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单元测试题 1Word格式文档下载.docx

1、22. Believe it or not, this old custom has a history of over 2,000 years, and it has _ into the twenty-first century.A. flowed B. survived C. spread D. followed23. Id like a room _ window looks out over the sea. A. that B. in which C. whose D. which24. The special clothes are _ for the children who

2、are disabled. A. designed B. planned C. changed D. expected 25. _ the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.A. What; when B. That; how C. What; whether D. That; what 26. The company was willing to provide us with what we needed, _ made us excited. A. what B.

3、it C. which D. that27. I am going to do all I can _ the bad impression you have of me.A. to remove B. remove C. to leave D. leave28. Yesterday I met a(n) _ teacher by chance who taught me English in the university three years ago.A. early B. former C. first D. advanced 29. Oh, boy, why are you killi

4、ng your time this way? Cant you find something _ doing?A. useful B. worthy C. valuable D. worth 30. It is known to us that lions and tigers _ the cat family. A. are belonging to B. belonged to C. belong to D. are belonged to 31. He is always helping people without expecting anything _. A. in common

5、B. in turn C. in danger D. in return 32. The school is _ a Chinese teacher for the new term who masters the English language perfectly.A. searching B. in the search ofC. in search D. in search of 33. Did you visit the museum today?No. We _ it, but we spent too much time shopping.A. could have visite

6、d B. must have visited C. could visit D. must visit34. This piece of furniture is really inexpensive with a price of _ forty dollars.A. less than B. more than C. other than D. rather than 35. It is a good plan in theory, but it _ to be seen whether it works in practice. A. keeps B. stays C. stands D

7、. remains第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 In front of the large Shibuya train station in Tokyo, there is a life-size bronze statue (雕像) of a dog. Even though the statue is very 36 when compared to the huge neon signs (霓红灯广告) shining around it, it isnt 37

8、 to find. It has been used as a(n) 38 point since 1934 and today you will find hundreds of people waiting there for their friends to 39 . Hachiko, an Akita 40 , was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924. His 41 , Eisaburo Uyeno and he were close 42 right from the start. Each day Hachiko would 43

9、 with his owner, a professor at the Imperial University, to Shibuya train station where the professor left for 44 . When he came back, the professor would always 45 the dog waiting patiently (耐心地) for him. Sadly, the professor 46 suddenly at work in 1925 47 he could return home. 48 Hachiko was still

10、 a young dog, the bond (关系) between him and his owner was very 49 and he continued to wait at the 50 every day. Sometimes, he would 51 there for days at a time, and some people believed that he kept returning 52 the food he was given by the salespeople on the street. He 53 familiar to commuters (上下班

11、往返者) over time. In 1934, a statue of him was 54 outside the station. In 1935, Hachiko died at the place he 55 saw his friend alive.36. A. old B. short C. small D. simple37. A. difficult B. boring C. easy D. far38. A. acting B. talking C. missing D. meeting 39. A. disappear B. arrive C. call D. know4

12、0. A. boy B. student C. dog D. man41. A. owner B. teacher C. father D. manager42. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. workers43. A. go B. play C. run D. ride 44. A. study B. swimming C. work D. shopping45. A. raise B. hope C. touch D. find46. A. fell B. hurt C. died D. crashed 47. A. when B. bef

13、ore C. since D. after48. A. If B. Although C. Unless D. Until49. A. big B. wide C. strong D. weak50. A. yard B. house C. school D. station51. A. stay B. remember C. start D. leave52. A. by B. according to C. without D. because of53. A. changed B. became C. wished D. liked54. A. set up B. set out C.

