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1、5. A. Its lucky. B. Its dangerous. C. Its safe.B) 根据你所听到的对话选择正确答案。6. A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. This morning.7. A. At school B. In a shop C. At home8. A. At 7:00 B. At 7:15 C. At 6:459. A. Because he didnt feel well. B. Because his mother was ill.C. Because he got up late. 10. A. S

2、he thinks Mr Brown is very ill.B. She thinks theres nothing much wrong with Mr Brown.C. She thinks it is very serious. C) 听短文,回答问题。11. A. He was four. B. He was five. C. He was six.12. A. One and a half tickets. B. Only one ticket. C. Two tickets.13. A. Because she thought she knew him very well.B.

3、Because she thought he needed to buy a half ticket.C. Because she wanted to know his name.14. A. His mother. B. His father. C. Nobody.15. A. She had to get out of the bus.B. She had to give another ticket to the girl.C. She had to buy a half ticket for her son.D) 听短文,填入所缺的单词。One day a doctor was 16

4、his morning work. 17 a man ran into his room. His face was red and he could only say “Quick! Quick!” The doctor 18 he could be very ill. His assistant helped to get the 19 man to sit in a chair. The doctor gave the man some 20 to make him 21 . Then he looked into the mans mouth and 22 out all the ba

5、d teeth. As soon as the man 23 up, he said“Quick, doctor, Quick,”in a low 24 . “Its over now,”the doctor told him.“You dont 25 ,”said the man.“I came to tell you your house is on fire.”二单项选择 ( 15% )26. Neither John nor Mary _ to eat hamburgers.A. like B. likes C. is like D. was like27. Stop _. The b

6、aby is sleeping.A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. talked28. Is that true? _, I am not sure.A. Maybe B. May be C. Can be D. Must be29. There _ a class meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. is going to have B. are going to beC. is going to be D. will have30. Please _ me for help if you _ any problems.A. wil

7、l ask, will have B. ask, haveC. will ask, have D. ask, will have31. Mike did quite well in the last English test. _, and _.A. So he did, so you did B. So he did, so did youC. So did he, so did you D. So did he, so you did32. The teacher is wondering _ with little Tom.A. what wrong is B. what the wro

8、ng isC. what is wrong D. what is the wrong33. Could you please _ me the way _ the cinema?A. tell, along B. to tell, to C. to show, with D. show, to34. Excuse me, whats the time by your watch? Sorry, my watch _.A. doesnt do B. isnt work C. wont go D. doesnt work35. _ will stop you from making friends

9、 with him if you really want to.A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything36. I dont think theres anything _ wrong with the computer.A. very B. much C. any D. many37. Well, what _ did you hear about at the meeting?A. others B. other C. another D. else38. Its time _ children _ a rest now.A. fo

10、r, to have B. of, having C. that, to have D. when, having39. He fell _ as soon as he went to bed.A. sleeping B. sleep C. slept D. asleep40. How often do you do some sports? _.A. At about four oclock B. In the afternoonC. Every afternoon D. For half an hour三完形填空 ( 10% )One morning during breakfast, R

11、obert was reading his letter. “Look, dear,” he said to his wife, Mary. “ 41 sent these two tickets for the film tonight. Isnt that nice?”“Who sent them?” asked Mary.“I have 42 idea. There is a note in the envelope (信封), but it just says, “Can you guess who these tickets are 43 ?” “Well, never mind,”

12、 Mary said. “I 44 it is one of our friends who wants to give us a nice surprise.”After dinner that night, Robert and Mary 45 their best clothes and went to see the film. They had a wonderful evening and came home 46 . They were thankful to the friend who 47 them the tickets. But when they got back t

13、o their house, they found that a thief (小偷) had been there. 48 they owned (拥有) were 49 : furniture (家具), clothes, jewels (珠宝), money and even the knives and spoons from the kitchen. On the centre of the kitchen table they found 50 . This one said, “Now can you guess who sent you the tickets?41. A. A

14、nyone B. Someone C. No one D. Who42. A. no B. a C. an D. some43. A. for B. to C. at D. from44. A. know B. learn C. think D. believes45. A. wore on B. got on C. put on D. took on46. A. happily B. lately C. lastly D. early47. A. sent B. bought C. took D. sold48. A. Nearly nothing B. Nearly somethingC.

