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1、lobby (公共场所入口处的)大厅,通道porch 走廊,门廊twin - bed room 有两张单人床的双人房double - bed room 有一张双人床的双人房bedroom 卧室,房间bedsit 卧室兼起居室share room 共用房间single room 单人房间bathroom 浴室(一般带有厕所)shower 淋浴balcony 阳台kitchen 厨房English proficiency 英语水平Intermediate 中等程度的,中等水平的Special food requirement 特殊食物要求Vegetarian / vegetable only 吃素

2、的,吃斋的no red meat 不吃红色肉类(指羊肉、牛肉等)pets are not allowed 禁止养宠物non - smoker 不吸烟者non - drinker 不喝酒者maximum rent 最高租金dollar /$ 美元pound & 英镑deposit 按金,押金lease 租约,租凭expensive 昂贵的reasonable 合理的furnished (房间)配有家具的,配备家具的unfurnished 没有配备家具的facility 设施,设备heater 加热器,暖气机,炉子stove 烤炉microwave oven 微波炉air - conditioni

3、ng 空调central air - conditioning 中央空调radiator 暖气片,暖气装置refrigerator 冰箱carpet 地毯electric fan 电扇telephone 电话colour TV set 彩电cooled / heated 制冷(制热)sheet / linen 床单blanket 毛毯,毯子cushion 垫子,坐垫,靠垫rent /rental price 租金,租房价格available 可用的,可入住的shared kitchen 公用厨房no privacy 没有隐私,没有私人空间road / rd. 路,大道,街道street / s

4、t . 路,街道avenue / ave. 大街,林荫道,林荫小路lane 小路,车道landlord 房东advertisement / Ads. 广告newspaper 报纸,报刊surroundings (房屋周围)环境downtown 市中心suburb 郊区,市郊rural area 乡村(地区)(not ) near the center /railway station (远离) 靠近市中心(火车站)far from the bus stop 远离汽车站near the airport 靠近机场noisy 吵闹的,有噪音的insects haunting 有蚊虫叮咬的repell

5、ant 讨人厌的,令人反感的三、 描述人物相貌特征景总汇外貌一般特征beard 大胡子,络肋胡,下巴上的胡子moustache 小胡子,上唇上的胡子unshaven 未剃胡子的clean - shaven 刮过脸的,胡子刮得很干净的with a scar 一道疤痕(伤痕)a beauty - spot 美人痣with dimples 带酒窝的with spots 带斑的with wrinkles 有皱纹的with lines 有皱纹的with glasses 带眼镜的made - up 化妆的slim and tall 瘦高的weather - beaten face 饱经风霜的脸red ch

6、eeks 红脸颊big nose 大鼻子thick hair 浓密的头发twinkling eyes 亮晶晶的眼睛blond 金发碧眼的a big smile 满面笑容a jolly man 快乐的人头发颜色black 黑色brown 棕色red 红色blonde 金黄色grey 灰色white 白色dyed 染色的dark 深色发形long 长的short 短的straight 直的wavy 波浪形的curly 卷曲的neat 整齐的untidy 不整齐的with plaits 编辫子的swept back 向后梳的in a bun 圆发髻pony - tail 马尾巴发形bald 光秃的p

7、arted on the right side 右分头pigtail 辨子curly hair 卷发wavy hair 卷发straight hair 直发short hair 短头发long hair 长头发衣着wearing glasses / spectacles / lens 戴眼镜的wearing contact lenses 戴隐型眼镜的wearing jewelry 戴珠宝的formal dress 正式服装suit and tie 西装和领带casual dress 非正式服装jeans 牛仔服T - shirt T 恤衫loose - clothes 宽松服tight clo

8、thes 紧身服top 上衣pullover 套头毛衣be in red / green / dark / white / light 身着红(绿、黑、白、浅)色衣服suit (男)西服,(女)套装wear / be in tie 戴领带,打领带sweater 套头衫,毛衣,运动衫外形fat 肥胖的thin 瘦的slim 苗条的plump 丰满的medium- built 适中的,不胖不瘦的well - built 健壮的broad - shouldered 宽肩膀的overweight 肥胖的slender 苗条的,瘦长的stout 结实的,矮胖的stocky 粗壮的高度1. 70m tal