14、set off D. set down55. A. never B. later C. last D. recently第三部分: 阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Ten years ago I used to be very fit (健康的). I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at weekends. I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks. In those days

15、I didnt earn very much. I had a job in an office. It wasnt a very good job but I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed doing. Then, about eight years ago, I got a much better job. The pay was better, but the hours were a lot longer. I bought a car and drove to work every day. I began to take

16、people out to lunch. And I began to put on weight, too. I stopped playing tennis and going for long walks at weekends because I just didnt have any time for things like that any more. Theres a lot of stress (压力) in my job. Perhaps thats why I started drinking more than I used to. For example, I used

17、 to have only half a glass of whisky when I got home, but then I started filling my glass to the top, and instead of having one glass, I would have several. I started smoking a lot, too. I never used to smoke at all. Two months ago I had a heart attack. At first I just couldnt believe it. Luckily it

18、 wasnt very serious. The doctor advised me to stop smoking and to eat less. He also advised me to work less and get more exercise. But I just havent any time! My job takes everything out of me! Sometimes I wonder if I should get another job. Perhaps I could do something like I used to do. But if I d

19、o that, I wont earn as much. I have a family to support. I have to think of them, too. I just dont know what I should do. What do you think?56. Compared with ten years ago, what is worse for the author now?A. His job. B. His pay. C. His means of transport. D. His health.57. According to the passage,

20、 when the author got the better job, which of the following is NOT true?A. He got higher pay.B. His working hours werent long.C. He found it very stressful.D. He had little free time at weekends.58. After the author had a heart attack, the doctor advised him _.A. not to work any longerB. to take a l

21、ong vacation abroadC. to stop smoking and take exerciseD. not to eat out any more59. What can we learn about the author?A. The author is not sure what he should do now.B. The author has taken the doctors advice.C. The author has got another new job.D. The author feels much better now.B We arrived at

22、 the hospital only to find Dad weak, but his smile was as sure as ever. My husband and I had to work, so our relatives would help him get home from the hospital and look after him. But I wanted Dad to know that we cared about him, too, even when we werent with him. Then I remembered a family traditi

23、on (传统) when our children were small. When leaving their grandparents home, each child would write a love note for their grandparents to find after we were gone. They hid notes in the food box, or even in the fridge. For days their grandparents would smile as they discovered these notes of the child

24、rens love. So as I cleaned Dads room downstairs before he got home, I began writing notes. Some showed my love. Most notes were in his room downstairs where he would be able to find, but one note was hidden upstairs under his pillow. “Dad, if you have found this note, you must be feeling better. We

25、are so glad!” My notes were a reminder (提醒的事物) of our love for Dad. Just like his medicines made him better physically (身体上), these would improve his mental (精神的) health. Several weeks later, I made a phone call to Dad and asked what he was doing. He said, “Ill tell you what Im doing. I am just read

26、ing the note you left under my pillow upstairs!60. Which of the following did the author NOT do for her father?A. Writing notes. B. Driving her father home. C. Making phone calls.D. Helping to clean her fathers room.61. The underlined word “these” (in Paragraph 4) refers to “_”.A. medicines B. the r

27、elatives care and helpC. notes D. delicious foods62. The author hid most notes _.A. in Dads room downstairs B. in the food boxC. in the fridge D. under Dads pillow upstairs63. From the passage we can know the authors notes couldnt _.A. show her love for Dad B. make Dad remember somethingC. make Dad

28、healthier mentally D. improve Dads physical healthC This week was busier than usual, and I was very tired today. All I wanted to do was to go home and enjoy a bowl of good hot soup. But when I saw my daughters car, I knew that it was Bryans night. Since his parents separated, I had tried to have my

29、six-year-old grandson spend a few hours with me at least once a week. I had always tried to make it a special time for him. We did many interesting things; Bryan loved all these activities, and so did I. But today I had to give up our evening. I said how tired I was feeling. “Bryan, Im sorry. Tonigh

30、t I dont feel like having fun or playing games. Well have our night together some other time.” I saw the sadness in Bryans eyes. He said, “I like soup, Grandma.” I knew he meant “Please dont send me away. Please let me stay.” I saw the shadow (阴影) in Bryans eyes. Something else was changing. Maybe he thought I wouldnt want to have him come any more not tonight, not next week, not ever. Finally, I said OK. I was glad to see his eyes light up. After I put the soup on the st

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