15、 Almost everything D. Almost none49. A. losing B. went C. missing D. missed50. A. a paper B. a note C. another note D. the other note四阅读理解 ( 15% )AMr Black worked for Mrs White. She was old, fat and rich. He worked in her garden. Mrs White didnt know anything about the garden, but she always told hi

16、m to do this or not to do that. This made Mr Black very angry. So he called her an elephant.Mrs White were not pleased to hear that. She took Mr Black to the judge (法官). The judge heard the story, and said, “Mr Black, it is wrong to call a lady an elephant. You must never do that again.”“Yes,” said

17、Mr Black. “Do you mean that I must not call this lady elephant?“Thats right,” the judge answered.“And can I call an elephant a lady?” Mr Black asked.“Yes, you may!” the judge answered.Then Mr Black looked at the woman and said, “Good-bye, lady.”51. Mrs White took Mr Black to the judge because _.A. h

18、e didnt work B. he called her an elephantC. he worked for her D. he didnt like her52. Mr Black was angry because _.A. he worked for Mrs WhiteB. Mrs White didnt know anything about the gardenC. Mrs White asked him to do this or not to do thatD. he didnt like her53. He called her an elephant because _

19、.A. that was her name B. he didnt like herC. he didnt like to work D. she told a story54. The judge wanted Mr Black to _.A. change his idea B. be angry C. be glad D. be rich55. In the end Mr Black _.A. and Mrs White became good friends B. was sorryC. thought he was wrong D. still meant Mrs White was

20、 an elephantBOne day Rockefeller John went to stay at a hotel in New York and asked for the cheapest room they had. Rockefeller said, “What is the price of the room?” The manager told him.“And which floor is it on?” again the manager told him.“Is that the lowest priced room you have? I am staying he

21、re by myself and only need a small room.”The manager said, “That room is the smallest and cheapest we have,” and added, “But why do you choose a poor room like that? When your son stays here he always has our most expensive room while yours is our cheapest.”“Yes,” said Rockefeller, “but his father i

22、s a rich man, mine isnt.”56. Who is the main character (人物) in this story?A. The manager of the hotel. B. Rockefellers father.C. Rockefellers son D. Rockefeller57. Do you know on which floor the smallest and the cheapest room is?A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor.C. On the fifth floor. D.

23、 The passage doesnt tell us.58. After reading the story, we know that _.A. Rockefeller was a rich man B. Rockefellers father was a rich manC. Rockefellers son was a rich man D. None of them was rich59. Why did Rockefeller choose the lowest priced room? Because _.A. he was poorB. he was going to save

24、 some money for his sonC. he was a mean (吝啬的) personD. he was going to save some money for his father60. The title (题目) of this passage may be _.A. The Cheapest Room B. Father and SonC. The Hotel Manager D. A Rich ManCIts easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so its easier to fall into bad hab

25、its (习惯) than into good ones.Bad habits do not come suddenly. They come little by little without ones being aware of (意识到) their danger. Schoolboys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the streets. When they cannot write their lessons, they copy from their schoolmates. If they see bigger

26、 boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling (赌博), they want to gamble. When they get bigger, the habits become stronger and stronger, so that they cannot get rid of them any longer. From copying, they learn to steal; from gambling, they learn to cheat (欺骗). At

27、 last they became distrusted (不信任) by everybody. How necessary it is to get rid of the bad habits at the beginning!61. Bad habits dont come suddenly, do they?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont.C. Yes, they dont. D. No, they do.62. Some boy students fall into bad habits _.A. at home B. on the streets

28、C. by themselves D. out school63. When they grow up, the boys may learn to steal from _.A. copying B. gambling C. writing D. their parents64. Its _ to get into bad habits, but _ to get rid of them.A. easy, hard B. hard, easy C. easy, easy D. hard, hard65. The writer wants to tell us _.A. to steal money B. to get rid of bad habitsC. to go uphill D. to go downhill五用动词的适当形式填空 ( 10% )

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