D. nice ( )49. A .came to B. went to C. leave D. left ( )50.A .listen to B. look at C. see D. wait for ( )51. A.d

16、idnt B. did C. do D .dont ( )52. A. a word B. a sentence C. my name D .a question ( )53. A. Why B .How C. When D .Where ( )54. A. to school B. to my room C. to the classroom D. home ( )55. A .tell B. give C. ask D. teach 五、阅读理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按要求答题。AMr. Bush worked in a post office . H

17、e left home at ten in the morning and came back at four in the afternoon .He was tall and strong .He could run fast . He was proud(骄傲的) of this and he was always to show people how fast he could run . Mrs. Bush usually worked from two to ten .And their son came back from school at about five .One da

18、y Mr. Bush came back from work a little earlier than before . When he came into the house , a thief was taking some of his things . The thief was afraid and he ran off as fast as he could . Mr. Bush ran after him and shouted at the thief , “Hey ,stop ,stop !” Dont you know you cant get away from me

19、?” But the thief ran faster and faster . Mr. Bush got angry . He did his best to run . He was soon far away from his home . He was still running along when he ran into Mr. Charles . “Why are you in such a hurry ?” he asked Mr. Bush .“Im trying to catch a thief ,” answered Mr.Bush .“But where is the

20、thief ?” Mr. Charles asked again .“Far away behind me !” said Mr. Bush . “He thought he could run faster than me , but you see he is wrong .”根据材料内容选择最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( ) 56. Mr.Bush was proud because he _ . A. had a friend B. was tall C. could run fast D. got a good job( )57. The thief came to take

21、 Mr. Bushs things at about _ in the afternoon . A. three B. six C. seven D. five( )58. Which sentence is true ? A. Mr. Bush didnt see the thief . B. Mr. Bush caught the thief at home .C. Mr. Bush has a family of three . D. The thief was Mr. Bushs friend .( )59.What did Mr. Bush do with the thief ? _

22、 . A. He let the thief run away . B. He ran after the thief and caught him .C. He had made friends with the thief . D. He wanted to show the thief how fast he was .( )60. Why wasnt the thief caught ? Because Mr. Bush _ . A. couldnt run as fast as the thief did . B. forget to catch the thief .C. ran

23、into Mr. Charles and was stopped . D. let the thief run away .BNow lets think about television and our life at home . Today almost all the homes have television sets .There are many interesting TV programs that we can enjoy with our family.Well,how many hours do you watch television a day ? You spen

24、d a lot of time for watching TV,dont you ?TV gives us a lot of useful information that we can not learn at school .On the other hand, it takes away much valuable time for thinking deeply , for talking with our family, and for reading books .We sometimes find that we sit in front of a TV set without

25、thinking of anything .It is very important for us to select good TV programs .We must try to make good use of it to plan our lives better . ( )61. can show us many intersting programs .A. Refrigerators B. Television sets C. Vacuum cleaners D. Ovens(烤箱) ( )62. Watching TV can take us _ .A. a lot of t

26、ime B. a lot of money C. a lot of work D. a lot of place( )63. What can TV give us? A. A rich dinner . B. A lot of information .C.A lot of trouble . D. A lot of difficulty .( )64. To select good TV programs is .A. unnecessary B. very important C. boring D. easy( )65. Whom can we enjoy interesting TV

27、 programs with at home ?A. Our family .B. Policeman .C.Doctors .D.Farmers .CHong Kong Harbor Cruise by NightEnjoy your wonderful dinner on the ferry(渡船) and see the fantastic(奇异的) city lightsTIME: 7:00 p.m -10:00 p.m dailyPRICE: With dinner/Without dinnerAdult: HK $ 300 / HK$ 120Child under 12:HK $

28、210 / HK$ 84START/STOP:Kowloon Public Pier(Near Star Ferry Pier)TICKET OFFICE:Star Company (123 Canton Road)( ) 66.When will the cruise(海上航行)start ?A. At seven oclock in the morning B. At ten oclock in the morning C. At nineteen oclock D. At 10:00 p.m ) 67.How long will the cruise take every day ?A. A bout five hours B. Three hours C. Four hoursD.Two hours ) 68. Where does the cruise start ?A. At Hong Kong Pier B. At Star Ferry PierC. Near Public Pier D. At Kowloon Public Pier ) 69. If Mrs Black and

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