9、l 1.7米高medium height 不高不矮average height 一般高below average 较矮tall 高的short 矮的tallish 稍嫌高的shortish 稍嫌矮的small 矮小的年龄middle - aged 中年的elderly 老年的old 老的in his / her 30s 30 多岁in his / her late teens 青少年时期in his / her mid - 20s 2526 岁in his / her early 40s 40 岁出头脸型thin 瘦脸long 长脸round 圆脸square 方脸high forehead

10、突前额high cheekbones 高颧骨thin lips 薄嘴唇full lips 厚嘴唇long nose 长鼻梁straight nose 直鼻梁turned - up nose 朝天鼻broken nose 鼻子坍塌a pointed chin 翘下巴double chin 双下巴眼睛blue 蓝色的grey 灰色的brown 棕色的black 黑色的green 绿色的long eyelashes 长睫毛bushy eyebrows 浓眉毛thin eyebrows 淡眉毛double eyelid 双眼皮肤色pale 苍白的sunburned / tanned 日晒后的颜色,棕褐

11、色fair - skinned 白皮肤brown 棕色皮肤black 黑皮肤四、 看病就医community hospital 社区医院campus clinic 校园诊所patient 病人feel dizzy 觉得头晕,头晕眼花drowsy 困倦的,昏昏欲睡的fatigue 疲乏,疲劳,劳累exhaustion 精疲力竭toothache 牙痛backache 背痛headache 头痛cough 咳嗽catch a cold 感冒have a fever / temperature 发烧,发热take the temperature 量体温,测体温feel ones pulse 号脉sy

12、mptom 症状,病症take ones blood pressure 量血压pneumonia 肺炎liver trouble 肝脏毛病flu 流感have a sore throat 喉咙痛have a stuffed nose 鼻塞,流鼻涕doctor 医生consultant (医学)顾问,专家practitioner 从业医生specialist 专科医生,专家surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医prescribe 开(药),开处方give a prescription 开处方medicine 药,药物,医学,医药pill 药片,片剂,药丸tablet 药片,药丸mixtur

13、e 混合(药剂)penicillin 青霉素antibiotic 抗生素get / receive an injection 注射,打针syrup 糖浆diet treatment 食疗pad 垫,衬垫,护垫vitamin 维生素,维他命aspirin 阿司匹林take medicine or pills before or after meals twice a day 饭前或饭后吃药,每天两次have an operation 动手术dental care 牙齿护理relaxation 娱乐,消遣,放松状态exercise 锻炼charge 收费,要价cost 花费,代价check - u

14、p 检查,体检receptionist 接待员consulting hours 就诊时间,看病时间make an appointment 预约五、 假日出游安排(1)semester 学期break 放假,短期休息holiday 假期,假日go camping 去野营go swimming 去游泳go fishing 去钓鱼go horse - riding 去骑马go cycling 骑自行车游览do a part - time job 做兼职do some summer courses 参加暑期学习课程Royar Park 皇家公园Wild - life zoo 野生动物园beach 海滩

15、,沙滩30 kilometres south of 在南部30 公里coast 海岸hire boats / go boating / row boats 租船,去划船scuba diving 斯库巴潜水(戴自携式潜水呼吸器潜水)undereater life 海底生命national park 国家公园domestic animal 家畜equipment 器具,设备van 小货车a sleeping bag 睡袋bathers 泳装good hiking boots 结实的徒步旅行靴strong boots and socks 结实的靴和袜warm sweater 温暖的毛衣jacket

16、for the evening 夜间穿的夹克衫rocky bluff 悬崖,陡壁waterfall 瀑布animals and birds 动物和鸟类sea creatures 海生物spectacular view 壮观的美景picnic 野餐,野炊barbecue 烧烤野餐book beds 预定床位youth hostel 青年施舍,青年招待所guide 向导,导游六、 假日出游安排(2)finish our exams 考完试relaxation 放松,轻松exercise 锻炼,训练take some fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气recreation office 娱乐办公室br

17、ochure 广告小册子,宣传小册子excursion (通常是几个人结伴)短途旅行,远足riverboat trip 乘船河上游览bus trip 乘公共汽车出游boat trip 乘船出游expense 花费,开销relaxing 令人放松的,令人轻松的horseriding 骑马cycling 骑自行车游hire 租用equipment 设备,器具riding helmet (骑自行车用)头盔,安全帽stable 马厩extra cost 额外花费mountain bike 山地车deposit 押金,定金;储蓄,存款return 归还,退还cycle hire place 自行车租车处

18、assistant 管理员,助理,助手riverside drive 滨江大道railway station 火车站car park 停车场path 小路,小径marked with signs 标有指示牌picnic 野餐rent 租金the rate has gone up 涨价了pannier (挂在马或脚踏车两侧的)驮篮,挂篮,背篓checked regularly and well - maintained 定期检查和保养,良好的repair kit 一套修理工具recommend 推荐hill 小山,丘陵beach 沙滩,海滩energetic 精力充沛的,精神旺盛的cycling

19、 trach 单车道back pack 背包identification 身份,确认student card 学生证drivers license 驾驶执照fill in this form 填表names and addresses 姓名和地址contact telephone number 联系电话七、 假日出游安排(3)travel agency 旅行社book the ticket 订票International Student Card 国际学生卡Student preference 学生优惠passport 护照visa 签证credit card 信用卡driving licen

20、se / licence 驾照flight number 航班号check in 办理登机手续take off 起飞land 降落motel 汽车旅馆youth hostel 青年旅社,青年招待所expire (护照等的)满期,到期,过期platform 站台museum 博物馆souvenir 纪念品art gallery 画廊hiking 徒步旅行hitch - hike 搭便车旅行surfing 冲浪skiing 滑雪bag - packer 肩背大包进行自助旅行的人book a flight 预订航班organise 组织stay throuth 住,小住(一段时间)accommoda

21、tion 住宿five - star hotel 五星级宾馆pricy 昂贵的,价高的popular resort town 很受欢迎的游览胜地(城镇)check 检查accommodation directory 住宿名录簿book in advance 预订book a bed or room 预订床位或房间stay in a caravan site 投宿拖车式活动房stay in a hostel 投宿廉价旅舍cramped 拥挤的privacy 私人空间snorer 睡觉打呼噜的人,睡觉打鼾很厉害的人caravan park 拖车式活动房宿营地white sands 白色沙滩go d

22、iving 去潜水barrier 障碍,屏障reef 悬崖,峭壁coral 珊瑚,珊瑚礁marine life 海洋生物magnificent 壮观的,壮丽的,view the reef 观赏悬崖glass - bottomed boat 玻璃底板船relax 放松,使轻松soak up the sun 泡太阳浴walk along the beach 沿着沙滩散步admire the sunset 赏日落warn sb.of 警告stinger 叮咬人的昆虫或动物jellyfish 水母,海蛰sting 叮,咬,蛰sunscreen 太阳伞beach towel 沙滩浴巾九、 周末休闲(消遣

23、)活动weekend 周末go to a pub 去酒吧wash ones car 洗车doing the laundry 洗衣服go out for brunch 外出吃早中餐read Sunday newspapers 读周日报刊sit in the garden over a cup of coffee 坐在花园喝咖啡play chess / game 下象棋,下棋a board game played by two persons / players 两人玩的棋盘light coloured piece 白色棋子dark coloured piece 黑色棋子rook (国际象棋中的)

24、车bishop (国际象棋中的)象knight (国际象棋中的)马king (国际象棋中的)王queen (国际象棋中的)王后pawn (国际象棋中的)兵,卒chessboard 棋盘horizontal rows of squares across the board / ranks 棋盘上横排方格,横线格the rows of squares up and down / vertical rows / files 上下纵列方格,直线格lines of squares running diagonally / diagonals 沿对角线走的方格,斜对角线格rules to move pie

25、ces 走棋规则jump over pieces 走跳棋move in any direction,forwards ,backwards or to either side 按前后左右任何方向走棋move three squares at a time 一次走三格the aim of the game 下棋的目标trap your opponents King 困住对手的大王escape being captured 躲避被抓checkmate 将军,败北,彻底击败the checking piece /pieces 将军棋子need a lot of practice 需要很多练习,操练十、电话预定农庄旅游小住farming accommodation 农庄住宿设施reservation 预定package tour 包团旅游tourist number 游客人数meeting room 会议室,接待室flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的unavailable 不能使用的cook service 烹调服务inform in advance 预先通知(告知)activity 活

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